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Jacob Faithful

Page 42

by Frederick Marryat



  On my arrival the front gates were opened by the gardener's wife, whomade me a profound courtesy. The gardener soon afterwards made hisappearance, hat in hand. Everything was neat and in good order. Ientered the house, and as soon as possible rid myself of theirobsequious attentions. I wished to be alone. Powerful feelings crowdedon my mind. I hastened to Mr Turnbull's study, and sat down in thechair so lately occupied by him. The proud feeling of possession,softened into gratitude to heaven, and sorrow at his death, came overme, and I remained for a long while in a deep reverie. "And all this,and more, much more, are mine," I mentally exclaimed; "the sailor beforethe mast, the waterman on the river, the charity-boy, the orphan sitsdown in quiet possession of luxury and wealth. What have I done todeserve all this?" My heart told me nothing, or if anything, it wasalmost valueless, and I poured forth my soul in thanks to heaven. Ifelt more composed after I had performed this duty, and my thoughts thendwelt upon my benefactor. I surveyed the room--the drawings, the fursand skins, the harpoons and other instruments, all remaining in theirrespective places, as when I last had an interview with Mr Turnbull. Iremembered his kindness, his singleness of heart, his honesty, his goodsense, and his real worth; and I shed many tears for his loss. Mythoughts then passed to Sarah Drummond, and I felt much uneasiness onthat score. Would she receive me, or would she still remember what Ihad been? I recollected her kindness and good-will towards me. Iweighed these, and my present condition, against my origin and my formeroccupation; and could not ascertain how the scale might turn. I shallsoon see, thought I. To-morrow, even, may decide the question. Thegardener's wife knocked at the door, and announced that my bed wasprepared. I went to sleep, dreaming of Sarah, young Tom, the Dominieand Mary Stapleton.

  I was up early the next morning, and hastened to the hotel; when, havingarranged my person to the best of my power (but at the same time neverso little to my satisfaction), I proceeded to the house of Mr Drummond.I knocked; and this time I was not desired to wait in the hall, but wasimmediately ushered up into the drawing-room. Sarah Drummond wassitting alone at her drawing. My name was announced as I entered. Shestarted from her chair, and blushed deeply as she moved towards me. Wejoined hands in silence. I was breathless with emotion. Never had sheappeared so beautiful. Neither party appeared willing to break silence;at last I faltered out, "Miss Drummond,"--and then I stopped.

  "Mr Faithful," replied she; and then, after a break--"How very sillythis is; I ought to have congratulated you upon your safe return, andupon your good fortune; and, indeed, Mr Faithful, no one can do so moresincerely."

  "Miss Drummond," replied I, confused, "when I was an orphan, acharity-boy, and a waterman, you called me Jacob, if the alteration inmy prospects induces you to address me in so formal a manner--if we arein future to be on such different terms--I can only say that I wish thatI were again--Jacob Faithful, the waterman."

  "Nay," replied she, "recollect that it was your own choice to be awaterman. You might have been different--very different. You might atthis time have been a partner with my father, for he said so but lastnight, when we were talking about you. But you refused all; you threwaway your education, your talents, your good qualities, from a foolishpride, which you considered independence. My father almost humbledhimself to you--not that it is ever humiliating to acknowledge andattempt to repair a fault, but still he did more than could be expectedfrom most people. Your friends persuaded you, but you rejected theiradvice; and what was still more unpardonable, even I had no influenceover you. As long as you punished yourself I did not upbraid you; butnow that you have been so fortunate, I tell you plainly--"


  "That it is more than you deserve, that's all."

  "You have said but the truth, Miss Drummond. I was very proud and veryfoolish; but I had repented of my folly long before I was pressed; and Icandidly acknowledge that I do not merit the good fortune I have metwith. Can I say more?"

  "No; I am satisfied with your repentance and acknowledgment. So, nowyou may sit down, and make yourself agreeable."

  "Before I do that, allow me to ask, as you address me as Mr Faithful,how am I to address you? I should not wish to be consideredimpertinent."

  "My name is Miss Drummond, but those who feel intimate with me call meSarah."

  "I may reply that my name is Faithful, but those who feel intimate withme call me Jacob."

  "Very true; but allow me to observe that you show very little tact. Youshould never force a lady into a corner. If I appear affronted when youcall me Sarah, then you will do wise to fall back upon Miss Drummond.But why do you fix your eyes upon me so earnestly?"

  "I cannot help it, and must beg your pardon; but you are so improved inappearance since I last saw you. I thought no one could be moreperfect, but--"

  "Well, that's not a bad beginning, Jacob. I like to hear of myperfections. Now follow up your _but_."

  "I hardly know what I was going to say, but I think it was that I do notfeel as if I ought or can address you otherwise than as Miss Drummond."

  "Oh, you've thought better of it, have you? Well, I begin to thinkmyself that you look so well in your present dress, and have become sovery different a person, that I ought not to address you by any othername than Mr Faithful. So now we are agreed."

  "That's not what I mean to say."

  "Well, then, let me know what you did mean to say."

  This puzzling question fortunately did not require an answer, for MrDrummond came into the room and extended his hand.

