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Small Moments: A Malsum Pass Novel

Page 10

by Kimberly Forrest

  “She could kick your ass, Runt.”

  The unfamiliar voice had Rin dropping her fists and turning her attention to the doorway. The male was big, tall, with a barrel chest and thick limbs; square jawed with brown hair and a friendly smile. Rin recognized him only in that she knew she had seen him before, but she had no idea who he was. And runt? Who the hell was he calling a runt?

  Mike laughed and stripped the pads off his hands, “She absolutely could. I have no doubt she could kick both our asses if we piss her off, so watch yourself.”

  Rin welcomed the praise, even if it was a gross exaggeration of her skill, but she also welcomed Mike’s arm that snaked around her waist and pulled her in close to his body. A thoroughly possessive display in the presence of another male, and maybe Rin should be ashamed of herself, but she couldn’t help feeling a thrill. After all, if their visitor had been a female, Rin couldn’t say that she wouldn’t have done the same, or something similar.

  Mike dropped a kiss on her cheek. “This big gorilla is Tim, the guy I’ve been telling you about.” And then to Tim, “This is Rin-“

  “The Vixen that stole your heart.” Tim cut in with a wide grin. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”

  The emphasis was noted and met with an eye roll from Mike. “I was going to introduce you to her at Connie’s shindig this weekend. Are you bringing your nurse?”

  As the two males settled into conversation, Rin gave Mike a little squeeze in silent communication and then extricated herself from his side. He immediately noted the movement and her absence, but he didn’t complain as she went to continue her workout, this time with the heavy bag. She didn’t want to intrude on their conversation, nor did she relish the thought of being a third wheel, especially since, aside from Connie, she didn’t know all of the people they were discussing, and without explanation, very little of it made sense. Besides, she was getting a stiff neck trying to look up at Tim; the male was a full head taller than Mike! Rin must seem like a toddler to the male.

  Connie’s party had been the talk around The Cedars recently. The grand reveal of the new salon Connie was opening and Rin was looking forward to the event for several reasons. First, she was quite sure it would be fun. Second, she’d be able to meet more of the town. And third, it was the first gathering she’d be going to with Mike as a couple. Nothing like announcing your relationship status in a big public way. Okay, so maybe she was a teensy bit nervous about that. After all, what if some people didn’t approve? Foxes may be essentially canine, but they weren’t wolves, and prejudices were all too common. While she could easily thumb her nose at public opinion, these were people Mike had grown up with, people he respected, and people who may be able to sway his decisions.

  No, she couldn’t think like that. Mike had chosen her, even more important, Mike’s wolf had chosen her. No amount of outside influence would change that. The next punch Rin threw was harder than expected and the shock to her arm had her wincing. Taking a moment, she rolled her shoulders and stretched. Her ears perking up as she caught just a snippet of conversation from the two males. Tim was saying something about a big payout again in Rutland next week. She didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but hushed voices were pretty much useless against fox ears. And a big payout? A big payout of what? What were these two up to?

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Rin berated herself for being suspicious and paranoid. Hadn’t she just recently worked herself up into a fine tizzy simply because of some cash in a drawer? And hadn’t the explanation been laughably simple? She needed to stop this ridiculous notion that everyone was a criminal and not to be trusted. Mike was a good male and they had a good thing going; letting doubts and suspicions creep in was nothing more than a surefire way to sabotage her happiness.

  As soon as Tim left, Mike approached Rin from behind and wrapped his arms around her while he burrowed his face into her hair with a little mm of pleasure. Her lips lifted in a content smile as she felt Mike’s lips caressing the side of her neck. They definitely had a good thing.

  She felt a tug at her wrist and looked down to see Mike unlacing her gloves. “Want to share a shower with me?” He whispered against her skin, his warm breath making goosebumps spread down her back and she shivered despite her overheated body. “I’ll even give you a massage.”

