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KANE (Noir MC Book 1)

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by Celia Crown

  She didn’t mean to make him chase her because it was a horror movie ending in every mental scenario she had.

  Kane nearly kisses her again when she finishes and chews on her lip as he let the silence grow. It invades her confidence while suffocating her thoughts with consequences.

  “You promised you wouldn’t be mad,” she says, soft and cautious.

  Kane knows his face doesn’t convey many emotions, he must be showing some sign of anger because she thinks he would hurt her when he holds her like she’s his only treasure.

  “You don’t believe me,” her bottom lip juts out, blue eyes looking up at him in transparency.

  “I don’t.”

  He does.

  “I swear, kind sir.”

  “Don’t call me that.” sliding his hand through his brown hair, she watches with astonishment and a small pink tongue pokes out of her lips.

  “Okay, milord.”

  Something flashes underneath his hardened expression and she clamps her mouth shut in an attempt at self-preservation.

  “Hold on tight.” the bike purrs with a start as smooth vibrations shook her core and she moans quietly.

  “I might hurt you.”

  Kane smirks, she flushes at the unfair sexiness radiating off him. “Your flimsy twig arms aren’t strong enough.”

  “How dare you.” she gasps, a hand flying to her chest with faux hurt.

  “I’ll show you strong.”

  She scoots closer to him, thigh rubbing his constantly hard cock with a shuffle. Wrapping her arms around his waist with the orange basket hooked on her elbow and while biting her lips in determination, she plops her face on the curve of his warm neck. Honey curls herself into him and tightens her arms around his waist that resemble suctions of octopus limbs.

  Chapter Six


  He feels the exhilarating excitement in her body as he speeds down the empty roads, a wide smile plasters on her face with childish wonder shining in her bright blue eyes.

  She laughs and laughs, and he doesn’t mind hearing it more as he accelerates faster. She closes her eyes and let her body absorb the sensations of ecstatic speediness.

  When Honey opens her eyes after her blonde hair prickles her face from the speed they are going, she is greeted with obsidian sky with thousands of little stars flickering in their own beauty. Her heart lurches into her throat as her lungs throbs from the crisp oxygen.

  Her happiness emits precious exquisiteness in his eyes, and his heart gives loud drumming in harmonization with the blaring engine. She laughs like a pure-hearted child without burden on her shoulders, and it pleases him to feel his own heavy weight sooth through her contagious mood.

  He’s never met someone this beautiful.

  He wants to have her, shield her from blood and violence just so he can see her smile at him like the sun every day.

  He won’t let go, not after he found someone for him.

  “Oh.” her blue eyes light up in glee when she sees other sleek motorcycles lined up next to each other with their own distinguishable markings.

  Three of his brothers are outside with cigarettes in their hands, and by the time he parks his bike, they are looking at him as if he has a third head sticking out somewhere.

  He quirks an inquiring brow and nods at them, they nod back while staring at the woman on his bike in wonder.

  She waves with a friendly smile and some of them was shocked that she is being so comfortable around a bunch of outlaws.

  Unless she doesn’t know because Kane hasn’t told her.

  By the dark glare he’s giving them, they hazard a guess that she doesn’t know what he has done in the past for Noir.

  They know they have a reputation of being dangerous, but they couldn’t help but wave back because they got Kane’s serious business glare. There is a clear meaning behind it, and they have known Kane for so long that they don’t need a decoder to know which type of glare he is giving them.

  If they don’t wave back, Kane would look at them and stare soullessly into their eyes until they stiffly do it back because the inexpressive man has this fervent desire to make her happy

  So, they wave back with locked wrists and is rewarded with white teeth and little happy bounces in her steps.

  He opens the door and allows her to go in first, but she doesn’t, and he looks at her with a questioning brow lift.

  “Why are you just standing there?”

  “Vampires have to be invited in.” she bats her lashes playfully at him.

  He chuckles briefly and indulges her

  “Welcome to the lair, Dracula,” he said.

  She steps in the establishment, taking in details of the scarily handsome men and the ambient light shining on clean walls.

  Bars in Miami are notoriously disgusting with a blend of different yellow shades from uncontrolled drunks throwing up.

  The interior design of this bar is clean, people sitting at the bar stools and tables all looking at Kane, they turn their bewildered gaze to the smiling girl next to him.

  Kane doesn’t allow time for them to ask questions as he guides her to the least crowded table and shoots a warning glare to the men at the table because the girl belongs to him.

  He tells her not to move and he would be right back. He goes to the bar to get her a drink while she sets her pumpkin on the table.

  It doesn’t stop her from introducing herself.

  A black-haired, brown-eyed man in leather grins widely, his face dotted with freckles and pierced ears.

  “Name’s Bone.”

  She cocks her head, “Is that your real name?”

  “Is Honey your real name?” he shoots back.

  “Yes, you?”

  “No, but you can call me Bone.”

  She leans forward, eyes wide with interest. “Is it because you like bones?”

  “Sure,” he shrugs nonchalantly, “I like breaking them more.”

