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Havenfall Harbor Book Two: Paranormal Ménage Romance MFM

Page 11

by Albany Walker

  It’s not something I ever allowed, while fucking or not, not since Eva. I lower my head a little more, and Quinn accepts my invitation, licking and kissing just under my jaw. I slam into her hard when I feel her suck on my neck. Blood vessels burst under her mouth, rising to the surface. If I were human, I would be left with a bruise, but it will heal before she even pulls away. It’s the only time I’ve ever regretted my vampiric cells.

  I groan through my release, slowly sliding in and out of her. My breathing is all fucked up, and my heart is beating so fast, I’ll need to drink again soon. You’d think I just fought off four supernaturals, not fucked my singer.

  The thought of feeding from Quinn flashes through my mind, and I grind into her again. My dick is only semihard, but Quinn doesn’t seem to mind. She tosses her head back and moans softly. She sounds like she’s begging to come. I slide my hand between our bodies and circle my finger around her clit. She bucks under me and winces as if she’s in the sweetest agony. I keep my touch gentle and my thrusts slow, and within a few pumps, her nails are digging into my back as she rasps, “Don’t stop. God, don’t stop.”

  I’m fully hard again, and it’s a fight not to take over and fuck her hard and fast, but the way she’s squeezing my cock tells me everything I need to know—Quinn loves the slow grind. I add a little pressure against her clit, and she shatters beneath me. I seal my lips to hers and steal her breath along with every sound she makes.

  I run my hands up Quinn’s sides, and she shivers, her inner muscles quaking with the movement. I need to get my ass off her, but I don’t want to move. If I didn’t need to feed her, we could stay in bed all damn day and night.

  Eventually, I get the strength to pull out of her and move over to the side. Quinn shifts with me, curling her knee up over my leg and laying her hand on my chest. Cuddling isn’t my thing, but of course, Quinn breaks every fucking barrier I thought I had, and I pull her even closer. I love the way her skin feels against mine, and I don’t even care that my dick is still hard. She came twice, and that is more gratifying than getting off again.

  When she nuzzles even closer, her knee bumps into my cock, and she tilts her head down, examining me, then lifts her head off my chest. “Did you not get to…or is that a vampire superpower?”

  “Must be my superpower.” I arch one eyebrow. I’m not going to be the one to tell her most vampires have the ability to control blood flow to their dicks. I’ll let her think it’s just me. Not that I would ever let another vampire near her anyway.

  With her eyes locked on mine, Quinn bites her bottom lip and skates her soft hand down my body until her fingers wrap around my base. Fuck, this woman might as well have me by the balls. “Is this okay?” she asks me.

  “Your hands are on me and you want to know if it’s okay? Absolutely, anytime you want.”

  “Anytime?” She quirks a brow. I just nod because she’s backing away from me, crawling down the bed.

  “So if I want to slide my hand in your pants under the table at lunch?” I nod again, her face is dangerously close to my dick. “What if I slapped your ass when you were walking down the hall?” She’s smiling, so I know she’s just teasing.

  “If the mood strikes you,” I agree easily. Quinn’s eyes get a mischievous glint before she leans down and takes me into her mouth. I fist the sheet instead of her hair, because I don’t want to hurt her, and I don’t know how in control of myself I’m going to be if she keeps flicking her tongue on the underside of my cock.

  I’m going to come embarrassingly fast. Her mouth is just as hot as her pussy, and she really seems to enjoy having me at her mercy. When she brings her other hand up and cups my balls, I have to grind my teeth and fight to stop myself from coming, but it’s useless. I’m fighting a losing battle. She pulls back just a few moments later and wipes the side of her mouth. With a glare, Quinn says, “A little warning might be nice.”

  I reach for her arms and drag her up until she’s draped over me. “I never said I was nice.” That earns me a scowl, but she lowers her head to my chest and lets out a contented sigh while snuggling her body as close to mine as she can get. I stroke my fingers over her hair and back, listening to her heartbeat slow to a steady thrum.

