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Dark Swan 2

Page 8

by Yumoyori Wilson

I needed to take a moment to get my bearings about what was happening. I wanted to get in touch with my animal side. I needed to shift. I felt the tingly urgency in every fiber of my being.

  Cameron was making it worse because he looked like he was going to itch right out of his skin. I felt a little more composed than he looked, but I needed to take a breather. Even though we had only just arrived, I felt the tents clustered together in such close proximity was a tad suffocating and definitely constricting compared to what I was used to.

  I would just have to remind myself that I would need to adapt to a new type of normal, and that nothing would ever be the same again.

  I should have known that already. We were constantly having to alter the path of our safety and refuge away from the masters and their guards. Hopefully we would soon be able to live in a free world where we didn’t have to constantly watch our backs.

  “These troops of shifters are quite impressive,” Sophia mentioned softly as we walked together, following Ralph to where the stacks of tents were laid out.

  “There are more than I had expected,” I said.

  “Which is probably a good thing,” Sophia added.

  My eyes wandered around the tents.

  “You’ll find them if they’re here, but it might take a while,” Sophia said as if reading my thoughts.

  I smiled. “Thanks for the encouragement.”

  She gently stroked my arm and I wanted to turn to putty. “Anytime.”

  “Once you guys get set up with the tents, do you mind if I go with Cameron out into the woods for a little while?” I asked.

  Sophia frowned as if she didn’t necessarily approve but didn’t feel as if she had the authority to protest either.

  “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” She peered up at me with caution flickering in her gorgeous eyes.

  “I just need to clear my head. I won’t go far,” I promised.

  Sophia nodded and glanced down at her boots as if she had no choice but to accept my wishes.

  “Just be back soon, okay?” She met my gaze and I saw an ocean of vulnerability swimming in her eyes.

  “I won’t leave you for long.” I kissed her hand and the top of her head. “You will have Ayden and James to watch after you while I’m gone, though.”

  She glanced at the guys who were currently attempting to erect a couple of tents side by side with Ralph’s constructive criticism.

  “Maybe you can find some other bear shifters around here that might have ties to your family,” Sophia said.

  I smiled. “One can only hope.”

  I doubted I would get the chance to make friends tonight, but I was certainly open to the prospect.

  I needed to follow Cameron into the woods to shift because I could get violent in my own right when I shifted. I didn’t want to become a danger to anyone, especially on our first night at the camp. It was important to make a lasting and beneficial impression on the leaders of this rebellion unit.

  I felt temperamental and a little aggressive. That was why I wanted to run away into the darkness for a little while, but I felt reassured by the knowledge that I could come back and sleep under the shelter of a warm tent whenever I grew fatigued and cold.

  I gave Sophia one last kiss, this time on the lips. I felt the tingly lingering sensation of her mouth on mine even after I departed. I wished I could bottle up that feeling and use it for whenever I needed a little enhancement or a boost. She gave me a lackluster smile as if she wanted to beg me to stay, but she didn’t offer any objection.

  It was time to be alone with my thoughts. I could use this time resourcefully to meditate on my feelings and prepare myself for a potential reunion with my family.

  “Are you ready?” I asked Cameron, who was already starting to scratch at his neck with elongated nails. Patches of fur began to sprout from under his shirt and pants.

  He growled, exposing pointy teeth that looked razor sharp under the light of the moon. His lips curled into a snarl.

  “I’ll take that as a yes,” I said and raced off into the woods, shifting before Cameron had a chance to beat me to the punch and involuntarily attack me in my human form.

  I glanced over my shoulder one last time, watching Sophia duck into a tent and disappear.

  I’ll be back for you, I promised to her in my head, hoping that once that happened, time could stand still — if only for a little while.



  After we got our tents set up, Ralph glanced around the group. He had a curly mustache that made him look like he wanted to run away with the circus as opposed to rally troops of shifters seeking justice.

