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Tricked: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Longhorn Academy Dark Bully Romance Book 1)

Page 20

by Amy Brown

  Her knuckles whiten, and she winces. “I guess I was trying to show you that I have free will.”

  “You think I don’t know that?”

  “When I was at your house the other night, you implied you would take what you want. Whether I want it or not.” Her tone is defensive.

  But you do want it.

  I don’t say that. I can admit I was a little heavy-handed that night. She’d gotten under my skin as usual, and I said some things I probably shouldn’t have set out loud. I do intend to have Charity, but you don’t announce you’re going to rob a bank before you rob it. It’s obvious I put her backup by being too honest, and she used Jeremy to teach me a lesson.

  “You confuse me, Charity. Like I told you the other night, you run hot and cold. One second I think you like me, and the next, I’m not sure.”

  “That’s probably because sometimes I like you and sometimes I don’t.”


  “I don’t appreciate being made to feel powerless.”

  I frown. “How would I make you feel powerless?”

  She sighs. “I told you, by implying you’re going to sleep with me, whether I like it or not.”

  I slow the car for a sharp turn, thinking about how to respond. “I’d never force you to do anything you don’t want to do, Charity.” I know from how she was that night at the bonfire that I wouldn’t have to. Why is she so defensive about wanting me? Is that a virgin thing? Does wanting me make her feel like a whore?

  “I guess the bottom line is, I don’t trust you.” She says quietly. “I don’t trust your motivations for pursuing me.”

  I frown. “But you trust Jeremy?”

  She gives a funny laugh. “No.”

  “Then why invite him to Travis’s party?”

  She glances at me with a sheepish grin. “To piss you off. To put you in your place.”

  Relief that she’s not really interested in Jeremy wars with irritation that she’d manipulate both of us. “I see.”

  “Obviously, it backfired. That should make you happy.”

  “You think it makes me happy that Sophia wanted to murder you, and I got stuck babysitting her all evening?” I shake my head. “That was the last thing I wanted.”

  “Sophia is sexy. You said you’d probably end up sleeping with her.”

  Had I said that? I guess I had. “I don’t want to sleep with Sophia. Yes, she’s sexy. But I think I made it very clear I’m interested in you.”

  She looks out the window, her jaw set stubbornly. “And I made it very clear I don’t trust you.”

  “Yes you have. But shouldn’t I get some credit for intervening last night?”

  She glances over, guilt flickering in her gaze. “I do appreciate that. I was very scared.”

  “Obviously, it would’ve been smarter for my social game to keep out of it.”

  “I thought you were going to, at first.” She wrinkles her brow. “I thought everyone was just gonna stand by and let Sophia beat me to a pulp. But I wasn’t gonna go down without a fight.”

  “Of that I have little doubt.”

  “I figured if I could take Sophia, the other girls would scatter.” She laughs gruffly.

  I nod. “Good strategy.”

  “Thankfully, you stepped in,” she says softly, reaching over to touch my arm.

  My flesh tingles where her fingers are, and my heart speeds up. I hate it when she’s vulnerable. It makes me guilty about what I have planned for her. But the reality is, Charity is causing a lot of trouble among The Elites. Her refusal to know her place is creating havoc. Sophia wants blood. Jeremy and I are at each other’s throats over this girl. She’s nothing but trouble. I need to stop thinking about how seducing Charity will affect her, and focus more on why this needs to happen.

  For the greater good, Charity Ballard needs to learn a painful lesson.

  Chapter Seventeen


  When we reach the lake, I feel self-conscious slipping out of my clothes. Mason doesn’t have the same problem. He strips out of his jeans and T-shirt quickly, showing off bright yellow and blue swim trunks. As he sets up the beach chairs, he moves with confidence, his muscles rippling beneath his tanned skin. I find it difficult to keep my eyes off of him. He has a beautiful body. His shoulders are broad, his abs defined, and this thigh muscles sinewy perfection.

