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Count On Me: Baytown Boys

Page 15

by Maryann Jordan

  It had been several years since she had been naked with a man. Hoping her romance novels were not completely wrong, she had only had sex with one other partner, and that event could have easily been classified as more fumbling in the bed of a pickup truck than anything else. He had delivered feed to the farm, flirted with her, and asked her on a date. She agreed, but the date turned out to be more of a drive in the country and sex in his truck. Once again, not the stuff of romance novels.

  But now, with Scott looming over her, his intense gaze appearing to appreciate every nuance of her body, she could not help but smile. In a short time, he had proven his worth and had come to mean more to her than anyone else.

  He stood, his hands on his belt, and said, “I’m comfortable with what’s going to happen, Lizzie, but I want you to be comfortable, too.”

  Sitting up quickly, she reached out and placed her hand over his, saying, “I assure you, I’m comfortable. I’ll let you take the lead, but no matter what, you’ll need to tell me if there’s anything I need to do.”

  Grinning, he shook his head. “There’s nothing you need to do, darlin’, except keep staring at me the way you are. Right now, my dick’s so hard, it’s not easy to slow things down.”

  She watched as he shoved his pants and boxers over his hips, freeing his impressive cock. Turning, he sat on the edge of the bed next to her and slid his pants and boxers all the way off. She had seen his prosthetic as he walked around the fairgrounds after the race and knew that he was a below the knee amputee. But, other than that, she’d never spent much time thinking about him being an amputee. He had proven himself capable on the farm and obviously capable as a runner and athlete. But now, naked as well, he turned to look at her, uncertainty in his eyes.

  Lizzie scooted closer, placing gentle kisses on his shoulder. Not wanting him to be self-conscious about taking his prosthetic off, she continued to shift on the bed until she was directly behind him. With her legs on either side of his hips and thighs, she pressed her breasts against his back, wrapping her arms around his waist, continuing to move her lips over his back and shoulders.

  He groaned, “Jesus, babe, I’m not going to last at this rate.”

  She continued to hold him tight as he bent forward, unfastening his prosthesis. She was curious about it but knew that now was not the time for a lesson in how it worked. Now was the time for touching and feeling, getting to know each other’s bodies.

  He leaned forward a little more, and she knew that he had laid the prosthetic leg carefully on the floor. She gasped as he twisted quickly, his arms now banded around her, and pulled them both down on the bed, facing each other.

  She gave no thought to anything other than his mouth on her lips, his tongue gliding over hers, and his hands roving over her breasts. Their legs tangled as he pressed his hips into hers and she gave over completely to the desire firing her blood.

  Sliding his hand between her legs, she opened herself up to him, allowing him to slip his fingers through her slick folds and deep into her sex while sucking on her nipple. Scissoring his fingers, he used his thumb to press on her clit, and as primed as she was, she quickly cried out her release. He continued to stroke her slowly as she came down, her chest hitching as she sucked air into her lungs.

  As his hands slowly glided over her mound and soft belly on its way between her breasts and up to cup her cheek, she blushed, confessing, “I knew that was going to be fast. It’s been a while for me.”

  He grinned, dimples appearing on both sides of his cheeks. “Don’t be embarrassed about that, Lizzie. First of all, it was fuckin’ hot. Second of all, it’s been a while for me too, so I knew I needed to make sure to get you ready, hoping I don’t go off too soon once I get in there.”

  She loved his honesty and smiled in return. He shifted to his back, grabbing a condom that she had not noticed he had pulled from his jeans. Once sheathed, he settled his hips between her thighs, and with one hand planted beside her holding his weight, he guided the tip of his cock to the entrance of her sex. Hesitating, he lifted an eyebrow in silent question, seeking her permission.

  Heart full, she clutched his shoulders and brought him forward, whispering, “Yes.”

  He entered slowly, his thrust measured as he allowed her body the chance to become accustomed to his girth. Her tight, warm channel almost had him orgasm immediately, but he forced his thoughts to making it pleasurable for her, wanting to draw out the desire for both of them.

