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Count On Me: Baytown Boys

Page 11

by Maryann Jordan

  Her mind in turmoil, she did not notice when he reached across the table and took her hand until he gave it a shake.

  “Hey, what are you thinking?”

  She blurted, “We’re sitting where everyone can see us. It just feels weird, that’s all.” A chuckle erupted from deep in his chest, a sound she wanted to memorize and pull from her memory banks when she was lonely.

  “Let ‘em look. They’ll all be envious that I’m here with the prettiest girl around.”

  She blushed in spite of her best efforts to not take his words to heart. “Hush, Scott. Don’t tease me like that.” She started to pull her hand back, but he linked his fingers with hers instead.

  “Lizzie, I’d never tease you like that. It’s the truth. I’m here with you, the prettiest girl in this place.”

  “If you keep holding my hand, they’re going to get the wrong idea,” she whispered, leaning forward.

  “I don’t know how they can get the wrong idea. You, me, lunch… I’d call it a date.”

  At that, she snapped her mouth shut, knowing that her cheeks were heated but unable to keep her lips from curving. Uncertain what to say to that, she pretended to stare at the menu.

  Carrie made her way over, bending to give Lizzie a hug. “Hey, sweetie, it’s nice to see you out again. What can I get you?”

  Once orders were given, Carrie hurried toward the back. A moment later she returned and poured tall glasses of sweet tea. The bell over the door rang again, and Carrie called out, “Hey, Sheriff. Detectives. Have a seat, and I’ll be right over.”

  Swinging her head around, Lizzie watched as Colt, Hunter, and several others walked to the stools at the end of the counter. Brow furrowed, she looked up at Carrie and asked, “Why do you still call your husband ‘Sheriff’?”

  Grinning, Carrie said, “We first met when he’d come into the Diner. I always called him ‘Sheriff’, and even though we’re married now, when I’m working, that’s still what comes out.” Leaning down, she said, “Actually, it drives him a little crazy. So, I just do it to have some fun.” She whirled around and headed off to the counter to take care of him and some of his detectives, leaving Lizzie to smile.

  “Do you come here often?” Scott asked, drawing her attention back to him.

  Shaking her head, she replied, “No, not really. To be honest, there was very little time or extra money for eating out. Plus, as good as Joe’s cooking is, my grandmother’s was better.” Leaning forward, she whispered conspiratorially, “Don’t tell Joe that!” Leaning back in her chair, she lifted her shoulders in a little shrug. “But sometimes when we would be out at the feed store or lumberyard, Papa Beau and I would stop in here. That’s actually how I met Carrie.”

  Scott held her gaze, and she dropped her eyes to the table, fiddling with her napkin.

  “So, what are we going to do this afternoon?”

  Jerking her gaze back to his face, her eyes widened. “Uh… this afternoon?”

  “Yeah, we haven’t gotten to the alpacas yet. I’m hoping I get to see what you do with them. Plus, don’t we have to milk the goats sometime?”

  She unsuccessfully tried to keep from grinning at the thought of Scott trying to milk the goats and nodded. “Yes, there’s lots to do. Are you sure you want to stay for the afternoon?”

  “Absolutely. When I said I came to work today, I planned on working the whole day. Anyway, Rufus is asleep in the barn, I need to make sure he keeps learning how to be a farm dog.”

  Now laughing aloud, she thought of his dog curled up in the straw, exhausted from playing in the morning. Tilting her head slightly, she asked, “How did he lose his leg?”

  “I didn’t own him then,” Scott answered. “I had gone to a shelter to adopt a dog, and he was there. He was only about six months old, and they told me that he had been in an accident. A vet was able to save his life, but he lost his leg. Animals are resilient and have a strong will to survive. As soon as he could, they said he was up and running around, learning how to balance with three legs. But it made it harder for him to be adopted. As soon as I saw him, we just seemed to bond. I didn’t even have to think about it… I wanted him, and he seemed to want me. We’ve been together for a couple of years now.”

