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The Lost Fae Princess

Page 6

by K.N. Lee

  The abrupt end to their conversation did not bode well, but there was at least hope.

  She'd cling to it with her last breath.

  Chapter Sixteen

  That evening, they set up camp in the forest, under the light of the moon and song of the crickets and nocturnal creatures.

  Alexi and Etian gathered fire wood and made a small fire to keep her warm. Alexi hunted and cooked a rabbit for her, while they sat back, stared into the flames, and waited for her to finish her meal.

  She ate the tender rabbit meat and toast brought back from the monastery, watching the stars sparkle across the sky.

  Then, while Alexi drifted to sleep beside the fire, on his bed roll, Etian sat beside her.

  His presence had that same magical affect on her as his brother’s, and she found herself wanting to scoot just a little bit closer.

  She froze when his hand wiped her mouth.

  He sat back down, leaned against the trunk of a tree, and laughed. “Crumbs,” he said, nodding to the pieces of toast that he had wiped from her mouth.

  Her eyes slowly looked down at the debris, and she brushed it off her lap.

  She blushed. Of course, she looked like a slob in front of the handsome prince.

  “I’m sure Alexi already told you about our psychic link, correct?”

  She swallowed. “He did.”

  “Good,” he said, with a nod. “But, you still have questions.”

  “I do.”

  “Go on,” he said. “Ask me anything.”

  When he turned to her, crossing his legs, he cast a charming smile her way that almost made her uncomfortable.

  He and Alexi were so drastically different. She was certain she still hadn’t seen Alexi smile, but that was all Etian did, even though he’d nearly died.

  “Tell me about your brothers,” Elle said, drinking from the flask of ale. It instantly warmed her, sending heat to her shoulders and down her body.

  “Oh, yes. Matthias and Dre. We’re all quite different,” he said. “While Matthias is the intellectual, Dre is one big, strong, bloke. They stayed behind to protect our mother while our father is in the south dealing with the cursed lands. But, I think you’ll like our brothers, once you meet.”

  She breathed in. She looked forward to meeting the others, but a nagging worry remained in her gut.

  “And, what of your parents, Elle? Do you know what happened to them?”

  She tense, turning her gaze to the flames of the fire.

  “They died.”

  She couldn’t say any more than that, because that’s all she knew. Their home had caught fire one night, and only Elle and her doll survived.

  “I’m sorry,” he said, speaking softly. His smile faded as he watched her. “Our mother is dying.”

  She shot a look at him. “Queen Enessa?”

  He nodded. “Yes.”

  Queen Enessa was a beloved figure of the Enchanted Kingdom. She spent her days doing charitable works, and caring for the poor and helpless.

  “Oh,” I said, and set the remnants of her meal aside. She had no appetite for food anymore. But, she was relieved that speaking with Etian was so easy.

  Something hit her.

  Elle vividly recalled her visit to the Monastery of the Monks after she’d first arrived. “Your mother came to the monastery once,” she said. “Did she know about me?”

  Etian shook his head. “No, but she had hopes of us finding wives from the selection of fertile woman housed there. We were just fortunate to have the lost heir of the most powerful wolf bloodline.”

  Elle’s brows lifted, but he stopped talking and silence passed between them. For a moment, she worried that she’d had just said something wrong. Then, she realized that he was the one who had said too much.

  Etian’s face turned serious. He sighed, and leaned forward, fishing something from his pocket. “I want to give you something,” he said, quietly.

  She stared at his open hand. Inside it was a small golden medallion etched with the head of a wolf.

  Etian noticed, and he held her shaking hand in both of his. “It’s all right,” he whispered. His eyes locked with hers, and warmth flooded her.

  She breathed in, and he leaned close to her face. She welcomed his closeness. When he pressed his forehead to hers, and lowered his head as if in prayer, she did the same. They sat like that for a moment, and she relished the silence and connection of their hearts and minds.

  “Take this medallion, Elle. It’s the crest of your royal house.”

  She gasped. Royal house?

  “Your destiny.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  They set out the next morning. The sky was a bit darker the further they traveled, but it started to warm. At least they’d left the snowstorm behind.

  She yawned, and stretched her neck as the horse carried her behind the princes.

  Something stirred within her.

  A warning that started in the pit of her stomach and rose to her chest.

  She frowned, looking ahead.

  “You feel that?” Elle began, and yelped as something prickled along her back. The color drained from her face as the pain intensified, and the muscles in her back and neck started to contract and spasm.

  Oh no.

  She’d been shot with something.

  Her mouth opened to scream, as sharp talons pierced her shoulders, and she was ripped from the horse, and carried skyward.

  A shock was sent into her neck and she barely had a chance to cry out from the intense pain.

  Whatever had her flew faster than she’d thought possible. Faster than Dancer, even.

  She glanced up, and all color drained from her face.

  A serpent of red and silver flapped its large wings and took her higher, and higher.

  She looked down to the princes, and with all of her might, and energy, she shot a ball of fire into the body of the serpent.

  It cried out, and its scales absorbed the blow, glistening with color. Still, it let her go.

  Her breath was sucked from her body as she started to fall.

