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Kidnapped by the Werewolf Hunter [DeWitt's Pack 13] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

Page 6

by Marcy Jacks

  “Yeah, and it’s one of the best parts about being a werewolf. In fact, it’s tied with the actual shift itself. Now if you don’t mind too much.” Cole lifted himself partially out of the water and wrapped both legs around Everett’s hips. Again, being in the water made his body somewhat lighter to hold onto, especially since it wasn’t like there was a wall he could push Cole’s back up against.

  There were more questions this brought to Everett’s mind, but his dick was still pulsing for attention between his legs and pressing against the crack of Cole’s ass, and his balls were growing tight and uncomfortable.

  He shifted Cole around enough so that Everett could comfortably reach his hand under and press his finger against Cole’s hole. Then he stopped.

  “Fuck,” he cursed.

  “What? What is it?”

  “We have no lube, and I don’t think the water will cut it.”

  Cole seemed thoughtful for only half a second. “We can try it anyway. I mean, I haven’t had sex or anything yet, but I’ve been told that it doesn’t really hurt too much without it. Because I’m a werewolf and all. The water might be enough for me.”

  Everett wasn’t entirely convinced, but his dick was doing all the thinking for him as Cole moved back and forth gently, creating a torturous sort of friction with his ass against Everett’s cock.

  He had to try it. He couldn’t say no. “Let me know if you’re hurting and I swear I’ll stop,” he promised, putting a finger back to Cole’s pucker.

  “No, just do it,” Cole said, keening a little as Everett got his finger inside.

  He was tempted, but by how tight Cole’s asshole felt, and the fact that the only thing they were using for lube was the water itself, Everett doubted it would be a good idea.

  “I don’t think we should do that, even with your werewolf strength. Keep your legs tight around my waist and raise your ass up a little.”

  Cole didn’t look too happy about not being able to start right away, but he did as he was told, and as Everett pushed another finger inside of him, that look of disappointment melted into a look of pleasure as Everett found his prostate deep inside.

  Cole started pushing up and down on his fingers. “Fuck. Ugh, that’s nice.”

  Everett didn’t respond. He was too busy watching Cole’s face, checking for pain and finding none, his cock becoming hotter and harder beneath the water as the man gyrated against his hand.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful,” Everett said, slipping his fingers free. Enough was enough. He couldn’t wait anymore. “I’m never going to let you leave.”

  He grabbed his dick beneath the water and lined up the head with Cole’s stretched asshole. Even that was enough to bring him a jolt of pleasure that nearly made him lose it.

  Cole relaxed the grip of his legs, allowing himself to sink down on Everett’s cock. There was some clear discomfort on his face, but he hardly looked like it was killing him and he wasn’t telling Everett to stop, so he didn’t.

  Everett had to take in a breath when that muscle and warm channel swallowed him up. He’d almost forgotten how nice it felt to be inside Cole like this. How could he have ever forgotten this?

  “Fuck me,” Cole said, but it was half a command. Cole had always been a little pushy in bed. He always made sure that Everett knew how he liked it. He liked it hard, last Everett checked, so that was what he was going to give him.

  He was able to push Cole up and down to an extent, and Cole was more than eager to tighten his legs around Everett’s hips, thrusting back against him. Already he was moaning and keening like he hadn’t just had a strong orgasm less than five minutes earlier, but that only made Everett want him more.

  Nothing made him want Cole more than seeing his face in pleasure. “We’re gonna…have to do this…more often,” Everett said, talking about the sex–in-the-water bit.

  “Lots more,” Cole agreed, and Everett wondered if the man had even heard what he’d just said.

  He decided it didn’t matter. Everett leaned back slightly, putting his right leg back a step, allowing more of Cole’s weight to press down on Everett’s hips. Cole got the idea of what Everett was doing, and he pushed himself up and down harder and faster. Now they were really making waves.

  “Missed this. Missed you fucking me,” Cole said.

  Everett had, too. He tried to say as much, but all that came out of his mouth was a broken moan as Cole rode him like he never had before.

  Everett felt Cole’s cock bouncing off his stomach from under the water, and he reached down to grip it. His hand was tight around it, and he was suddenly reminded of the urge to put it in his mouth.

  That was going to have to come after they’d gotten out of the water.

  Everett had thought Cole was a little wild before, but it was nothing compared to when Everett touched him. “Fuck! Grip harder! Like that, just like that.”

  “You’re mine,” Everett said without really knowing why. “Fuck the hunters. You’re staying with me. No one else’s.”

  “Yeah,” Cole said, and again, it was like he was agreeing without thinking about it or hearing what was said. Everett liked to think of himself as being pretty decent in bed, but he’d never before managed to get this sort of reaction out of Cole before.

  Then Cole opened his eyes that he’d been keeping squeezed shut, and Everett was shocked to see that they were gold.

  He nearly stopped what he was doing in his shock. The werewolf eyes.

  “Cole, are you about to shift?”

  He knew that deep down it was Cole in there no matter what, but Everett wasn’t the least bit interested in fucking the man while he turned into an animal.

  A look of clarity passed over Cole’s eyes, and he shook his head. “No, keep going.”