  As if the shower hadn’t been enough inducement, the added bonus of having Mike’s hands on her body, kneading her tight muscles? Hell, yes! Where did she sign up? With an excited grin, Rin broke from Mike’s hold, shook the now loosened gloves off her hands and shouted “Race you!” as she took off for the door.

  Mike let out a playful howl and readily took off after her. Within moments, he had caught her, let out a victory whoop, scooped her into his arms, and sealed their mouths in a kiss before climbing the stairs to the loft.

  Showering with Mike was definitely an erotic experience. Not only did she get to see and touch all of that fine, muscular body, slick with water and soap, but he insisted on washing every inch of her himself, and then kissing every inch of her as well. The water had gone downright icy before they finally shut it off. Somehow they managed to dry their bodies between more nips and kisses and laughter.

  True to his word, Mike also treated Rin to a massage before making love to her so thoroughly that the aftermath left her limbs feeling like jelly. Now as they lay tangled together in Mike’s bed, content and more than a little drowsy, Rin’s mind started to wander and once again she found herself fixating on that payout that Tim had mentioned. Just what kind of odd jobs was Mike doing? She considered asking him, but a wide yawn broke loose and Mike’s arms tightened around her in response. She felt the kiss he dropped on the top of her head and then heard his whispered words that warmed her heart: “I love you, Rin. Sweet dreams.”

  Tomorrow. She would ask him to explain tomorrow. With a sigh of contentment, Rin curled deeper into Mike’s embrace and was asleep within moments.

  The next morning, she didn’t get the opportunity to discuss much of anything with Mike. They woke late and Rin had to scramble to get back to the bed and breakfast, shower, and get ready for work. She ate lunch at the office since Mike was busy with repairs at the garage, though he did take a moment to IM her just to let her know he was thinking of her, which of course, had her once again grinning like a loon. Then, that evening, Mike arrived at the office to pick her up, looking boyishly eager with the promise of a surprise, which sent all thoughts of asking him about Tim and his big payout right out of her head.

  When they arrived at Mike’s loft, he stopped her from going in with a grin, a quick kiss, and a promise that he’d be right back. What she discovered moments later when Mike ushered her through the now open door was that he had outdone himself creating a romantic atmosphere. Flameless LED candles glowed softly from seemingly every available surface, while a multitude of floral bouquets perfumed the air with their heady aroma, and coming from the speakers... Taylor Swift crooning one of her most popular ballads.

  Rin sniffled and she had to blink rapidly to keep herself from crying. The effort he’d put into this, the expense… and it wasn’t even her birthday or a special occasion. He’d done this just because, and no one had ever done anything so sweet for her. Through her watery gaze she could see Mike standing before her, his face eager, but perhaps a little nervous as well, before he piped up with an “Oh!” and came over to help her remove her coat.

  With her outerwear shed, Mike stood before her and took her hand in his, his voice husky with emotion he asked, “Dance with me?”

  Without hesitation, Rin stepped into his arms and placed her head against his shoulder as they swayed together to the music. “You hate Taylor Swift.” Rin couldn’t resist pointing out.

  Mike didn’t deny it, he kissed the top of her head and then whispered against her ear, “But I love you.”

  This moment… This moment she would cherish forever.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Constance Tully, with t
he help of her mate Jacob Pierce and his family, had done a remarkable job in remodeling the space she had purchased for her new salon, in an astoundingly short amount of time. The interior was a study of creams and gold, the countertops marble, the sinks and chairs black, and everywhere you looked you were surrounded by your own reflection cast by a multitude of gilt framed mirrors.

  It wouldn’t be a stretch to estimate that the entire town had crammed themselves into the space to celebrate Connie’s accomplishment. Some just funneled in to offer their congratulations and then were once again on their way out, while others stayed to partake of the food, drink, and conversation freely flowing.

  Rin was happy for Connie, and pleased to see the female so excited about moving forward with her life. Constance Tully had been the reason Rin had escaped the fur traders, the reason why she was still alive today to find her own happiness.