  He was getting on my nerves with that toothpick in his mouth, but he was allowing us to stay in his compound without any questions asked, so I had to keep my own mouth shut and just smile and nod.

  I was grateful to be here, but I was still on edge. I needed to keep my guard up, especially to take care of Sophia. I didn’t want anything to happen to her. None of us did, really, but I would never stop keeping watch over her. Ensuring her stability and wellbeing was the most important agenda in my life.

  “Are you all hungry?” Ralph asked.

  “Starving,” Ayden said.

  I nodded. “Me too, definitely.”

  There were mumbles of agreement that floated between us.

  Ralph clapped his hands together with a loud smack. He had a lot more energy than I had expected. Maybe that’s why he was successful as the trailblazer of this brigade. I felt like I couldn’t match his hyperactivity, but at the same time, I had been hiking through the woods for a number of days since leaving the hotel in the village.

  I could allow myself a little time to rejuvenate. Maybe now that we were here, I would get the opportunity for some downtime mixed with a little bit of mental and physical recovery.

  Ralph pointed to a table that was placed in the middle of the camp. “You can weave through all these tents to the food table,” he said. “We’ve got some soup, bread and water over there, leftover from dinner from tonight.”

  Sophia looked at Ralph and cast him a grateful bow. “Thank you so much. You have no idea how much we appreciate this. We are beyond grateful for your hospitality.”

  Ralph nodded as if he were proud to accept the compliment. He nudged his chin in Leo and Otto’s direction.

  “Me and these guys go way back. I would do anything to make sure they were taken care of, because I know they would do the same for me.”

  Otto gave Ralph a brotherly slap on the back. “And don’t you forget it.”

  The three men exchanged a chuckle.

  I took Sophia’s hand and began maneuvering her through the rows of tents in order to find the food table. I couldn’t wait to dive into some soup and dunk the bread into the juicy goodness. It was going to be exquisite to wash it all down with some fresh ice water.

  “Do you want to go and eat over there?” I suggested, pointing to a portion of the camp that had fewer tents set up in between. “Maybe we could talk and have a little privacy without people constantly listening over our shoulders.”

  Sophia’s eyes twinkled with delight. “I would love to do that.”

  We walked with our food, carefully holding onto each item as not to slosh the soup over the side of the bowls or drop the bread on the ground. Once we reached the edge of the camp, we sat down on a log that just so happened to be conveniently placed right under a dome of wonderous stars.

  “It’s so beautiful and peaceful over here,” Sophia said. She didn’t waste any time in slurping down a giant spoonful of soup.

  “I concur,” I said. “Thank you for joining me over here. It’s not as noisy. Large crowds make me a little claustrophobic.”

  Sophia gave me a sideways grin. “You might not necessarily be in the best situation here then.”

  I chuckled. “I can handle it. I just wanted some alone time with you.”

  Sophia’s knee brushed up against mine and sent a sensual tingle erupting through m
y body. She gave me a seductive gaze. “I like alone time with you as well.”

  I grinned. I knew I probably looked lust-struck from her point of view, but I wasn’t embarrassed. She already knew the depth of my attraction to her. I gobbled down my soup and bread, feeling full both emotionally and physically now that I had the warm, stick-to-your-ribs food contentedly in my belly.

  “I was so hungry,” Sophia said with a sigh and placed her bowl down by her feet, propping it up against the log.

  “Me too,” I said. I stroked her hair. “Is it all right if I do this?”

  Sophia looked at me. “Of course.”

  “It’s just…your hair…it’s so silky and soft. I can’t resist touching it.”

  Sophia let out a delicately feminine laugh and propped her elbows up on her knees. Her hair fanned out like smooth midnight across her back. She was gorgeous in every sense of the word.

  “I can’t resist the tingles I get when you play with my hair,” she said. She glanced down at her feet and her features were suddenly shadowed with melancholy. “My mom used to play with my hair too and it was so nice.”