  Chapter 11


  None of the kids say a word as I lock each containment room door. A very small part of me feels guilty that they accept their fate so easily. Most of these kids came from places where being locked in a room alone was a punishment that would have been welcome.

  Letty is near the end of the hall, talking with another member of the security team. The set of her shoulders says she’s anxious, but you would never know it from the casual way she’s chatting, and her scent isn’t giving anything away either. She must be fairly powerful to be able to mask herself, or at least very self-aware.

  Once we arrived back at the school, a few of the people on the security team congratulated her on finding the kids. She deflected most of the praise but was gracious about it.

  “What’s up, man?” Paul saunters up to my side. I peer over at him, making sure my features aren’t giving away my emotions. Masking is second nature to me. When you grow up with a family like mine, it’s a necessity.

  “Anybody put together a schedule for who will be down here?” I get right to the point. I need to know who’s going to have access to these kids in my absence. My bear doesn’t care about anything other than getting back to Quinn.

  “Not that I know of. You want me to set something up?” He’s watching me carefully.

  “No, I want you to call Wes down. I’ll do the schedule myself. Have they gotten around to installing the cameras down here yet?” I glance at the corners and ceiling, but I don’t see anything. I’ve been pretty distracted, and before Quinn, I would have known the answers to these questions.

  “I’ll tell the tech kid he needs to make it a priority,” Paul tells me, then adds, “You mated?” like that’s what’s really important.

  I don’t like him asking me about Quinn, especially when I don’t even know where I stand with her. She did hug me though. Fucking best feeling I’ve had all day. She wasn’t upset with me either, she couldn’t hide her emotions if she tried, so at least I have that going for me. “I did,” I finally respond.

  “You don’t look so happy about that. Is it because she’s human?” Paul looks me over, and I realize my arms are crossed over my chest and I’m staring down at him.

  “I’m fucking lucky to have her.” I sound like a defensive prick. “What I’m getting really tired of is the shit going on here. We have a kid attack an adult, and a little while later, this?” I wave my hand at all the locked doors.

  “This was just kids being kids, they sneak out, hook up.” He shrugs like I’m overreacting, but he doesn’t know that the kids admitted to smoking weed soaked in blood. Who the fuck even came up with the idea to do that? Plus, there’s the issue of where they’re getting the blood and drugs.

  “We locked the entire school down because of these idiots. I’m not letting that ‘kids will be kids’ bullshit fly, not this time. I would have rather been other places this morning than looking for this lot.” I’m not ready to tell him about the sippin’, I have to talk to Griff and see who we can trust.

  “Yeah, it did go too far,” Paul admits reluctantly. “What do you plan on doing with them? Letty said you might be expelling them.”

  “Not sure,” is all I say.

  “All right, I’ll call Wes down.” Paul takes a few steps away from me, not that I blame him. I’m not feeling very friendly right now. After making a brief call, he tips his head to me then makes his way over to Letty and the small group still gathered around her.

  She glances over her shoulder at his approach, but her eyes stray to me. I don’t avert my gaze. She feigns a smile but looks away quickly, pretending to pay attention to the conversation Paul just joined. Within a few seconds, she shifts so her back isn’t fully to me. My bear pinned her as prey a long time ago,
but the move solidifies her position.

  “Mr. Winters,” Wes greets me the moment he makes it into the long hallway. There’s been a noticeable change in him over the last few weeks. He moves a lot quicker after his transition into a blooded vampire, but he still fidgets too much. I trust him though, always have. That’s why I posted him at the front desk.

  “Wes, let’s take a walk.” I tilt my head in my intended direction, and he swiftly moves to my side to walk with me. His hands are folded together behind his back, leaving his posture completely open. He came to Havenfall when he was pretty young. His clan was murdered by another more powerful clan, and because he was the last remaining son, they left him alive so as not to wipe out the entire line. Even facing that misfortune, I would still call him fairly lucky. Most of the kids who end up here either come because they’re forced by the human authorities once they are caught breaking the law, or because they sought us out.

