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Outwitted by a Husky (Mystic Pines Book 1)

Page 12

by Shea Balik

  He refused to let himself believe there was a monster who could tear him limb from limb. It was bad enough they could come across bears, wolves, and even moose, any one of which could kill them. No way was he about to let himself think there was something even scarier in these woods.

  “Uhm, Axom? How many more of these are we putting up?” Reese glanced at what still appeared to be a fairly full bag and really hoped it wasn’t all cameras in there.

  “A hundred,” Axom said as if that were a completely acceptable number. “I just think you should come up with something that’s more than the name of the town.”

  Reese stared at him for several minutes sure Axom had lost his damn mind. “A hundred?” he repeated, ignoring the rest of what Axom had said.

  “Yeah.” Axom hefted the bag and walked further down the trail that would lead them to where they had lost the creature. A place Reese really didn’t want to go. “Now you said you were going to take both cats and dogs. Any other animals?”

  Were they in the same conversation? Reese was sure they weren’t. No way could Axom expect him to discuss his daycare after basically announcing they would be there for at least another hour or more while leading him to his death.

  A bit dramatic? Reese didn’t think so. Yeah, he’d only die if the creature was at the other end of the path, or happened to come upon them, but still, it was a reasonable assumption that he might. Factoring all that in, Reese was sure he was going to die out there.

  “What about Catty Canine Chateau?” Axom stood up and looked at Reese with a huge grin as if proud of the name he’d thought up. But Reese couldn’t care less. “Reese, come on. I thought it was pretty good.”

  When Reese didn’t move, Axom came over and put a hand on his shoulder. “Hey. What’s going on? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

  Oh God. He was going to become a ghost. Why? Because he was going to die. “Don’t let me die,” he barely croaked out.

  Sammy was pushing his body so hard against Reese’s legs to try and offer him comfort, he ended up toppling Reese to his ass. In a way, it helped. Not only did the movement shock some sense into him, but Sammy was able to climb onto his lap and lick his face.

  It was awkward to say the least, but it was as if Sammy were covering him, protecting him, yet comforting him all at the same time. Something Reese desperately needed at the moment.

  Axom knelt next to him. “Seriously, Reese, you’re not going to die. I swear it.”

  The weight of Sammy’s body against his gave Reese a sense of peace. But he wasn’t sure he was ready to stay and put up more of Axom’s cameras. He also knew there was no way he could leave the man behind.

  Wrapping his arms around Sammy, he looked into those sweet brown eyes and whispered, “You tell me the moment you feel danger, okay boy?”

  Sammy licked his nose, then gave a yip.

  Yeah, Sammy might be a dog. But he not only understood what Reese told him, but Sammy was letting him know he would keep him safe.

  He gave Sammy one more squeeze before pushing him away to stand up. Holding out his hand to Axom, he said, “Give me those damn cameras. You get me for thirty more minutes, or until Sammy here tells us there’s a problem. Then you take me home, got it?”

  Axom nodded and handed him four of the cameras.

  Taking them, Reese muttered, “You are going to seriously owe me big.”

  Axom grinned.

  He really should have been more specific.


  “Are you ready?” Reese asked.

  Spencer wasn’t. In fact, he really wished he was anywhere else. Hell, he didn’t know why he was even going through with this. He should have called it off long ago.

  Yet, there they were at the Frosted Mug, which Dane allowed them to use for their meeting, sitting before Anook, Axom, Cass, and Kip in order to give their presentations regarding animals in the hotel. The thing was, Spencer no longer wanted to fight against it.

  The weight of Sammy’s head on his thigh as Spencer stroked his head, neck, and back reminded him exactly why he no longer thought animals in hotels was a bad idea. Much to his surprise it had taken almost no effort on Sammy’s part to ingrain himself into Spencer’s heart.

  Then again, Sammy was unlike any dog he’d ever known. Yes, he was incredibly intelligent, which he proved over, and over again. Just that morning, Reese had tried to hide the last piece of bacon under a napkin, but Sammy hadn’t fallen for it. Not even a little.

