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Daughter of Medusa

Page 9

by Jessica Cage

  "Looks like this is taking us home, or at least back to the states." Iris and Asa compared the two maps. "Phoebe is in Death Valley."

  "Great, only the hottest place on the face of the earth." Iris groaned, "And recent reports show that they've been having some concerning activity in the area," Iris stared at her phone pensively, "Well our ride will be here soon enough, let's get ready to go. We should probably leave here before any authorities arrive anyway." She stood to leave, and Delilah followed her closely. "Let what happened here be another anomaly they struggle to figure out without the evidence of our presence.”

  "What was that about?" Delilah placed her hand on Iris’ shoulder stopping her from walking. The others continued, giving the two of them some privacy. "Are you okay?"

  "Yes, I'm fine." Iris nodded.

  "Something isn't right. I'm beginning to see that that bond works both ways. I think you're hiding something from me." Delilah frowned. She didn't like the idea of Iris keeping secrets from her. Until that point, she hadn't felt the need to suspect that she would.

  "I'm not hiding anything." Iris denied the implication.

  "Please do not lie to me." Delilah responded disappointedly.

  "Okay, well, like I've said, we've gotten reports of heightened activity in Death Valley. Something is out there, only we don't know what it is. No one has even seen the damn thing, but people are going missing, vehicles are being destroyed, and even the local wildlife are acting strangely. Whatever it is, it’s devastating the area." Iris chewed her lip. "I just don't want to even think about what could be waiting there for us."

  "We should discuss this with the others." Delilah suggested. “They should know what we’re walking into.”

  "Discuss what?" Asa returned to the room with a comical expression that quickly fell away.

  "There is something wrong where Phoebe is, some trouble in the area," Delilah offered.

  "We don't know what it is, but it’s concerning considering people have been going missing." Iris added.

  "Guess that means the desert is definitely our first stop then." Asa nodded. "Whatever is going down there, we need to stop it."

  "But what about Themis, Athena tried to get to Rhea before we could, what's to say she won't do the same with her?" Iris' point was valid. They would be risking a lot by leaving the fates in the wind.

  “How about we head for one and have scouts look for the other? You have a lot of friends from Oikos right? It could save us some time.” Asa didn't want to give Athena a leg up on them.

  “You mean, call Carter?” Iris teased.

  “Or anyone else you think may be of use,” Asa rolled her eyes, the last thing she would want is to send Carter on some crazy ass mission to fight off whatever the hell Athena decided to send their way. They needed help and if Iris had the ability to just call up an aircraft, she had the ability to get them more bodies on the ground. “Athena is on to us, which means she may try to just go after them both at the same time. We can’t assume she is going to wait for us to make our move. We could use some of those abundant resources of yours to help us get this done faster.”

  “I agree with Asa,” Delilah nodded. “We have to make sure that Athena doesn’t win this. If she gets her hands on either one of them it could mean our defeat.”

  “Alright, you're both right." Iris conceded. "I will put in the call.”

  They abandoned the restaurant and headed back to the point where they'd first landed on the shore. It was isolated enough that it wouldn't cause too much concern when the small plane landed. Iris distanced herself from the group as they walked so she could make the necessary calls to get more help for their fight. While Iris called in the cavalry, Rhea approached Delilah for the first time.

  “So, as it has been explained to me, it would seem that you and I are related.” Rhea’s deep voice wrapped around Delilah and though she tried to keep a distant approach, she warmed to her quickly.

  “Yes, according to Tethys.” Delilah nodded as she kept pace with the others.

  “My son,” Rhea shook her head. “It's a mothers wish that her children will be kind, good natured, but what Poseidon did to your mother, and what he allowed to happen to her as a result of his actions, it's only too bad that he has been taken from this world before I returned. I know that you are reluctant to open to me, just as Asa is to Tethys but that is okay. I am here to help you. You deserve what you seek, revenge for your mother.”