  "My dear Jacob," said he, in the most friendly manner, "I'm delighted tosee you back again, and to have the pleasure of congratulating you onyour good fortune. But you have business to transact which will notadmit of any delay. You must prove the will, and arrange with thelawyers as soon as possible. Will you come now? All the papers arebelow, and I have the whole morning to spare. We will be back todinner, Sarah, if Jacob has no other engagement."

  "I have none," replied I; "and shall be most happy to avail myself ofyour kindness. Miss Drummond, I wish you a good morning."

  "_Au revoir_, Mr Faithful," replied Sarah, courtesying formally, with amocking smile.

  The behaviour of Mr Drummond towards me was most kind and parental, andmy eyes were often suffused with tears during the occupation of themorning. The most urgent business was got through, and an interviewwith Mr Turnbull's solicitor put the remainder in progress; still itwas so late when we had accomplished it, that I had no time to dress.On my return, Mrs Drummond received me with her usual kindness. Inarrated, during the evening, my adventures since we parted, and tookthat opportunity to acknowledge to Mr Drummond how bitterly I hadrepented my folly, and I may add ingratitude, towards him.

  "Jacob," said he, as we were sitting at the tea-table with Mrs Drummondand Sarah, "I knew at the time that you were toiling on the river forshillings that you were the inheritor of thousands; for I not onlywitnessed but read the will of Mr Turnbull; but I thought it best thatyou should have a lesson which you would never forget in after life.There is no such thing in this world as independence, unless in a savagestate. In society we are all mutually dependent upon each other.Independence of mind we may have, but no more. As a waterman, you weredependent upon your customers, as every poor man must be upon those whohave more means; and in refusing my _offers_ you were obliged to applyfor employment to others. The rich are as entirely dependent uponothers as the poor; they depend upon them for their food, their clothes,their necessities, and their luxuries. Such ever will be the case insociety, and the more refined the society may be--the more civilised itsparts--the greater is the mutual dependence. Still it is an errororiginating in itself from high feelings, and therefore must beconsidered as an error on the right side; but recollect
how much youmight have thrown away had not you, in the first place, secured such afriend as Mr Turnbull; and secondly, if the death of that friend hadnot so soon put you in possession."

  I was but too ready to acknowledge the truth of these remarks. Theevening passed away so rapidly that it was midnight before I rose totake my leave, and I returned to the hotel as happy in my mind, and asgrateful as ever any mortal could possibly be. The next day I removedto the house left me by Mr Turnbull, and the first order I gave was fora wherry. Such was the force of habit, I could not do without one; andhalf my time was spent upon the river, pulling every day down to MrDrummond's, and returning in the evening, or late at night. Thus passedaway two months, during which I occasionally saw the Dominie, theStapletons, and old Tom Beazeley. I had exerted myself to procure Tom'sdischarge, and at last had the pleasure of telling the old people thatit was to go out by the next packet. By the Drummonds I was received asa member of the family--there was no hindrance to my being alone withSarah for hours; and although I had not ventured to declare mysentiments, they appeared to be well understood, as well by the parentsas by Sarah herself.

  Two days after I had communicated this welcome intelligence to the oldcouple, as I was sitting at breakfast, attended by the gardener and hiswife (for I had made no addition to my establishment), what was mysurprise at the appearance of young _Tom_, who entered the room asusual, laughing as he held out his hand.

  "Tom!" exclaimed I, "why, how did you come here?"

  "By water, Jacob, as you may suppose."

  "But how have you received your discharge? Is the ship come home?"

  "I hope not; the fact is, I discharged myself, Jacob."

  "What! did you desert?"

  "Even so. I had three reasons for so doing. In the first place, Icould not remain without you; in the second, my mother wrote to say Marywas taken up with a sodger; and the third was, I was put into the reportfor punishment, and should have been flogged, as sure as the captain hada pair of epaulettes."

  "Well, but sit down and tell me all about it. You know your dischargeis obtained."

  "Yes, thanks to you, Jacob; all the better, for now they won't lookafter me. All's well that ends well. After you went away, I presume Iwas not in the very best of humours; and that rascal of a master's matewho had us pressed, thought proper to bully me beyond all bearing. Oneday he called me a lying scoundrel; upon which I forgot that I was onboard of a man-of-war, and replied that he was a confounded cheat, andthat he had better pay me his debt of two guineas for bringing him downthe river. He reported me on the quarter-deck for calling him a cheat,and Captain Maclean, who, you know, won't stand any nonsense, heard thearguments on both sides; upon which he declared that the conduct of themaster's mate was not that of an officer or a gentleman, and therefore_he_ should leave the ship; and that my language to my superior officerwas subversive to the discipline of the service, and therefore he shouldgive me a good flogging. Now, Jacob, you know that if the officersdon't pay their debts, Captain Maclean always does, and with interestinto the bargain; so finding that I was in for it, and no mistake, Iswam ashore the night before Black Monday, and made my way to Miramichi,without any adventure, except a tussle with a sergeant of marines, whomI left for dead about three miles out of the town. At Miramichi I goton board of a timber ship, and here I am."