  Just like any other time Reese or Spencer made bacon, Sammy stared them down until they ultimately gave him the last piece. Neither of them had been able to figure out how he’d known. Reese had gone so far as to take his plate to the sink and set it down. Sammy had just followed him into the kitchen, sat down and stared right at him.

  And it wasn’t just the stare, it was how he stared. His head slightly tilted, and they would swear his eyes were saying, ‘not fooled.’ He’d never known a dog could have so many expressions that were obvious to decipher. Everything from impatience, frustration, happiness, joy, hunger, wanting to go outside, and even sadness, which was usually in response to their own moods.

  Like now. Sammy was doing his best to comfort Spencer because he could feel Spencer’s anxiety. If only he had called this off. How was he supposed to get up there and argue that pets shouldn’t be allowed in the hotel when he no longer felt that way?

  Why was he doing this?

  Shaking his head, he stood up when Anook had asked for him to start. Getting up front, he did the only thing he could. He spoke from the heart.

  Not even bothering to look at his friends, Spencer turned to Reese. “I think I must be the biggest idiot in the world.”

  The surprise in those blue eyes was expected. Spencer wasn’t one to admit when he was wrong. Probably the reason he held out until the last possible second to do so. “I don’t have any argument against having pets in the hotel. Although, I still feel we need to have a pet-free area for those with allergies, but…”

  As usual, Sammy seemed to sense he needed him and padded over to Spencer. Dropping down to his knees to look into those way too wise brown eyes, he added, “I also can’t imagine having to leave Sammy behind if we went anywhere.”

  “We?” Reese gasped.

  Yeah, that had been the other thing he’d been holding back. “Of course, we.” Spencer smiled as he stood up and went over to where Reese sat, appearing stunned.

  Kneeling once more, nerves assailed him as he did the one thing he’d honestly thought he’d never be able to do. “I love you, Reese Alston. I know we had a rocky start, but I’d like to spend forever with you.”

  The whole room gasped, but Spencer only had eyes for the man who had taught him what love really was.

  “Are you…” Tears leaked out of Reese’s eyes as he visibly swallowed. “Are you asking me to marry you?”

  Was he? Spencer really hadn’t thought that far ahead. His head, which sounded suspiciously like his father’s angry voice, was yelling it was too soon. But there was another voice. One that he had always been afraid to listen to before.

  The first time he had, he’d ended up moving to Mystic Pines with his friends to create a resort. It wasn’t quite a reality yet, as the place still had five more weeks until it opened, but it was close enough that he’d known he’d made the right choice. Already they had reservations pouring in and were pretty much booked from opening week through the summer.

  They would need to work on winter bookings, but Spencer was hopeful. Which gave him the courage to listen to that usually ignored voice once more. “Reese Alston, love of my life, will you marry me?”

  Reese threw himself forward and into Spencer’s arms, tumbling them both over onto the floor. Just before his lips sealed over Spencer’s, he said, “Yes.”

  Sammy, who must have decided they were ready to play, joined in by barking and jumping over them, first one way, then the other, before he stuck his nose between them and started licking their fa

  Laughing, they pulled apart and let Sammy join in with hugs and lots of pets as he excitedly yipped and ran around, going from one of the others, back to them, over, and over again.

  “Are you sure about the pet thing?” Anook teased as Sammy stuck his nose right into Anook’s crotch. “I’m not so sure this is how guests want to be greeted.”

  “I don’t know,” Cass joked. “There are a lot of freaks in this world that might enjoy it. In fact, I knew a guy…”

  “No,” Spencer, Anook, and Kip yelled.

  Axom was the only one who elbowed Cass and said, “What about him?”

  Cass was one of those people who truly didn’t understand social boundaries. Not that they had many, but the guy had seen way more than the rest of them ever wanted to know, with the exception of Axom, much less have to have explained to them in great detail.

