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Witch Wars (Society of Ancient Magic Book 3)

Page 7

by Fiona Starr

  “Oh my god.”

  Some of the people are calling for the dismantling of the Society of Ancient Magic. Others are demanding a more thorough investigation into the missing students. One group is shouting about the importance of pure magical lines. Their chants of “Keep Ancient Magic Pure!” fill the air.

  A group of magical police stand around a booth, asking people to sit for questioning in their investigation. Roz and I skirt around them and try to find a route that will get us across the quad and to the dorms.

  “This is unreal,” Roz says. She’s gripping my hand as we try to maneuver through the throng. At the far end of the quad, the statue of Reginald Whitmore Blakeborne topples over amidst a raucous cheer.

  I spot a gap in the crowd and pull Roz toward Stonemill Hall. We work our way along the edge of the crowd and then to the path toward the dorms.

  “So much for your precious Society.” Eliza’s got her blonde hair pulled into two ponytails that hang down her back. She hurries toward me, her protest sign laying on her shoulder. I can’t read what it says from my angle.

  “Move it, Eliza,” Roz says.

  My sister doesn’t move. She’s blocking the path and the other students with her fan out, preventing us from leaving.

  “Have you heard? They’re saying that the whole Ancient Magic thing is a ruse to lure people in to be eaten by werewolves,” Eliza says.

  “That’s ridiculous,” I say. “You really buy that?”

  She nods, her eyes wide and crazed. “And, that the Vessel of Truth was actually the home of a demon who is working with the werewolves to bring them back into power over the mages. They’ve found an old scripture that foretold all of it!”

  My sister is insane. This is more than just jealousy or a feeling of bitterness.

  What have I brought here? To Eliza? To those with her? Why am I her target in this fight?

  “Don’t look at me like that. Up until today you totally bought into the whole Ancient Magic thing. You think you’re better than all of us, but guess what? It’s all a lie, and we’re here to make sure the truth gets out!” Eliza leans closer to me, her words precise and full of righteous anger. And satisfaction. She’s enjoying saying all this to me.

  That hurts more than anything else, no matter how I steeled myself for her anger.

  Her eyes glint as she sees the hurt in mine.

  “Really? And how are you going to do that?” I say, shoving my hands into my hips.

  “We’re going to find the wolves and we’re going to kill them all.” She leans back, crossing her arms, her smile sure, almost serene.

  I know that she’s just spouting the words of someone else’s conspiracy, but the way she says it, the conviction in her voice scares me.

  Eliza turns back toward the crowd. “Let’s go everyone! The rally is about to start!” She races off toward the quad and lifts her sign in the air. It’s a picture of a gray wolf’s head, gold eyes wide, and mouth open with huge white fangs. The blood drips from the wolf’s neck as its head is impaled on a spike. Her friends catch up with her and they march together, their signs bobbing in time with their chant. “Find the wolves! Kill the wolves! Find the Wolves! Kill the Wolves!”

  “What have I done?” I bend over as my vision tunnels. My heart races and my hands feel clammy and I am overcome with nausea. I run toward a tree and vomit.

  “I did this. This is my fault,” I say.

  Roz rubs my back. “Breathe. Just breathe. These people are fucking crazy, and nobody could have foreseen this.”

  I stand up and look again at the crowded quad. There’s so much anger and fear emanating from all the people, it’s overwhelming.

  I squeeze Roz’s hand. “I have to go. I have to make sure they’re all right.”

  Marco throws open the front door and runs to meet me before I get to the stairs. He picks me up and swings me around, holding me in a bear hug. “Oh my god. I am so glad you’re all right. You are okay, right?” He looks me over and then meets my gaze. “Please tell me you’re all right.”

  “I’m all right,” I say, and I can’t help but smile.

  Angus is at the door when we get inside. He kisses me gently. “We were worried about you.”

  “I’m okay. I was with Roz. Where is Van?”

  Angus steps aside. “Upstairs.”