  Leaving a clan or a pack can be risky business. That’s why all the places like Havenfall are run and overseen only by very powerful supernaturals. No matter how poorly these kids get treated at home, most of their families are reluctant to release them. There can be power in numbers. If the headmasters were perceived as weak, or if a pack or clan decided they wanted their property back, then the schools wouldn’t stand a chance against an outside threat.

  “What do you need from me?” Wes inquires as soon as we’re out of hearing range of the other security members, proving he’s exactly who I want for this job. He’s smart enough to know I want discretion.

  “I want you down here for the next few hours. I need you to make sure no one gets in to see those kids, and I want you to tell me if anyone tries. You are not to leave that desk.” I point in the direction of where I know the desk is.

  “You need a piss break, you call me, the fire alarm goes off, you sit your ass right there until I get here. We clear?”

  “Yes, sir.” He nods once, looking me right in the eye.

  “There’s a situation beyond what’s been discussed regarding the kids. I’m evaluating who I can trust.” I drop my hand onto his shoulder, and he absorbs the weight much easier than you would think by looking at him, but he is a vampire, a newly blooded vampire, so looks can be very deceiving. “Luckily or unluckily for you, you made the cut. I’m putting a lot of faith in you to make sure this is handled right. I won’t have another incident like the one that had Michelle disappearing from right under my nose.”

  I turn and head back the way we came. I don’t want to give anyone the opportunity to speak with the kids, even briefly. Wes is right by my side. Seconds before the others are in hearing range, he says, “I need a way to contact you. Is your phone still out of service?”

  “Shit!” At some point, I’m going to need to get my head screwed on straight. “My phone will be working in about ten minutes. If you need anything before then, call Stone.”

  “Got it,” Wes confirms as we make our way closer to the other officers still milling about. Without prompting, he spins the chair around behind the desk and takes a seat. His eyes are already trained on the doors as if he’s expecting one of them to burst open.

  I give him a nod, then look at the small group. “You guys can head out. Wes will be here until I make a schedule.”

  The group disbands quickly, most of them continuing down the hall together, still chatting, but Letty lags behind. “Do you want me to stick around too? My shift was just starting this morning.” She spares Wes a small glance, but her question is directed toward me.

  “Nah, you can head to your usual detail,” I tell her, keeping my tone casual.

  “All right, well, let me know if you need anything.” She turns and walks down the hall, disappearing around the corner.

  I turn my attention back on Wes. “Remember what I said. No one else down here. You have a problem, call.”

  “I got it,” he assures me, and I leave, jogging up the corridor so I can get back to Quinn.


  There’s a bang on the door that almost has me jumping out of my skin. When I look up, Evan is standing in the open doorway. His chest is rising quickly as if he’s been running. I angle myself on the couch so I’m facing him. “Geez, you scared me. Is everything all right?”

  “Fine.” He huffs, confirming he’s a little winded.

  “Griffin’s in the shower. I was just grabbing a bite, can I get you anything?” Half of my lunch is still on the table. Griffin called and had someone bring it up, and I didn’t put up too much of a fight. I really didn’t feel like going all the way downstairs to get something for myself.

  “I’m good,” Evan replies, not taking his eyes off me while reaching back to close the door.

  “Did you already eat?” He looks super serious, and I’m not sure I’m ready to have the conversation we avoided earlier.

  “No,” he says, his voice deeper than usual. I’m tempted to say something silly, like he sounds like Griffin with his monosyllabic answers, but I don’t. Evan makes his way over to the sofa and takes the seat next to me. He’s holding his body rather stiffly, and none of the fluid grace I’m used to is present. He lets out a small sigh and places both of his palms on his knees, not quite facing me but still watching me.

  “You stayed,” he finally murmurs after a long pause.