  Dear Wolf God, if only she could fly.

  She closed her eyes as her body began the long descent to the thick forests of the Wild Lands.

  She winced and cried out as her neck froze, shoulders followed, and she realized with horror that soon, her entire body would be completely frozen.

  Her mind raced with her options. None would save her.

  It was a struggle to keep her eyes open. If she closed them before she froze, she would not be able to see what was happening.

  Her ears burned with the sound of her own heartbeat.



  Then, it stopped.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Elle fell into darkness. It wrapped around her like a heavy blanket, and smothered out all sounds and sensations.

  As she swam through the abysmal void, her mind flickered through memories, seeking out somewhere to hide from the fear of the unknown.

  A familiar scent came to her, soothing her nerves. It reminded her of cold mornings, and warm fires. Scratchy, wool quilts, and buttery porridge.

  Of all places, her mind soared to a memory of her first day in the Crystal Keep.

  It was the morning after Elle had first been taken to the monastery. She awoke to the sun’s light spilling into their small room. Magda’s arms were still wrapped around her, as hers were wrapped around Claire.

  She’d never shared a bed with anyone, and now enjoyed the closeness and warmth of a body beside her.

  She rolled over and examined Magda’s sleeping face. She was pretty, with golden hair and long lashes. Even her freckles were enchanting.

  Elle had gasped when her eyes opened. Such a pretty hazel, and friendly. She prided herself on sensing another person’s true character, and just by looking into her eyes, she could tell that she was good.

  “Morning, Elle,” she said and sat up to stretch. She tapped Claire’s shoulder with her k
nuckle and her twin sister stirred.

  Two girls with the same face now stared at her.

  Claire lifted a brow, examining her.

  “What are you?” she asked.

  Elle paled, lifting the blanket to her chin.

  Magda put a hand on her shoulder and turned her to face her.

  Elle’s mouth opened with wonder when Magda’s eyes went from hazel to gold, to green, and then completely black. As Magda’s eyes went back to their original color, she grinned.

  “We all have our little quirks. Claire and I are witches,” Magda said, taking Elle’s hands into her own. “Now, tell us about yours.”

  Elle stared at her in silence. She swallowed, not sure if she could trust them.

  “Go on,” Claire said, stepping from the bed and to the stone floor. “We shared our secret. Now, you must tell us yours.”

  “Or we’ll turn you into a toad,” Magda said, her grin widening.

  Claire laughed. “Don’t listen to her, Elle. We won’t turn you into a toad. We’ll just make you forget.”

  Elle chewed her bottom lip, mulling over their words. Perhaps they could be confidants, and weave through this new world together, with their quirks and secret abilities a shield instead of a danger.

  Somehow, knowing there were others with magic put her at ease. Maybe this could truly be a home.

  “Wolf,” Elle said, keeping her fae side a secret. Perhaps with time, she’d make the reveal. But, under the Davidian Clan rule, the king had a distaste for fae.

  “Ah,” Claire said, exchanging a glance with Magda. “I knew it. I could smell it on you.”

  Elle frowned, sniffing her shoulder.

  Magda laughed, and crawled over her to leave the comfort of the bed. She joined Claire at the wardrobe beside the bedroom door and pulled out three identical gray frocks. She walked over and held up one of the dresses before Elle.

  “You don’t smell badly,” she said, holding a dress up to her. “But, we must dress and get ready before the monks get angry. You look to be our size. Put this on before we’re counted as late. Quickly now.”

  Magda handed the other dress to her sister and hurried over to the dresser to pull out stockings for everyone.

  They all got dressed and Magda looked down Elle’s feet “Oh, your feet are small. The monks will have to bring you a pair of shoes that fit.”

  While they had on white slippers, Elle had on her old brown boots.

  “Ready, Elle?” Magda said, taking her hand. “Time to enter the world of the untainted.”

  Claire cringed. “I hate when you call it that,” she said, turning to Elle. “We are simply the last hope of civilization.”

  Elle smiled. “I like that. The last hope.”

  “Good,” Claire said, while Magda rolled her eyes.

  When Magda opened the door, the sounds of hundreds of young girls filled her ears.

  She glanced over her shoulder. “Tell that to those girls out there—that its our duty to put the world back together. Maybe it will make it easier to swallow that we’re simply goods to be bought and sold. Slaves to our fertility.”

  Elle took in their words, stepping out into this new world with her new friends by her side.

  She gasped, and locked eyes with the monk who would quickly become her oppressor.

  Father Lewis stepped before them, and with no explanation, ripped her away.

  As her friends stared after her in shock, he pulled her along, and took her to the eastern tower.

  Little did he know, he could never break their bond. They’d shared secrets. They’d shared a bed. Elle, Magda, and Claire would be friends throughout their time in the castle.

  That was—until Magda disappeared—and their world collapsed beneath them.

  It was then that Elle realized that there must be more to Magda’s disappearance, and she would find out what that was.

  Chapter Nineteen

  A soft murmur woke Elle.


  Her pretty face lingered in her mind. She reached for her, beseeching her for the truth. But, someone spoke to her, and led her back from the darkness, to the light.