  Her pale blonde hair was thrown across the pillow, her blue eyes holding his gaze. Intrigued by the smattering of freckles that ran across her cheeks and nose, he kissed them before sliding his nose past hers and latching onto her lips.

  Chest to chest, hips to hips, he thrust over and over, loving the way her sex held tight to his cock. Sliding his tongue into her mouth, he moved in rhythm with his hips, swallowing her groan while feeling it against his chest.

  His balls began to tighten, and he knew he could not hold off for long but wanted her to come again. Her breathing came in pants and he shifted his weight off her slightly, not wanting to crush her. Her fingers dug into the muscles in his upper back, and she widened her thighs, bringing her knees up. His pelvis rubbed against her clit, and she began to shake.

  “Are you close, babe?”

  Not answering aloud, her body began to quiver, and her fingers dug deeper. Soon, she cried out her orgasm, and he felt her inner muscles clench against his cock. Unable to hold back any longer, every muscle in his body tightened as he roared out his release. Continuing to thrust until he was emptied, he dropped his forehead onto the mattress next to her head, knowing he needed to lift his heaviness from her but uncertain that any muscle in his body would actually obey his command.

  Moving his hips back gently, he slid his cock from her body and shifted to the side just enough to give her enough room to breathe. Still craving her body against his, he wrapped his arms around her and rolled so that she was now partially on top of him.

  Sure that that was the extent that his body could move, he held her close as they lay, breaths slowing and heartbeats calming. Her long hair lay in damp tendrils across his sweaty body and he pushed it back from her face.

  They lay in silence for several moments, and as his consciousness slowly settled in, he was filled with two thoughts. One, that was the most electric sexual encounter he could ever remember. And two, he could only pray that it was as good for her. As if on cue, she lifted her head and peered into his face, smiling.

  “That was amazing, Scott.”

  Wanting to beat his chest in male pride, he kissed her instead. “I’ve never felt anything like that, babe. I came harder than I’ve ever remembered, and it’s all because of you. Beautiful, sweet, strong you.”

  Her grin spread wider, and as her finger traced over his face, she admitted, “I’ve never had that happen to me before. I mean, not with someone else. I’ve been able to make myself come, but never... well, just never before. I was beginning to think my romance novels lied to me.”

  He hated that she had never experienced an orgasm during sex before, and yet was thrilled that he was the first one to be able to give that to her. Especially since the sex with her had been the best for him.

  “I don’t know how you feel about this, babe, and I need you to be honest with me. But I’d love to stay the night.”

  Her eyes sparkled as she replied, “I think if you tried to leave, I’d have to tackle you.”

  Laughing, he said, “Never underestimate an amputee. I might be able to get away from you.”

  Eyes wide, she blushed deeply. “Oh, my God! Scott, I didn’t mean anything by that.” Giving her head a little shake, she added, “I sometimes forget that you are missing the lower half of your leg. I don’t even think about it.”

  “You have no idea how good that makes me feel, Lizzie. Yes, I am an amputee, but I don’t want that to be the only thing that defines me. I’m thrilled that you see me as a whole man.”

  Pressing her brea
sts against his chest, she cupped his face and leaned close, her breath a whisper over his skin. “You are very much a whole man.”

  He hated to leave the bed but needed to take care of the condom. Wondering how she would feel, he threw caution to the wind and suggested, “How about we take a shower together?”

  Each smile of hers grew wider and brighter as she replied, “Absolutely.”

  It took a little maneuvering since he did not have his crutch, but with some help and no embarrassment, they made it work together.

  Later, snuggled together in her small bed after checking on Rufus sleeping downstairs, he kissed her forehead and tucked her tightly against him.

  “Tell me about your family,” she whispered, her request surprising him.

  He sucked in a deep breath before letting it out slowly. “You know my grandfather had the accounting office in Baytown. My father followed in his footsteps but settled in a small town in Maryland. Dad worked and Mom enjoyed the social standing his job afforded her. You were right when you said I had been given things. I played sports in high school, not having to have an afterschool job. My parents were already picking out my college by the time I was in middle school. I was expected to major in accounting and my grandfather talked about me taking over his business when he retired.”