  Mike’s arm tightened around Rin’s waist and he bumped his hip into hers. “What’s up, buttercup? What has you so pensive?”

  Rin shot him a tight smile and shook her head. “I was just thinking about how happy I am for Connie, that’s all.”

  “That’s all?” Mike’s eyes narrowed as his gaze skimmed over her face. “Are you sure?”

  Rin focused on Connie once more who was laughing and chatting with one of the Pierce brothers and a human woman, which she knew from town gossip, was his mate. Absently, her hand reached for the locket that no longer hung around her neck, and tightened into a fist of frustration that she was still doing that before she brought it back down to her side. “Did you know she saved my life?”

  Mike didn’t say anything, and Rin couldn’t look at him right then to gauge his reaction with her own emotions so close to the surface. The last thing she wanted to do was break down in tears in front of the entire town. “Connie was already free. She could have easily just run, yet she took on a guard to come back for me. She saved me.”

  Rin’s voice cracked on the last and Mike pulled her against his chest. She gave him a squeeze around the waist in appreciation for his support, as well as the time she needed to compose herself. Lifting her head, she looked at Mike and he used a thumb to smooth away the tear that she hadn’t realized had slipped free.

  “They were going to use me in a fox hunt. Hunt me, shoot me, and stuff me as a trophy for entertainment.” Rin was no longer close to tears as the words spilled out. With each syllable, finally spoken aloud, she grew angrier and angrier until Mike’s responding growl on her behalf filled her ears and she realized this was neither the time nor the place for this discussion. But it was done, it was out there, and now they both needed to calm down before they were the center of attention.

  “Oh, my God! I had heard you two were a couple!” Connie’s squeal of delight, broke through the tension as nothing else could and they were both suddenly pulled into the blonde beauty’s eager embrace. “I’m so happy for both of you.”

  “We’re happy for you.” Rin said, her smile genuine. “This place is beautiful.”

  Connie grinned, her head moving to take in her surroundings and she let out a sigh. “It is, isn’t it?” She giggled and then leaned forward to whisper, “Flora’s pea green jealous, but she’s also my first appointment when I officially open on Monday.”

  Flora, Rin knew, was Connie’s former boss and the owner of Flora’s Hair Design back in town. Malsum Pass couldn’t support two salons, so Connie had had to hunt further afield to make her dreams come true, but she was definitely making an excellent start.

  Tim chose that moment to sneak up behind Connie, and pick her up in a bear hug that had the female letting out a little screech, which set her mate to growling, and had Tim tossing back his head with laughter. “Congratulations, Goldilocks!” Tim bellowed and spurred the other guests to lift their glasses and raise their voices as well.

  Connie shot the bigger male a warning look that dissolved into a pleased smile as she playfully punched him on the arm. Then with a shake of her head, she excused herself and moved on to chat with her other guests.

  Tim, still grinning, introduced Rin to his girlfriend, Jennifer. Surprisingly, the lovely human nurse was only a few inches taller than Rin. The poor woman must have a perpetual crick in her neck trying to converse with Tim, who topped the woman by a good foot or more.

  While Rin made small talk with Jennifer, Mike and Tim moved off a few paces and started conversing in hushed tones. Tim excited, Mike nodding at whatever the bigger male was telling him, but there was too much background noise for Rin to pick out exact words. It did however, remind her that she hadn’t had a chance to ask Mike just what kind of odd jobs he does. She had been working under the assumption that he was making house calls doing oil changes, changing out a flat, or basic car maintenance, but maybe his definition of odd jobs was more literal: a job that one might consider strange.

  She had intended to ask him the night before, but what with the romantic dance, followed by tacos – the only thing Mike said he was an expert at making – and a Jackie Chan movie marathon, Rin’s state of mind had been leaning more toward giving Mike a thank you he wouldn’t soon forget rather than indulging her paranoia with questions.

