Philosopher's Stone, search, 118-119
Piscean Age, characteristics, 110-115
consummation 10, 11, 12
penetration to consciousness of race, 120
publicising, 36
Planet, destiny, 104-105
Planetary centres, energy released, 92-106
Poland, ruling signs, 67
Pope, future spiritual power, 59
Prayer, results, 5
Prevision, development, 27-28
Problems of nations, cause, 49
Prophecies of Master D.K. re.
Aquarian Age, 7, 10, 45, 47-48, 136-152
astrology, science of, development, 27
Christian church, 59
civilisation 31, 35
death, 34, 43, 45
France, 51
government, development, 60
Great Britain, 104
initiation, 69, 111, 136-152
intuition, flowering, 71
Jewish problem, 34-35
Master Jesus, 59
New Age concepts, 31, 45
peace, 11
pope, spiritual power, 59
psychology, 4, 34
public opinion, voice, 18
religion, 59, 61, 62
Russia, 61
sex, 34
Shamballa force, 18-19
soothsaying, 27-28
soul, nature of, 34
spiritual power, 59
territorial possessions, 34
voice of the people, 18
world situation, 6, 7, 9-10, 11, 25
world state, 9
Psychology, esoteric new, 4, 34
Racial understanding, lines, 49
of seventh ray, 123
relation to form, 123
Radio, significance, 43
causes of world situation, 3-12, 17-34
characteristics unrevealed, 41
expressions higher and lower, 41
fifth, transmutation, 51
destruction, 12, 14, 16, 17, 46
energy, vehicle, 121
force and energy, 43
functioning, 51, 52, 53
in biblical history, 15-16
influence, symbol, 16
influence today, 12-18
personalities, work, 14-16, 17
prominence today, 5, 12, 13-14
prophecy, 13
fourth, influence, 55
personality, influence, 55
egos, 31
energy, custodians, 54
influence, 16, 18-21, 52, 54
predominance, 5-6
prophecy, 13
work of reconstruction, 6, 18
centre, 33
characteristics, 115
civilisation, characteristics, 117
disciple, characteristics, 126
effects, 29-31, 4 5, 56-57, 124-125
higher expression, 41-43, 46-47
importance, 26-27, 29-30
incoming influences, body responsive to, 118
lower expression, 43-44, 45, 46
magic, 54, 62
manifestation, 5, 11, 29
purposes, achievement methods, 118
radiation, 123
relation to first ray, 121
workers, 28, 107-136
activity, characteristics, 109-115
activity, imposition methods, 114
centre, 33
devotee, characteristics, 126-127
effects, 29, 30, 45, 46, 126-127
exit, 5, 11, 29
higher expression, 41-43, 46-47
importance, 26, 29
lower aspects, 39-40
magic, 122
relation to animal kingdom, 123
subsidiary to second, 140
work, 121-122
workers, conflict with seventh ray workers, 107-136
soul, influence, 55
activity, 136-137
influence, 21, 51
predominance, 5, 6
prophecy regarding, 6
active today, 5-6
five influencing humanity, 135-136
governing human kingdom, 124
governing vegetable kingdom, 123-124
influence today, 12-47
manifestation, 142-144
outgoing and incoming, clash, 32-33
patterns imposed upon form nature, 57-58
personality, of humanity, effects, 31
Reconstruction work of second ray, 6, 18
and science, cleavage, 127
of future, 59, 61, 62
of Risen Christ, 149
ray sixth, 39-40
Research of future, 103-106
Right Human Relations, 148-151
Rome, ruling signs, 69
Roumania, ruling signs, 67
analysis, 85-86
association with United States, 56
destiny, 61, 85-86, 104-105
femininity, 55-56
personality ray, 50, 52, 60, 67
planets ruling, 86
ruling signs, 67
soul ray, 50, 54, 60-61, 67
Salvation of mankind, determination, 40
Saturn, decanate of Aquarius, 138
Scandinavia, ruling signs, 67
Science and religion, cleavage, 127
Segregation, racial, discussion, 64-65
Sensitives, study, 44-45
Sensitivity, lack, 41
interest in, cause, 33-34
problem, solution, 34
connection with initiation, 140
disciples, 16
energy, effects, 12-15, 18-19, 22
energy, relation to Hierarchy, 18-19, 24
effect on forms in nature, 120-121
inpouring, effect on governments, 98
use by Hierarchy, 46
Light of, 98-99
Lords of, will energy, application, 119-121
manifestation, 23-24
planetary centre, 141
Signs, Zodiacal
of capitals of eight nations, 69
of nations, 66-68
Solar systems, three, attainments, 23-24
Soothsaying, recurrence, 27-28
aspect, work with, conflict with form, 107-136
contact, development, results, 27
human, field of expression, 119
ray of nations, evocation, 49
stimulation of forms, results, 123
unfoldment and work, 123
Souls and Oversoul, 47
Sound, relation to will impulse, 17
personality Ray, 50-51, 61
relationships, 56, 62
ruling signs, 67
soul ray, 50-51, 67
Spirit and matter
separation, 127
uniting, 42, 46-47
Spiritual life in the New Age, 107-136
correct development, 48
ray expression, 43-44
Spiritualistic movement, growth, 43
Sun, heart of, 139
Survival after death, 43
Switzerland, ruling signs, 67
Sword, symbolism, 16
Symbol, comparison with emblem, 119
Telepathic interplay, growth, 43
Theologies, characteristics, 39-40
Three, numerical correspondences, 137-141
Tibetan Master, objective, 7
nature of, 32
non-existence, 42-43
Tokyo, spiritual importance, 92-93
Totalitarianism, influences, 22
Trance condition, danger, 45
Turkey, ruling signs, 67
Two, numerical correspondences, 138-140
United Nations, problems, causes, 3
United States of America
analysis, 88-92
association with Brazil, Russia and Italy, 56
destiny, 54, 104-105
femininity, 55-56
function, 51-52, 55
influence of Gemini, 52
old Atlantis, 46
personality ray, 50, 52, 58, 59-60, 67, 88-89
ruling signs, 67
soul ray, 50, 54, 58, 67
Vegetable kingdom, rays governing, 123-124
Voice of the people, 17-18
War, World, ray influences, 53
Warsaw, ruling signs, 69
Washington, ruling signs, 69
human, 12
impulse, expression by sound, 17
God, 3, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 24
Ray. See Ray first.
Shamballa, application, 119-121
Shamballa, influence, 14-17, 22
Will-to-good, invocation, 5
World situation, ray causes, 3-12, 17-34
World state, future, 9
The Destiny of the Nations Page 16