  She shifted up on one elbow to stare down at him, her gaze holding his steadily. Interest, not condemnation, in her eyes.

  “But the closer I got to graduation, the less interested I was in going straight to college. Everything seemed so planned. I felt choked. I craved adventure. I craved traveling beyond my hometown in Maryland. I craved setting my own course and not simply following the course my parents had set out for me.”

  He scrubbed his hand over his face and continued. “A recruiter was at our school, and talking to him, I felt called to join. To serve. To do something besides just let my family dictate what my life was going to be like. I knew it was a risk, but it was one I was willing to take.”

  “How did your parents react?”

  Snorting, he replied, “About as good as you can imagine. Mom cried and Dad ranted, but I was over eighteen years old, so it was a done deal. Surprisingly, my grandfather said very little at the time, but at the bus station when I was leaving, he shook my hand firmly, told me to take care of myself, then added that he was proud of me. That meant a lot to me.”

  Lizzie’s fingers trailed along his shoulder and back as she held him close, and he reveled in the calming touch. “And when you were injured?”

  “My parents were great. They flew to Germany and spent time with me when I was in the hospital there. Once I came home, they visited often when I was in rehab. I noticed my mom added veteran’s hospitals and rehabilitation centers to some of her community service focus, getting several of her clubs and organizations to help.”

  Her breath puffed warmly over his chest. “I’m glad you had that.”

  “Yeah, me too.”

  They remained quiet, arms banded around each other. As her weight settled and he knew she had found sleep, he lay awake for a little while, knowing that, at least for him, their friendship has grown into much more.

  And as sleep claimed him, he vowed to take care of her and do everything he could to keep the farm safe.


  Driving into Baytown in Papa Beau’s old truck with the windows down, Lizzie sang to a country tune on the radio. She felt better than she had in a long time and knew it was from finally getting a good night’s sleep. Well, two orgasms while making love to the man she was falling for had a lot to do with a good night’s sleep.

  Morning chores finished, she had re-walked the pastures but kept the animals close to the barn, not wanting to take a chance until Scott was able to get up security lights. Now, on her way to the accounting firm to see Lia about Emily’s birthday party, she hoped she could talk Scott into having lunch with her. Lunch out was such a treat, but she was in the mood to celebrate the new change in their relationship.

  There was a parking space almost in front of the accounting office, but she would have had to parallel park next to a Mercedes. No way! Not in Papa Beau’s big old truck. Driving just down the street, she was able to park with ease.

  Climbing from the truck, Lizzie stood on the sidewalk and glanced down at her clothes. She had changed after her morning chores and shower and smoothed her hands over her clean jeans and tugged slightly at a light pink T-shirt with little cap sleeves. Her feet were encased in her favorite cowboy boots, not new, but not scuffed. Taking her hair out of its braid, it fell down her back in waves.

  Stepping into the outer office, she smiled at Mrs. Markham.

  “Good morning, Elizabeth,” came the greeting. As usual, Mrs. Markham’s smile was warm and inviting. “I’m afraid Scott has a client right now.”

  “That’s all right, I’m actually here to see Lia about her daughter’s birthday party at the farm.”

  At this, Mrs. Markham’s face brightened. “Oh, how delightful.” Checking with Lia, she said, “Please, follow me.”

  As she walked down the hall, Lizzie noted that Scott’s door was closed and hoped his appointment would be finished by the time she was ready for lunch. Moving into Lia’s office, she was greeted warmly once again. Taking the seat offered, the two women chatted for a moment before getting down to business.

  “I’ve taken out new insurance to cover visitors to the farm,” Lizzie began. “Since I’m not serving food there, I’m not required to have any other license. The animals are all seen by Sam Collins, the veterinarian, and they are safe and clean. Of course, the children will only be with the baby goats. They will be able to feed and pet the adult goats, but only through the fence. And they can see the alpacas as well.”