  Delilah didn't respond to Rhea. She looked ahead and kept walking with the titan by her side.

  “Was it just me or was Chrysaor a lot stronger than I remember him being?” Asa held her own conversation with her apparent mother as Rhea joined them. “I mean, he was this short warrior guy, but I don’t remember him having any powers or even being immortal. How is he here now?”

  “He is not himself. I sensed something more within him,” Rhea spoke.

  “Yes, I sensed the same sister,” Tethys agreed. “It would seem some magic has been worked to make him stronger. He feels like that of a god though he should not.”

  “You think Athena made him a god?" Iris joined their conversation. "Is that even possible?”

  “Anything is possible, nothing can be denied.” Delilah looked up to the sky to the plane that came in for a landing. If she hadn’t seen it with her own eyes she wouldn’t have believed it. Like her, Rhea and Tethys gawked at the small aircraft that touched down in front of them.

  Watching the three women who were new to the modern world board the small aircraft, was a sight that inspired laughter in both Asa and Iris. The soft hum of the engine that caused the steps to vibrate as they climbed them had the three women who had just fought a demi-god and a hoard of harpies, clutching to the banister for dear life. Once inside, and seated, Tethys looked as though she would puke, and Rhea continuously looked out of the window as if something would attack them.

  They all hushed as the captain announced their take off procedures and the look on Tethys's face when they explained what to do in case of a crash was comical. By the time they were in the air, the sea goddess had passed out and her sister looked close to doing the same. Eventually they all leveled out, Delilah handled it much better than the other newcomers.

  "Things have gotten much worse in the area," Iris reported after talking to one of the crew members. "The update include seven more assumed fatalities. Whatever is going on down there isn't looking to improve on its own."

  "Great, looks like we're headed in at the perfect time." Asa flexed her muscles jokingly. "Still no clue about what is doing this?"

  "No, none. As far as we can tell, it's not human and its massive! Big enough to stop a semi-truck in its path and survive the impact. The last vehicle found would have killed anything that it hit and yet," she handed her a tablet that showed a tanker truck folded in on itself.

  "Oh my god." Asa covered her mouth as she looked on the bloody devastation.

  "Yeah, and the others don't look any better." She took the table away and closed the file.

  "Any word from the others?" Asa swallowed the bad taste in her mouth and tried to refocus herself.

  "New York, that's where they're headed. So far they're still on their way, we'll get more info in the coming hours," Iris sat next to Delilah who relaxed when she did. "For now, we just ride and wait."

  "How are you holding up?" Delilah asked the tired looking Iris. "Perhaps you should try to rest until we get there."

  "I'm okay," she paused. "How is it that you haven't needed sleep.” She looked to the others who had dozed off. "Everyone else is wiped out and yet you are still fresh as a cucumber."

  "I’m not sure what that means, but I think it has something to do with the way time moved where I was, honestly it feels like it’s only been about 12 hours since I got here. Though the night and days stretch on. The only reason I know so much time has passed is because of the cycle of the sun and moon, and well, you. That droopy look of yours."

  "Well, will you at least try to
rest? There is a lot going to happen and you need it as much as I do."

  "Yes, I will," Delilah opened her arms, inviting Iris to come to her and she did. Shortly after resting her head on the welcoming chest of the one she was bonded to, Iris fell asleep. Delilah shut her eyes and listened to the soft rhythm of Iris' breath and dozed off herself.

  It was the turbulence that hit just before the plane was set to land that woke them. The skies were angry, and it didn't feel at all natural. The women woke from their slumber to see the angry clouds that seem to attack the plane.

  "What's going on?"

  "I think Athena has a few new tricks up her sleeve!" Rhea shouted with excitement.

  "The captain is taking us down!" The crew member yelled from the front of the plane. "Hang on!"

  “Is it me or are the clouds coming at us?” Asa looked out of the window and could see the gathering of the dark masses coming for them. They pushed together in clumps that quickly blocked out the sky and everything that surrounded them. The inside of the plan became dark from the cover.

