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Ravenous: The Kingsley Brothers Duet

Page 24

by L. L. Collins

  Breck’s eyes fluttered, and I watched as he blinked and then smirked. “Are you watching me?” His voice was gravelly, full of sleep and something that sounded a lot like desire.

  I wrapped my leg around his. He grew under me, so I shifted myself and began rocking against him. “I’m watching you and thinking how lucky I am.”

  Breck palmed my bare breast as our breathing increased. “I’m the lucky one. To wake up and see you here is a dream come true.”

  I reached between us and stroked him, the silky-smooth exterior wrapped around the hard steel. He bucked his hips, pushing his cock into my palm.

  Before I could register his movement, Breck turned and caged himself over me. My legs fell apart, and he settled his manhood between my legs. He lifted my hands over my head and twined his fingers with mine. He moved gently, kissing up my body until he reached my mouth. With one fluid movement, he entered me, our lovemaking soft and gentle. Breck rocked back and forth, the sensation so intoxicating all I could do was tighten my fingers in his and moan his name, my back arched with the overwhelming senses of having him inside me.

  Our sex was hot and our chemistry was hotter, but this was different. It was like our souls were the ones making love—connected in a way that no one could understand but us.

  Breck kissed me, not in the furious sex-induced craze we had earlier but in a way that made me feel like the most cherished woman on the planet.

  “Raven.” The two syllables of my name sounded like a sigh. “You’re perfect. For me.” I thought about our conversation about being perfect and knew this was as perfect as it could get, right here.

  Tears came on so fast I was powerless to stop them, so I let them slide out of my eyes. They fell in hot tracks down my face until Breck stilled.

  “Baby? What’s wrong?” He let go of my hands, and I wrapped my arms around him, squeezing so tightly I didn’t know if he could breathe. I hiccupped, the tears turning into sobs. “Raven. Talk to me, honey. Don’t cry. Please. You’re breaking my heart.”

  I shook my head, trying to tell him I was okay. Breck wiped the tears that continued to fall, watching me with concern. “I’m not sad,” I finally said.

  Breck breathed out. “You’re not?”

  I squeezed him again, reveling in the sensation of his body against mine. “I just woke up so thankful to be here. I can’t believe you forgave me, and you love me, and I’m here with you. I’m just so happy.”

  “Oh, Raven.” Breck pushed himself deeper inside me, and I arched my back, needing the physical release of being with the man I loved. “You’re everything, baby. Absolutely everything.”



  Breck lifted his sunglasses off his blue eyes and winked at me. I smiled and reached for him, my hand cupping the side of his chiseled face. He’d shaved before we left, so his face was smooth and stubble-free. He grabbed my hand and kissed it before pulling me across the console to him and devouring my lips with his. He groaned into my mouth as our tongues twined together. His fingertips ran along the swell of my breast and farther until he reached the edge of my cover-up.

  I pulled back, and my heated gaze met his. We both breathed heavily, and the air between us was thick and heady. “Breck.” I was powerless against him, as he was me. This place was such an aphrodisiac for us.

  “I love you, Raven.” His fingers dipped under my cover-up and slid along the edge of my bikini bottom, making me squirm in anticipation of his touch.

  “I love you, Breck. But if you don’t stop, you’re going to have to take me back to your house and finish what you’re starting.”

  “Oh, I can finish right here, you know that. My girl is nothing if not responsive to her man.”

  It was true. Breck barely had to touch me, and I would lose control. Hence the desire pooling between my legs right now at the thought of him touching me here. Where he touched me months ago and made me want everything.

  “I know you can, and I can’t wait for you to later. But aren’t we meeting Trent here soon?”

  Breck frowned. “Yes. I guess that means I should wait until later to make you scream. Let’s go before I change my mind and cancel this trip. The only positive to staying is seeing you in that sexy as fuck bathing suit and knowing I can take it off you and fuck you later.” Breck smirked, and I swore everything in my body clenched. The man was sinfully sexy and knew just how to satisfy me in all ways. “Can you grab the beach bag, baby? I’m getting the cooler.”

  He knew what he did to me, but I also knew what I did to him, so it was fair game. “Sure will.” I got out of the Jeep and leaned over to grab my sunglasses from the console, knowing my breasts were spilling out of my top and cover-up and showed him exactly what he wanted to see. He groaned, and I laughed, shaking my head at how easy it was to affect him. But I loved the chemistry between us and hoped it just continued to grow as we figured out more about each other. I walked around and opened the back door to Breck’s Jeep and got the bag out with our towels, a volleyball, a book for both of us, and some sunscreen. I hoped we had a few minutes before our friends arrived, because I wanted nothing more than to walk the beach with Breck and enjoy our moments together.

  It was a warm Florida day, the kind of day that made people up north jealous because it was November, and we were at the beach while they were bundled up in sweaters. Specifically, the beach where we first met. Parked in the same spot where I saw the man I thought was Preston and then Porter, but quickly found out it was the man I would hopelessly, quickly, and undeniably fall in love with. It hadn’t been an easy road, our path to love. But we’d found out in the three months since we admitted the way we felt that it was beyond anything either of us could’ve ever imagined.