  “I told you I wasn’t going anywhere,” I answer softly, then grab my bowl of pasta from the table to have something to do with my hands. Everything about this feels like it’s either going to be very awkward or super deep, like one of those conversations my previous boyfriends would want to have that would make me run for the hills.

  I sort through my food with my fork, waiting for him to continue. “Are you sure you don’t want some? There’s a huge bowl in the kitchen,” I tell him, starting to ramble when he doesn’t say anything.

  “Maybe later,” Evan responds, sounding super distracted. I shove a bite of food into my mouth so I’m not tempted to keep talking. He blows out a long breath as if he’s preparing for bad news. “About last night…”

  A nervous laugh almost escapes me. Isn’t that how so many bad discussions start? “Uh-huh,” I mumble.

  “I’m going to assume you don’t know much about bonding. When we talked on the plane, you had some questions.” He peers at me from the corner of his eye. Goodness, he seems so dang nervous, which is making me nervous.

  “Your assumption would be correct. Mating and bonding aren’t something I learned about in my species class. Not that it should be, or shouldn’t be? I’m not sure, it seems kind of private, and the whole humans and supernaturals getting along is still relatively new.” I’m rambling again. Evan rubs his hand over his face. “You’re making me really nervous,” I confess.

  “I’m sorry, I don’t want to freak you out,” he says quickly.

  “Just tell me what you want me to know.”

  Evan turns his head so he’s finally looking straight at me, then he licks his lips and admits, “Last night, I bound the two of us together. Forever. There’s no taking it back.” His eyes are a bit wide, like he’s terrified of my reaction. Frankly, I’m a little worried about my own reaction. I was never even willing to get serious with a man, and suddenly, I find out I’m locked into a lifelong relationship with someone I’ve only known a short time, and the only feelings I have are relief and happiness? How does that even happen? What’s even more troubling is that I’m not very concerned with my complete about-face.

  I don’t say anything to acknowledge his statement. What could I even say? He just told me there’s no changing it. It’s not like I’d want to anyway. He’s stuck with me just as much as I’m stuck with him.

  “I should have made sure you understood that before I let it happen, and I didn’t,” he adds when I remain silent. I know I need to say something, but I feel like my tongue is glued to the roof of my mouth. “Say something. Yell. Ask me questions. Call me names. Do something.”

  I set my plate on the table, taking a seco
nd to swallow and make sure my voice is going to work. “Evan, I just don’t know what to say yet. I have a lot of questions, as I’m sure you can imagine, but they all just feel too big right now.” I reach over and lay my hand on top of his. “I’m not mad, I don’t want to yell at you. I’m processing.”

  “You’re not mad?” He latches on to that small part of what I said, but he says it like he’s confused more than he’s asking a question.

  “No, which seems a little strange, right? How am I so okay with this?” I peer into his deep brown eyes, wondering if he has the answer. “Does it have something to do with this…bonding…mating? Is it controlling how I feel?”

  Evan shakes his head quickly, and I can tell by the way he’s staring right at me that he’s telling the truth when he states, “No, no way. It doesn’t work like that. I promise.”

  I squeeze his hand, letting him know I believe him. “I don’t feel any different,” I tell him with my brows raised. It makes it feel like I’m asking for him to explain.

  “There are some things that are different though,” he tells me slowly. “Your scent, for one. Any shifter would know we’re mated.” I’m tempted to smell myself, but it’s not like I would be able to smell my own skin anyway.

  I nod, it feels like he’s just warming up. “And?” I prompt.

  “Your life is tied to mine.”

  “What about your life? Is it tied to mine? Does that mean you’ll only live a human life span now?” I bite the inside of my cheek, feeling worried about his answer.

  “No.” He drags out the word, speaking it slowly.

  “So you won’t die when I die, but I will die if you do?”

  “No, I’m explaining this wrong.” He rubs the side of his face with the hand that isn’t under mine. “I have a chance of surviving if you were to die, but it’s not our way. Once we’re mated, it’s for life.” Evan’s eyes search mine for understanding.


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