  I take the stairs two at a time and find myself frozen in front of the room I’ve only seen glimpses of. I knock once.

  “Come.” Van’s voice is calm.

  I push the door open and wait for him to see me. He’s standing in front of a wall-sized bulletin board that’s covered with years of information. This is where they’ve done all the work to find Damon Underwood. The Headmaster founded the Society, but there have been huge swathes of time where he was gone from here, and Van had to search for him. The wall is like a history of Damon Underwood. It shows all his properties, all his friends, places he frequents, and even those he’s crossed.

  “Hey,” I say.

  Van checks one of the lists on the board and compares it to a paper in his hand. He doesn’t look up. “We’ve decided that we have to go to him. We don’t want to waste any more time waiting, or risk him disappearing again.”

  “Van,” I say.

  He drops the paper on the table and picks up a marker. Then he walks over to the whiteboard and makes some notes.

  “Will you look at me? I just came from campus. It’s not safe. They’re looking for you.”

  He stops writing and turns to face me. “You were right when you said that we weren’t in danger. We’re dire wolves, and we can defend ourselves against all of them. But you…”

  “What about me?” I feel my hackles rise and force myself to stay calm.

  “You can’t go back out there. I’m surprised you managed to get here safely. From now on, you’re going to stay here in the house. I spent the morning working on concealment spells so nobody will find the place, but it only works if you stay put.”

  “What? No. You can’t—”

  “Can’t what? You’re the one who dropped a bomb on everything. I’m just cleaning up your mess.”

  “So now I am your prisoner? That’s rich, coming from the guy who is hunting the man who held him captive.”

  “That’s different.”

  “I do not belong to you!” I turn to leave but Van grabs my wrist.

  His chest is heaving with his breaths. “Yes! You do!” He closes his eyes and inhales deeply and I can feel him calm down. “Yes you do, Joely. You belong to us. You belong to me. And I belong to you.”

  The passion in his words is visceral. His cool fluid essence wraps itself around me like a protective cocoon as he lets go of my wrist. I stand there, basking in his energy, feeling like we’ve finally broken through to a place where maybe, just maybe, we can get a little bit closer.

  “God.” I sigh and close my eyes, letting myself experience the fullness of Van’s power. The tendrils of him lick my hair and my skin, like tiny cool kisses. I arch my neck, enjoying the feel of him coursing through me.

  Van clears his throat and the sensation falls away. “We are stuck with each other whether we like it or not. You’re the Nightbird. And I have no idea how, but we need you if we have any hope of seeing this through. I’ve been waiting for this since forever. I owe my brother this, at least. And I can’t change what the prophecy says, no matter how much I might want to.”

  He leaves the room without closing the door.

  When I get downstairs, I find Angus alone on the couch.

  “Where did they go?” I ask. I can tell that Van and Marco are no longer in the house.

  Angus puts his arm around me. I nestle into his chest and weave my fingers through his.

  “There’s a meeting for Allbright and his people at the Society. Van’s making sure he stays close in case he gets a line on Underwood.”

  “And Marco?” I ask.

  “Marco’s the Society’s newest steward.”


  “Yeah. Allbright is gathering as many people around him as he can. It was the perfect opportunity to get another one of us in there.”

  “And what about you? Did Van make you stay so you could babysit me?”

  A small laugh rumbles in Angus’s chest. “You kidding? I haven’t had time alone with you since… I don’t even know. Too long.”

  “Too long,” I say. “And what were you planning to do with all this alone time?”

  Angus gets up and pulls me to my feet. “I can think of a few things.”

  I lean into him, letting myself disengage from the world and exist here in this moment. “Oh? Like what?”

  “Like I haven’t taken you to my own bed in weeks,” he whispers. “I’m all for the group thing, but I’ve really missed having you to myself.”

  I nuzzle into his neck. “Then I guess it’s a good thing I’ve been grounded.”

