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Rapid Life

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by Sakthivel Thangamani

Jesus Christ is at the right hand of the Father. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth. Jesus Christ Himself is the truth. Therefore, His love is true. There is no other way God could reveal His love, other than the redemptive work by Jesus Christ.

  The Bible says that as a man thinks in his heart so is he. The same is true with God. God has revealed that his thoughts are full of love when He let Jesus Christ die on the cross. Further he has revealed that his thoughts are full of hope and future since He has made Jesus Christ rise again from the dead. The last chapter of the Bible is full of hope. We might not understand why the world is full of hatred, calamity, strife, natural disasters. But we shall know God and His love for us if yield to God’s grace by faith and receive Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour. We shall understand everything when Jesus Christ comes again.

  Just as the Bible is never ending God’s love is never ending.

  Some might say Jesus Christ didn’t love everyone in a similar manner. They point out to the rich young ruler and ask why Jesus Christ didn’t receive him. Jesus Christ revealed the rich young ruler that it was his love for money that kept him from God’s kingdom. Jesus Christ is the revelation Christ. It’s the lust of eyes or lust of the flesh or pride for life that keeps anyone from Christ.

  Some might argue that I am a good person, and I love my wife, children. But you need to check whether you really love your neighbour. Could we ever say that we always treated everyone as Jesus Christ did? Jesus Christ received a sinner when He was dying on the cross; I am sure none of us could do that. David loved Jonathan, and he himself said that he loved Jonathan more than any; that could be considered as Agape love (2 Samuel 1:26). But David didn’t really love Bathsheba when he committed adultery with her. Human love is not same toward everyone. But God changes not, and His love changes not. But our love toward God is based on our works of faith, and the amount of time that we spend with in prayer, reading the Bible, mediating or thinking about God’s word. The fruits of the Holy Spirit in a believer’s life are the evidence whether a person loves God or not. Those who bear no fruit are in the danger zone. Those who bear some fruit might be in the safety zone, and those who bear more fruit are really who know God, and know what God wants them to be; and obeys Him.

  First, we shall receive God’s love into our heart by believing in Jesus Christ, and then we shall love Him.

  There is love in action only at the cross of Jesus Christ. If you have not received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour; you can come and stand in front of the platform. We will pray for you. When you come here, it’s your acknowledgement to God that you are not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

  Many people came and received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. The concert continued after the meeting. The altar call was something unexpected on that day.

  After the concert everyone appreciated Abraham Job for the message. And Abigail said that she was planning to conduct evangelistic campaigns and Abraham Job would always give message.


  Evangelistic Campaign

  And she met his parents and asked them when they could marry. They told her to invite her parents to talk about that. She invited her parents to his home. They discussed for some time. Their marriage was fixed on the month of December.

  Abigail said that she wanted to host a concert before their marriage and she wanted Abraham Job to give a sermon of his choice. But Abraham Job wanted her to choose a topic. She wanted him to do apologetics. Abraham Job said to her that he was not a theologian and he also doesn’t know apologetics in detail, but he affirmed her that he could do that to some extent.

  Abraham Job suggested her to change concert to evangelistic campaign and she agreed. And they started Rapid Life Evangelistic Campaign. They had the worship first, and Abraham Job gave the following message…


  Within minutes I am going to ask that we all bow our heads in prayer. There are few questions which young believers and those who are new to Christian faith may have. In this session I am going to address them. Furthermore, it is a known truth that many people still mock at Jesus Christ by reading books like the satan’s lie Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code. I am sure that this session will be very useful for critics of Jesus Christ as well as those who have not yet received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour.

  Now we shall pray. Our Father, I pray that the minds and hearts of the people be opened, and they know the truth of who Jesus Christ is. I ask this in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

  Throughout the history of Christianity it is seen that many people rose up as messengers of satan to confuse young Christians. But it has been proved that true Christians never turn back. The apostle Paul wrote the Epistle to the Galatians to bring them back to the foot of the Calvary.

  Now some people with prejudice may tell me, brother you may take verse from Paul’s Epistle and defend, but we challenge you to take the same verse which Dan Brown questions. Before I read the text, I would like to share that in 1971, evangelist Dr. Billy Graham addressed a great congregation, and answered the question, “Who was Jesus?” in defence to the doubt about resurrection raised by the pop album Jesus Christ Super Star.

  The hearts of the people, especially the critics of Jesus Christ always grow callous. The root of that wickedness is sin, which has its root in pride. Some have gone to the extent of asking, could you prove from the Bible that Jesus Christ alone lived the holiest life. And others struggle with the chapter 1 of the Bible. The book of beginnings itself stands as a stumbling block to them, since they have made up their mind not to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour.

  Who created light? How can you say that Jesus Christ created the world, when there is no mention of His name in the Old Testament? The answer is you need to study the Old Testament in the light of the New Testament. You need to compare Genesis 1 and Hebrews 1 You can’t ignore a part of the Bible. And you cannot say that you found fault in the Bible just by reading two verses which you didn’t understand.

  The verse 3 of the Bible reads that, Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. Verse 1 says that God created heavens and the earth. The verse 2 is about work of the Holy Spirit. Now you need to understand that you can’t separate the Holy Spirt, God the Son – Jesus Christ, and God the Father. God the Father, God the Son – Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit are mentioned in Verse 1. In the beginning God (God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit) created the heavens and the earth. The truth is as soon as God created heaven and the earth through Jesus Christ, He sent the Holy Spirit to hover over the face of the waters, and then immediately after God said let there be light, the Light of the World – Jesus Christ stepped on the earth and blessed it, and there was light.

  I surely believe that earth was created within a week. If humans could create a robot in a week, I would even believe if it was written that God created heaven and the earth, and the living and non-living creatures within a flash of 6 seconds, and rested from the 7th second, and the evening and night were one day. But God took pleasure in His creation, and blessed everything He created patiently.

  There are two important questions that you need to ask yourself. The first is you need to know with all your heart whether you are saved or not, and next you need to ask who is Jesus Christ. The moment you come to know who He is that should be the moment when you receive Him as your Lord and Saviour.

  David said in sin did my mother conceive me. Before you and I stepped down on earth sin has already entered our blood.

  John 9: 19-23

  And they asked them, saying, “Is this your son, who say was born blind? How then does he now see?” His parents answered them and said, “We know that this is our son, and that he was born blind; “but by what means he now sees we do not know, or who opened his eyes we do not know. He is of age; ask him. He will speak for himself.” His parents said these things because they feared the Jews, for the Jews had agreed already that if anyone confesses that
He was Christ, he would be put out of the synagogue. Therefore his parents said, “He is of age; ask him.”

  After reading each and every chapter of the New Testament you will have two choices. You could accept what the Bible says about Jesus Christ, or you could belong to the crowds of Jews, and the crowds those feared the Jews and rejected the claims of Jesus Christ.

  It is easier for many to read some false accusations brought on Jesus Christ, and read the Bible for their destruction with devil’s assistance, rather than leaning on God’s grace and receiving His revelation and accept the truth in God’s Word. The choice is yours.

  Every organisation has its own vision and mission statements, they have statement of faith also. Those who have failed to read the vision and missionary statement of Jesus Christ always have problem in knowing who He is.

  John 2: 24, 25

  But Jesus did not commit Himself to them, because He knew all men, and had no need that anyone should testify of man, for He knew what was in man.

  Our statements about who is Jesus Christ are important to God, since it’s important for us. God doesn’t need a few Christians to render Him lip service, and speak something against Jesus Christ after the Church service is over. Jesus Christ knew who He

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