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Outwitted by a Husky (Mystic Pines Book 1)

Page 5

by Shea Balik

Those pretty sky blue eyes flamed with desire as Reese looked him up and down. “I, for one, would love to watch you strip for me.”

  Spencer’s cock strained against his long underwear, reminding him that nothing about taking off their clothing was going to be all that sexy. Nor did he care. So long as the end result was that they were both naked and in bed. Well, the bed part wasn’t a must, either. He really didn’t care where they fucked, just so long as they got off.

  Reese’s plan might have involved them watching each other undress, but they had trouble executing that plan. That, or the man realized it wasn’t going to be all that sexy with the long underwear, not to mention several layers that would need to come off. Either way, their lips continued to meet in searing kisses as they stumbled down the small hallway to a spacious bedroom while they tugged on their clothes, but making little progress, for that would mean putting a halt to their desperate make out session.

  Once in the bedroom, Reese pinned Spencer to the nearest wall. Spencer had managed to get the button and zipper on his pants undone, but he was finding it impossible to pull his shirt up over his head without taking their lips off each other. He had his long-sleeved shirt up to his armpits when he felt Reese’s mouth latch onto a sensitive spot along his neck.

  Dropping his head back to the wall, he let out a moan. The way Reese’s lips nibbled the area, and his tongue pressed against his flesh, sent tingles of pleasure straight down to his dick. There would definitely be a mark when Reese was done, but Spencer didn’t give a shit. When the man’s teeth scraped over the bruised area, Spencer arched into it, loving the sensations that coursed through his body.

  As much as he was loving every second of the attention, Spencer wanted to drive Reese out of his mind with lust. He wanted the man begging. To make him fall apart in his arms. If only his body would respond to his commands. But that was proving challenging when he couldn’t even get a simple shirt up over his head.

  The sweetest sound surrounded him as Reese let out a deep chuckle when he’d pulled back to look at his handiwork. Eyes Spencer hadn’t even realized he’d shut dragged open to find those sky blue eyes sparkling with amusement. A glance down at his body told Spencer why. He had one arm free of the shirt, the other only partially off, leaving his arm bent a bit awkwardly against his body. The sleeve that he’d managed to get off was inside out and his jeans, which he had undone, were starting to slide down his hips, giving his aching cock the ability to push upward so the head was above the waistband of his, God help him, penguin boxer briefs.

  Talk about embarrassing. He’d forgotten he’d even put them on that morning. It was a running gag gift he and his friends gave each other every Christmas. Each one tried to find the funniest underwear they could. Last Christmas, right after making the decision to move to Alaska, they’d all had the same thought and bought underwear that had a cold weather theme. At least he hadn’t had on the husky underwear Kip had gotten him. That would have been mortifying.

  But when Reese reached out as if to help him get his clothes off, Spencer put his free hand out to stop him. “No. Don’t. If you touch me, I’m going to start kissing that gorgeous mouth of yours again and we’ll never get undressed. Now that we’re at least partially coherent, it would be a good idea to get naked while we can.”

  Reese’s eyes darkened just a bit as lust flared in their depths. But he took two steps back and nodded. With speed Spencer never knew he had, he took his long-sleeved shirt, t-shirt and undershirt off in seconds. It wasn’t until he was pushing down his jeans that he realized he’d never taken off his boots.

  He couldn’t have stopped the groan of frustration at seeing them on. They weren’t shoes he could just toe off. They went up past his ankles with laces that had to be undone in order to get them off. That was when he heard another peel of laughter and suddenly his whole world tilted just a bit.

  That was the sound he wanted to capture while kissing Reese. The joy of his laughter. It was Reese’s delight when he saw Axom frozen to the ground with his bare ass sticking up in the air that had captured Spencer’s attention in the beginning. Even two weeks later he was still enthralled by it. It was as if Reese truly loved everything about life, enjoying all its moments.