  Then again, Cass had been born and raised in Hawaii. He was a surfer by nature, which included a lot of drinking and smoking pot and not really caring much about the daily grind of life. He never would have gone to college if it hadn’t of been for his parents forcing him to in order to get his inheritance.

  It was this laid back and live life attitude that had him partying most of the time, even in college. If there was a party, Cass was there. Nor had he really believed in saying no to just about anything. Which had led to a lot of drug and sexual experimenting.

  The stories he told were not for the faint of heart. Nor something Spencer really wanted to have to endure after just asking the man of his dreams to marry him.

  “Dude,” Kip said with a roll of his eyes. “You are killing the mood.” A smile flashed across his face that always meant he wanted them all to do some sort of new age crap. “If we had those mud baths, we could all take a dip and meditate as we celebrate the beautiful love of our friends.”

  Axom grabbed a box from next to his feet. “Actually, I have something for Reese. I didn’t know this would be an engagement, but I did know, in the end, the resort would take animals, allowing you to start your new business.”

  Then he opened the box and pulled out a very purple t-shirt that read:

  Catty Canine Chateaux

  The ultimate resort for your furry babies.

  Reese’s eyes got really wide and he looked like he’d swallowed something sour.

  “I told you I’d repay you for helping with the cameras.” Axom also took out a hat, a box of business cards, and several leashes all with Catty Canine Chateaux on them. “I only had time to make twenty leashes, thirty collars both for dogs and cats, as well as twenty t-shirts in either large or extra large. Although it’s easy enough to make more sizes. Then there’s twenty hats, as well as a few travel mugs since I know you love your coffee. Oh.” Axom’s eyes actually lit up more than they already were as he showed Reese everything.

  He went over to the door where a large piece of cardboard was. When he turned it over, although it was the mirror image, the business name was in large purple letters, and there were various cats and dogs. “I made a window decal.” Axom was bouncing as he practically yelled it in his excitement.

  “Wow,” Reese finally managed to get out when Spencer nudged him as everyone stared in their direction, waiting for some sort of reaction. Although, the shock on Reese’s face should have been enough to let them know what he was thinking, but thankfully, Reese had some tact. “I hadn’t realized we’d agreed on that name.”

  Axom was nodding. “We did. Out in the woods. Remember?” Then he waved a hand at Reese as if it didn’t really matter either way. “I also have some ideas for brochures that the hotel can have for their guests.”

  “Whatever happened with those cameras?” Spencer winced even asking but if it meant sending Axom on another tangent about Bigfoot to give Reese a break, he’d do it. The way Reese leaned into him in relief had been worth it, when Axom actually started jumping up and down.

  “I think I have a picture of Bigfoot,” he shouted. “I sent it in to some experts to have it analyzed and I need to make a trip out to the site again.” Then he glanced around the room. “Who wants to go out there with me?”

  Cass pulled out a joint. “How about weed, instead?”

  Kip nodded. “That would work.”

  “No smoking in my bar,” Dane called out. Then he put out seven shot glasses and grabbed a bottle of whiskey. “But I do believe a toast is in order.”

  “Uhm,” Reese glanced at the glasses in both relief, most likely so he wouldn’t feel compelled to join Axom out in the woods again, as well as alarm. “You do know it’s only ten in the morning, right?”

  “Which makes it six in England, way past the drinking hour.” Dane handed them each a glass, then raised his up and said, “Good luck to the happy couple.”

  Spencer couldn’t help but notice the bitterness in Dane’s voice. He knew it wasn’t directed at him or Reese. Cass had been right about someone having broken his heart.

  Drinking the whiskey, Spencer did his best not to choke when it burned down his throat. It wasn’t his favorite liquor. But he also knew Dane had been trying to be nice in his own way.

  Reese didn’t have as much luck as he coughed for a full minute afterward. Tears rolled from his eyes as he tried to find his breath after the strong drink.

  Hoping to cover his situation a bit, Spencer said, “Thank you, Dane. That was very nice of you. Now, if you all don’t mind. I did just get engaged, so I think I’ll take Reese home and, you know, plan our wedding.”