  Lia clapped her hands with glee. “Emily is so excited about this party. It’s all she can talk about. Thank you so much for letting us have it at your farm.”

  Shaking her head, she lifted her hand and waved it dismissively. “Lia, you and Aiden are the ones I need to thank. With you having the party at the farm, that will go a long way to getting others to want to do the same.”

  Leaning forward, she pulled a small notebook from her purse and said, “I just need a few things from you. How many children and adults will be coming, and you can just give me an approximate number. I can set up a picnic table… well, it’s a folding table that I can set up in the yard for whatever food you’re bringing.”

  “Right now, there are thirteen children and probably about eight adults coming. Is that okay?”

  Scribbling in her notepad, she looked up and smiled. “Absolutely.”

  “Aiden said that he can bring some folding tables and chairs from the American Legion.”

  Breathing a sigh of relief, Lizzie enthused, “That would be wonderful. I have a few, but probably not enough.” After jotting a few more notes, she looked up and said, “Okay, Lia, here comes the tough part. I’m not exactly sure what to charge, especially since this is my first party.”

  Her voice full of determination, Lia said, “You need to charge the full amount, Lizzie. I know we’re friends now and this is your first party, but remember, you’re working on increasing your business.” Turning her laptop around, she continued, “Let’s take a look and see what some of the other places are charging for this, and then we can go from there.”

  “Thank you so much for this. Scott and I were going to look at prices later, but when I decided to come into town and talk to you, we hadn’t had a chance.”

  Lia stood and walked around her desk, taking a seat next to Lizzie so they could both look at the computer screen at the same time. “Well, I know he’s with a client right now, so we’ve got time. And I’d love to help.”

  The two women began scrolling through various farms in Virginia that offered events Lizzie wanted Weston Farms to host. Smiling and talking, her heart felt lighter knowing she was moving closer to her dream.

  Scott tried not to stare at the woman sitting across from him, but it wa
s hard. Not because she was beautiful, although she was. Her clothes were immaculate, her makeup perfect, and her hair obviously cared for by a stylist. He had seen a picture of her online but still had been surprised when she walked in. Careena Giardano was not what he expected.

  He stared because he wanted to have a better understanding of the woman who might be able to help Lizzie or at least give him some clues as to what Luca’s intentions were for Weston Farms.

  “I’m so glad you agreed to meet with me,” he said. “As I told you on the phone, I’m working with Elizabeth Weston and know that your father is interested in buying her farm.”

  Lifting a perfectly manicured hand to glide her fingers through her hair, pushing the strands over her shoulder, Careena smiled. “I was thrilled when you called, Scott. I so rarely get into Baytown and had no idea that Ms. Smith had taken over your grandfather’s business or that you had joined her.”

  “It’s Mrs. McFarlane now,” he corrected. “She married Aiden McFarlane.”

  Arching a shaped eyebrow, she reacted with surprise. “She married the man from the bar?”

  “Aiden is co-owner of Finn’s Pub, if that’s what you mean.”

  Giving a little shake of her head, she said, “Oh, I didn’t mean anything by that. It just surprised me, that’s all. I remember seeing him as a teenager, although I went to a private school so we didn’t run in the same circles, as you can imagine.”

  Scott forced a smile onto his face, although her meaning was insulting to his friends. Getting down to business, he said, “Your father has approached Ms. Weston, hoping to buy her farm. I’m afraid I don’t understand the value for the Giordano Farms. The Weston Farm had already sold quite a few acres to your family. What’s left is pastureland, the family home, a garden, a barn, and several outbuildings. I can’t imagine that would be very important to the Giordano Farms.”

  “My father did business with Mr. Weston. I know buying smaller farms can have a negative connotation to people who don’t understand agriculture. You see, small farms simply cannot compete with larger farms. It causes stress, heartache, money problems, and even family problems for the smaller farms. My father offered very good prices to Mr. Weston years ago for those acres, certainly not trying to take advantage of him. That’s all he wants to do now, is to help Ms. Weston.”


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