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Pure Blood: Rise of the Alpha

Page 8

by Unknown

  “That must be a tough conversation. What do you say? ‘Hey wanna spend centuries running around covered in fur with me?’ Doesn’t sound like it would go over well with the average human.” I said a bit sarcastically and jaded at the thought of losing Amanda. Once she comes to notice I wasn’t getting any older that would be the end of it. I started feeling that pouting child in me rear his childish head.

  My Dad wasn’t amused by my attitude so he opted to avoid hashing this one out.

  “Anyway, Rollin has matured so he should be developing the venom he needs to change someone, but of course he will need to get the council to approve.” And with that he grew silent and I knew he was thinking of my Mom. It hurt to see him still suffer from her absence and it made me feel like crap that I was being a bit spoiled about the whole mate thing. I guess I at least have Amanda. Who does my Dad have?

  “Why didn’t you find a mate after Mom? I know being Alpha isn’t going to look good on a dating profile but there are members of our pack, or maybe other packs that could have given you…I don’t know…companionship.” Then I quickly added, “Ula’s pretty hot.” I was hoping he wasn’t too shut off to talk about it.

  He sighed and looked out of his window trying to hide his emotions. “We mate for life, Connor. That means this life and the next. I’ll meet your Mom again, and then these past years will be but a grain of sand in comparison to the endless time we will share. I’m not disappointed. It’s her I feel sad for. See I have you and all the love you’ve brought back to me that I felt I lost with her.” He glanced back at me with a half smile. “I’ll never want another mate but who’s to say I didn’t have brief companions?”

  “Ok. Ok. If you say friends with benefits I may crash. So let’s just avoid any TMI.” I said quickly trying not to think of my Dad that way.

  When we walked in I pulled out my phone to call up Rollin. He picked up after one ring.

  “Hey sport, sorry about today. Hope you didn’t get the wrong idea.” He said clearly not upset at what happened.

  “No need to apologize. I’m sorry I charged you, are you ok?” I asked relieved to still be able to have a comfortable conversation with him.

  “Yeah bro, that’s the thing about us Weres, it’s hard to knock us out for the count. You packed quite a punch there. Maybe we can spar sometime if your Dad approves.” He asked excitedly. I figured he must have missed us hanging out and this was a good excuse to get back in touch.

  “Sure, I don’t think it will be a problem as long as you don’t mind me picking your brains on how you manage to be a Were in college. That’ll be me soon.” I replied.

  He laughed, “Deal. I’ll swing by to get you after school on Wednesday.”


  I was eager to hang out with Rollin. It seemed that lately I was only being surrounded by Weres who were older than my house. I was hoping we could get a moment to chill so I could ask him a bit about college. I still had decisions about where I would finally go seeing as I was receiving scholarship letters from my top picks. Part of me wanted to go far East so I could make a new start but that part was out voted the day I became a Were. I was the son of the Alpha. Not just any Alpha but The Alpha which meant my place was here with my Pack. Luckily, I know my Dad and he would never let me take on the responsibilities he has as Alpha. In fact, he has insisted that I go on to college and move forward with my own life until he feels the need to call on me to take on more pack duties. Still I wonder how Rollin manages his natural impulses and social life. College is more of a challenge to our Were ego and senses than high school.

  Rollin was waiting on the school lawn under a huge tree that was already showing the clear sign that winter was upon us. The leaves were practically all fallen, which was eerie in contrast to Rollin who was the complete opposite image. Rollin was flashing his brightest smile. He casually came up to me but clearly had eyes for Li. She apparently remembered him fondly because I could see color rise in her cheeks.

  “Well, well, well, Li. If I weren’t a few years older than you I would have to sweep you off your feet right now and deal with your Dad later.” He said while coming in for a hug.

