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Loving The Game (Thirty-Something in the City - The Lunchtime Sorority Book 1)

Page 3

by Bailie Hantam

  Jill grabbed the bag of charcoal from the checker-board kitchen door and went to the backyard. The space was considerably smaller than the Beyers’ yard, but it had a built-in kidney shaped pool. Which was why it was ideal for a summer party.

  She emptied half the bag of charcoal on to the outdoor braai-spot built into an enclave next to the house. Movement in the corner of her eye caught her attention and her stomach flipped over. It had been years since she’d been able to be in the same space as Tyler and not have that happen. She was hoping that after the party she would no longer have that problem. What she wanted to propose to him would kill two birds with one stone. She would finally get Tyler out of her system and at the same time start university not being the only virgin in her circle.

  “What can I do to help?” He shoved his hands in his cargo shorts pocket and nodded at the pile of charcoal. “I can get that going for you.”

  “This.” She waved her arms at the braai-spot. “This, I can do. Besides, I think they wanted me out of the kitchen.”

  Tyler opened the cupboard her dad had installed right next the braai-spot. “Well, I offered them my help already. I got the distinct impression they had some sort of flow going on in there and that my presence was bothersome.”

  He removed a pack of firefighters and the box of long matches from the cupboard.

  Jill smiled. She knew exactly what he meant. Tracey and Natalie always seemed to have their own dynamic. All they really needed her for is to give them instructions. Once she told them what to do, they could get pretty much anything done.

  “If you want to help, unplug my dad’s stereo system and move it up to my room.” She took the firefighters and matches from him. “Then bring my one down.”

  Tyler raised an eyebrow. “You want me to touch your dad’s entertainment system.” He shook his head. “I value my life. I’d sooner—”

  He cut off what he was going to say. His cheeks getting a slight tint of red to them.

  “Sooner what?” It wasn’t like Tyler to get shy around her. Now he looked… if she wasn’t mistaken, he looked awkward. Maybe she was just projecting. She was the one who needed to have a conversation.

  Maybe needed wasn’t exactly accurate. But she couldn’t think of anyone else she’d rather have her first time with.

  “Nothing.” Tyler turned around and started back to the back door. “I’ll get it done.”

  “Tyler wait.” She needed to talk to him. Now or never. And she wasn’t sure she could live with never. “I have… I have a proposition for you.”

  Tyler froze then slowly turned to face her. He raised an eyebrow and her stomach did its thing again. “I’m listening.”

  “Actually, it’s more of a favor.” Jill forced herself to say what was on her mind before she lost her nerve. “I don’t know if you’re aware, but I’ve had a crush on you since I was ten. And I don’t really want to start this new chapter hanging on to childhood silliness. And I was wondering if you’d have sex with me. I figure that would get you out of my system” There was another reason but she wasn’t sure how to tell him about the whole virginity issue.

  She exhaled and sagged her shoulders. She’d put herself out there. If he rejected her, she’d get over it. But at least she’d taken her shot.

  “Are you fucking crazy.” Tyler didn’t look flattered. In fact, he looked pissed.

  “Yeah, sorry.” She shouldn’t have put him in that position. “It’s an awful favor to ask.”

  “Will you stop with the favor crap.” He raised his voice and looked towards the kitchen window. No one was paying attention to them.

  “I don’t want to lose my virginity to some stupid frat boy. Which is kind of inevitable unless I save myself for marriage. Which is really impractical.” He pulled her around the corner of the enclave. “Tyler what are you doing?”

  He moved her so her back was to the wall. He braced his arms on either side of her head, so she was trapped.

  “Firstly.” He dropped his volume. It did nothing to the intensity of his tone. “Having sex with you is not a favor. Any guy should feel honored if you give them that bit of yourself.”

  “So, you’ll do it?”

  “Of course not.” He smiled but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. There was nothing pleasant about that smile. “You think having sex with me will help you get over me. What if I don’t want that?”

  “What?” Jill had no idea what he was trying to say. “Does this stupid crush feed your ego or something.”