  I pull my gaze away so he doesn’t catch me looking at him. I already know Mason thinks he can have any girl he wants, and seeing his physical perfection reminds me we’re from very different worlds. He’s a cool kid, and I’m not. I was shocked to get a text from him this afternoon. I assumed he’d be spending the weekend with Sophia. After all, what happened between her and me brought them closer. Or so I thought.

  Mason watches me dip my toe in the water’s edge. I can almost physically feel his gaze roving over my body. It’s impossible not to remember what happened between us the last time we were at the lake. I have little doubt he also is thinking about that. I know I’m playing with fire by accepting his invitation today. But I couldn’t help it. I really wanted to see him, especially after what happened last night.

  I’m glad we talked openly on the drive over. I like to think we cleared the air a little, and maybe we can go back to getting to know each other. There’s no denying we have a physical chemistry, and, while we’re from different worlds, we share the same sense of humor and interests. I was surprised to learn he enjoys reading. I assumed he was a shallow little rich boy, and not at all intellectually curious. I was wrong. Mason knows a lot about astronomy, and history. He’s very bright, but I get the feeling he hides that from his friends.

  Mason gets in the water first, and I follow more slowly. I shiver at the chill of the lake water lapping at my skin. Mason smiles at me, and my heart does a little pitter patter. I take my time dunking all the way under water, but eventually I take the plunge. I come up sputtering, and he grins. He waits for me to join him in the deeper water, and I’m thankful he’s not immature enough to splash me in the face or anything.

  We spend an hour in the crisp water, laughing and talking about school. The sun is deliciously warm on my wet skin, and at one point he swims closer. His eyes glitter as he stops in front of me, and my breath quickens when he puts his hands on my hips. My body immediately responds to his touch, and my nipples harden. He tugs me against his body, and instinctively, I wrap my legs around his waist.

  Maybe I should push him away, but I don’t want to. I want to feel his big hands on my skin, and I want his mouth on mine. When I don’t reject him, he looks pleased, and his eyes warm. I’m sure he can see the desire in my eyes. As much as I tell him he can’t have me, I want him. I want him so bad I can’t sleep at night. I remember the intimate pleasure of his mouth and fingers in me, and I just want more.

  It’s warm and humid, and there are a lot of people at the lake. Most of them are on the others side though, where the picnic benches are. Mason picked a private spot for us, and right now I’m glad of that. We stare into each other’s eyes, and I feel like I’m about to hyperventilate. His erection presses my thigh, and my pussy pulses with need. He turns me on like a damn Tiki torch.

  I always have such good intentions of keeping him at arm’s length, but then he touches me, and I fold. More and more I think about him being my first. I have little doubt he’d be happy to oblige. Some guys don’t like being with virgins, but I’m sure Mason would be happy to take my cherry. I don’t trust him, but I hunger for him. I can’t stop thinking about him sexually, and I know it’s mutual. We fight and bicker, but we can’t keep our hands off each other.

  “Do you think about that night?” he whispers. He doesn’t have to say what night. We both know what night he means.

  I nod.

  “I do. All the time.” His voice is gruff.

  I love hearing him say that. I like knowing even when he’s not with me, he’s thinking of me. I lick my lips, and say, “I liked it. I liked what you did to me.”

A spark of lust burns in his light green eyes. “Yeah?”

  “Felt so good.”

  “I want to do more things to you.” He rocks against me, and his swim trunk covered cock rubs my inner thigh.

  I feel foolish quivering against him with longing. I keep telling him he can’t have me, but all I want to do is give him everything. Intellectually, I don’t trust him. He’s selfish and entitled. But the night of the bonfire, he was so careful with me. He watched me intently, giving me pleasure even before his own. I’ve never before felt so seen. I couldn’t hide anything from him that night, and I found his attention addicting. I still remember coming with his fingers inside me, and his eyes holding mine. It was the most intimate moment of my life, and I shared that with Mason.

  Mason, of all people.

  When I slide my arms around his neck, and bury my face against his smooth chest, he sighs. I don’t know what that sound means, but I’m suddenly feeling shy and confused. My hunger does that to me. How can I want a man I don’t trust, to be my first? Am I crazy? Can sexual need drive you insane?