  Just as he’d hoped, the others laughed. Reese looked at him gratefully as they put on their coats now that he’d managed to stop coughing up a lung. Amid a lot of raunchy jokes, they quickly left with Sammy on their heels.

  “Please, don’t ever make me drink that again.” Reese was holding his stomach as they entered his home. “I feel sick.”

  Spencer chuckled. “I’m not doing so well, either,” he admitted. “Why don’t we get something to eat. It might help settle the alcohol.”

  Making it easy, they grabbed some crackers and cheese spread before taking it over to the couch where they curled up with Sammy next to them.

  “Did you really mean to propose?” Reese asked after several minutes of silence.

  “Honestly?” Spencer twisted a bit to look into those pretty, blue eyes. “Not exactly. I mean, I hadn’t thought about it. But when the words came out, it was like I knew that marrying you was what I wanted. I love you.”

  Reese’s lips curved upwards into a soft smile. “I love you, too.”

  That had Spencer’s heart soaring. “Then you’ll marry me?”

  Reese leaned in until their lips were just touching. “Definitely,” he whispered before taking the kiss they both desperately wanted.


  “Well?” Axom asked as he showed off what he’d done. “What do you think? It looks great doesn’t it?”

  Tears sprang to Spencer’s eyes as he took at the gorgeous décor of the lobby. With spring right around the corner and having had to stare at nothing but white for the past five or six months, he and Reese had decided they wanted their wedding to be colorful. Nothing over the top yet provide a sense of hope for the coming season.

  Axom, being… well, Axom, not only volunteered but basically insisted he be the wedding coordinator. Neither Spencer nor Reese had felt they’d really needed one, but with Axom not exactly giving them much of a choice, they’d let him have his way.

  Both he and Reese had discussed the probability that Axom would take things to the extreme and turn their wedding into a circus, but, in the end, they’d decided it wouldn’t matter. So long as they were married, the wedding itself was inconsequential.

  This morning, he’d woken up in his old room in the house his friends still called home. Axom had insisted he return there since he and Reese weren’t allowed to see each other until they met at the altar. He’d dreaded going to the hotel to discover what Axom had done to it.

  The day before had been the soft openi
ng of the hotel. Family and friends had come, including all the men and women who had worked tirelessly to get the resort built on time. They were staying through the weekend, with several family members staying the week.

  His biological family hadn’t come, but then again, he hadn’t expected them to. It was probably for the best since the last thing he’d want was for them to ruin his wedding day with their constant need to belittle him.

  “There’s my boy,” a woman, who had a way of making everyone feel like family, called from across the lobby. She let out a gasp and fanned her face. “My, my, my, you do look gorgeous, honey. Then again, you always do.”

  Spencer hadn’t even had a chance to open his mouth to thank her, when Axom waved a hand at her as if telling her to stop with the compliments. “Awww, momma, stop, really.” Axom preened a bit by turning from one side to the other to show off his green suit. “I appreciate the compliment, but this is Spencer’s day, you really should be telling him that, even if we all know, as good as he looks, he’ll never match my flair for wearing a suit.”

  Adalynn wagged a finger at her son. “Now, you know I was talking to Spencer, although, you do clean up nice, too.” Then she turned to Spencer, her green eyes sparkling with love and joy. Without any hesitation at all, she wrapped her arms around Spencer and pulled him in for one of her special hugs.

  At only five-foot-five, and maybe a hundred and forty pounds, Spencer wouldn’t have believed Adalynn’s hugs could be felt all the way to his very soul, but they were, since each one was filled with love.

  “I am so happy for you, Spencer. I approve of the man you’re about to marry, but you make sure he treats you right, you hear me?” Her southern drawl made it sound as if she were teasing, but anyone who met Adalynn knew she was as serious as a heart attack.

  After she gave Axom a hug, she turned to the lobby and put her hand to her heart. “I swear, this place is breathtaking.”


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