  Chapter Eleven


  Inside his bedroom, Angus sets me on the foot of his bed and closes the door gently. He unbuttons his flannel shirt as he walks back to me, letting it hang open to reveal his white undershirt.

  He draws my mouth to his and I get up on my toes, leaning against him for balance. Our hands find each other and they begin the little dance that we started the first time we got together.

  “The hands are very special,” I whisper between kisses, repeating his words from that night back to him.

  “They send secret messages.” He smiles and touches his nose to mine as he moves our hands up to our sides. We press them together, our palms lined up and our fingers together in the way that’s like when two people are just getting to know each other, and they are seeing if they are a good fit.

  He opens his fingers and our hands fold together, woven together and strong.

  “Hold on, don’t let go,” I whisper into his mouth.

  “Don’t you let go,” he says, and then his mouth covers mine and it’s all I can do to focus on breathing. My body tingles everywhere we meet.

  Angus shrugs out of his flannel and peels off his tee shirt as I unbuckle his belt and help him out of his jeans. His cock is rigid against the soft fabric of his boxer briefs. I wrap my fingers around his length, luxuriating in the feel of him.

  “Joely,” Angus groans. He pulls my sweater over my head and nibbles on my shoulder, sliding my bra strap down my arm. He kisses the medallion and slides his hands down my arms. My skin feels like it ignites under his touch and I ache for more.

  I undo my jeans and let them fall as Angus drops to his knees in front of me. He kisses my belly and plays with the lace band of my panties. “Well, hello,” he says. “I finally have you all to myself.”

  I laugh as he tickles my belly with kisses. “Marco loves that you let him do that,” I say.

  Angus nods and looks up at me as he slides my panties down. “I know. He’s got a thing.” He smiles wickedly. “I’ve got a thing too, you know.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Oh yeah.” He eases me onto the bed and brushes his hands between my thighs. Angus is the definition of gentle as he spreads my legs and then kisses his way from my knees all the way up to my sex. His beard is soft against my skin, and when he reaches my clit with his tongue, it’s like we’re two puzzle pieces coming together.

  I squeeze my breasts as he sucks me, letting go of any thoughts as Angus wakes up every nerve in my body. Heat rushes through my core and explodes between my legs.

  Angus moans with pleasure that I am so wet for him.

  My pussy pulses as my clit swirls between Angus’s lips. Then he pulls away and crawls up to me, devouring my mouth with the same intensity.

  I taste myself on his mouth and it’s so fucking hot I can’t stand it. I grab hold of his cock and run my hands over his length, wanting to take him in every way. Angus leans back on the bed and I kneel next to him as I lower my mouth onto his cock.

  I know he likes to watch me when I do this, so I pull my hair over my shoulder to give him the best view.

  “Fuck. Joely. You feel so good.”

  I watch him watching me as I take him in, every inch of his thick shaft heating my mouth. Angus’s fingers play with my clit. He dips inside me, my slick wetness covering his fingers. I press myself onto his hand, riding his fingers as my mouth rides his throbbing cock.

  Angus’s musky scent is touched with his outdoorsy essence that fits perfectly with his earthy nature. I breathe him in, sucking and pumping with my mouth, until he pulls me up and fills my mouth with his tongue.

  His hands caress my breasts and he pinches my nipples as I guide him inside me. He presses his warm head against my opening and I curl into him, bringing him all the way in and enjoying the feel of him filling me completely.

  Angus wraps his arms around me and rolls us over so I am sitting in his lap. He kisses me as he thrusts, holding my face in his hands.

  “I love you, Joely.” He kisses my cheeks one at a time. “I love you.” He kisses my nose and then bends to kiss my raven mark on my chest.

  I smile and let the truth of his words wash over me. I lift his chin and meet his gaze. “I love you, Angus.”

  The corner of his blue eyes crinkle as he smiles and we move our bodies with a renewed pace. Angus’s muscles bunch under me as we pump harder and faster, moving toward our own pleasure, signaling with our moans that we’re almost there. Almost there.