  “Resilient and a strong will to survive,” Lizzie repeated, her voice barely above a whisper.

  Silent for a moment, Scott held her gaze. “What are you thinking?”

  She swallowed deeply, then sighed. “At first I was going to say that I wish I had Rufus’ strength. I seem to have let life knock me down, even knock me sideways.” She held his eyes for a few seconds, then dropped them down to the table, her fingers fiddling with the silverware. “Sometimes, I don’t even know who I am anymore. I feel like I was one person growing up. Another person after my grandmother passed. And a different person even now. Every time something happens to me, I change and not always for the best. But when I think about everything that you’ve been through, I can tell that you and Rufus are very alike. So much more than me.”

  Reaching across the table, Scott took her hand and turned it over, linking his fingers with hers. She held his gaze, staring into his blue eyes, not sure she could look away if she had to.

  “I think you’re very resilient. You’re one of the strongest people I’ve ever met, and believe me, I’ve met a lot of people.” Still holding her gaze, he added, “And I know what you mean about Rufus. There was something we shared, and as soon as I met him, I knew we were alike. Resilient, with a strong will to survive.”

  A thread of magnetic emotion seemed to move between them, pulling them closer as her fingers linked tighter. The restaurant’s noise swirled around them, but they were cocooned in their own little world.

  Not sure why she felt the need to confess, she said, “I know I said this at the fairgrounds, but I feel like I need to say it again. When I met you, I thought you were the type of person who probably had everything handed to you. Family connections. Money. Stepping straight into a good-paying job. I didn’t realize you’d been in the military, so I thank you for your service. And I apologize for my previous assumptions.”

  “Don’t you remember, Lizzie? You don’t have to say this. We started over.”

  Warmth passed through Scott’s eyes, and before she had a chance to delve deeper, Carrie set their lunch plates in front of them, breaking the connection. She pulled her hand from Scott’s as they began to eat, keeping the conversation lighter as they talked about the afternoon chores.

  As they finished, Scott asked, “Would you excuse me for a moment, Lizzie? I see that Colt and Hunter are about to leave, and I need to ask them a question.”

  “Not at all.” She stood and tilted her head toward the back. “Actually, I need to run to the ladies’ room.”

  Quickly taking care of her business, she washed her hands before stepping out into the hall leading back into the restaurant. Carrie came out of the kitchen and moved close, saying, “Lizzie, I’m glad I saw you before you left. This week is an American Legion Auxiliary meeting. I really want you to come.”

  Sighing, she hated that her mind jumped back to high school and the many cliques that existed. She had never been one of the cool kids, the popular ones. Instead, she made her way through high school enjoying learning but never taking the time to make real friends. She said, “It’s not that I don’t want to... In fact, I think I’d like to. It’s just that, well… I hate walking into places where I haven’t been before. It makes me really nervous.”

  Giving her a one-armed hug, Carrie said, “Oh, I know how you feel. Don’t worry, lots of people feel that way when they first try something new. Tell you what. I’ll come pick you up, and that way we’ll walk in together. I know once you get there and realize how many people you know it’ll be much easier.”

  “Are you sure you wouldn’t mind?” she asked, a touch of excitement replacing the anxiety.

  “Not at all.” Grinning, Carrie added, “Anyway, I have a feeling by then, you’ll know lots of people
.” With a cryptic wink, she headed back into the kitchen, leaving Lizzie staring in her wake.

  Hurrying back into the Diner, she looked toward the counter and saw Scott still conversing with Colt, Hunter, and several other men. He appeared relaxed, but when his gaze moved past Colt’s shoulder and met hers, his smile widened even more. She watched as he shook their hands and made his way straight to her.

  Not stopping until he was directly in front of her, he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and leaned down. “Gotta say, I told you earlier that you were the prettiest girl here. But seeing you beam at me from across the restaurant, I’d say you were the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen.”

  Not giving her a chance to retort, he tossed up one hand in a wave to the others while keeping his other arm around her shoulders as he led her back to his truck.