  Like now. They’d come face to face with… something. Whatever it had been terrified them both, yet instead of shaking in fear and hiding from the world, Reese had embraced the fact that they had survived by kissing Spencer. It was wonderous and Spencer hoped like hell that he got more than this one shot to be a part of the magic Reese found in the world.

  Dropping to the ground, Spencer practically ripped the laces out of his boots in an attempt to get them off so he could kiss the laughter on Reese’s lips. Focused on his task, he hadn’t registered that Reese had somehow managed to get all his clothes, as well as his boots, off and was lying on the bed stroking his very hard cock as he watched Spencer struggle to get free of his remaining clothing.

  A shout of satisfaction erupted from him when Spencer got the stupid boots off. But when he glanced up, that shout came out strangled as he feasted on the very naked Reese not more than five feet from him. Miles of creamy white skin led up those toned legs to the juncture where his long slim cock jutted proudly from his body.

  A bead of fluid formed at the tip, causing Spencer’s mouth to water. He nearly groaned in dismay when Reese’s fingers spread that drop of precum over the head of his dick. But it was hard to bemoan the loss when the man was putting on such an enticing show.

  “Are you going to sit there and watch?” Reese teased. “Or do you plan on getting the rest of your clothes off and joining me?”

  Shoving off the rest of his clothes, Spencer crawled onto the bed until he had Reese beneath him. He wanted so much to savor every second of this, but his body was too damn primed to hold out for long. With herculean effort he forced himself to relish the sensation of their naked bodies coming together as he lowered himself onto Reese.

  Long drawn out moans of pure bliss echoed throughout the room. Then, as if something snapped within them both, they attacked each other with fervor. Their kisses were hard and unyielding as their tongues dueled for control.

  Hands stroked and kneaded flesh anywhere they could reach with the intent of enticing the other to lose his damn mind. It was an all out assault and neither had any intention of backing down.

  When he felt Reese’s nails dig into his shoulders and his legs wrap around his hips, it was all Spencer could do not to come there and then. Everything with Reese seemed to make him crazy with lust. Like a firestorm burning out of control.

  He wasn’t sure if it was the man or the situation they’d just faced, but either way, he wasn’t about to brutally fuck this man. Spencer wasn’t an animal.

  “Lube,” he panted out. “Please, tell me you have lube and condoms.” Back in college, Spencer never went anywhere without them, but in the wilds of Alaska? Well, there didn’t seem much point as, until Reese had shown up, there hadn’t been too many options. Well, none, if he was being honest.

  And if he were really truthful, until a few minutes ago, he’d considered Reese off-limits. But now? Well, he was wondering why he’d been that stupid. The man was sexy as fuck. And boy, could he kiss.

  Reese tapped his right hand above his head, his finger pointing to the bedside table there. Hating to move, but even more unwilling to wait any longer than necessary to get inside Reese, Spencer rolled to the side, yanked open the drawer and nearly shouted with joy when he saw the unopened box of condoms and a mostly unused tube of lube.

  It didn’t necessarily mean Reese had been with anyone recently, but Spencer was taking that as a good sign. At the same time his mind was wondering what difference it made when it was obvious the two weren’t compatible. Chemistry aside, they still had fundamental differences.

  Shut up, shut up, shut up.

  Spencer didn’t want to even think those thoughts or else he’d feel guilty for what he was about to do. Then he might stop and… he gu
lped as he looked back at Reese with the prize of condoms and lube in his hand. All that creamy pale skin had his mouth watering. He’d already tasted some of it, but Spencer wanted to feast.

  Refusing to think about the consequences, Spencer did as he wanted. Licking a path between Reese’s nipples, he sucked one into his mouth as he poured a generous amount of lube on his fingers. By the time he got to the second nipple, Reese was pleading for more of his fingers.

  Pushing in three, he opened the man up while nipping and licking his way down those defined abs.

  “No. No. No.” Reese threaded his fingers in Spencer’s hair and pulled him up until they were face to face. “Your mouth goes anywhere near my cock and I’ll come. Now get that condom on and fuck me.”

