It is significant that two important episodes are related in the final part of the Gospel story — one preceding and one following immediately after the apparent death of the Christ. They are:
1. The story of the upper chamber to which the man carrying the water pot and typifying Aquarius led the disciples, and in which the first communion service was held, participated in by all and foretelling that great relationship which will distinguish humanity in the coming age, after the tests of the Piscean Age. Such a communion service has never yet been held, but the New Age will see it take place.
2. The story of the upper chamber in which the disciples met and arrived at a true recognition of the Risen Christ and at a perfect and complete understanding of [152] each other in spite of the symbolic diversity of tongues. They had a touch of prevision, of prophetic insight, and foresaw a little of the wonder of the Aquarian Age.
The vision in men’s minds today is that of the Aquarian Age, even if they recognise it not. The future will see right relationships, true communion, a sharing of all things (wine, the blood, the life and bread, economic satisfaction) and goodwill; we have also a picture of the future of humanity when all nations are united in complete understanding and the diversity of languages — symbolic of differing traditions, cultures, civilisations and points of view — will provide no barrier to right human relations. At the centre of each of these pictures is to be found the Christ.
Thus the expressed aims and efforts of the United Nations will be eventually brought to fruition and a new church of God, gathered out of all religions and spiritual groups, will unitedly bring to an end the great heresy of separateness. Love, unity, and the Risen Christ will be present, and He will demonstrate to us the perfect life.
Training for new age discipleship is provided
by the Arcane School. The principles of the
Ageless Wisdom are presented through esoteric
mediation, study and service as a way of life.
Contact the publishers for information
Alchemy, search, 118-119
Animal kingdom, rays governing, 14, 123
Animals, effects of seventh ray, 124-12
Aquarian Age-
forecasts, 7, 10, 47-48
goal, 13
initiation in, 136-146
significance, 136-152
worldwide discipleship, 111
Argentina, ruling signs, 67
Arjuna, world battle, 33
Aryan race, ray dominating, 43
consciousness, manifestation, 11
form, manifestation today, 11
will, manifestation, 5, 6
glamour, production, 122
plane, field of expression of sixth ray, 115
development, effect, 27
group, 63
Ataturk, Kemal, ray, 16
Atlantean consciousness, 44
and United States, 46
ray dominating, 43
religion, 43, 46
war, 13
inter-relation with Spain and France, 56
personality ray, 50, 67
ruling signs, 67, 69
soul ray, 50, 52, 67
Authoritarianism, basis, 8
Beauty, manifestation, prophecy, 6
Belgium, ruling signs, 67
Berlin, ruling signs, 69
Black Lodge, work, 36-37, 107-108
femininity, 55-56
future destiny, 54, 55
link with United States, 56
personality ray, 50, 54, 67
ruling signs, 67
soul ray, 50, 52, 67
Brotherhood of nations, 47
Brussels, ruling signs, 69
Buddha, Lord-
rays and work, 38-39
type of Messenger, 139
Calvin, John, mistake, 34-35
Capricorn. expression, 67, 69
Capricornian Age, universal initiation, 111
sacral, ray, 33
solar plexus, ray, 33
Centres, planetary-
relationships, 23, 24
release of energy, 92-106
masculinity, 56
personality ray, 50, 67
ruling signs, 67
soul ray, 50, 67
and coming New Age, 147-152
birth, 149
evolution, 41
ideal, 37-38
rays and work, 38-39
type of Messenger, 139
Christian Church, future reformation, 59
Christianity, ray, 39
Churches, organised orthodox, ray and needs, 39-40
five, correspondence to centres up spine, 102
points of spiritual influx, 92-106
coming, factors affecting, 31, 35
seventh-ray, characteristics, 117
Clairaudience, study 44-45
Clairvoyance, study, 44-45
Communism, origin, 22
Conflict, workers on sixth and seventh Rays, 107-136
Atlantean, 44, 46, 48
expansions, 13, 47-48
human unfoldment, 25
racial, 13, 21, 47
unity, 12
Creative work, ray influences, 6, 18, 19
Crises, human, 13
Culture, current, determination, 31
Darjeeling, spiritual importance, 92-93
from Shamballa energy, 17
problem, solution, 34
true nature, revelation, 43
Democracy, influence, 22
Desire, realm, battle, 107-136
Destruction, ray factor, 12, 14, 16, 17, 19, 46
Dictators, ray, 15
Disaster to the world, avoidance, 26
Disciples of Shamballa, 16
Ray expression, 145
types, 125-134
world-wide, 111
Education, spread, 43
Egypt, magic, 118
Emblem, comparison with symbol, 119
Emotionalism, cause, 33
fusing, three, on planet, 104-105
incoming, effects, sequential order, 57
invocation, 5, 6, 26
new, release, 95
seven, manifestation on Earth, 7
definition, 16
nature, control, and direction, 128
active intelligence, 3, 6
humanity, ray combination, 33
idealism, 3, 5
love, 18
