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Spring Fling Trio- Beyond Love Starter Set

Page 2

by Karice Bolton

  I sat back and drank a few sips of the champagne, hoping it would relax me before we got there. My stepmom and dad were throwing a fundraiser at one of the local wineries in Woodinville. I think it was at Chateau Marx last I heard, but I tended to dismiss these things as quickly as I heard about them because it felt like these events were endless, always some cause to sponsor or some reason to celebrate.

  “Since you got the invitation, do you know what this one’s for?” I asked, raising a brow.

  “I think it was to help with medical bills for that little boy who was struck in the hit-and-run accident. I think that’s where I recognized his name from, anyway.”

  “Shit. Now I feel like a complete d-bag,” I muttered.

  The car continued to lurch and crawl as Bernie made his way through the downtown traffic, and my stomach wasn’t feeling so great with the bubbles sloshing with each pause.

  “You’re looking a little green,” Brandy noticed. “Want me to finish that for you?” She wiggled her brows and pointed with her free hand.

  “Actually. Yeah.” I smiled and handed her my flute and leaned my head back to focus on breathing, staring at the nip and tuck upholstery of the ceiling.

  “So this is the real reason you don’t like the limo,” Brandy chuckled. “Now it makes sense. Does anyone know?”

  “I told them I outgrew it. I was tired of getting teased endlessly,” I whispered, steadying my breathing as the sloshing continued. “Besides, it only happens in traffic.”

  Brandy continued to laugh all the way to the onramp of the highway, and I immediately perked up as the car began to steady its speed.

  “Traffic doesn’t look too bad,” she said, sipping from one glass and holding the other.

  “Things are looking up,” I said, watching the downtown corridor flash by on our way to the floating bridge. The silvery, pink, and blue skyscrapers gave way to brick homes and condominiums lining the highway.

  The traffic on the highway was nonexistent, which made the commute a breeze. I grabbed my empty flute back from Brandy and filled it halfway up as the nausea subsided. Our car glided onto the ramp of the 520-floating bridge, and I took a triumphant gulp of the fizzy stuff as we made our way across the water. I prevailed.

  “This place is always so beautiful in the summer,” Brandy replied, looking out the window.

  She was right. The calmness on the one side of the bridge allowed for the sun to dance off the glistening water, whereas the other side of the bridge presented the choppy whitecaps, which bounced off the worn cement of the bridge. I always wondered why there was such a difference between the two sides. There was always the calm side and always the choppy side, kind of like my life.

  The car began to slow again and my stomach tightened. Just as I was about to take another sip of champagne, my entire body lunged sideways onto Brandy’s lap as our limo hit whatever was in front of us. I braced myself for a vehicle to crash into us from behind, but thankfully it was only the one hit as the sound of brakes and tires squealing behind us stopped. Bernie immediately rolled down the partition and looked panic stricken, checking us for injuries.

  “You girls, okay?” he asked, breathless. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what happened.” His face was ashen and his brown eyes wide.

  I hoisted myself out of Brandy’s lap and straightened up to see out the windshield.

  “We’re okay, Bernie. Are you?” I asked.

  “Yes, ma’am,” he muttered, clearly shaken.

  “Not a drop spilt,” Brandy offered, trying to make him feel better with her usual dose of humor.

  I shook my head and looked through the windshield. It looked like we’d hit some sort of white utility trailer. I couldn’t see what kind of vehicle was towing it, but judging by the size of the trailer, it would have to be something beefy. All I knew was getting in an accident on the bridge was every commuter’s worst nightmare. Bernie quickly opened his door and jumped out. I hoped they could quickly trade information and we could move on.

  “Whoa. Sometimes things are meant to be,” she sang, squeezing my elbow.

  “What are you talking about?” I asked. There was nothing worth getting in an accident over, especially as the horns blared behind us.

  “That’s what I’m talking about,” she purred, yanking on me to look outside. “Did you know such perfection was possible?”

  Clearly the bubbles had already gotten to her.

