Girls of the True Blue

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Girls of the True Blue Page 9

by L. T. Meade



  Augusta Duncan was considered by her elders to be one of the bestgirls in existence. She was always neat and nice to look at; she hadrefined, gracious, gentle manners. At school she learnt her lessonscorrectly, and took place after place in form, rising by slow but suredegrees to the head of the school. But Augusta was not a favouritewith her companions. Even they themselves did not always know why thiswas the case. The fact is, they were a little afraid of her; she hada way of getting them under her thumb, as she expressed it. Augustawas never happy in any house until she had got the other girls intothis position. She had no special reason to make Nan Esterleigh's lifea misery; but the moment she saw the little girl she grasped theopportunity, and her favourite passion being immediately fed, herappetite grew greater every moment. She was now resolved to havecomplete power over Nan, who, she felt certain, could be very usefulto her.

  "My dear Gussie," said her aunt, coming forward and kissing heraffectionately as she entered the room, "you must have thought meterribly rude on your arrival to send you upstairs; but I wasexpecting some special friends, and was anxious to finish a lot ofletters. My friends will be with me in about half-an-hour, andmeantime you and I can have tea cosily together. How is your mother,dear?"

  "She and father are very well indeed. Is it not hard lines that Icannot be with them?"

  "Well, I hope you will be happy with me. We will all do what we can tomake you so."

  "Thank you, Aunt Jessie; I am always happy when I am with you and thegirls."

  "That is right, my love. You have grown a good deal, Augusta. I seeyou are going to take after your father's family; you will be tall."

  "I am glad of that," said Augusta. "I would rather be tall than short;it gives one more power in the world."

  "You silly child," laughed her aunt; "what do you want with power?"

  "I love to feel that I have power, Aunt Jessie. I always like toexercise it when I can."

  "Well, the time may come when it will be useful, but at present yourlot in life is to obey your elders, and to be happy with your youngcompanions."

  "Of course, Aunt Jessie--of course. May I sit on this little footstoolat your feet, and may I hold your hand?"

  "Indeed you may, my darling child. I am so happy to have you with mefor a little!"

  "Thank you, Aunt Jessie."

  "It must be lonely for you, dear, up in the schoolroom at present, butthe three girls will be in to supper; they have gone to ShirleyWoods--a long-promised treat."

  "The three girls!" said Augusta, raising her calm blue eyes. "Thenthere are four girls now in the house?"

  "Counting you, there are."

  "But I mean without me."

  "I do not understand you, dear."

  "Well, Aunt Jessie, there is a girl up in the schoolroom. She saysher name is Nan--Nan Esterleigh."

  "Little Nan," cried Mrs. Richmond. "Did not she go with the others?"

  "No; I found her in the schoolroom when I arrived."

  "I wonder what can be wrong with the child."

  "I don't think much; she has slipped and hurt her foot, but it isnothing."

  "I must go up to see about her."

  "Oh! please, not now, just when you have sent for me, and I am longingto have a talk with you. Nan was as happy as possible when I came downhere. I left her playing with her little dog, and seated by the fire."

  "If you can assure me she is not in pain I will not go to her tillafter tea," said Mrs. Richmond; "I am rather tired, having had a lot ofrunning about this morning. But what a pity the poor child never toldme of this! How strange of Miss Roy to have gone off without her!"

  "I know nothing about that, of course," replied Augusta. "But tell meabout her, Aunt Jessie. Is she any relation? Does she live here now? Inever heard of her before."

  "She does live here, Augusta, and I hope she will continue to do so."

  "How mysterious you look, Aunt Jessie! Is there any story about her?"

  "In one sense there is, Augusta; but I do not care to talk about it.The dear child is a great pleasure to me. We all love her very much."

  "But do tell me, please, Aunt Jessie--do. I so love to hear anythingmysterious!"

  "There is nothing mysterious, darling; but perhaps, as you have askedme, I may as well tell. Nan is the dear little daughter of a greatfriend of mine, a Mrs. Esterleigh, who died about three months ago. Ather death Nan came here."

  "Oh!" said Augusta.

  She was silent for a minute, thinking.

  "And is she no relation?" she asked then.

  "No; only the daughter of a very great friend."

  "Is she, Aunt Jessie, a--rich little girl?"

  "Rich in friends, I hope, Augusta; but rich, poor darling, in nothingelse. Her mother did not leave any money behind her. But it is a greatpleasure to have Nan, and I hope she will live here always."

  "Then you have adopted her."

  "Practically; only the matter cannot be fully arranged for a time."

  "Why? What do you mean?"

  "There are some other people--friends of her father's--who have alsothe right to adopt Nan."

  "What a curious, romantic story! People do not as a rule want to adoptlittle penniless girls."