  Chrissy continued to adjust to her new life and Breck’s role in it. He wasn’t her English teacher anymore, and the two of them had grown very close. It was strange for her at first because she wasn’t used to a man taking an interest in anything she did. But once she realized he cared for her and wanted to see her successful, their relationship blossomed. While Breck and I still lived separately, we spent every waking moment together. At this point, it was only a matter of time before we brought up living together. He’d already dropped many hints about Chrissy and me moving in with him—he was ready. I was the one who wanted to wait until things were more solidified between us. Chrissy had to be first, and I couldn’t make a move without making sure it was permanent.

  I loved him, and he loved me, but our relationship was still very new. I had to model to Chrissy what a responsible relationship looked like. The pressure was on for me to help her grow up to be the woman I knew she could be, and I took it very seriously.

  Breck and I were both off for Thanksgiving break, and we just spent our very first holiday with his family. To be honest, it was the first time in our lives we celebrated Thanksgiving at all, and what an initiation into the holiday. Chrissy’s eyes had bugged out of her head when she saw the Kingsley house, as well as all the food. His family had been nothing but gracious and accepting of us since they found out we were together, and Thanksgiving had been no different. I could only imagine what Christmas would bring. Brielle, who wanted me to call her Mom, told me that from the first time she saw me, she knew I would be a part of their family. She graciously didn’t point out that the first time we met I was with her other son. I assumed Porter must’ve explained that with some plausible story; otherwise, she never would’ve brought me into their fold. Or she was just that great of a woman and knew her sons. Whatever it was, for the first time I had a motherly figure in my life. She also took right to Chrissy.

  Being around Porter got easier every time we saw him, which was a lot lately. After we knew where we stood with each other, we were able to forge a friendship. Porter was still the same guy—worked too much, slept around too much, but he and Breck had mended their relationship. I was glad because I never wanted to be the reason for a rift between them.

  I couldn’t imagine being
happier than I was with Breck, and I made sure he knew it every single day. Since we’d been together, Breck decided on his own free will to go to counseling. Sometimes, I joined him for his sessions, and other times, he went alone. He needed to deal not only with his constant feelings of inadequacy about Port, but also the things that haunted him from his years in the Army. Since he started, I saw a happier, more content Breck. He accepted my love and believed he was worth it. He started sleeping better and was generally less anxious. I liked to think I made a difference in that, too.

  I also started going alone, and sometimes with Chrissy. We had to deal with our pasts and the way some of those things continued to dictate our present. I had to accept the love Breck offered me and stop thinking I didn’t deserve it and that I was unworthy. Once I put the stigmas behind me of thinking the way I grew up meant I should never have anything more, I was able to open myself up to Breck in ways I never knew possible.

  I quit my job with Penny right after Breck and I became official. Breck understandably didn’t want me to continue escorting, and I wanted to respect our relationship and not give other men the wrong idea. It felt weird to even pretend I was with someone else. Plus, I had what I needed now. I had Chrissy and Breck and worked hard on obtaining my college degree. It was time to look for internships as well, which meant honing in on where exactly what I wanted in my career.

  I worked part time at the cutest bookstore. It wasn’t much money, but I was able to work around Chrissy’s schedule and study while at work if we weren’t busy. Best of all, it gave me the nights to spend with Chrissy and Breck. Thankfully, I still had savings from my stint with Penny, and Emma more often than not refused to let me pay for our apartment, even though I hated it. I learned to accept things from others, and I didn’t always have to be independent. Sometimes allowing others to do things for me was a good thing, but I was a work in progress.

  Emma still worked for Penny, but she’d recently met a guy and things were getting serious it seemed. She spent most of her nights with him, so our time together dwindled.

  “Penny for your thoughts.” I jumped at Breck’s voice so close to my ear.

  “Shit! You scared me.” I turned and wrapped my arms around his neck and he nuzzled me, causing goose bumps to break out on my body despite the warm sun.

  “Sorry, baby. What are you thinking about so seriously?”

  I grinned. “How happy I am. How far we’ve come since the first time I ever laid eyes on you, right here on this beach. I can’t believe all that’s happened to bring us right here, to this place. Together.”

  Breck squeezed me to him. “I know. All those months ago, I took a chance and hired you to come here with me, not knowing if anything would ever come of my feelings for you. But I was right. You changed my life that day. I couldn’t love someone more or be more content with where my life is headed. Through everything, we made it here. I can’t imagine my life without you, and I never want to.” He smoothed my hair back from my face and lifted my sunglasses. “I love seeing these eyes. They’ve always told me way more than you realize.”

  “Oh, yeah? Like what?” I watched the way his eyes sparkled and the love that emanated from them.

  “Well, right now they’re saying yes.”

  I furrowed my brow. “Yes? You know I love to say yes to you, but what am I saying yes for?”