  I craned my neck and saw Bernie hustling over to someone, and that’s when I saw him. I didn’t believe my eyes. Men like this didn’t exist in Seattle. We were a city full of hipsters and techies, but here he was… standing right next to our car. I felt as if my world had done a pause. Just the mere sight of him made my heart flutter like I was back in grade school waiting to open my very first Valentine.

  This was crazy!

  As he exchanged information with Bernie, I watched his every move. From his dark hair that the breeze mussed up slightly to the lopsided grin that he wore, I simply couldn’t look away. There was something so intriguing about him. I mean there was no denying it. The guy was completely built, but there was something more.

  It didn’t hurt that his smile was out of this world, but any guy who just got rear-ended and had the decency to smile about it was unusual. The dark shadow along his jawline signaled a morning without a shave, which complimented his rugged appearance and I just…

  “You stopped breathing,” Brandy mumbled and all I could do was smile.

  He was dressed in a pair of ripped jeans, and his shoulders were broad, filling out his charcoal t-shirt. As my eyes fell back down to his jeans, my insides clashed madly as I glimpsed bronzed skin where his shirt had tugged up slightly. I looked over at Brandy who was in the same zone as me.

  The way the sun was setting, I didn’t think he could see inside, but it somehow felt like his eyes were on me, watching me fidget. Okay. That was probably wishful thinking, but it really did feel that way. So much so that I refused to look in his direction, even though it was killing me not to check him out.

  “Can he see through the windshield, do you think?” Brandy mused.

  “Why?” I asked. “I don’t think so, but I’m not sure since the privacy glass is down.”

  “Well, it looks like he’s captivated by someone back here and it’s not me,” she stated.

  “Yeah. Then he definitely can’t see back here,” I said, feeling the heat run up my body.

  “I’m pretty sure he can, and all I can say is lucky you.”

  I turned my attention back to him and saw him speaking with Bernie, but I will admit his gaze did manage to gravitate in this direction.

  “I think I’d trade my soul for one night with him,” I whispered.

  “That’s my Gabby,” Brandy chuckled. “You just needed a Mr. Perfect to show up.”

  “He’s completely unattainable,” I replied, daring myself to look at him once more. “That’s why I can say it. He’ll drive off, so will we, and I won’t have to worry.”

  His hand gripped a leather wallet, and my gaze followed up his long, muscular arm as I watched him stuff it back in his pocket. How could a slight movement do this to me? His laughter echoed all the way to the car as he patted Bernie’s shoulder and dipped his head to peek through the windshield. This time there was no doubt who he was looking at as our eyes locked, sending a shiver up my spine. His long lashes outlined his amber eyes, and they were like liquescent gold as the sunlight caught the bronze flecks just right. I didn’t even think that was a possible eye color, except maybe in a little movie I happened to love back in high school and college, but still those were contacts. These weren’t. His lip quirked up, and he gave a slight nod. So slight, I wasn’t even sure it happened.

  Brandy squealed and tightened her grip. “He’s coming this way,” she said.

  “Quick. Sit over there.” I pointed to the backseat, and she dove toward it. I started laughing but followed right behind her. I felt the giddiness of high school fill me
to the brim, and I had no idea why.

  “How come we just did that?” she muttered, ready for the next commandment as she adjusted her dress.

  “I have no idea,” I confessed.

  I pointed at the Grecian God as he peered into the darkened glass next to us. He did a double tap on the window with his knuckles as his lips twisted into a cocky smile. When he stood back up, I noticed his shirt hugging his flat stomach and began dreaming about my fingers skating across it and started chuckling.

  “What’s so funny?” Brandy quipped and I shook my head.

  “I have no effing idea, but this mirage of a man is turning me into a mess.”

  “He’s no mirage,” she replied.

  I watched as the man threw us another lopsided smile, but I also knew this time he couldn’t see us. He just seemed to like the idea of messing with us.

  “So, you got the President inside here or a bunch of giggling high school girls on their way to prom?” His voice low, scalding my insides.