  “I know you miss your family,” I said in as empathetic tone as I could give her.

  She nodded. “Very much.”

  “I miss my father and my uncle too,” I confessed, feeling vulnerable in the moment, but I knew that Sophia was trustworthy.

  She peered at me curiously. “They are the ones who trained you before you got abducted by the Masters, right?”

  I took a deep breath and adjusted myself on the damp log. “That’s correct.”

  I glanced up at the stars. They were shining bright tonight, illuminating the world as if to show us that there was still hope out there to cling to and we should never give up chasing that happy ending.

  I draped my arm around Sophia and relished in the way she burrowed into the nook of my body. She didn’t shy away at all. I felt as if we shared a spiritual connection that was growing more powerful every time that we had the luxury of enjoying some quality private time together.

  Her breathing was peaceful. She sighed contentedly. I smiled and kissed the top of her head.

  “Do you know any of the constellations?” I asked.

  “Not really.” She chuckled.

  I pointed up to the sky. “That one right there? It’s called Aquila.”

  I traced the pin pricks of glowing light with my fingers so that she could visualize it better.

  “It’s kind of shaped like an arrow,” she said and craned her neck, narrowing her eyes to inspect it properly.

  “Like the bow and arrow that shot right through my heart the first moment I met you,” I said.

  She grinned. “What a line.”

  “One of my best?” I laughed.

  “Maybe.” Sophia laughed along with me. “Did you really like me that much when you first met me?”

  I roped her in closer to me. “Absolutely.”

  “Me too — for you,” she said. I heard the honestly lacing her voice. It gave me reassuring relief.

  “I could stargaze with you all night,” I admitted.

  Sophia glanced up at me with fondness shimmering in her green eyes. They were the perfect contrast to her jet black hair and creamy skin. I held her tight. I never wanted to let her go. For tonight, I didn’t want to share her with any of my friends.

  “Me too,” she said. “It’s such a glorious feeling to not have to be on the run at the moment, to have a sense of peace or a brighter future.

  She rested her head on my shoulder and let out another contended sigh that melted my heart.

  “I want to make you feel good,” she said in a dreamy voice.

  My eyes were fluttering closed every now and then. I felt slightly sleepy, resting on this log with her.

  “What do you mean?” I hummed.

  “I don’t know…” she trailed off with a chuckle. “For the first time in a while I feel like I have a future worth pursuing. I feel like you have contributed a lot to my new peace of mind.”

  “I’m honored that you would say that,” I admitted.

  There was mischief sparkling in her eyes as she grinned zestily and adjusted her position to look at me more closely.

  “Do you want a reward for all the help you have given me?”

  “A reward?” My senses perked up. “Who could say no to that?”

  She seemed pleased with herself. She began to sexily unzip my pants and helped me shimmy them down until they were hugging my ankles.

  “Wait,” I muttered through my rising pleasure. I wanted to stop her before she got too carried away.

  “What is it?” She peered up at me with her ocean eyes and batted them with curiosity and a little apprehension. “Is something wrong?”

  “Can I just put my blindfold on first?” I chuckled nervously, wondering why I suddenly felt so embarrassed to admit that when she was already working me up with her seductive gaze alone.

  “Do you really need it?” She looked deep into my eyes, but she didn’t seem critical, much to my relief. I saw flexibility in her gaze as well as patience.

  “I…” I trailed off, pondering the weight of her question.

  “I think that’s your answer right there.” Sophia grinned.

  “The Masters used to always make us wear blindfolds,” I said almost apologetically.

  Sophia looked sympathetic. She stroked my arm. “You aren’t with the Masters anymore,” she whispered softly. “You are with me.”

  “Yes, I know.” I nodded and took her hand, interlocking her fingers into a web with mine. My desire for her was spiking off the charts.

  “What do you think it might feel like to have an experience where you aren’t wearing the blindfold?” she asked.