  “I’m assuming this isn’t normal?” Delilah grabbed the side of her seat.

  “No, not like this.” Asa shook her head as the plane began its descent.

  The inside of the cabin was silent, the only sound was beeping from the controls in the cockpit. They all remained still as the plane fought its way from the clouds, having to pull against their hold to break free.

  Though the landing was a rough one, their pilot was skilled and able to bring them down in the middle of the desert without too much trouble once they exited the range of the clouds.

  “Well, it's not exactly where we intended to land, but it's close enough.” Iris announced as they all released a sigh of relief once the plane had touched down. She pulled up the coordinates on the tablet that had dropped to the floor. “We’re just a few mile south of our target landing point, which puts us at about seven miles of walking. Is everyone okay?”

  “We’re fine.”

  “Happy to be done with this death trap!” Tethys scowled and Asa laughed.

  “Come on, you’ve been through worse!” Asa stood and stretched her limbs. “So, a seven mile walk huh?”

  “Yeah, just about.” Iris nodded. “Well, a little more than that. We would have been able to ride there, but at this point we’ll lose more time if we attempt to get the vehicles first. It's out of the way.”

  “I could use the walk after being pent up all these years!” Rhea stood and headed for the door, not so much eager to start the trek as she was just to be off the plane.

  Luckily the plane was stocked with plenty of reserves and the women were able to pack food and water for the trip. Both Rhea and Tethys tore into the fresh fruits and breads the moment they came out of the small hatch. Asa laughed about how if they had been on a commercial airline the titans would have scowled at the selection of processed cheese dip and pretzels.

  Iris made the final arrangements; their ride would taxi over to their originally planned meeting point once they were cleared from the team at the rendezvous point. Apparently there had been some commotion on the ground as well. Once they retrieved Phoebe, they would all meet back and head off to, hopefully, beat Athena to Themis.

  The seven miles felt like seventeen as the heat from Death Valley proved why the area had its name. Each woman carried a backpack that held water and other provisions. Getting Tethys to agree to this was a hysterical feat. Iris told them to make sure they rationed what they had. She issued her decree not a moment too soon as the water goddess had already gulped down two bottles before they even took off.

  While they walked, Rhea and Tethys asked all the questions they could think of about the world they hadn't seen in ages. Asa fielded most of those questions as she had been around to witness all the changes that had taken place. Delilah and Iris stayed ahead of them and held their own conversation.

  "Are you going to talk to her?" Iris spoke about Rhea but didn't look back at the woman who laughed boldly at something Asa said.

  "I don’t know, it’s weird." Delilah replied honestly and shrugged. "Technically she is my grandmother, but I guess, wrong side of the family tree."

  "I get it," Iris sighed. "Hard to bond with the woman when you look at it that way."

  "I doubt a bond would ever happen between her and I. I'm not quick to warm up to people.” She thought about the semi-isolated life she lived at home. “I’ve always been told that I can be hard to get to know."

  "Not for me," Iris smiled at the stoic woman beside her.

  "No, not for you." Delilah smiled and the snake on Iris' torso did a little dance.

  "What do you plan on doing when all of this is over?" Iris asked.

  "What do you mean?"

  "Well, say we succeed, Athena is no more, you have your revenge. Then what?"

  "I don't know, I hadn't really considered it." Delilah looked at her. “I never considered an after.”

  "This won't go on forever, hell we're nearly full up on titans." Iris’ voice lowered. "Will you go back home?"

  "Home?" Delilah shook her head. "I doubt I could, even if I knew how. I didn't leave on the best terms." She omitted the fact that she wasn't even sure if her home still existed considering her fiery exit.

  "Well," Iris paused before continuing. "I have a space in my place, you know, in case you need a place to stay."

  "I would like that. Thank you.”

  The group continued on, in various phases of conversations. Asa wanted to speak to Iris about her sudden desire to be away from her but never got a moment to. As the sun began to set bringing a cooler wave to Death Valley, they made it to their destination.