  Spencer couldn’t help but grin as his dick twitched in reply. “Yes, sir.” He had no idea why he was so turned on from Reese’s bossiness, nor did he care.

  Rolling on the latex, he tugged his fingers free of that warm hole and replaced them with broad head of his prick. His brain wasn’t working enough to parse out the reason he felt the need to look into those blue eyes as he thrust forward, but Spencer didn’t deny himself the pleasure of it either.

  Heat engulfed his length in a tight grip that seemed to pull him further inside Reese. He’d tried to keep it slow and give Reese time to stretch, but the man hadn’t wanted that as he took charge by wrapping his legs around Spencer’s hips and pulling him further inside of him.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Spencer cried out as his orgasm was already trying to barrel through him.

  “That’s the idea,” Reese cried out as he bucked up to meet Spencer’s next thrust. “Harder.”

  Not one to deny a lover’s request, Spencer gave him exactly what he wanted. But it was all too much and before he could stop it, Spencer felt the wash of release roll through him. Grabbing Reese’s hips, he thrust two more times before slamming into him as he filled the condom.

  A cry from Reese followed by fluid spurting between their bodies told him he’d at least managed to please Reese. How? He honestly wasn’t sure as euphoria shut down his ability to think.


  Lying there next to Spencer, both sucking in much needed air as their bodies melted against the mattress, Reese wondered what this would mean. Would it even mean anything? Had this been nothing more than a release after being terrified?

  He wasn’t sure he wanted to know the answer. It had been years since he’d done something like this. Usually, he insisted on a minimum of four dates. Why four? Well, he’d always heard the rule was three and if he heard it, others had as well. If someone he was dating really wanted to get know him, they’d have to prove their interest by going above and beyond the typical dating quotas.


  Probably, but Reese didn’t care. His four date rule had saved him on more than one occasion from thinking someone was into him for more than sex. What that meant with regard to Spencer, he wasn’t sure.

  Did he want more than just a one off?


  That was the problem. Reese had feelings for Spencer. That initial rush when they’d first met was nothing more than lust and he’d thought he’d gotten over it when the man had proven to be an ass when it came to pets. But that had started to change the longer he was in town.

  There had been several times when he’d been at the small grocery store, that would have been considered nothing more than a gas station convenience store in Seattle, where some of the townspeople were gathered to discuss the events unfolding in their small town. Reese had learned two things. First, and this one was concerning to some degree, not everyone who called Mystic Pines home was okay with turning the town into an inclusive resort.

  In fact, according to Harper Jennings, one of the six women who still lived in Mystic Pines and who also happened to own the Mystic Pine Grocery, there was someone who had recently sold a bunch of his land to Anook and the others, who was ‘mad as a mama bear protecting her cubs’ that Anook had swindled him out of his land to build an abomination to God. That had Reese wary of his decision to move there in the first place, but since he’d already done it and there weren’t many people who still lived in Mystic Pines, Reese hoped none of them would cause problems.

  The second thing he’d learned was the generosity of Spencer Clarke. According to Harper, and several others, Spencer had paid some of his construction crew to help shore up a few of the homes and businesses around Mystic Pines. Time and lack of money had left many unable to afford the upkeep, leaving several buildings ready to fall over if not fixed.

  About a month before the first winter storm, he’d sent most of the crew out to those who still lived in the area, to ensure their homes would protect them through the harsh storms. Once that was done, Spencer then hired more crews to come in and rebuild some of the abandoned homes and businesses for future residents.

  The home Reese had bought was one of those places. The warehouse, which had been in better shape than some of the currently open businesses, had still needed a new roof, but not any longer thanks to Spencer. Upon hearing the man’s deeds, Reese had begun to rethink his position on Spencer. He still hadn’t been okay about the pet thing, but the man couldn’t be all bad.

  Then he overheard part of Spencer’s conversation with Sammy. That had been something to cause him to question everything. Reese hadn’t gotten there in time to hear the whole story, but it sounded like the man might have had a reason for his ‘no pet’ policy. One that didn’t include not actually liking animals, which was what Reese had originally thought.