  She opened her eyes and stared into the eyes of a little girl. Her arms were pinned to her sides and her legs were bound by thick, rough, ropes.

  In a panic, she tried to sit up.

  Where was Etian and Alexi?

  “Try to relax,” the girl said, her gap-toothed grin widening.

  “Let me go. Please,” she pleaded to the little girl.

  They were in a tent made out of hides and painted with clay and dull green paint. As she looked to the entrance of the tent, all she saw was white and a bright light.

  “Where am I?”

  The little girl touched her face with cold hands and sat back on her heels. With violet hair and green eyes that matched the paint on the inside of the tents walls.

  Her skin was brown, and covered with blue markings. Scales ran up and down her arms, neck, and the side of her face.

  It can’t be.

  She was a serpent.

  Her eyes watered, as fear crept up her throat.

  She gasped as a winged creature flew across the entrance, and out of sight.

  No, it really can’t be, she told herself as she realized that a serpent had just flown by.

  Winged creatures who could shift into humans, breathe fire, and hypnotize its prey.

  She had to get out of there.

  "Please, sweet girl. Help me get free from these binds."

  The girl shook her head. She traced a line across her neck indicating death.

  Speechless, she watched the girl, her hopes fading. Her voice caught in her throat as in flew two serpents. Their wings were immediately pulled back once they were inside, and in a bright pop of light, they both shifted into women. Tall, lithe, with dark brown skin and bright, oval-shaped eyes.

  While one had green hair, the other had short violet hair like the little girl’s.

  They wore cloaks, gray and covered with the history of the Serpents.

  Serpent Sisters, the shamans of the serpent race.

  She tensed as their eyes fell on her, examining every inch of her face and body.

  A small smile came to the one with the green hair. “Welcome to Shiran,” she said, and Elle’s eyes widened.

  She was in the Serpent Kingdom in the clouds.

  By the clouds wavering around them, she knew it to be true. The talons that had ripped her from the horse and carried her off, left a pain in her shoulders that was nothing compared to the breaking of her heart.

  How would Prince Etian and Prince Alexi find her?

  “They took much more from you than your freedom,” the older woman said. “The humans know not who or what you truly are.”

  To her surprise, she lowered her eyes as knelt beside her cot.

  Elle paled.

  They bowed to her.

  “Forgive me, Enchanted Elle,” she said. “We have not come to harm you. I am Gulathi. I am not the one who tied you up, but the one who convinced the tribe's folk not to send you back to the humans. Not until you know the truth of your lineage, and true mission in this world.”

  “What are you talking about?” Elle asked, sitting up on her elbows.

  Gulathi sighed. “You were born for a purpose.”

  “And, what is that?”

  “Balance,” Gulathi said. “You can restore balance.”

  “I don’t understand,” Elle said, her brows furrowing. “What do I have to do with any of this? I’m no one. I’ve never been anywhere but the valley I grew up in, and have only heard of serpents in stories.”

  She vaguely remembered tales of how the serpents would fly across the morning sky to their kingdoms in the clouds. She wouldn’t mention the dead serpent Alexi had shown to her.

  Nodding, Gulathi continued, settling onto a rug beside the cot.

  “When the Enchanted Kingdom was first settled, the four tribes were determined to base this realm on peace. Th
e humans would keep to their territory in the flatlands and valleys. The fae to the forests. The wolves to the mountains. And, the serpents to the sky kingdoms.”

  When Gulathi reached for her with her red, painted fingers, she flinched. The woman marked her forehead, and closed her eyes, chanting. “You, dear Elle, were born to disrupt the balance. A hybrid fae-wolf with the power of the great wizard line of Giran.”

  Something stirred in her belly. Warmth flooded her.

  Her throat grew tight.

  “As serpents…we cannot tolerate the balance being broken,” she said, stroking her cheek. “It is why you must die.”

  Etian and Alexi stood around a fire in the middle of the woods, watching the flames rise and flicker out. The embers floated in the wind, sparking along the midnight air.

  Elle was gone, and neither of the Davidian brothers had been able to save her.

  “Father Lewis did this,” Alexi said, his jaw tight with rage as he crossed his arms over his broad chest. “He knows who and what she is.”

  Etian raked his hands through his hair. “Then, they know what kind of weapon they have on their hands. They’re either going to use her against us, or kill her. We have to do something.”

  Alexi glanced toward the inky, black sky, as the ghost of a moon was shrouded by clouds. There was one way to reach the sky realm of the serpents, and he was ready to make that sacrifice.

  She was worth it.

  She was worth risking everything.

  “Time to call for reinforcements,” he said. “I’m summoning Dre and Matthias.”

  Etian lowered his arms, and nodded. His eyes began to glow in the dark. “Very well, then. We do this as a team.”

  “No,” Alexi said. “We do this as a family.”

  Part II

  Chapter Twenty

  A hybrid of both fae and wolf-shifter blood.

  It was once what gave Elle an edge, and powerful magic. She knew to keep it a secret in the Crystal Keep, but never feared for her life.

  Now, the gift her grandparents had told her made her special would be what would kill her.


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