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Tricked: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Longhorn Academy Dark Bully Romance Book 1)

Page 15

by Amy Brown

  I grit my teeth. “We’ve spoken. I just haven’t been alone with her. I can’t fuck her in class.”

  Jeremy sighs. “Just… get it done, okay? She’s too damn likeable.”

  While his admission surprises me, he’s not wrong. Charity has always been a bit rude to me, but she’s usually really nice to everyone else. The other students like her. They respond to her.

  Travis nods. “Yeah, she really is likeable. She has this blonde wispy ethereal thing going on. Being mean to her is like picking on a fucking fairy princess.”

  Jeremy snickers. “That’s so true.”

  “I have class with her now.” I glance at my watch. “I’ll do my best to convince her to come study at my house tonight.”

  Travis grins. “Yeah, nail her down to a time when you can… nail her.”

  I roll my eyes. “Grow up, Travis.”

  Jeremy shakes his head. “See you at lunch, Mason.”


  They walk away together, and I head toward my class. I’m so damn nervous about seeing Charity. I’m worried she’ll reject my offer to come over to my house. If she does, I’ll have to come up with some excuse to keep Jeremy from making a move. He’s chomping at the bit to get a chance with her. I don’t think I could handle watching him put the moves on her. I already hated the idea, and that was before I had a taste of her. Now? I think I’d blow a fucking gasket if Jeremy managed to seduce her instead of me.

  When I enter the class, Charity is in her seat. She doesn’t look at me when I sit down. Snooty little witch. Why is she so nice to everyone but me? Mrs. Dunbar tells us to break into groups of two. Before anyone else can rope Charity in, I turn and put my hand on her desk. A guy was about to approach her, but he slinks away when I give him a look.

  “Wanna be my partner?” I force a smile, praying it works.

  She blinks at me, but then she nods. “Okay.”

  I stand and move my desk, so she doesn’t have to move hers. She looks surprised at my gallantry, but happy. I settle beside her, inhaling her familiar perfume. It brings back so many memories of Friday night. My dick swells, and I shift to relieve pressure. Being near her is torture, especially if I can’t act on my attraction.

  She’s been so distant with me, in class and out, I’m surprised when she leans her shoulder against mine. She smiles at me and my pulse spikes, making me breathless. I hope my expression doesn’t give away how much she gets to me. How the hell can just a girl smiling at me have me so weak?

  Mrs. Dunbar makes someone from each pair read aloud, and then we discuss the paragraph we’ve read. Charity does our reading, and that gives me a good excuse to study her. Her skin is so flawless. Her lips are naturally full, her lashes crazy long and dark without extensions. My gaze wanders down over her creamy breasts, flat stomach, and ends up between her thighs. I can almost taste her on my tongue. I want her in my bed so bad, I have to bite the inside of my cheek to stop from groaning.

  My intense carnal hunger for her is bizarre. I’d die before admitting this to Jeremy, but I want to sleep with her simply because I need it. If I’m lucky enough to get her into bed tonight, I’m not sure I’ll tell anyone right away. I might stall so I can have her more than once. Jeremy can be mad at me if he wants, but the idea of sleeping with Charity means more to me. It’s like I need a fix.

  When class ends, my palms are sweaty at the prospect of asking Charity to study at my house. When the fuck did I lose my balls? How has this girl got me so twisted up? I’m a ball of anxiety as I gather my books, and shove them into my backpack.

  Charity stops next to me. “Did you still want to study together?” Her voice is tentative, and she looks like she’s afraid I’ll turn her down.

  I’m not turning her down for anything.

  I have no idea why she’s suddenly speaking to me again, but I’m ecstatic. I have to stop myself from immediately squealing “Yes!” I need to control the situation, and I can’t do that if I seem too eager. I clear my throat and meet her light gaze. “Tonight?”

  She hesitates, and then nods.

  I frown. “I think there’s open mic at Smarties on Thursday nights.” I have no idea if that’s true or not, but I want her to come to my house, so I lie.

  “Really?” She wrinkles her brow. “Oh.”