  But did any of that mean they could become more than a hook-up? Reese wasn’t so sure. The complete silence from Spencer’s side of the bed, even though he could see the man was awake, had Reese believing Spencer was having the same thoughts he was.

  Did he bring it up? Feign sleep? That way Spencer could leave if he wanted without having to say anything. Or did he continue to lie there obsessing? None of them sounded appealing. The first one would require him to face Spencer, but the other two meant nothing got resolved and he’d only end up consumed with irrational thoughts.

  His only real option was the first one. The question though was, how to begin? ‘That was a great fuck, are you hoping to do this more often,’ didn’t seem right. Then again, everything else he came up with made him sound needy and desperate. Neither of which he was comfortable showing.

  Which left what?

  Right back to where he started this whole process. Reese let out a sigh.

  “I take it you’re just as confused about our situation as I am,” Spencer said.

  That made Reese let out something between a laugh and snort. “You could say that.” Hell, that was the understatement of the year.

  He had to admit to being surprised when Spencer turned over onto his side and propped up his head with his hand and his elbow on the bed. In that moment, Spencer was a far braver man than him, because Reese actually wanted to get up off the bed and run into the bathroom where he could shut the door so he wouldn’t have to face Spencer.

  But if Spencer could do it, then, damn it, Reese would pull on his big boy panties and do the same. Albeit reluctantly, but he did roll over and get in the same position as Spencer.

  “Clearly, we’re attracted to each other,” Spencer said. “But I’m not sure if that’s going to help us get past our differences.”

  That was the exact reason Reese didn’t want to have to do this face to face. He wasn’t one of those people who could hide his emotions easily. Or, at all. If he was feeling it, everyone could tell by the expression on his face, no matter how hard he tried to change over the years.

  “I take it you were hoping we could at least try,” Spencer said reading Reese’s face without any effort.

  “No.” Reese shook his head, which had it falling off his hand. Not liking their position, he swiveled onto his butt to sit. “I don’t know. I mean…” What did he mean?

  Hadn’t he basically been thinking
exactly what Spencer had said? Yet, when he heard the words, Reese knew in his heart it wasn’t what he really wanted. “I guess I was hoping we could at least try. Maybe not talk about the pet thing until we get to know each other better. Or, hell, talk about it and maybe come to some sort of compromise. I don’t know. I just know I never do this.”

  He waved a hand between them as Spencer pushed into a sitting position, too. “Maybe it was nothing more than the danger we’d faced, but I don’t think so. Or, at least, I don’t want it to be only that.”

  “I don’t, either.” Spencer reached out and took Reese’s hand. “But I’m not sure there is a compromise. I’m not going to change my mind about pets.”

  That made no sense. “But I heard you talking to Sammy out there in those woods. I didn’t quite make out what you were saying, but you were talking to him just like I do. You can’t tell me you don’t like him.” There was nothing Spencer could say at that point to convince Reese otherwise, even though it was evident by the determined set of the man’s chin that he was going to try.

  “First of all, I never said I didn’t like Sammy. I happen to like animals. But that doesn’t mean I want them living with me or staying in the hotel I’m running.” As if he just realized he was still holding Reese’s hand, Spencer dropped it and curled his fingers into a fist as if that would stop him from reaching for Reese again. “I’m sorry, but that isn’t going to change and if you can’t accept that, then I’m not sure we would be able to go on from here.”

  He had a good point. A damn good point. It didn’t change a thing for Reese, though. He wasn’t ready to give up on Spencer. Why? Hell if he knew. It made no sense. The last person he should want to be with is someone who doesn’t want pets.

  But he also wasn’t sure he believed Spencer. Not after he’d watched that touching moment down by the river. Spencer hadn’t just been telling Sammy all his secrets, he’d leaned on the dog for comfort. That wasn’t the action of someone who wasn’t okay with pets.


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