  It had been a long time since she had been on a date, and while all they did was have lunch at a crowded diner, she loved every moment of it.

  The afternoon was spent with the alpacas, discussing the upcoming shearing, bringing the goats into the barn, learning how to milk the goats, and then Scott reveled in the evening walk around the farm, checking fence lines and assuring that the animals were secure. As the hours clicked by, he was more and more impressed with Lizzie. She was not physically large but handled the animals with a calm ease. There was no task she did not attempt and certainly did not shy away from hard work. She was smart and articulate, and by the end of the day, he had a much clearer idea of how the farm ran and what her goals were.

  And he could not wait to help her meet those goals and give her new ones… hopefully, ones that included him.

  She led him back into the house, Rufus following with his tongue lolling, and Scott once again made his way into the downstairs bathroom to wash his hands and face. He knew he needed to leave but hesitated in the kitchen as they stood, an awkward silence filling the room.

  “Thank you for your help today,” she began, her eyes searching his. “And for lunch. It was nice to have company. Well, your company today.”

  Stepping closer, he placed his hands on her shoulders, gently massaging the tight muscles underneath his fingers. “The pleasure was all mine, Lizzie.”

  He was surprised when she shook her head vigorously back and forth and said, “No, Scott, it wasn’t. I don’t think I realized how isolated I’ve become since Papa Beau’s death. I generally spend my days talking to the animals.” Snorting, she continued, “They’re good company, but aren’t good conversationalists.”

  He chuckled. “Then I’m glad I rank higher than a goat for company.”

  She playfully slapped his chest, rolling her eyes, and he quickly added, “I just want you to know that today meant a lot to me, too. I feel like I now know so much more about you and the farm. We can make this farm become just what you envision, Lizzie.” He stared at her pink lips, itching to kiss her but unsure if she wanted that also. Leaning forward, he felt her body pull toward his.

  Their lips touched and it was just as sweet as he imagined. Her lips were soft and smooth, and her body melted toward his. He angled his head to take the kiss deeper.


  Jumping apart, they looked down as Rufus stood next to them, his baleful eyes staring up at Scott. Shooting his dog a glare, he sighed. “I guess I better get him home.”

  Lizzie laughed, and they walked to the door. “Make sure you lock up when I leave.” He bent and kissed her again, the barest touch of lips, now knowing there would be others. Just before he stepped outside, he turned and asked, “What time do you get up in the mornings?”

  Scrunching her nose, she shrugged. “I’m an early riser. I’ll be up with the sun. Why?”

  Tapping his forefinger on the end of her nose, he grinned. “I just like learning everything about you that I can.”

  Stepping outside, he waited until he heard the lock click in place and then he looked down at Rufus as they walked to his SUV. “Boy, if you don’t stop being a cockblocker… hell, even a kiss-blocker, you’re going to have to stay at home.”


  Laughing, he held the door open, giving Rufus a boost into the passenger seat before he walked around and climbed behind the steering wheel. Driving home, he thought about his day. He had not had so much exercise since his days in the military and his rehabilitation when he got out. His muscles were sore but from activity that produced a real result and filled a real need.

  Now, thinking about the beautiful woman he had just left behind, he grinned at the thought of tomorrow and spending it with her again.


  Waking the next morning, Lizzie could tell by the shadows in her bedroom that the day was going to be overcast. The forecast did not predict rain, but the clouds would make the temperature cooler, for which she was glad. The previous day had been bright with sunshine as well as bright with Scott’s company. She lifted her hand to her lips and could swear she still felt the press of his against hers.

  Uncertain why he kissed her if they were just friends, she refused to give any headspace to doubt. It had been a while since she had been kissed, and she was willing to take his brand of friendship even with the possibility of losing her heart.

  Stretching, she climbed from bed and hurried through her morning routine. Ravenous, she grabbed a piece of buttered toast, munching as she walked to the barn. Letting the animals out into their pastures, she began the morning feeding.