  “Oh my,” a flash of horror shows on her face, and Kane shoots him a warning glare.

  He jokes with a smirk, “Hearing them scream makes me want to crush their skulls.”

  “You’re a bone-afide bully.”

  Bone falls quiet and a silly grin comes up, “I know you didn’t just make a pun out of my name.”

  “Huh,” she said, innocently looking at him. “Did I rattle your bones?”

  “You little shit.” Bone crackles, leaning back on his chair with a hefty thump.

  Honey looks around the table; all the men were extremely handsome, and she notices some of the gang members around the room had darker vibes than other.

  The others at the table feel compelled to say their names because she’s so fucking nice and eyes widen at them with eagerness. She smiles at them and it was really good to watch her smile.

  A girl in the lap of Bone snarks that he is hers.

  “Little girls like you don’t belong here,” she snaps snobbishly with venom dripping between her teeth.

  “Who the hell are you anyway, coming in here and taking attention from my man.”

  Honey doesn’t feel an ounce of offensiveness in her because she had dealt with patients more hostile than her. Sometimes they throw tantrums because they’re scared of the process and the aftermath, but most of the times, they just can’t accept what’s happening to them and helpless to their worst nightmares.

  “It’s okay, mom said not to take something I didn’t pay for.”

  And fuck, her smile is so dazzling and bright that it blinds them. The woman doesn’t even know if it’s a jab because she looks so sincere.

  Then, Honey remembers that she didn’t finish her trick-or-treating.

  She stands up hysterically, causing others to turn their heads to her and Kane is immediately at her side and scowls at her for even thinking about standing up.

  He sets a glass of water on the table and frowns disapprovingly down on her.

  “I need three more houses to make it to thirty-one, I make it every year. Hallow
een has that many days so it’s natural to go to that many houses.”

  “Sit back down.”

  She shakes her head rebelliously, lips purses in dismay. His arms cross over his thick chest, her eyes zones in on the intricate tattoo and she forces herself to look away because he’s doing things to her body that doesn’t need to be known by everybody in the bar.

  “It’s Halloween.” she murmurs, a weak attempt to not get distracted by his bulging arm muscles.

  “I’m aware.”

  “It’s tradition to go trick-or-treating.”

  “Is that so.” his stupidly handsome face gives no regards to her emotional turmoil right now.

  On one hand, she needs to finish tradition because for the past five years, she’s been constant in her thirty-one houses. On the other hand, his stubborn stance will not let her go and by the look of his stormy eyes, he’s going to tie her to the chair if he needs to.

  Whatever she must do, she will do it for the tradition.

  The horrid magazine that started all this mess comes to mind, she’s thankful for it to allow her to meet Kane, but also upset because her limited-edition ramen noodles were roasted like a badly singed rotisserie chicken.

  Tip number four.

  To seduce a man: you must offer, take, and give a kiss.

  Is that even a legitimate advice?

  Honey assumes it is because it got published for Pete’s sake.

  The author writes nonsense, editors corrects their stupidity, and publishers don’t want to know the constant irritating struggles of emailing because the author wants one thing and the editor wants another.

  However, the author wants to publish. If not for their readers, then it’s the fire under their ass called ‘deadline’. Every single human being walking on Earth hates deadlines, it’s frightening and stressful.

  Theoretically, it’s the editor’s fault for this preposterous tip.

  This could either work out perfectly or end in a disaster, but given her record with the magazine, she’s inclining more to the latter.

  Honey won’t know unless she tried it.

  She looks up at him with pleading wide eyes, and his resolve almost breaks. Who was he kidding, it’s halfway out the window when her lips pouts.

  Fuck, she’s so pretty.

  “You can come with me.” she slides her finger over his tattoos, tracing the patterns to convince him that either she was seducing him, or she really means for them to go knocking on doors for candy.

  He’d be damned if he goes asking for fucking candy of all things.

  Kane pulls a lollipop from the pumpkin basket and unwraps it with ease. One swift move and it’s in between her lips.

  His cock hardens against his jeans.

  “I’ll give you something to suck on later.”

  She blinks and tilts her head.

  Kane growls quietly, he needs to defile her innocence.

  Honey squints her eyes at him, his proposal is suspicious, but she is interested in what he wants to give her.

  She takes the lollipop out and set it down on the wrapper that’s on the table, mom taught her not to eat when talking to people no matter how hungry she is.

  Kane gives her the impression of being a black coffee drinker, early riser like herself, and a composed individual. He could have a secret sweet tooth and she can’t fault him for liking sweets, they are addicting.

  “Better yet,” she suggests, and he can feel the nonsense coming out of her mouth before it even filters to her brain.

  “You can come with me; your face can help with the Halloween vibe—”

  “Finish that sentence,” he grips her chin and narrows his eyes dangerously, “and see what happens.”

  She shakily laughs at his dead eyes, “I was just going to say your very pretty face can get more treats because everyone’s going for the scary energy!”

  His hand moves down her neck to feel her swallow with large eyes and a nervous twitch on her lips.