  “It’s okay,” he says quietly. “No rush.”

  I’m disappointed he isn’t pushing for more, but grateful. I’m out of my league in every way with Mason. I’m mystified why he wanted to see me today instead of Sophia. Did he fuck her last night, and now he just wants something new?

  “Sorry,” I mumble.

  He laughs. “Sorry? For what?”

  I shrug, still hiding my face against his chest. He puts one finger under my chin and forces me to look up at him. His eyes are so warm and green it makes my pulse spike. He’s beautiful. Fucking gorgeous. Why is he wasting time with me?

  I swallow hard. “I’m too inexperienced for you.”

  “I didn’t bring you here for sex,” he says quietly.

  Why did you bring me here?

  I want to ask him that. I want to figure out what his game is, but I don’t have the nerve. He’s being so nice to me, and he’s looking at me with such empathy, I don’t want to ruin the moment. I rein in my suspicious emotions, and simply hold his gaze.

  He lowers his head and kisses my mouth softly. It’s not a hungry kiss, it’s more affectionate than anything. The very idea of Mason feeling affection for me is ludicrous. Of course he’s hoping I’ll fuck him. I don’t want to kid myself about that. He’s biding his time, and praying I’ll change my mind if he’s just patient enough. I need to be careful about thinking Mason’s intentions are anything but self-serving.

  He lets go of me, and says, “Ready to eat?”

  I’d forgotten all about food. Eating was the farthest thing from my mind with Mason’s body pressed to mine. He turns to make his way toward the shore. I’m annoyed he seems just fine about how we ended our embrace. My nipples are still hard and my pussy still warm with need, but he looks cool as a cucumber when he climbs from the water. My mouth goes dry at the sight of his firm ass cupped by his wet swim trunks. The only sign that he’s affected at all about things is he adjusts himself slightly, before bending down to open the ice chest.

  I inch toward the shore, willing my body to calm down. By the time I crawl out of the water, he’s already got the food and drinks set up on the top of the ice chest. He glances up, smiling. His teeth are white against his tanned face, and a lock of dark hair falls over his forehead.

  “I brought the Cheetos you like.” He sounds so proud of himself, it’s hard not to smile back.

  “I can see that.” I laugh, and settle in the chair he points to. I have to admit, he’s been nothing but thoughtful today. He hands me one of the sandwiches, and I carefully unwrap the cellophane. When I bite into it, I sigh. It’s delicious. The bread is soft and fresh, and the meat tender and flavorful. “Yum,” I say.

  He grimaces. “I wish I could take credit. Amanda my housekeeper made the sandwiches. I just packed them.”

  “Either way they’re delicious.”

  He shrugs and digs into his own sandwich. He eats quickly, like he’s starving. Since he’s not worrying about manners, that allows me to relax too. I consume my sandwich and move on to the chips. At one point I look up to find him smiling. “What?” I ask, wiping at my chin.

  “I love that you actually eat. I haven’t seen a girl our age eat in over two years.”

  I laugh, feeling self-conscious. “I like food.”

  “I can tell.” He chuckles, and holds out the Cheetos to me. “More?”

  It goes through my head to say no, but then I reach in and grab a big handful. He likes a girl who eats, and I’m hungry. Why pretend I’m a lady at this point? My face is probably covered with mayo and Cheetos dust anyway.

  “How’s your brother fitting into school?” he asks.

  “Really well.” I’m surprised he’s asking about Luke. Guys who just want to screw don’t usually inquire about the fam. “He’s actually making friends.”

  “He doesn’t usually?”

  I sigh. “He’s quirky and really smart. Some of the kids at our past schools picked on him because of that. But so far, he’s doing great here.”

  “I’m glad.”

  I study him. “You’re an only child, right?”


  I grimace. “I’m sorry I let the cat out of the bag about your mom’s ankle.”

  “It’s okay.” He sighs.

  “Why do you care if people know?” I’ve been wondering that ever since he asked me not to say anything to anyone.

  A line appears between his smooth brows. “I don’t want them to look down on her.”