  "I want to adopt her; and I do not quite like that tone in your voice,Augusta. Nan is not under the slightest obligation to me, and I wishyou to understand that. Her mother once on a most important occasionin my life did me a kindness which I can never, never forget, and forher sake nothing that I could do for her child would be too much."

  "And you will not tell me what it is?"

  "I have told no one yet. When Nan is older she shall know."

  "And these other people?"

  "The Asprays. I hope Nan will not go to them. They have quite anotherreason for wishing to have her as one of the family. Now, do not askme any more. I hear our guests arriving. Will you stay with me, or goupstairs to Nan?"

  "I think I will stay if you do not mind; I can go up to Nan later on.What an interesting story! And what a dear aunty you are!"

  Augusta rose as she spoke, and kissed Mrs. Richmond on her cheek.

  Several ladies came into the room, and one and all admired Augusta;for her manners were good, and she had an attentive, thoughtful waywhich stood her in excellent stead with her elders. By-and-by she wentupstairs of her own accord, and then the ladies turned to Mrs.Richmond and praised her, saying what a very nice girl they consideredher.

  When Augusta went back to the schoolroom she found that Nan's foot wasreally very painful.

  "I must not walk any more," she said. "What have you been doing,Augusta? Have you had a good time?"

  "I have been listening to a story about you," said Augusta in a markedvoice.

  She looked full at Nan, who felt her heart beat, and who coloureduncomfortably. Just then there came the sound of laughter and ofvoices, and the next instant the two little girls and their governessentered the room. They brought big baskets of violets and primroses.The air of the schoolroom was full of the sweet scent of the violets.Kitty rushed up to Nan and kissed her: then they both saw Augusta, whowas standing in the background, and uttered a shout of delight.Augusta went up to them, kissed them both, and stood close to Nan.

  "I must run up at once to see how Pip is," cried Kitty. "I have beenthinking of the darling all the time I have been coming home. I wonderif he is better. Do not keep me, please, Nan. I won't be a minute, butI want just to see how he is."

  She was dashing out of the room when Nan's voice came faintly--veryfaintly--on the air:

  "Kitty, one minute first!"

  "Little fool!" said Augusta. She bent down close to the child and laidher hand across her mouth.

  Nobody else had heard Nan's low tones. Nora followed Kitty out of theroom; she also ran upstairs to see the sick rat.

  "You are too late now," said Augusta. "Just keep your own counsel.Pretend that your foot is aching; that will account for your queerlooks. And, b
y-the-bye, I let Mrs. Richmond understand that you hadslipped on the stairs and strained your foot, and you must stick tothe story when she asks you about it. Now then, just keep yourcourage, hold your tongue, and all will be well."

  There came a piercing cry from poor Kitty, who rushed into the room,her face white, and tears in her big eyes.

  "Pip is dead!" she said.

  She flung herself into a chair, panting slightly. It was not hernature to cry, and she did not cry now; but her face looked white andstartled. Augusta gave her a quick look. Nan shivered all over withsympathy for Kitty and longing to speak; but Augusta's eyes met hers,and there was such a world of warning and determination in theirglance that she succumbed.

  "Why, what is the matter," said Miss Roy, who at that moment enteredthe room. "What a tragic group! Nan looking as though the world werecoming to an end, and Kitty---- Why, my darling, what is wrong?"

  "It is Pip," said Kitty. "He is dead. He died when I was out. He musthave had a fit or something, for he looks so queer; and nothing couldhave got at him, for the cage is firmly fastened, and just as I leftit. I will never love another rat. I want to go away by myself for alittle. Do not talk to me. Oh! I will not make a fuss, but I cannot bevery cheerful to-night."

  She went sadly out of the room.

  "And Nan, what is wrong with you?" said her governess. "You were notwell when we left, and you look worse now."

  "It is my foot," said Nan. "I said that I had hurt it--don't youremember? And it has got worse; it hurts very much indeed."

  "Poor little girl! You must let me look at it."

  Nan pulled down her stocking and showed a much-swollen ankle.

  "My dear child, this will never do. I must bandage it immediately. Youhave given yourself quite a nasty sprain; for the next few days youmust keep your foot up. Have you been using it much this afternoon?"

  "Only a very little."

  "I am afraid I have been to blame," said Augusta, speaking at thisjuncture in her most amiable voice. "I did not know that poor littleNan was suffering from a sprained ankle, and asked her to go a fewmessages for me. I am ever so sorry!"

  "But why did you go, Nan? Why did you not tell Augusta?"

  "I did not want to," replied Nan.

  "Well, you were very silly. Now, dear, I am going to bathe your poorankle and bind it up."

  This was done very skilfully. Nan's foot was supported on a chair; andsoon, had it not been for the dead rat, and for the fact that she wasconcealing the truth, she might have been almost happy.


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