  Amanda gave me a look and I knew she wanted to roll her eyes so bad. In fact, I could sense she was unaffected by Rollin since her breathing and heart beat were as cool as a cucumber. Another reason she’s got my heart. She doesn’t fall for lines and at the moment I could see Mike wished Li didn’t either. Too late, my Were senses told me Li may be caught on Rollin’s line and won’t give much of a fight at being reeled in.

  Blushing, Li said, “Rolli-Polli, it’s nice to see that you realized what a bad friend you’ve been since you went off to college and were too busy for us little kids.”

  She looked up at a towering Rollin which I could tell was enjoying how uncomfortable we were all feeling.

  Mike broke the tension, “So what brings you around? Need directions back to Pennsylvania? You’re looking in the wrong direction.” He got close enough to Rollin to show him that he’d grown to match Rollin in height. This was apparently, about Li.

  Li, feeling the awkwardness, linked her arm in Mike’s and Amanda’s and said with her vibrant way, “Well I can see you’re here to catch up with Connor so the three of us are going to meet up with you guys at the Smoke Pit. Connor, can you toss me your keys and maybe Rollin can give you a ride there?” she asked giving me her innocent look as Amanda tried to hide her jealousy at Li’s familiarity with me.

  It’s just the way Li and I are, though. She drove my truck around more than I did the first year I got it. She’d volunteer to gas it up, or go to the store for Dad, any excuse to drive it. So to me, she’s always been more like a little sister and I know with time Amanda will understand that. I actually appreciate the way Li has made a sisterly effort with Amanda as well, and they’ve gotten along pretty well.

  “Mike, please make sure these girls don’t go drag racing or off roading” I said while handing Li the keys. “You don’t mind do you Rollin? I know I’m hungry and could use a power up before we hit the gym.” I said knowing Rolling knew ‘gym’ was code for Were sparring.

  “Yeah bro, that actually sounds perfect. Li, I’ll race you there!” And they both headed to the parking lot with the three of us trailing behind.

  It was an intense session. We drew a bit of a crowd at the pack campground. Rollin certainly felt stronger and stealthier. I felt my wolf at ease like a machine more than a ball of emotion and ego. Dad showed up with Fridolf but I knew he was comfortable that I was showing those in doubt that I was under control and not about to cause a scene like I did at the council meeting. Fridolf had his eyes glued on me and it kind of felt like he was studying me more than watching me. I guess Rollin felt it too cause when we were done and sitting by the lake he said to me, “When did Fridolf become your groupie?”

  I took a drink from my bottle of water and shrugged. “I guess there could be worse kinds of fans. I mean I could have caught the attention of Faelen and then I’d have to deal with Tate’s jealousy.”

  “You could take him.” Rollin said and proceeded to give me pointers on Tate and his fighting style.

  He got a little too excited and slipped while showing me his roundhouse kick, and went down on the bank straight into the lake. I doubled over laughing. I pulled him out and he shook like a mutt and got me wet too. I noticed some movement behind him in the water but I couldn’t make out a shape. It seemed like the lake had bubbled up in a massive bulky shape but it instantly went flat. Rollin sensed my alertness and we both got ready to shift. I moved towards the left side and Rollin understood and took the right. Before I could signal him to get ready, Rollin already started his shift. I could tell he was having a hard time so soon after just shifting back and being exhausted. I had no choice but to push through my own shift and prepare to protect Rollin if I had to. The lake showed rippling to the far right side and I knew I had to move faster to see what it was before it neared closer to Rollin.

p; At that moment I heard noise coming from behind me and I steeled myself for an ambush. I whipped back around with the lake to my left and the clearing slightly ahead. I knelt down and pulled back my lip and took one more glance at Rollin who read my stance and mimicked it. He crouched low too keeping an eye on the lake to his right when someone emerged from the clearing.

  It was Fridolf and once we realized it we both turned to the lake and the water was still and calm.

  We met up at the clearing and Fridolf sensing the tension, put his arms up while saying, “Your Dad sent me to get you guys. We were going to eat. B.J. is waiting on you Rollin.” He stood his ground and I nodded. He sat down and in a meditation pose and tossed something out at both Rollin and I helping us with our transformation.