  “But, accidents happen.”

  He nods, but the says softly, “She was drunk.”

  “Oh.” I widen my eyes. “Shit. I’m… I’m sorry.” I’m not sure why I’m apologizing for her being drunk.

  He sighs, and finishes off his soda. Then he crushes the can, and stands to toss it in the trash bin nearby. When he returns, he sits down and gives me a wary glance. “Remember when I said my dad is never home?”


  “She gets bored and lonely, and so she drinks.” He watches me, possibly to gauge my reaction.

  I shrug. “I don’t blame her. What’s the point of having a spouse if they’re never around?”

  He blinks at me. “I guess.”

  “Why not just be single?” I squint at him. “Did she get pregnant, and so they had to get married?”

  He bugs his eyes. “Excuse me?”

  I laugh. “What? That happens a lot. Especially with their generation.”

  He scowls. “No. She didn’t get knocked up and have to get married. Geez, Charity. What a thing to say.”

  My cheeks warm. “Sorry.” I hesitate. “That’s what happened with my parents.”

  His mouth falls open. “Seriously?”

  “Yeah. I wasn’t trying to insult you. It’s just that sometimes people get married for the wrong reasons.” I’m hoping if he knows my sad story he’ll stop looking so offended.

  He’s quiet for a few moments, then he says, “I remember you said your dad bailed on you guys?”

  “Yep. He was a real winner. Knocked Mom up twice, and doesn’t seem to care what happens to any of us.” I’m being flippant, but when I was a kid it hurt a lot knowing my own father didn’t give a shit about me. Then I met him and realized I was better off without him in my life.

  “I can’t believe a man would act like that.”

  I chuff. “Why not?”

  He frowns. “Because he has two kids. He should step up and provide for you guys. I mean, hell, nobody should have to live where—“ He stops himself, and looks away. “It’s his responsibility to provide shelter for you. He’s a jerk for not doing that.”

  It occurs to me he still thinks I live in that disgusting trailer park. I could enlighten him, and I will eventually. But I don’t think it should matter where I live. I’m the same person whatever my address. “We’re better off without him, so it’s all good.”

  “Do Luke and your mom think that way?”

  I shrug. “Luke missed him more than me. Mom has Fred now, so she’s happier.”

  “Ahh, Fred who owns the red Mercedes.”

  I laugh. “Yep.”

  “That’s a pricey car.”

  He’s obviously wondering how a guy who owns that car could possibly be interested in a woman who lives in a trailer park. Especially when she has two kids from some other guy. Frankly, I understand his bewilderment because for the longest time I wondered that myself.

  “Mom loves driving that car.”

  “I’m sure she does,” he murmurs. “Why wouldn’t she?”

  He’s such a snob. His attitude makes me suspicious all over again about why he’s bothering with me. If he can’t understand why Fred would bother with my poverty stricken mom, why is he spending his weekend with me? He’s obviously up to something.

  “How come you didn’t spend today with Sophia?”

  He looks nonplussed at the sudden change of subject. “Well, I didn’t want to.”

  “She seemed pretty clingy last night after our little run-in.” I arch one brow, looking at him skeptically. “You didn’t seem to mind either.”

  “Charity, if I wanted to be with Sophia right now, I’d be with Sophia right now.”

  “Maybe you asked and she said no.”

  He laughs. “Uh, she would never say no. She’s got it bad for me lately.”

  “Hmmm.” His answer is arrogant, but he’s not wrong. Sophia basically salivates every time she looks at him.

  “I wanted to see how you were doing after last night. You seemed very upset.” He grimaces. “With good reason.”

  I press a hand to my breast. “I’m touched that you care.”

  He narrows his eyes. “I don’t approve of Sophia attacking you.”

  “I know.”

  “Then why are you mocking me?”

  I smirk. “Because I like to.”

  A spark of something goes through his eyes. “Yeah, that I can believe.”

  The breeze has picked up and I shiver. The shiver is partly because of the breeze and also because of his husky tone. I glance up at the sky, noticing there are some dark clouds coming in. “Looks like our park day is over.”


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