  She had just made it back inside for a proper breakfast when she heard the rumble of engines outside. There was the distinct sound of a few motorcycles, but they were much closer than passing by on the road. Standing, she walked to the front of the house and peered out the living room window. Eyes wide, she watched as a parade of pickup trucks, SUVs, and motorcycles drove up to her house. She would have been afraid except for the first man who climbed down from the familiar SUV leading the pack… Scott?

  Breakfast forgotten, she rushed outside to see what was happening. Scott looked over and grinned widely, tossing his hand up in a wave. Stalking to her, he did not give her a chance to ask what was happening before he wrapped his arms around her, picked her up, and twirled. “I hope you don’t mind, but I called in a little help.”

  Stunned at his greeting, she looked over to see a group of men walking toward her barn, some with wooden planks in their hands and others with paint buckets. Blinking, she stared dumbly, recognizing Colt, Hunter, Mitch, and Grant. There were many others that she did not recognize and turned her gob-smacked expression back to Scott. “Who are all these people?”

  Grinning, Scott replied, “Friends. They belong to the American Legion, and we’re always looking for projects in the community that we can do to help others. But, to be honest, they’re really just friends of mine who knew and respected your grandfather. I sent out the word yesterday that we could use a little help and asked if anyone had a couple of hours free to let me know.” He glanced around at the large group and chuckled, “Looks like a lot of them had some free time.”

  Her breath left her lungs in a rush, and she slowly shook her head. “I don’t even know what to say.” She dragged her gaze from the men heading to the barn back to Scott’s face. “I hate being a charity case, but I know I need the help. And I should be pissed at you for being so high-handed, but… well, I need the help.”

  He bent slightly so that his face was directly in front of hers. “Lizzie, I would never do anything to hurt you or embarrass you. Don’t think about this as charity. Believe me, every one of these men would step up for each other. And in turn, at some time, you’ll be able to pay them back by doing the same when one of them has a need.”

  Nibbling on her bottom lip, she turned his words over and over in her mind as they snagged a memory of something her grandmother used to say when she was fixing a meal for a neighbor in need. “Lizzie, remember that helping others is a gift. And when you allow someone to help you, you’re giving them a gift as well.”

  Offering a jerky nod, she blinked
back the tears. “Well, I guess we’d better show them what needs to be done.”

  Before letting her go, he bent and took her lips in a quick kiss. She startled, realizing he kissed her in front of his friends. Blush hit her cheeks as she grinned, walking hand-in-hand with him toward the barn.

  Two hours later, Lizzie stood rooted to the ground as her heart pounded in her chest, and she looked at her barn. Her grandfather had kept the barn in good repair, but in recent years his ability to climb a ladder and reach certain places had diminished. Now, in front of her stood a perfectly-repaired barn, freshly painted red with white trim.

  In addition, several fence posts that were showing signs of rot had been replaced along the pastures and pens. There was nothing she could do that would ever repay their generosity, but she vowed to start making pies, determined to deliver them to each man who had helped.

  Formally introduced to Mitch and Grant, she could not help but smile, thinking of her teenage crush on most of the Baytown Boys there, including the two McFarlane brothers, Aiden and Brogan, Callan Ward, and Zac Hamilton. Gareth Harrison and Lance Greene were new to her, but Jason Boswell, owner of an auto shop, had once worked on her car. Along with Colt came Hunter and two more detectives, Mark Robbins and Elizabeth Perez. Finally, she met Joseph, someone working with Jason.

  The group made her nervous simply because she had never been around that many handsome men at one time and was sure the testosterone level at her farm just raised a million percent.

  Now, she wondered if they were staying for lunch and how she would feed them all. Before she had time to worry about their empty stomachs, she heard more cars pulling into her lane. Thoughts reeling, she turned to see a large group of women, platters in their hands, coming around the side of the house, led by a smiling Carrie.

  Before a sense of panic descended, she felt Scott’s hands on her shoulders and his breath brushing across her ear as he whispered, “Relax, babe. Everybody here just wants to be your friend.”


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