  “Have you thought about my offer to study at my house?” I ask casually. Tonight would be the perfect night to get Charity to come home with me. Dad’s in China, and Mom is recuperating in her room, all the way across the house. She sprained her ankle when she fell, so we have a live in nurse tending to her every need. I’m free to spend my time however I want. I’m hoping this night will end with Charity in my bed.

  Chewing her lip, she studies me. “Maybe we can study at a different coffeehouse.”

  I have to think fast, and I decide to use my mom’s accident to my advantage. “I would, but I should probably be home right now.” I pause dramatically. “My mom fell down the stairs Saturday night, and I feel like I should be home.”

  Her eyes widen, and her mouth falls open in shock. Guilt also flutters through her eyes, and I know instantly she’s ashamed about giving me a hard time for not contacting her before Monday. Truth is, Mom’s accident is only part of why I didn’t connect sooner with Charity. Even if Mom hadn’t fallen, I’d still have waited to reach out to her until Sunday night. I always let girls stew a bit after I do sexual shit with them, to make them more desperate to see me. Unfortunately, Charity didn’t respond like most chicks. She was mad at me for ignoring her, not titillated. Her anger took me completely by surprise.

  “Your mom had an accident?” Her voice wobbles.

  “Yeah, she sprained her ankle pretty severely.” I don’t bother to elaborate that Mom was so drunk she doesn’t even remember falling. I found her when I got up to get a drink of water during the night. Stumbling over her truly scared the shit out of me. I was afraid she was dead at first. Mom frustrates me with her drinking, but I love her, and can’t imagine anything happening to her.

  She grimaces. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Thanks. She’s had a rough time of it.”

  “I’ll bet.” She touches my arm. “Are you taking care of her?”

  I laugh gruffly. “No. Giving my mom a sponge bath would be a bit too traumatic for both of us.”

  She smiles weakly. “Oh, yeah.”

  “She has a nurse, but she still likes me to be home. It comforts her.” That’s actually true. Mom has a bizarre idea her nurse is going to steal her jewelry. I’m not sure why she’s so suspicious. Nurse Greta is a white haired lady who is as sweet as pie, but Mom still watches her like a hawk.

  “I see.” She studies me. “We can study at your house… if that will make your mom happy.”

  It will certainly make me happy.

  “Thanks. I appreciate you being so understanding.”

  “Of course.” She sighs. “I had no idea your mom fell.”

  I glance uneasily at the people nearby. “Don’t spread it around. I only told Travis and you.”

  She looks flattered. “Oh. I won’t say a word.”

  “Good.” I start to walk toward the exit, and she follows. “If your mom wants to drop you off at my house, I’ll take you home later. That way your mom doesn’t have to make two trips.”

  “She will probably want to pick me up. She’s funny like that.”

  I frown. “Really?” She just doesn’t want me at that trailer park again. I’m sure she thinks it reflects poorly on her. It kind of does.

  “Yeah. She’s quirky.” She avoids my gaze.

  “Oh, well. If she changes her mind, let me know. I’m happy to drive you home.”

  “I will.”

  I focus on the victory of getting Charity to study at my house. I feel like the cat that got the cream. Unless things go terribly wrong, Charity is going to be mine tonight. I’m so excited I feel giddy.

  I give her my address and directions to my house, and then I head off to my next class. I�
�m really looking forward to tonight. If Charity is half as eager tonight as she was at the bonfire, I’m fairly sure she’ll go all the way with me. I’m glad I waited to fuck her, instead of pushing for intercourse at the bonfire. If we’d gone all the way at the lake, it would have been too rushed. This way I can take my time with her. I plan on licking and sucking every inch of her naked body.

  It takes all my self-control not to jack off in the bathroom at lunch. I want my balls full when I finally take her. I can’t remember ever looking forward to sex like I am right now. I love fucking, but I’m dizzy at the prospect of being inside that chick. I want my sheets to smell like Charity’s musky scent. I’m gonna make her come so many times, she may not be able to walk tomorrow.

  If she really is seeing some other guy, she won’t even remember his name by this time tomorrow. I’ll make sure of that.