  “Fuck Jill, I’m in love with you.” He looked taken aback. Like he’d surprised himself with the confession. “So, while us having sex might help you. I don’t think it will have the same effect on me.”



  Present Day

  The sound of a beeper dragged Jill from her memory. Derrick pulled his pager from his pocket and turned it off.

  “Dude,” Tyler said, “if you need to go, then go. You have a job to do.”

  Derrick shook his head. “My place is right here with you.”

  “Your place is in that ER, saving lives.” Tyler insisted. The gruffness in his voice surprised her. He was always so calm. “I’ll be okay. She’ll be out of surgery soon.”

  Derrick looked over to where Jill was sitting, raising a brow. She stood from her seat and walked over to her two friends.

  Derrick looked up to her. He was torn. He didn’t want to leave Tyler alone, but if he stayed, it would annoy his friend. Jill nodded and moved into his seat as he stood. “Go, I’ve got this.”

  He nodded. At the door he turned back to them. “If you need me just call. Or I will see you after my shift.”

  Jill tried to remain as unobtrusive as possible while she sat next to Tyler. He had slumped so low into the couch that they sat shoulder to shoulder, with no other touching. She wasn’t sure Tyler would appreciate anything more.

  She kicked off her heels and lifted her legs under her. She’d been in those shoes all day and her feet needed a break. Besides, she had no idea how long they would be there. She needed to get comfortable.

  Tyler scooted closer to her, resting his arm on her lap. She looked over at him. He was staring straight ahead. Instead of the worry she expected to find there, she was sure he looked sad. Maybe even hurt. She had no idea what was going on in his head. And she was the last person he would speak to. Still, they’d known each other almost their entire lives. She could be there for him. Comfort him.

  She lifted her arm to his face and pushed his cheek onto her shoulder. He didn’t resist as she stroked his cheek. The stubble along his jawline scratched against her fingertips. It had been a long time since she’d comforted him like that. A rush of memories played through her mind.

  How he used to help her up when they sat on the roof of his parent’s house. When she would share her lunch with him because he’d eat all his before school even started.

  Then there was the silly game they used to play. They would award themselves a point each time they managed to outwit or stump the other one into silence. He’d started it. Trying to make her blush or shut her up. She’d soon got the hang of it and gave as good as she got.

  The memories brought a smile to her face. They were great friends once. If only she could’ve kept her little crush in check. Or if he had stuck to his convictions.

  Her hand drifted from his cheek to his neck. Sitting with him, comforting him, felt so natural. Her fingers grazed over the veins in his neck. Under any other circumstances it would be considered—

  Tyler grabbed her hand and turned to her. She tried to read his face. He was conflicted. The sadness or whatever was still there. But there was something else too. She couldn’t mistake the hunger, the desire, that filtered though. The way his chest rose and fell only confirmed it. She was pretty sure he could read the same signs in her. How was it that after all those years, there was still the same chemistry between them.

  Jill pulled her hand back. “Sorry,” she said automatically.r />
  “Don’t apologize,” Tyler answered. “Never apologize for caring. It’s just—” he didn’t continue the thought.

  “Tyler, it’s okay to be upset or worried.” Jill diverted his attention back to the situation at hand. “But Tracey will be okay. Physically, at least.”

  “I don’t know what I feel.” He closed his eyes and leaned back on her shoulder. “I didn’t know she was pregnant. But you did. Why couldn’t she confide in me?”

  That’s what the hurt was about.

  “She only told me because she needed an emergency contact when she went to the doctor.” Jill said, following on the little that Tracey did tell her. Still, she didn’t want to betray her friend’s confidence “I don’t think she had really accepted it yet. I was the only person who knew.”

  He looked like he was about to ask another question when Dr Andrews walked into the waiting room. Jill stood along with everyone else. Without her shoes, she suddenly felt very short among Tracey’s tall family members.

  Dr Andrews gave them a small smile. “She’s stable. She was extremely resistant to the anesthetic.”