  “I honestly don’t know,” I said and gave her a sheepish smile.

  “Are you willing to explore the option?” Her gaze on me didn’t falter.

  “I suppose I am,” I nodded.

  “Good.” She seemed satisfied with that answer. She began to gently stroke my cock, making me even harder than I was before. “It’s important to experience the orgasm with all of your senses open and intact,” she breathed out sexily.

  “Okay.” I swallowed hard and nodded at her. She could have told me anything in that moment and I would have taken her word for it.

  She whispered gently in my ear. Her voice was so soothing, sending a tingle of pleasure rippling through my body.

  “Just try to relax, baby,” she said. “Lean back and look at those exceptional stars that you know so much about. You have so much wisdom and love to pour into the world. It’s time to start sharing it. The first step is to open your eyes and not close them off to the beauty and splendor of the world.”

  When she said it was best to open my eyes, there was a spiritual click for me. I finally understood where she was coming from and what she was trying to teach me. I had so much to learn from her on an emotional level.

  “You’re right,” I said and allowed my body to relax just as she’d suggested. I listened to the rhythm of the crickets chirping in the nearby trees. The stars seemed even brighter than they had before. The touch of Sophia’s skin on mine was enhanced and magnified and it was all because I didn’t have a blindfold on to inhibit my euphoria and enjoyment of the passion that Sophia brought to my soul.

  I was totally smitten with her. I groaned as she leaned down and wrapped her full, cherry red lips around my shaft. She sucked on me, taking time to make sure her lips were wrapped snuggly around my swollen and throbbing prick.

  She pumped her head up and down with more vigor and enthusiasm than I had ever received from any other woman in my entire life.

  I gently cradled her head, stroking her hair, neck and upper back as she worked me. I groaned. It felt tremendous to have her lips wrapped around my cock and she was doing an exceptional job at helping me bounce through the clouds of sexual oblivion.

  I continued to moan as she held her head in place and her mouth snaked a
round my rock-hard shaft. I began to shake, trembling slightly at first. As the pleasure began to consume me, I moaned harder and my breath quickened. I was ravaged by the sexual euphoria Sophia brought to me. She made me tingly from my head down to my toes.

  I grabbed the back of her head and pushed her deeper onto my swollen cock. She continued to slurp and suck on me as happily as a child licking a popsicle on a hot day.

  I rubbed her back as she worked diligently with the goal of making me cum in an explosion of hot seed, an orgasm that would rock me to the very foundation of my life. I felt liberated to my core as I stared up at the skies.

  Sophia stroked her tongue up and down my shaft, grazing it so gently and softly that it drove me wild. She lightly tugged on my balls, destroying me.

  I groaned and tensed every muscle in my body. I felt the hot cum leaving my cock and shooting out like a rocket down her throat. Sophia was a champion, guzzling down my warm cum down to the very last drop.

  When she lifted her chin and let go of her mouthful of cock, she was grinning from ear to ear. She wiped her chin. She looked so sweet and pure, yet so devilishly sexy at the same time.

  “That was an explosion of pleasure,” I panted. “You were right.”

  Sophia’s eyes were glowing with erotic seduction. She seemed proud of herself. She gave me a devious smile that melted my heart and turned my mind into liquid gelatin.

  “You’re welcome,” she cooed in a sexy whisper.

  “I had no idea that I could experience such a soothing and healing amount of passion when it came to my triggers,” I confessed.

  Sophia squeezed my hand. “You learn something new every day.”

  “I will want you to do that to me every day,” I joked.

  Sophia smiled. “I would love to.”

  She propped herself up against me after I had climbed back into my pants. We sat there in comfortable silence, listening to the sounds of the wilderness surrounding us. It was blissfully tranquilizing.

  “You are like my drug,” I told her. “Like a sedative and an upper all at once.”

  Sophia’s chuckle was as heavenly as the breeze whispering through the trees. “I will take that as a compliment.”


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