  I have chips and sodas ready in the study for Charity and me. When the doorbell rings, I force myself to wait for the housekeeper Amanda to let her in. Amanda shows Charity to the study, and I stand and greet her.

  “This house is amazing,” she says breathlessly.

  “Thanks.” I glance around at the mahogany paneled room. There are ceiling to floor bookcases, and enormous oil paintings of the Scottish coastline. Dad bought a bunch of paintings from one of his favorite artists who lives on the Isle of Lewis. Mom and him took a trip there once, and I wish he’d make time for her like that again. She was happier back then.

  “Come in. You don’t have to stay by the door.” I smile, and gesture toward the desk where I have books and paper.

  She laughs and moves into the room. “I feel a little intimidated.”

  “Nah. No need. It’s just a house.”

  “More like a castle.” She sits at the desk, and clasps her hands on top.

  I’m sure compared to her trailer, my home does seem like a castle. A cardboard box would be a step up. “Would you like a soda?”

  “Sure.” She nods.

  “Orange soda or root beer?” I gesture to the small built-in refrigerator on the shelf behind us.

  “Orange, please.”

  I open the fridge and get our beverages.

  She takes the bottle from me. “Thanks.”

  “Of course.” We’re being so very proper with each other. You’d never know I’d had my fingers inside her pussy. “Chips?” I expect her to say no. Girls always decline fattening snacks when I have them over.

  Her eyes light up. “Ooh. You have Flamin’ Hot Cheetos?”

  I laugh at her enthusiastic response. “Yeah.”

  “I’ll have some of those.” She bites her lower lip. “I love Flamin’ Hot Cheetos the best out of all the flavors.”

  I hand her the bag, unable to stop grinning at how eagerly she tears open the package. Her glee is contagious and I help myself to some of the spicy Cheetos too. Our hands touch when we both reach in the bag at the same time, and she grimaces.

  “Sorry. I’m being a pig,” she says, pulling her hand out of the package.

  “I like that you don’t worry about calories every two seconds.” I shrug. “Most girls are so afraid of getting fat, they’re a drag.”

  She glances down at her body. “I’ve always been skinny. I can usually eat what I want.”

  She’s slender, not skinny. Her body is perfect. Proportioned. It’s obvious she has no clue how gorgeous she is. That just makes me like her more, and I’m not supposed to like her at all. Jeremy would rip me a new one if he could read my sappy thoughts right now.

  I grab my soda so I can stop obsessing about her body. I’m supposed to control how this night goes. If I keep thinking about how charming and pretty she is, I won’t be in control of anything that happens.

  Charity licks the cheese from her fingers, and I clench my teeth. She’s not trying to be sexy. I’d bet money she’s not even aware she is sexy. Sweat breaks out on my forehead as I grab the book we need to study.

  “Did you write your paper yet?” I ask, leaning back in my chair.

  She nods. “Yep. It needs fine tuning, but I got the main stuff down.” She flicks her gaze to mine. “I had plenty of time over the weekend.”

  I know she’s giving me a dig because I didn’t contact her all weekend. Most girls would just play along with my story, but not Charity. “I didn’t have time to work on my paper until Monday.” I lean toward her. “Because my mom fell down the stairs, remember?”

  She purses her lips. “Yes. I remember.”

  I frown. “But?”

  She shrugs. “I just find it hard to believe you didn’t have even two seconds to send a text my way. You admitted you have a nurse looking after her.”

  She’s so freakin blunt, it’s off putting. Of course I had time to text her. I chose not to. She’s letting me know she knows.

  “What are you trying to say?”

  She sighs. “I’m saying your story about not having time to text me is bullshit.”

  “Is that right?”

  “Yep. I think, if nothing else, we should be honest with each other.”

  My face warms at her direct stare. How can I be annoyed, and turned on at the same time? “You think I was obligated to text you after Friday?” I want to see just how far she’ll take this. What did she expect from me exactly? Is she willing to say, or will she back down?

  Her cheeks are pink, but she doesn’t look away. “I think after what we did together, yeah, you probably should have texted me.”