  Mrs. Beyers shook her head. “What does that mean?”

  “She was about to come too, already,” Dr Andrews said. “But she’s in a lot of pain. We gave her a sedative. She’ll sleep through the night.”

  His mother’s voice cracked. “Do you know what happened?”

  The doctor shook his head. “Best we can tell, she had a miscarriage and tried to drive herself here, when she had the accident. It’s possible that she had the miscarriage because of the accident but it seems unlikely.”

  Tears rolled down his mother’s cheeks. “But she’s alright?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He looked a little sad as spoken in more jargon, giving them a rundown of what everything they were doing for her. “We will observe her overnight, of course. And someone will be here in the morning to talk with her. But physically, she’ll be okay.”

  The doctor answered all their questions. He was patient when Mrs. B repeated some of her questions. Once they were all satisfied and the doctor left, Tyler walked over to his dad. He whispered something in the older man’s ear. His father nodded.

  “Liz, I think we should go home.” Mr. B raised his hand as his wife started to protest. “I know we won’t sleep. But maybe if we get some rest, we’ll be fresh for when Tracey does wake up.”

  “Jill and I will stay,” Tyler said.

  Jill looked up at him, schooling her face to not show any surprise. He’d just said the words as if they were a team. She nodded. “We will call you if there is any change. And we can swap out in the morning.”

  Mrs. B looked hesitant but then nodded. “You call me.”

  Tyler gave his mother a small smile. “Wouldn’t dream of doing anything different.”

  Mrs. B collected her handbag and gave her son a hug.

  She turned to Jill and pulled her into an embrace. “Look after him, okay?”

  Jill pulled away and nodded. The request gave her mixed feelings. Of course, she would be there for her friends. And she couldn’t imagine leaving Tyler alone. Still, his mother was trusting her with him. That felt more intimate than she was comfortable with.

  They both sat back on the same couch. There was a long silence. Jill assumed he just wanted to be alone with thoughts, as he rested his head back on her shoulder. “Do you know who the father is?” There was no resentment in this voice. He lifted her hand back up to his cheek. “Does he know?”

  Jill continued stroking his cheek, careful to keep her fingers away from his neck. “No, I don’t know who he is.” Technically, that was true. But she didn’t think that was part of the story Tracey wanted her family to know. “But it’s not really my story to tell. When she’s ready, and you need to accept that she may never be, she’ll tell you.”

  They sat in silence for a long while. Jill’s thoughts alternating between worry for her friend and her promotion. She tried not to dwell on her unexpected attraction to Tyler and the sadness in his eyes.

  She rested her head on the back of the couch, careful not to disturb Tyler. His breathing had evened out and she was sure he had drifted off to sleep.

  “Are you seeing anyone?”

  The question took her by surprise, she couldn’t help but smile.

  “No.” In fact, she hadn’t anything more than a casual fling in over a year. “You?”

  He shook his head on her shoulder. “No one serious.”

  Of course. According to the tabloids, he didn’t do serious. “Anyone not serious?”

  He shrugged against her. “Not really. I mean there are women I see sometimes. But no one expecting anything from me.”

  Jill nodded. “You’re dating the city.”

  “I would hardly call it dating. That wasn’t the point I was trying to make.” He looked up at her.

  She raised an eyebrow. “What was the point, Tyler.”

  “I just meant there was no one stopping me, if I wanted to take you out on a date.”

  Chapter 4


  Jill had drifted off with Tyler’s words ringing in her head. Not that he said anything after that. She wasn’t even sure she wanted him to ask her out. Old wounds and all.

  A finger-stab to her upper arm, pulled Jill from sleep. She needed a few moments to orientate herself. Somehow, during the night she ended up with her head on Tyler’s lap. His arm was draped over her and— Oh. My. God. Her body tensed but she knew not to react. It was normal. Healthy, in fact, for man to have an erection when he woke up.

  She looked up at Derrick darting his eyes between Tyler and herself. She moved to push up off Tyler’s lap.