  She was just about to subtly introduce the subject to Jennifer and see if the nurse knew anything, when Rin’s nose twitched, and she grit her teeth to keep from panicking. Mike had already told her that the few bear shifters in town were good people. There was no reason for her to become agitated, yet when Mike rejoined her and asked her if she was ready to leave, Rin pounced on the opportunity to flee.

  They took a moment to say their goodbyes, but once they were enclosed in Mike’s car, Rin finally felt like she could breathe again.

  Mike rubbed her thigh and squeezed her knee. “Are you okay?”

  He must have scented them as well and thought to save her. Such a sweet male. “With you I’m better than okay.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Mike in wolf form was a sight to behold. His thick fur was almost solid black with just a few white hairs salted into the mix. He was also bigger than Rin had expected. Running next to him, it was no exaggeration to say he dwarfed her much smaller size.

  When he had suggested they go for a run, Rin had immediately agreed. Not only would it help with her agitation, but it would also satisfy her curiosity about Mike’s beast. This was the first time she had seen him in this form, and he was truly magnificent.

  Feeling once more at ease now that she’d given her fox a run, she jumped playfully into the air, bounding left and right as she released little barks of happiness. Mike joined her in her play, stomping his front paws against the frozen ground, feinting left and then running right, they chased each other through the trees.

  They investigated the frozen edges of the stream where Mike had taken her on a picnic, rolled in snow drifts, and Rin, in a mood to show off, demonstrated her tree climbing ability while Mike chuffed in amusement. She felt wonderful, fully connected to nature and to Mike; it was another moment she would cherish.

  Rin didn’t know how long they would have played, but the setting sun and the loud gurgling of her empty stomach had them heading back to where they had left Mike’s car and their clothes. Once dressed, they drove back in silence, yet with identical looks of contentment on their faces.

  They were almost to the diner when the car parked across the way, in front of The Cedars, had Rin sitting up straighter in her seat. Rin wasn’t overly familiar with cars but the vehicle was definitely a luxury model. Rich tourists in town for some cross-country skiing? Margaret Tully hadn’t mentioned any new guest reservations, but it was always possible this was a last minute add, though the car didn’t have any skis mounted on the roof. Were the Tully’s even there to greet visitors or were they still celebrating with their daughter?

  Mike let out a low whistle. “Nice Rolls,” he breathed, bringing the car to a complete stop in the middle of the road to admire what he would consider a work of art. Thus they were i
n perfect position for Rin to see the man who got out of the driver’s seat of the car, dressed in formal chauffeur livery, and opened the back seat for his passenger. The elderly male that stepped out and looked about him with clear disdain on his weathered face had Rin letting out a gasp of surprise.

  Mike looked at Rin sharply, “Do you know him?”

  Swallowing hard, she attempted a reassuring smile and failed miserably. “Can we go back to back to your place?”

  He didn’t question her further, didn’t insist on knowing what was wrong, Mike simply made a three point turn with the car and headed back to the garage. It wasn’t until they were safely locked within Mike’s loft that Rin was able to squeeze the words past her dry throat. “He’s my uncle. I don’t know why he’s here, but I’m not ready to talk to him.”

  Rin welcomed the warmth and strength of Mike’s arms coming around her, even more so his words as he kissed the top of her head and whispered, “Then you don’t have to.”

  Mike couldn’t deny that he was curious. Rin had gone from happy and relaxed, her face rosy and practically glowing after their run, to stiff and scared, her complexion ashen. His protective instincts had immediately bubbled to the surface. His first thought was to march into the bed and breakfast and demand to know why the male was here. But he refused to leave Rin’s side when she was so obviously agitated. She paced, she chewed her bottom lip, and she kept grasping at her chest as if she expected something to be there before her face would turn to frustration when her hand would come up empty. He’d seen the gesture before, had meant to ask her about it, but not now. He had so many questions, yet he held his tongue. She would tell him – or not – only when she was ready. The last thing he wanted to do was push her or make her feel cornered. So he occupied himself with making them food.


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