  She looks startled by my question. “Well…”

  I have to be careful not to laugh at her nonplussed expression. “You didn’t text me either.”

  She sputters. “But… you… did things to me.”

  “Yeah,” I say softly. “I sure did.”

  She bites her lip, looking uneasy. “I think you like to play games with girls.”

  I can’t help but respect how astute she is. “What kind of games?”

  “You like to keep us on our toes.”

  I’d rather have you on your back.

  “I think it’s sexist to assume the guy should reach out to the girl. Why can’t you text me first? I assume you think you’re an emancipated woman, why wait around for me to contact you first?” I lower my voice. “If you wanted more of me, all you had to do was ask.”

  She swallows hard. “That’s not what I’m saying.”

  “You don’t want more of me?” Yeah she does. I can see it on her face. She’s as turned on as me by this bizarre conversation. This night is going in the direction I want way faster than I ever imagined. I thought we’d study for a few hours, and then I’d try and coax her into my bed. She’s making this way easier.

  Her chest moves quicker as we hold each other’s gaze. “You’re twisting my words.”

  I grin. “Yeah, I kind of am.”

  She drops her gaze to her hands. “I don’t like games.”

  “Me neither.”

  Okay, I kind of like them.

  She frowns. “You thought if you ignored me, then I’d want you more.”

  I hesitate, but then I reward her honesty with my own. “It usually works too. You surprised me. You were pissed.”

  She widens her eyes. “You admit it?”

  “Yes. Why not? It’s obvious I didn’t fool you. Why keep up the act?”

  She gives a funny laugh. “I can’t figure you out.”

  “Back at you, Charity.”

  She grabs her soda and takes a long sip. Then she sets it down with a bump. “Shall we study?”

  I’m disappointed she wants to get back to studying. I was sort of hoping maybe I could segue this conversation into going to my bedroom to finish what we started Friday night.

  I’m insulted to realize, apparently, she actually came here to study.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Mason seems frustrated that I want to go back to studying. I appreciate that he was honest about purposely not texting me aft
er Friday, although it also shows he’s more manipulative than I originally thought.

  I study him as he reads over his paper. His lashes are dark against his angular cheeks. He has really long lashes for a guy. He’s one of those types that are sort of pretty, while still looking masculine too. My gaze travels over his forearms, taking in the light dusting of silky dark hairs. He has nice hands too, slender fingers and clean nails. So many of the boys at my old school had dirt under their nails, but Mason’s are immaculate.

  He glances up and catches me watching him. I look away quickly, but not before I notice a smirk on his lips. I wish I wasn’t attracted to him. I’d love to freeze him out, and maybe teach him a lesson about toying with girl’s emotions. Unfortunately, he’s difficult for me to ignore. Our earlier conversation got me turned on, and that was the last thing I wanted.

  What would happen tonight if I didn’t fight my attraction to him so hard? Goose bumps prickle my skin at the idea of him trying to seduce me, and me giving in. When he said he wanted everything from me, was that what he meant? He wanted full on sex? I seriously doubt he wants my heart too. No, most likely he wants to finish what he started.

  His phone buzzes and he picks it up to read what it says. He sighs, and texts something back. Is it a girl? I’ll bet he gets texts from girls all the time. Maybe it’s Sophia asking him to come by for a hook up. My gut clenches at the thought of that bitch sleeping with Mason. She’s a horrible person and I loathe the idea Mason would be interested in her.

  When Mason’s phone buzzes again, he gives an even longer sigh. He again responds to the text and then he drops his phone and groans. Surprised, I glance up.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask.

  He exhales tiredly. “My mom is texting me. She’s depressed.”

  “Oh.” I feel stupid because I pictured all these horny girls texting him, and it’s just his poor recuperating mom. “Do you want to go to her?”

  He grimaces. “I probably should pop in and say hi. Maybe try to cheer her up.” It’s obvious from his expression he doesn’t really want to.

  For some strange reason, I say, “I’ll go with you if you want.” The second I say it, I feel dumb. Why would his mom have any interest in meeting me?


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