  “Please be careful how you move that elbow.” Tyler’s voice was groggy. And she could feel his hard-on prodding into her back.

  She stilled, not wanting to hurt him. “Derrick, what’s the time? Have you just got off shift?”

  He shook his head. “A few hours ago. I figured you were both exhausted, so I left you to sleep. But Tracey woke up. I’ve been in to see her.” He looked up at Tyler. “I’ve called your folks, and they’re with her now.”

  “Thanks man.” Tyler moved his under her, shifting so he was no longer slouching in the chair. “How is she doing?”

  Derrick sat next to them, and Jill lifted herself off Tyler. “She’s uncomfortable, but that’s normal. She didn’t talk about the miscarriage, but I think your parents might push her to. You guys may want to get in there.”

  Jill slipped her shoes back on while Tyler got more information from Derrick. They hadn’t said anything more to each other after finding out if each of them was single. Still, Jill couldn’t deny that something happened between them. They were closer. It could be all in her head. Either way, she wasn’t going to entertain that idea. They were never meant to be more than friends, anyway.

  As they walked to Tracey’s ward, Tyler kept his hand on the small of her back. There was something familiar about it. Or maybe familiar was the wrong word. But she couldn’t quite put her finger on it.

  Tracey smiled as they walked into the room. Purple circles under her eyes marred her pale complexion. She moved her gaze to Jill, the look they shared saying everything. Tracey wasn’t ready to talk.

  Mrs. B spoke up. “Your father and I will go downstairs and get you something to eat.” She took Tracey’s hand. “We’ll give you some time with Jill and Tyler. They’ve been here all night. I think they need to get home and change.”

  The smile Tracey offered her mom didn’t quite reach her eyes. Jill waited until Mr. and Mrs. B left the room before walking to Tracey’s bed. Tyler’s hand was still on the small of her back. She wasn’t sure if he was aware of it or if it was just instinct. When they were younger, they had no problem being affectionate with each other. It was possible he saw the gesture as platonic. She certainly didn’t.

  Tracey tilted her head. “You know the whole point of sprucing up your wardrobe was so that you can look different every time
I see you. You were wearing this yesterday morning.”

  Jill shook her head. “You really want to discuss my clothing now.”

  “It’s better than discussing the alternative.” She pinned Jill with a glare. “And I really don’t want to talk about the alternative. I just had to give my parents some of the details. That’s enough for me.”

  Tyler took his sister’s hand. “Trace, why did—”

  She swung her glare to her brother. “Ty, I’m serious. I don’t want to talk about it. Jill will fill you in later.”

  Well, that was unlikely to happen. It was Tracey’s story to tell. Jill wasn’t sure which of the details Tracey wanted to be revealed. “I will?”

  Tracey’s face lit up a fraction. “Yes. You two have so much to catch up on. You might as well throw my news in there as well. Now. Tell me you followed all my instructions.”

  With a sigh, Jill leaned forward. Still aware of Tyler’s hand on her back. She wondered if he was aware of it yet. “You’ll be pleased to know I got the wax. Thank heavens that only has to happen again in eight weeks.”

  Tracey narrowed her eyes. “Did you get the… all over one.”

  Tyler's hand tightened on her back, his fingers digging lightly into her sides. “Yes, I did exactly as you told me.” She figured she might as well have a little fun with him. It wasn’t fair that she was the only one affected by whatever chemistry was swirling around them. “I even wore the matching purple thong and bra.”

  His handed tightened even more, his fingers would probably leave bruise marks.

  His sister just rolled her eyes. “You didn’t wear the corset?”

  “Next time.” Jill wasn’t sure she had the patience to figure out how to tie the piece of lingerie, but she would give it go. “I promise, I will wear it for my next big event.”

  Tyler shifted behind her. His hand had moved a little lower, resting just above her ass. That slight movement brought him closer to her. A shiver ran up her spine. She could smell him. Despite having been at the hospital for hours, he smelled of sandalwood and something uniquely him.


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