  Once we were dressed we began to walk back and Fridolf asked, “What happened back there to have you guys shift again?”

  “Nothing, just wanted to test our water skills in a little race across the lake.” Rollin said looking to me to agree. I was about to say something when B.J. came with my Dad and I stayed silent. It would sound weird if I tried to explain what we saw but I knew if there was anyone who we should tell it’s my Dad and alone.

  So I looked over at Rollin and nodded toward my Dad. He followed us to the truck while B.J. and Fridolf went towards Rollin’s jeep.

  “Dad, we wanted to tell you something real quick but we’re not sure we should say anything in front of anyone else.” I said and recounted what had happened by the lake.

  “Could have been the mage. But then that would have meant going to battle in our campground where any rogues would have been severely outnumbered. I’ve got to think this over and maybe talk to the council.” He said patting me on the shoulders.

  Dad steered us over to a more secluded spot. Apparently what we had told him was something he didn’t want to share with the rest of the pack.

  Once we had the all clear Rollin was the first to break the awkward silence. “With all due respect Alpha, I don’t know if I would mention this to just anyone. I get the feeling Fridolf is a bit too intrigued with Connor and he showed up about the same time as that thing in the lake. I just think there may be someone in the pack that may be giving other packs too much insight about Connor, even if it is by mistake or in the name of research.”

  I could tell my Dad was uncomfortable with what Rollin was saying about his oldest and dearest friend.

  “I mean we all know what a research fanatic Fridolf is. He may have asked a few questions that may have triggered this, even if it was just innocently done.” Rollin said and at that moment I realized his pointers and sparring was his way to protect me from the pack itself. He thought we had a traitor.

  I drove myself home since Dad wanted to go talk to Ula. Things must be serious if he’s going to her for advice.

  I walked into my room and decided I need a tactical advantage. If I want to have a chance against this uprising my wolf has to do more than just combat moves. I remembered one of the things my Dad said to me when I tried to dominate the sensory overload I experienced at the beginning of this. He told me to isolate the sense I wanted to focus on. I wondered if that could work for me when it comes to shifting. I stood in front of my mirror and focused. I thought about the pack, I thought about my history teacher who died for me. I thought about Amanda, Li, Mike, and my Dad. I thought of what could happen to them if I don’t start living up to the rarity of being a pure blood. Then I focused on my Mom and thought of the peace and balance she brought to the world of mythicals. Somehow, with her in mind I felt in control of every inch of my body in a new way. I felt like a master keying into his control panel. I felt like I could switch parts of me on and off. And I tried to do the un heard of. I transitioned my hand while keeping the rest of me human. I looked down at my hand and it looked as if I had a Halloween costume on. My claws came out and my right hand was massive compared to my other one. I called it back and tried another part of me. I wasn’t sure how long I spent transitioning different parts of my body. The weird thing was that I wasn’t sore or tired. It felt natural to me like this was how I was meant to transition, with focus and direction. Thus far, I was only focusing on the whole transition but now I was motivated by something more. I was isolating my body in a different way rather than removing myself from it. I was interrupted by my phone and picked it up absent mindedly.

  “Hello?” I said still looking at myself amazed at what I could do and eager to show my Dad.

  “WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON WITH YOU!!” I heard the shock and fear ring loud in my ear and looked out my window at Li staring at me from her window with her cell in hand.

  “Oops.” was all I could say.

  “Connor Josef Mason! I am coming over there right now and you are going to somehow explain what I have just seen. No excuses.” And with that she hung up and I knew she was not going to take anything but the truth.

  I had no time to call my Dad and I knew he was going to be so disappointed in my lack of stealth and obvious irresponsibility.

  She walked through the door and I met her in the family room. She was nervous, upset, and concerned at the same time. I walked right over to her and hugged her. And then she did what I did not expect she held my face and looked into my eyes and asked me, “Are you ok? Do I need to call someone?”