  Brandy looked at me horrified. “This is why you hate riding in this thing,” she stated.

  I nodded quickly, keeping my eyes on the guy who was slowly moving toward the door.

  “Completely pretentious modes of transportation will never lead to good things.” I took a deep breath in.

  “Yep. My bet is that it’s a bunch of sixteen year olds,” he said coyly, arrogance filling his every word and gesture. “Waiting to get—”

  Brandy’s breathing stopped at about the same time mine did.

  My heart fell to my toes as he opened the door and ducked his head inside the limo. He was gorgeous. No. That’s not true. He was beyond gorgeous. His amber eyes filled with mischief as he looked at Brandy and then at me.

  He looked to be in his late twenties. I heard Bernie talking, but I couldn’t decipher what he was saying. All I could do was look at this piece of perfection as he toyed with us and obviously enjoyed it. My hand slid up by my necklace as I attempted to block my scar from his view, but all that did was make me more self-conscious.

  “Are you two okay?” he asked.

  I nodded, speechless, and looked away.

  “That was quite a hit,” he continued. “I’m an EMT if…”

  I whipped my head around, intending to give him a mocking glance, but instead I wound up blushing as his smile turned to a wonderfully wicked grin with his eyes capturing my discomfort.

  “If he can do that with his eyes, I can’t even imagine what he can do with…” Brandy whispered in my ear.

  “What was that?” the man’s voice rumbled, eyeing me, not Brandy.

  “Okay, you’ve had your fun,” I told him, flushing from the inside out. “We’ve got an event we’re late for.” I watched his eyes follow my lips as I spoke, which did nothing but create a hornets nest inside of me. How could his eyes do that to me, penetrate me like that?

  “You’re right. What was I thinking? You’re the only ones who have a place to be.” He flashed me another wide grin. The intensity in him shifted only slightly as he pretended to be annoyed. “I wasn’t on my way to anywhere in particular. In fact, I had only planned on driving back and forth on the bridge all night. One side… Then the other…”

  “I didn’t mean that where we had to go was more important than you,” I sputtered out. This is what I hated about riding in these things. Limos automatically put people in the ass-hat category. However, wanting to live up to the already laid reputation, my lips pinched together, and my arms crossed automatically.

  “Maybe we’re headed to the same place,” he replied, his eyes carefully reading my actions, teasing me. “Although, judging by how you’re dressed, it’s doubtful.”

  I frowned and looked away from the guy and mumbled, “You really should drive more carefully.”

  The guy laughed and my eyes flicked back to his. “That’s what most people hear when they’ve just gotten rear-ended,” he replied. “Well, I think I struck out here so my insurance will be in touch.” He gave me a wink and ducked out of the car.

  I watched Bernie and the guy trade goodbyes quickly before he jogged back to whatever vehicle was pulling the trailer.

  Brandy reached for the bottle of champagne and replenished both of our flutes. “I think someone’s got a crush on the mystery man.”

  “I do not.”

  “You always get this way when you do,” she continued laughing.

  “What way?” I demanded.

  “Snippety.” She smiled as if she’d won the battle.

  Bernie climbed back into the car, apologizing profusely, and Brandy and I both resituated back to the side seat. I watched as the utility trailer pulled away and we followed.

  “It looks like it did more damage to this car than his trailer,” Bernie said. “It’s gonna be in the shop for awhile.”

  “That’s a shame,” Brandy replied sarcastically. Finally the woman was on my side about riding in this car.

  “So what’s that guy’s name?” Brandy asked Bernie. I jabbed her in the ribs, and all she did was laugh.

  “Jason something or other,” Bernie replied. “I’ve got it written down. He certainly got a kick out of you two, didn’t he?”

  “Jason,” Brandy repeated it for me as if I didn’t hear it the first time. “That’s a nice name.”

  She was about to get on one of her ‘pair up Gabby’ kicks so I quickly deterred her, hoping her champagne consumption would aid in my rescue.

  I turned to her and asked, “You wanna know what’s more ridiculous than showing up to places in a limo?”