ray, definition, 16
rays, 3-4, 5-7
Shamballa, effects, 12-15
England, function, 51, 52
Evocation, response, 21
factors, 3, 8, 42
forces controlling, publicising, 36
goals, 25, 41
of form, 37
plan, 36
Evolutionary development, demonstration, 4, 12
Feathers, three, symbolism, 51
Finland, ruling signs, 67
Fleur de lis, symbolism, 51
Focus of human attention, shift, 109
Force, definition, 16
Forces, activity, types, 4
aspect, work with, conflict with soul aspect, 107-136
life, basic ideas, 47
destruction, 14, 17, 19
in nature, effect of Shamballa force, 120
new, creation, 19, 30
analysis, 72-7
femininity, 55-56
future destiny, 51
inter-relation with Spain and Austria, 56
personality ray, 50, 51, 67
rapport with Great Britain, 49-50
ruling signs, 67
soul ray, 50, 51, 58, 67
symbol, 51
integrity, 4
restriction, 8
Fusing energies, three, on planet, 104-105
Gemini, influence, 52
Geneva, spiritual importance, 92-93
analysis, 76-80
interpretation by Great Britain, 53
masculinity, 56
personality ray, 50, 53, 58, 67
rapport with Great Britain, 49
ruling signs, 67
soul ray, 50, 52, 53, 58, 67
Glamour, astral, production, 122
glory, revelation, 25
love, 3, 16, 24
mind, 3
plan, 10, 11, 12
purposes, 11, 24
will 3, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 24
Goodwill in humanity, 21
future, development, 60
types, 8-10
Great Britain-
aid to world peace, 53
analysis, 80-85
destiny, 104
function today, 54-55
link with India, 53, 99
link with Rome, 59
masculinity, 56
personality ray, 50, 51, 67
rapport with France, 49-51
rapport with Germany, 49
ruling signs, 67
soul ray 50, 52, 58, 67, 80
understanding of Germany, 53, 80
Greece, ruling signs, 67, 69
initiation, future, 69
love demonstration, 15, 20-21
work, New Group of World Servers, 20
grade of messenger, 138
rays and work, 38-39
disciples, 16
effort in Piscean Age, 111
energy, effects, 22
energy of love, 16, 18-21, 22
energy, relation to Shamballa, 18-19, 24
fact of publicising, 36
life of love, 138-139
of love, solar system, 24
source of inspiration, 28
spiritual rule, elements, 9-10
work, 11, 18-21
History, bases, 3, 5, 7
Holland, ruling signs, 67
Horoscope of country, discussion, 71-72
Human kingdom, rays governing, 124
approaches to, 18, 31
changes, factors, 31-32
energy, ray combination, 33
first initiation, 149
importance, 24
mental activities, vertical and horizontal, 32
mentality, development, 35-36
mind, unfoldment, 36
personality rays, 31
response to Shamballa energy, 20, 21
solar system, 23-24
united will, 36
Idealism, energy of, 3, 5
present day, categories, 8-10
source, 8
Ideologies today, 8, 10, 21-22, 24
destiny, 52-53
femininity, 55-56
link with Great Britain, 53, 99
personality ray, 50, 52, 67
ruling signs, 67, 69
soul ray, 50, 53, 67, 98
Individualisation on Lemuria, 13, 19
first, 136, 137, 149, 150
in Aquarian Age, 136-152
of race, 13
second, 120, 138-140, 150
third, 120, 137, 141
universal, in Capricornian Age, 111
Inspiration from Hierarchy, 28
Intelligence, active, energy, 3, 6
Internationalism, development, 47
Intuition, future flowering, 71
Invocation of-
forces and energies, 26
ray energies, 5, 6
Ireland, ruling signs, 67
analysis, 86-88
links with other countries, 56, 86, 87-88
masculinity, 56
personality ray, 50, 52, 67
ruling signs, 67
soul ray, 50, 52, 59, 67
Japan, ruling signs, 67, 69
Jesus, Master-
ray, 37
spiritual attempt in future, 59
demonstration of first ray, 15-16
problem, solution, 34-35
Law of
Cause and Effect, 27
Cleavages, 47
Love, 15
Loving Understanding, 47, 48-49
Leo, expression, 145
Life, oneness, 47
era, 147-148
relation to love, 17
influence of Gemini, 52
ruling signs, 52, 69
spiritual importance, 92-93
Lord of Shamballa, work, 17
Lord of the World
release of new energies, 95
work, 6, 14, 24
Lords of Light, war on Atlantis, 13
Lords of the Rays, capacity, collaborative, 144
energy of, 18
group demonstration, 15, 20-21
influence of Hierarchy, 16, 18-21, 22
of God, 3, 16, 24
work in world, 20
in Egypt, 118
new, 118, 122-123
of seventh ray, 54, 62
of sixth ray, 122
old Atlantean today, 48
true and scientific, 118
white, concern, 122-123, 129
white, definition, 41-42
black, work, 43-44
white, task, 42
Masses, voice, 17-18
negativity, 44
training, 28
Mercury, message of love, 139, 140
activities, vertical and horizontal, 32
of God, 3
Moscow, ruling signs, 69
Mottos, national, 50, 52-53, 59, 60-61, 62, 98
feminine, 55-56
masculine, 55, 56
rays controlling, 49
sound, 17
territorial possessions, 34
New Age
constructive work, 19, 30-31, 46-47
spiritual life, 107-136
New Group of World Servers
anchoring, 146
increased radiation and potency, 48
objective and task, 49
personnel, 20, 48
work, 20, 21, 48, 49
New York, spiritual importance, 92-93
One Life, recognition, 138
of humanity, 65
of Life, 47
Oversoul, identity, 47
Paris, ruling signs, 69
basis, 10, 11
demand for, 18
prophecy, 11
Pen, symbolism, 16
The Destiny of the Nations Page 15