  "I am sorry that you deserted, nevertheless," replied I; "it may come tomischief."

  "Never fear; the people on the river know that I have my discharge, andI'm safe enough."

  "Have you seen Mary!"

  "Yes, and all's right in that quarter. I shall build another wherry,wear my badge and dress, and stick above bridge. When I'm all settled,I'll splice, and live along with the old couple."

  "But will Mary consent to live there? It is so quiet and retired thatshe won't like it."

  "Mary Stapleton has given herself airs enough in all conscience, and hashad her own way quite enough. Mary Beazeley will do as her husbandwishes, or I will know the reason why."

  "We shall see, Tom. Bachelors' wives are always best managed, they say.But now you want money to buy your boat."

  "Yes, if you'll lend it to me; I don't like to take it away from the oldpeople; and I'll pay you when I can, Jacob."

  "No; you must accept this, Tom; and when you marry you must acceptsomething more," replied I, handing the notes to him.

  "With all my heart, Jacob. I never can repay you for what you have donefor me, and so I may just as well increase the debt."

  "That's good logic, Tom."

  "Quite as good as independence; is it not, Jacob?"

  "Better, much better, as I know to my cost," replied I, laughing.

  Tom finished his breakfast, and then took his leave. After breakfast,as usual, I went to the boat-house, and unchaining my wherry, pulled upthe river, which I had not hitherto done; my attendance upon Sarahhaving invariably turned the bow of my wherry in the opposite direction.I swept by the various residences on the banks of the river until Iarrived opposite to that of Mr Wharncliffe, and perceived a lady andgentleman in the garden. I knew them at once, and, as they werestanding close to the wall, I pulled in and saluted them.

  "Do you recollect me?" said I to them, smiling.

  "Yes," replied the lady, "I do recollect your face--surely--it isFaithful, the waterman!"

  "No, I am not a waterman; I am only amusing myself in my own boat."

  "Come up," replied Mr Wharncliffe; "we can't shake hands with you atthat distance."

  I made fast my wherry and joined them. They received me most cordially.

  "I thought you were not a waterman, Mr Faithful, although you said thatyou were," said Mrs Wharncliffe. "Why did you deceive us in that way?"

  "Indeed, at that time I was, from my own choice and my own folly awaterman; now I am so no longer."

  We were soon on the most intimate terms, and I narrated part of myadventures. They expressed their obligations to me, and requested thatI would accept their friendship.

  "Would you like to have a row on the water? It is a beautiful day, andif Mrs Wharncliffe will trust herself--"

  "Oh, I should like it above all things. Will you go. William? I willrun for a shawl."

  In a few minutes we were all three embarked, and I rowed them to _myvilla_. They had been admiring the beauty of the various residences onthe banks of the Thames.

  "How do you like that one?" inquired I of Mrs Wharncliffe.

  "It is very handsome, and I think one of the very best."

  "That is mine," replied I. "Will you allow me to show it to you?"


  "Yes, mine; but I have a very small establishment, for I am a bachelor."

  We landed, and after walking about the grounds went into the house.

  "Do you recollect this room?" said I to Mr Wharncliffe.

  "Yes, indeed I do; it was here that the box was opened, and my uncle's--But we must not say anything about that: he is dead!"


  "Yes; he never held his head up after his dishonesty was discovered. Hepined and died within three months, sincerely repenting what he hadattempted."

  I accepted their invitation to dinner, as I rowed them back to their ownresidence; and afterwards had the pleasure of enrolling them among mysincerest friends. Through them I was introduced to Lady Auburn andmany others; and I shall not forget the old housekeeper recognising meone day, when I was invited to Lady Auburn's villa.

  "Bless me! what tricks you young gentlemen do play. Only to think howyou asked me for water, and how I pushed the door in your face, andwouldn't let you rest yourself. But if you young gentlemen willdisguise yourselves, it's your own faults, and you must take theconsequences."

  My acquaintances now increased rapidly, and I had the advantage of thebest society. I hardly need observe that it was a great advantage; for,although I was not considered awkward, still I wanted that polish whichcan only be obtained by an admixture with good company. The reportsconcerning m
e were various; but it was generally believed that I was ayoung man who had received an excellent education, and might have beenbrought forward, but that I had taken a passion for the river, and hadchosen to be a waterman in preference to any other employment; that Ihad since come into a large fortune, and had resumed my station insociety. How far the false was blended with the true, those who haveread my adventures will readily perceive. For my part, I cared littlewhat they said, and I gave myself no trouble to refute the variousassertions. I was not ashamed of my birth, because it had no effectupon the Drummonds; still I knew the world too well to think itnecessary to blazon it. On the whole, the balance was in my favour;there was a degree of romance in my history, with all its variations,which interested, and, joined to the knowledge of my actual wealth, mademe to be well received, and gained me attention wherever I went. Onething was much to my advantage--my extensive reading, added to the goodclassical education which I had received. It is not often in societythat an opportunity occurs when any one can prove his acquisitions; andthus did education turn the scale in my favour, and every one was muchmore inclined to believe the false rather than the true versions of myhistory.


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