  “What?” she asked playfully, batting her lashes and forgetting about setting me up with the stranger.

  “Pulling up to a place in a busted-ass limo,” I replied, and we both started laughing. Dating crisis averted once again.

  Chapter Three

  Cars were lined up all along the road leading to the Chateau. The party was already bustling, and we hadn’t even entered the property. As Bernie turned through the wrought iron gates, he drove us down the long drive, which was surrounded by rows of grape vines. It was a beautiful summer night to hold an event with the temperature balmy, and the sky still clear. It was close to seven o’clock, but we still had another couple of hours of daylight left.

  Several guests were walking toward the main building, and relief flooded me as I realized my other outfit would have been a complete mistake. Most of the women were in cocktail dresses. Dad saved the day once more.

  “Have you ever been to a concert here?” Brandy asked, peering out the glass. “It always seemed like it would be fun.”

  I nodded and pointed off in the distance. “That’s where they set up the stage, and people bring blankets and picnic while watching the concert. I haven’t been to one for years though.”

  She held my hand and squeezed it. “Let’s do that this summer,” she said, grinning.

  “You got it,” I said, feeling the car come to a slow stop.

  “Ha,” she belted out.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Look what’s tucked in between the trees over there. It looks like that trailer Bernie ran into,” she giggled.

  “I have a hunch on this. Now I could be wrong, but I bet that there have been more than one of those manufactured in the states,” I teased, rolling my eyes.

  “Hardy-har-har,” Brandy joked.

  I looked out the window and saw a large group of people congregating on the mammoth stone steps that led to the entrance. I was sure my father was in the middle of the crowd. He always had a knack for storytelling and never told the same one twice.

  “We have arrived,” Bernie said. “A little more beat up than I was hoping, but we made it.” I looked up at the rearview mirror and saw the familiar sparkle in Bernie’s eyes.

  “At least it’s not backfiring as we pull up,” I joked, as he got out of the car and walked around to open the door for Brandy and me. I knew he was embarrassed, and I didn’t want to rub it in too much.

  Brandy crawled ou
t of the car, discreetly moving her legs to avoid any mishaps, and I gathered my dress and followed.

  The evening air was still warm, especially after getting out of the air-conditioned limo, and I was finally beginning to feel the weight of my workday roll off. At least I was at a beautiful vineyard, rather than working late like most nights.

  The climbing roses were in full bloom and wove together a brilliantly colored wall of pinks, reds, and whites, which canopied the oversized entrance. The door looked as if they’d stolen it from a castle in Ireland, and I had to admit it was one of my favorite features of the building. I always liked when my parents held a function here.

  “There’s my darling,” I heard my father’s voice boom over everyone else’s. I looked up the stairs and saw him wave as his friends and co-workers parted, allowing me to make my way up the steps.

  “Hey, dad,” I said, holding my dress up so it didn’t drag along the stairs. “You look smashing.”

  My father beamed and extended his arms out toward me. I think it was his zest for life that kept him looking so young. His hair was graying, but it only made him look more distinguished somehow. My dad’s tuxedo looked splendid on him, but my favorite feature was his crooked bowtie. He always gave it a special twist when he knew I was going to be at an event with him. It had been our thing since I was a little girl, and he’d kept up the tradition—much to my stepmom’s dismay. My dad loved teasing her equally as much as he enjoyed entertaining me.

  I gave him a quick kiss on his cheek and took a step back, waiting for Brandy to come up behind me.

  “I have a couple surprises for you,” my dad said, winking.

  “Oh no. That’s never a good thing,” I laughed.

  “I think this time you might be happy about at least one of the two,” he joked, looking at Brandy. “Nice to see you again, Brandy.”

  “Nice to see you too,” she said, shaking my father’s hand.

  I laughed and shook my head. “I didn’t have lunch today at the office, so I’m going to go inside and try to grab a little something,” I said.

  “You’re not overworking yourself, are you?” he asked me and then turned to Brandy. “Is she?”


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