  Everett waited about two seconds or so before he followed his instructions. Cole took the time to press biting kisses over his chest, neck, and jaw, and Everett quickly found himself falling back into what they were doing.

  Then he felt the beginning of the end. His balls felt tight and lifted up just a little higher, that familiar tingling pulsed through his dick as it swelled even more so than before. Then the dam broke, and he took a back seat as his body went on autopilot for the orgasm that surged through him.

  There it was, that perfect moment. The wave crashed, and he was going to ride it as long as he could.

  He gripped Cole’s hips as tightly as he could, pushing the man up and down on top of him. Cole’s ass became tighter around him, so much so that it was nearly painful for his dick as the other man came, too, only seconds behind Everett.

  There might’ve been hunters searching for him, but he couldn’t have kept his loud shout suppressed if someone had paid him a million dollars to do it. He might’ve even scared some birds out of their trees.

  Fuck, that had been dumb if him, but he felt incredibly good.

  Cole’s body vibrated around him even seconds later before his body finally relaxed. They were both finished, but neither moved. They just held each other for a few minutes in the water, and Everett had never felt so much peace in his entire life. He thought he could fall asleep standing there.

  Cole’s hand was behind Everett’s neck, and his fingers made these gentle little tickling scratches. Everett wasn’t concerned that Cole would transform him into a werewolf. Those nice little sensations weren’t even breaking his skin.

  Cole mumbled something, but Everett had been too focused on just standing there in his daze that he almost didn’t hear it.

  “What was that?”

  Cole’s response wasn’t much louder, but Everett at least heard it this time. “You’re mine, too.”

  Chapter Seven

  It took Cole a few minutes to come to terms with what happened in the water. Everett had to do it first, and that was something he didn’t know was possible out of a human. He’d thought that if he’d found his mate, then he would be the first one to do the claiming because humans just didn’t do things like that.
br />   No, Everett had done it first, which was strange enough, but the second the man had spoken those words, Cole had known them to be true.

  There was a brief period of time when he’d assumed he would never find a mate because he’d been born a human. No one had ever really gotten around to explaining all the rules about mating and werewolf history to him. He knew some things, but not enough to consider himself an expert, so there was still so much he needed to learn. This was something he was happy with.

  Even when Cole had first been introduced to the idea of having a mate, he’d thought of Everett, and he’d wished that things could have been different between them.

  It kind of made him want to go back and find the other man, but he was a werewolf now, and he could never go back to normal human society.

  That, and he and Everett had broken up, and Everett had a new boyfriend. Why would he try dumping his new situation on the other man at all when Everett hadn’t wanted him?

  Clearly, that was a moot point because Everett did want him now, as was proven when they pulled themselves out of the water after finishing their bath, and Everett found another rock, large enough for Cole to sit on, and then proceeded to give him the best blow job Cole had ever had in his life.

  Everett was the kind of man who could be enthusiastic, but his mouth had worked Cole’s cock like he’d been afraid it would be their last time or something. He’d made sure Cole was nicely tortured the entire time as well. Whenever Cole thought he was about to come, Everett would feel the change in his body and stop. He would start again, and then stop, and then over and over again until Cole promised Everett bodily harm if he didn’t just finish him off already.

  Thankfully, Everett had finally done as Cole had demanded, and while he hadn’t had the brain power to time it, his best guess would be that he’d come for at least fifteen seconds.

  Everett had certainly looked pleased with himself after wiping his mouth with the back of his hand after that bit.

  Everett had gotten hard again, and they’d both taken advantage of Cole’s werewolf stamina and had each other again. Everett had pulled a bottle of sunscreen out of his bag, and once they’d gotten out of the water, they made due with that. Over and over again.

  Cole hadn’t realized how much he missed having Everett’s cock in his ass. He’d missed riding the other man and sitting on his lap while Everett cussed and whispered hotly into his ear.

  His last orgasm was a gentle one, but holding Everett’s warm body was the most pleasurable experience he could’ve had.

  They napped in the sun for a few minutes before getting up. They needed to cook the pheasants before their little bodies attracted any wildlife or went bad.

  Everett prepared the meat while Cole did the fire, and every time he passed the man, holding some dried sticks in one arm, he would make sure to gently touch Everett in some way as he went by.

  Everett always smiled at him when he did that, and Cole understood what was happening.

  They were honeymooning. They were both so happy to finally be together again that they were putting the immediate problems and threats that were still an issue out of their minds.

  That could be dangerous. They both had to stay on high alert while they were out here.

  Cole got the fire started, and Everett skewered the birds and put them over to cook. All in all, they both made a pair of excellent campers, but now that the sun was starting to go down, Cole wanted to start talking. He still had questions that needed to be answered, and he wished he didn’t have to bring this shit up, but it needed to be done. He wasn’t over how they’d ended.

  Everett beat him to it. “You got serious all of a sudden,” he said.

  He supposed he had. He was reluctant to leave the little bubble they’d both created for themselves, but now it was time to get back down to business. “What happened with us? I mean, I thought you were going to move away, and then you didn’t, and I thought I hated you, especially after you started walking around with another guy, but I don’t hate you. What happened?”