  He reached into the back pocket of his board shorts. His other hand was splayed on my lower back, keeping me close to him. “I brought you here under false pretenses.” His voice had dropped an octave, telling me he was nervous. He never had to be nervous with me, and it put me slightly on edge.

  “Oh, yeah? What’s that? We aren’t going to the beach and hanging out with our friends?”

  “We are. But the reason they’re coming here isn’t just for a fun day at the beach.”

  Now I was greatly confused. “What the heck are you talking about, Breck?” I laughed, searching his eyes for what he could possibly mean.

  He released me and stepped back, causing me to stumble momentarily to right myself. When I glanced back at him, he was on his knee, the cooler long forgotten behind him in the sand.

  My hands flew to my face, and I began shaking. “Breck,” I cried, shaking my head in disbelief.

  “I wanted to do this where we first began. Back before you knew me as Breck, and I knew you as Raven, I knew there was something about you. When I saw you right here in this spot, you did something to me. I knew you would change my life, and you did. You’re everything to me. So please make me the happiest man in the world and be my wife. Marry me, Raven Jane Phillips.” Breck opened his hand to display the most gorgeous solitaire diamond ring I’d ever seen.

  But it was nothing in comparison to the love shining from every part of his being.

  I knew the ring was there, but I couldn’t tear my eyes away from him.

  He loved me.

  The girl from the wrong side of the tracks.

  The escort.

  He wanted me to be his wife.

  I nodded, my throat so thick with unshed tears the one syllable answer fought to come out around the lump of emotion. I dropped to my knees in front of him and let him put the ring on my finger. I didn’t even glance at it. I didn’t need to. It could’ve been a piece of seaweed, and I would’ve agreed to marry this man.

  “Yes.” The word sounded like a whisper of the wind blowing along the beach, but he heard me. He crashed his lips to mine and our tongues melded together. Tears leaked from my eyes and mingled with our soft kisses. Breck held my face and our eyes had a conversation without saying a word.

  “I love you,” he whispered. I lifted my hand, and the glint of the diamond caught the sunlight. I cried out in disbelief that this could happen to me.

  “I love you,” I repeated, my voice wavering with emotion.

  “You’re mine,” Breck said.

  “You’re mine,” I said back.

  “I’m gonna change your name, and soon.” Breck kissed me again, and for another few moments, we were lost to our surroundings as we poured every bit of this incredible moment into each other.

  “Raven Jane Kingsley. I love it.”

  Breck’s eyes flashed. “I love it, too. Let’s do one more thing, too.”

  “Anything.” I would go to the ends of the earth for this man, and even then, I would keep going.

  “I want to make Chrissy a Kingsley, too. The Phillips name needs to end. Neither of you identifies with that name anymore. She deserves a real family.”

  It was too much. All of it. I had no idea what I ever did in life to deserve such a fairytale, but here was my real-life Prince Charming, right in front of me.

  “You’re speechless. That never happens.” Breck kissed my ring finger and wrapped me in a tight hug.

  I lay my head on his broad chest and soaked in every second of this moment so I could remember it forever. I laughed, loving the way he teased me with such confidence and ease. “I’m so blissfully happy. I’m just soaking in every single thing I’m feeling right now so I can replay this over and over and over again.”

  “Oh, baby,” he said. “This is just the beginning of a lifetime full of these moments.”

  He linked his hand with mine, and we walked down the beach until we reached a tent full of our friends and family, all there to celebrate with us.

  I started out in life being the prey, always seeking something just beyond my grasp. Now I was satisfied beyond my wildest imagination. My voracious need for Brecken Kingsley led me to the best reward I could’ve possibly imagined.


  Ravenous for more? Check out Porter’s story, Insatiable, coming Summer 2017


  To my family: Without your encouragement and understanding, none of this would be possible.

  To my readers: Thank you for loving my words and always wanting more. I appreciate every one of you, whether you’ve read every book of mine or this is your first one.

  To my won
derful betas: BD, JT, KK, MES, MR, JS, CB, LS, KK. Your feedback, as always, is invaluable. The book wouldn’t be nearly what it is now without all of you. I have the best beta team ever.

  To Tracey: Thank you for riding this rollercoaster with me, and always, always having my back.

  To Leddy: Thank you for all the Starbucks dates, text conversations, and for being an amazing friend.

  To Joanne Schwehm: Your friendship means more to me than I can ever express. Thank you for always being someone I know I can trust and turn to for anything.

  To my Reading with LL Collins group: Thank you for being part of my group and supporting me!

  To the bloggers, both new and the ones who have supported me from day one: Thank you for helping get the word out, reading ARCs, and spending your time promoting authors. We couldn’t do this without you.

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  About the Author

  L.L. Collins is a contemporary romance author from sunny Florida. Ravenous is her thirteenth published novel. Look for more of her captivating romances coming soon to a retailer near you.

  Keep in touch with L.L. Collins



  Also by L.L. Collins

  The Living Again Series:

  Living Again (Living Again #1)

  Reaching Rachel (Living Again #2)


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