  My orgasm starts in my toes. Angus, sensing my climax, clutches me tight as he pounds into me with his final thrusts. My body responds and I throw my head back, every one of my muscles letting go with our release.

  I lie against Angus’s chest, listening to his heart beating. The grounding nature of his energy is so comforting and calming, it is almost impossible to believe that anything could ever harm us. I run my fingers over the design of the totem I gave him.

  “Thank you for wearing it,” I say.

  “Are you kidding? It feels like you. I don’t ever want to take it off.”

  “And what do I feel like?”

  He smiles and lays his hand over mine, pressing the totem into his chest. “Your energy is sunny and soft and warm. Puffy like clouds or maybe cotton balls.”

  “Really? So my totem feels like a cloud?”

  He nods. “Or cotton. It’s so nice. Like a pillow. Or maybe a fluffy bunny tail.”

  “Whatever,” I say, pushing away from him playfully as my face flushes. It’s weird to think that I have an essence the same way that the guys do, but it makes me feel good nonetheless.

  We settle into silence again, and I’m about to fall asleep when Angus’s voice rumbles in his chest.

  “I’m worried about Van,” he says.

  I lean up on my elbow. “Why?”

  Angus shakes his head. “I don’t know. I think he’s been living by the word of the prophecy for so long, he’s lost patience. I think when you arrived he expected everything to fall into place. Like your being here would somehow make it so Damon gets served up on a silver platter.”

  I’m not sure what to think about that. “What does the prophecy say, exactly?”

  “It’s clear as mud. Everything is said in metaphor and riddles. Why is that? Why is it that whenever there are prophecies they arrive like a puzzle? Would it kill the seers to speak plainly?”

  I run my fingers through the hair on his chest. “I don’t know. I mean, the part about the Nightbird and the Shadow Walkers is pretty cool.”

  Angus grins. “Sounds like a rock band. Maybe we could take our show on the road. Do you play any instruments?”

  I nestle back down in the crook of his shoulder and listen to his heart again.

  “We need to find Underwood,” Angus whispers. “All these years, we’ve let him come to us. And now that we’re here, we aren’t making a move. If something doesn’t happen soon, I think Van’s going to lose it.”

  “How will you find him? I mean, he is a vampire.”

  “I don’t know, but I don’t like the idea of Van hanging a
round waiting for something to happen, either.”

  Chapter Twelve


  I wait until Joely is asleep before I leave the house. Van didn’t actually ask me to stay and babysit her, but I know that’s what he expected when he told me to be there when she came home. I step onto the porch, letting the moonlight wash over my skin for a moment before I shift and disappear into the night.

  It feels good to run. It’s the best way to empty my head and find clarity on something when I can’t think it through otherwise. But no matter how hard I try to come up with something to help Van, my thoughts keep returning to ancient history.

  I was serious when I said I was worried about my brother. Van’s been carrying the weight of this Underwood burden for so long. I think he forgets that we want it as much as he does. I think he keeps expecting something to happen at any moment. He’s strung up so tight, just waiting for the moment to present itself so he can pounce.

  But maybe that’s the wrong approach.

  Aside from getting us here to this university, Van’s always talked defense. After being chased and hunted by Underwood all these years, I don’t know if we’ve ever talked about the reality of what we’d do when the next part of the prophecy clicked into place.

  When Joely arrived, it was like the old Van was back. He was energized and re-engaged, and looking forward to doing something. But I think after all this time of playing defense, he’s forgotten that he isn’t alone, and we can also play offense.

  Marco and I look to Van as our leader. It’s not something overt, and it’s never been in question, it’s a wolf thing, and Van is our alpha. But given the unusual circumstances of our upbringing, we never had a wolf pack of our own. Once we got free of Underwood’s clan, we tried to figure it out, but it went badly. We spent the better part of a century living wild and being free without really focusing on being a pack.


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