  “Uh yeah, and no. I, uh. Sorry I am a bit surprised you aren’t asking me a million questions and freaking out.” I looked at her confused.

  “You are my brother, I know no matter what I saw, you are still you and if something is going on I am here for you.” She said cocking her head to the side leaving an opening for me to explain it all.

  I didn’t tell her everything. I couldn’t. So I kept it about me and that this was a recent thing. I couldn’t tell her about my Dad or Coach or Rollin or anyone else really.

  “I can’t tell you how this happened or why. But it just did recently and it’s obviously not something I planned. It caught me by surprise but now I think someone is after me because of it. So you need to be very careful because you are the closest person to me and I don’t want anyone trying to get to me by using you.” I told her at the end.

  “I know you Connor. I know there’s a lot more to this, but if you can’t tell me it is probably because you gave your word. Which means you’ve already broken it by telling me this much so I won’t push for more. I love you and I will always be your sister. I promise you I won’t say a word.” She assured me. But I was still worried. And I didn’t know how to tell her that without offending her.

  “Connor? What? Don’t you believe me? What do I have to sign in blood or something?” She laughed. I was still in a state of unease and she must have taken it to mean I didn’t trust her. She walked over to the kitchen and came back with a paring knife.

  “I, Lisa Olivia do promise by blood that I will not repeat anything you’ve told me to any other living soul.” And she pricked her finger and handed me the knife.

  I pricked my finger and we touched our pointing fingers to one another and laughed. We used to do this as kids anytime we did something we knew my Dad would ground us for. Our ritual was repeated a few times over the years, and no matter what we never broke our promises to each other. Somehow, I felt better and we sat down, turned on the TV. and chilled out like we always did without mentioning my Were abilities again.


  Rafe walked into Ula’s place and felt anxious to get this over with. He knew she would hang this over his head for centuries. He could hear her already “Ah, so there’s something on your mind and now you came to me to help you sort things out. Well, well, who’s the pain in the ass now?” Yep. She actually came out of her kitchen and said it. At least she had a cup of tea with her.

  “How did you know I was coming over?” Rafe said accepting the hot cup and the hospitality even if it came with snide remarks.

  Ula was dressed in a long fitted tunic dress. It made her look taller and more regal even in the living room which was quite hom
ey in its décor. She kept it simple but chic. There was a comfortable couch with sheen blue pillows lined with beading. Her coffee table was sturdy enough to put your feet on despite a small vase of flowers and a copy of the latest how to book she was reading.

  “How to Hack into…”

  “I’ll take that.” She said grabbing the book and setting it down beside her.

  “IS there something you’re planning that I need to be aware of? Or are you stalking an ex-boyfriend?” Rafe joked enjoying her embarrassment thoroughly.

  “Do you want to tell me why you’re stalling to ask me to help you?” She smugly said sipping on her tea while watching him over the cup.

  “Alright, I’ll remember to harass you later about your spy hobby. Do you think you can get word out to Vince that I need him? You may have to put out some feelers because it’s been 50 years or so since he was last seen. I need him for some private recon.” Rafe said while sipping his tea and staring directly at Ula for a reaction.

  “I saw him last year, so it won’t be a problem. He was doing his lone wolf thing and I guess he got a bit too a-lone so he stopped in.” She replied in a flat tone as if it were everyday Vince pops in.

  Vince was a rogue who has always been on his own. He’s roamed for a couple centuries on his own mostly out of a desire for complete freedom. Rafe is one of the few people he trusts and listens to, but more importantly respects. He’s done recon work before in the past but this assignment will cash in all of Rafe’s favor cards he had stored up.

  “Well get him to contact me. I need someone outside the pack to investigate what’s going on with the apparent attack on my son and our pack. The mage they are using is blocking my ability to sense them out.” Rafe stood up and walked over to Ula making the space between them sizzle.


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