  Everett groaned a little and put his face in his hands before looking back up at him. “I was…I didn’t get the job.”


  Everett nodded. “Yeah. That better job with the better pay in the better location that was practically all mine.” His mouth twisted, as though he were making fun of the job offer or his former belief in it. “They gave it to someone else. I found out shortly after we broke it off. Luckily my current boss understood and let me keep working on the trails and in the parks.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” Cole asked.

  Everett looked away from him. “I guess I was ashamed and embarrassed. I thought for sure I would get that job and that when we calmed down I could call you and we could make it work or something, but when I didn’t get it and realized we weren’t speaking to each other anymore because of it, I just didn’t want to…I was a complete and total coward,” he said at last. “And I couldn’t believe that I’d put that kind of faith in something that hadn’t been there. I was scared that you wouldn’t want to take me back, knowing I’d done that.”

  Cole couldn’t say one way or another what he would have done. He’d been hurt and angry at the time. Maybe he would have taken Everett back with open arms, or he might’ve cursed the man out and sent him on his way. There was no use thinking about it now.

  “And your new boyfriend? I mean, do you still have a boyfriend waiting for you?” He asked the last part quietly, afraid of what he would hear.

  The absolute shock on Everett’s face was very telling. “Boyfriend? I never…I mean…” He kept right on sputtering, hardly able to speak at all. He must’ve put together that Cole had seen him around town with another man, because his eyes fell shut. “Fuck.”

  “Okay, was that your brother I saw you holding hands with in town?” Cole asked, not knowing any brothers who were close enough to be doing that, but willing to believe anything at this point.

  “Christ, he wasn’t my boyfriend, and I don’t have any brothers. Dylan and I worked together.” Everett bit his lips together, and the fearful look he gave Cole let him know that the two hadn’t been strictly friends.

  “How did it happen?” he asked.

  “It was after you and I ended,” Everett promised. “I was lonely without you, and Dylan understood. He was there for me when I nearly quit my job, and then when I came back with my tail between my legs. He knew what I’d lost, and we hung out a lot afterwards, and we slept together, but I didn’t love him. Not the way I love you,” he added, looking hopefully at Cole.

  He’d be a fool to say he didn’t understand, but still. “I really wish things had turned out differently.”

  “Yeah, me, too,” Everett said.

  “So, no boyfriend?”

  Everett shook his head, still carrying that defeated look with a small mix of hope underneath. “No boyfriend.”

  Cole couldn’t punish him anymore than he was punishing himself. He reached out and grabbed his hand. “Rhett.”

  Cole counted it as a small victory when the light returned to his eyes.

  “We won’t be able to sleep for very long tonight. A couple of hours at most, and then we should get up before dawn.”

  Everett nodded, back to his planning mode. “Agreed. It’s not going to be fun sleeping without a fire, but those boys I worked with will have the equipment to locate us just from that alone.”

  They could share body heat for that, but it wouldn’t be in the fun way.

  “Well, I did get knocked out pretty early in that last attack,” Cole said, noting the way Everett kept his eyes firmly on the fire. “You didn’t happen to see if any of your hunter friends were, uh, killed in battle, did you?”

  He shook his head. “No. I bailed too early. Owen’s the only one dead as far as I know.”

  “How many more are there?”

  “Including myself and Owen, there were five of us, so there will be at least three others on their way.
They probably already found Owen’s body by now.”

  This was bothering Cole way too much. “Were you and that hunter, Owen, friends?” He really hoped they weren’t. Cole hadn’t been personally involved in any hunter killings before that, and he didn’t like the idea that the first person he was involved in killing might’ve been someone Everett was close to.

  Again, Everett shook his head, only this time he actually looked at Cole when he did it. “It’s strange, but for a bunch of men all fighting for the same thing, they all kind of work against each other. Everyone has their own revenge agenda. They’re all suspicious of each other at least most of the time. There was no clear leader in our group, and half the time we were fighting with each other on the best way to proceed.”

  He rubbed his face with his palm. “I’d already been thinking about leaving before I found you.”

  “But you stayed with them,” Cole said.

  Everett frowned. “Yeah, I did. I guess I kept on thinking that they might be a little crazy, but I also thought it was for the right reasons. I thought werewolves were more dangerous.”

  Cole tried to remember back to their earlier conversations that they’d had in the last couple of days. “You said, or I think you did, I was a little angry at the time to be paying too much attention.”

  Everett snorted a laugh.

  “You said that you weren’t involved in any werewolf killings?” He wanted to tread lightly here. He needed this confirmation. He needed Everett to tell him once and for all that he hadn’t killed anyone.

  If it had been in self-defense, like how Cole suspected, and what had happened with that hunter, then Cole could easily forgive him. Even if that was the case, however, he wasn’t too sure about the forgiveness that his pack would offer to him.

  There was a former hunter in his pack, and while most of the pack members didn’t have any sort of problem with Isaac, the newer members tended to steer clear of the man, and more than once, James DeWitt, their pack leader, had been forced to wrestle an angry alpha or disrespectful omega onto their backs to put them back in line.


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