  “Invitation rescinded.”

  Honey takes a moment to remember the rules of vampirism.

  She whines.

  Chapter Seven


  During the time of people watching; she takes note of that her mom was absent, and people watch her like a hawk. Yet, they don’t dare to touch her with Kane’s imposing body permanently plastered on her side.

  She should call her mom to let her know that she’s at the bar, but maybe she’s in the wrong bar?

  Honey had seen the name of the bar outside, it said in bold red lights of the name.


  She wants to surprise mom and see the happily shocked face, so she pushes down the urge to pull out her phone and call.

  Honey sighs, it turns out that she didn’t get to go get the rest of the trick-or-treat candies. Kane was an unyielding force, and with his hazel eyes alone, he was able to make her wish she never suggested the idea of going door to door for sweets.

  She didn’t finish the tip from the magazine. She only got to the offer and take part. She offered him to go with her and he said no, she took the initiative of seducing him with her nonexistent skills and he didn’t feel a thing.

  Now, Honey prides herself on doing things all the way, no half-assed attitudes on life. Not when she was an undergraduate student, or in medical residency, and definitely not as a doctor.

  Kane’s chair is next to hers, his tattooed arm around the back of her chair with his body facing her. She wants to sit closer to him, but she’d be on his lap if she moves any closer.

  Not that she minds.

  It’s a long story, so she doesn’t want to waste time telling him her unsuccessful cooking experience and how that same magazine demolished her chances of finishing Halloween tradition.

  The nerve of it.

  An air of calmness fills the bar as chatters from left and right shifts loudness over time. Bone ran off somewhere with the woman in his arms, and when she asks Kane, he tells her not to worry about it and it’s not something he wants her to know.

  Honey builds up her nerves and breathes out shakily as nervousness bites her fidgety fingers.

  Prickling sensation at the nape of her delicate neck forces her to lift her eyes to Kane.

  His eyes are hypnotic, she could get lost in them every day just like she is right now.

  She leans a little further in, the need to kiss him runs hot in her body as she searches his eyes for permission. His big, warm hand falls on her neck, fisting the strands of blonde silk at the base of her skull.

  Honey kisses him, and the world moves away. Chattering noises fades to matted muffles in her ears, he presses his lips tighter with a contented hum.

  They break apart, breaths mingling with heated gazes and kisses again.

  She doesn’t know who kissed who first, but his lips move in a way that his tongue slips out and she follows his lead.

  Lips cracks open slightly with her pink tongue touching his before scurrying back with her breaking their kiss.

  Apple-red cheeks and soft lips, Kane tugs her closer and nudges his nose on her heated cheek. He sees his nosy brothers shamelessly taking in the scene and he presses a domineering kiss on her cheek.

  She leans back and presses forward to his lips once more in a shorter kiss.

  “You’re not going to change my mind.” he murmurs against her lips.

  She pulls back and scrunches her nose adorably.

  Kane dives back for another chaste kiss.

  “Oh, baby,” a woman’s voice yells in shock and underlying panic, “What’re you doing here?”

  The blonde-haired girl jerks her head away and snaps her neck to see a tall woman with olive skin.


  Blue eyes light up like a Christmas tree, a brilliant smile stretches her lips beautifully. A burst of giddiness exploded in her heart as she jumps out of the chair, running to her mom with arms wide open.

  Honey inhales the scent of home; as cliché as it sounds, mom has a distinc
tive smell of rainy days and apple pie that has been associated with home for as long as she remembers.

  “I missed you so much.” her voice is being muffled by her mom’s chest, but she can express her delight through squeezing tighter.

  “I missed you too, baby.”

  Honey says, loud and clear, with a gleaming smile on her face. "I love you!"

  A blush covers Brenda's olive cheeks, she's flustered and taken by surprise. Everyone in the bar stares with invested interest, eyes flickering back and forth between the mother and daughter.

  While Brenda begins to feel self-conscious of all the eyes, Honey doesn't pay attention to them.

  "I love you too, baby." she breathes heavily, "Where's this coming from?"

  "I burned the house down."

  "What?" a pause later, Brenda ignores the warning rings in her ears.

  "You're always taking care of me, I want to do that to you too. So, I tried cooking, but that didn't work out."

  "Oh, baby."

  How could anyone be upset at her dejected tone with head tipped down and round eyes like a scowled child?

  "Where are you staying now?"

  "With you," Honey says it so seriously, a fact like the sky is blue, that Brenda had to stop for a second because her boyfriend lives with her and she didn't tell her children about her relationship with the former president of Noir biker gang.

  Oh dear.

  This needs planning on many levels because there is a trickling feeling at the base of her neck. It is the same feelings she gets when one or more of her girls do something insane and everything ends up catastrophic.


  Brenda realizes she spaced out while everyone waits for her answer.

  She swallows a bag of dry air and croaks, "Actually, my neighbor is working on his house and he likes to do construction in the early morning."

  Brenda wrecks her brain, wishing for it to have a stroke of genius.

  "It's okay, I'm a morning person." Honey giggles.


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