  "I don't recall that ever being there," Iris whispered.

  "What?" Asa peered out into the vast space of nothing.

  "That big ass mountain," Iris rolled her eyes.

  "I don't see anything." Asa shook her head.

  "Neither do I," Delilah and the others agreed.

  "You're telling me I'm the only one who sees the mountain shaped like a half moon sitting there?" She pointed out to the empty spans before them.

  "That’s exactly what we're saying." Asa frowned. “Are you okay? Did the heat get to you?”

  “I’m fine.” Iris brushed off the concern. "How exactly is this supposed to work if I'm the only one who can see it?

  "I'm not sure but—" Delilah started, but quickly stopped and hushed the others. "Wait, there’s something coming, get down." They all ducked down low taking cover by a rock formation that was just big enough to hide the group.

  "What the hell is that?" Iris whispered as the first of the monsters emerged from inside of the cave at the side of the hidden mountain. Moments later, it exited the cover of magical cloak and the others could see it as well.

  "I'll be damned,” Rhea laughed. "Minotaur."

  "Mysterious invisible moon shaped mountains, and Minotaur clones, great." Iris pressed her back against the boulder and looked at the women who watched the monster. Moments later more emerged.

  “Oh fuck me!” Asa whispered. "There are more of them. Great, so now we get to deal with the backlash from more of Poseidon’s bullshit.”

  “What?” Delilah asked. "What does Poseidon have to do with this?"

  “The Minotaur is a result of a punishment Poseidon issued." Asa started in on the mini history lesson. "The asshole made the King of Crete’s wife fall in love with a damn bull. The curse went so far that she was so enamored with this thing that she created a fake cow's body, climbed inside of it, and banged the fucking bull. From that horrible imagery, well, the Minotaur was born. This is the hideous result of Poseidon's level of petty.”

  “Wait, he forced her to procreate with a bull?” Delilah felt disgusted that such a man was her father.

  “No, but he made her believe she was in love with the bull. I don't know if he ever thought she’d actually go for it!” Asa remarked, "At least I sure as hell hope that wasn't the plan."

  "There was
only supposed to be one right? I mean there are three there. How are there more?"

  “Looks like that theory is fucked.” Asa pointed as more emerged from the hollow. "I'm guessing the old hybrid found someone to bang himself. Or, you know, gods interfering. Either way, we need to really consider our next move carefully."

  "Yeah, considering how they destroyed a semi, I'm going to say they aren't the easiest to get along with." Iris turned back to the mountain to get a look at the additions.

  "Looks like there are seven here," Rhea counted the bodies that emerged. "Likely more on the inside guarding her. You know, I find it highly interesting that you, Tethys was guarded by lava, Phoebe by minotaurs, and me... I had a waitress."

  "Don't take it personally sister," Tethys smiled. “Perhaps it’s a compliment. You didn’t need the level of protection that we needed.”

  "Right, I won't. Just saying, it's rude."

  "We need to distract them while Iris goes inside. It shouldn't be too difficult to do." Tethys started to assess the area to see if there was anything else that could be used to their advantage.

  “Yes. I believe that would be the best way to go about this.” Rhea nodded.

  “Wait, what?” Iris' eyes bucked. "You want me to go in there, alone?"

  “You’re the only one who can see it, to us it's just an empty desert with monsters appearing out of nothingness.” Rhea shrugged. "I'm not sure I see another way, but if you have one, please offer it."

  “Well, great.” Iris conceded.

  “I will stay by your side,” Delilah spoke up. Iris was human and would need her protection. She couldn't let her go alone. “Where you lead, I will follow.”

  “Great, you know the last time I did this, it didn’t work out so well.” She looked over to Rhea who had basically left her for dead when she was awakened.

  “My apologies,” Rhea nodded.

  “Yeah, no biggie.” Iris sighed. “Alright, let's get this done.”


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