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Spring Fling Trio- Beyond Love Starter Set

Page 45

by Karice Bolton

“You know? I have absolutely no idea,” he started laughing. “But I guess we’ll find out soon.”

  I groaned as my head fell back to the pillow. “This is so not my idea of showing you a good time.”

  “Showing me a good time, huh?” his eyes sparkled as I burst into laughter.

  I heard a light tap on the door and looked over to see a nurse pushing in a large wheelchair. “Shower time.”

  Thank God!

  “Fun’s starting already,” Aaron murmured.

  I rolled my eyes and giggled as the nurse came over to my bed.

  “I’m going to take out your IV and your catheter.”

  I looked over at Aaron, completely mortified. “I think that’s your cue to exit stage right.”

  He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and headed out of the room as the nurse began preparing me for home.

  Aaron was taking things very easy on our drive home, changing lanes like he was ninety years old and turning corners so slowly I swore I could’ve gotten out and pushed us faster.

  But I appreciated it. I appreciated him.

  I was sprawled out in the back of his Mercedes SUV. My right leg was anchored straight out in front of me, taking up the entire back seat. I was as close to feeling like a mummy as humanly possible. I watched the scenery go by at a snail’s pace and had to laugh.

  “I promise I won’t shatter,” I teased.

  “I just don’t want your leg to fall off...”

  “The seat?”

  “No, just off. You look like you’re barely pieced together.”

  I started laughing. “Well, thank you for that.” We were only a couple of minutes away from Aaron’s home, and anxiety started to pulse through me as I thought about what was ahead for me, for us. I felt absolutely helpless and completely powerless. I wasn’t used to depending on anyone but myself, and here I was having my brand new boyfriend take care of me in a way that I wasn’t sure either of us would be able to handle.

  I let out a sigh as he turned into his driveway.

  “Someone’s overthinking something back there,” he said.

  “It’s how I was wired.”

  I saw two cars in the driveway and my heart started pattering faster. “Guess the therapy is starting already.”

  The front door opened and a friendly-faced, older woman waved at us.

  “That’s Jackie, the new housekeeper.”

  “Good choice,” I said wryly.

  “I thought you’d approve.” He turned off the engine and got out of the car just as two more strangers piled onto the porch.

  Jackie came over to the far side of SUV and opened the door. “Hi, my dear. Welcome home. I’m Jackie.”

  I blushed and glanced over at Aaron who was taking charge like this sort of thing happened every day.

  “Thank you. It’s good to be home,” I said, realizing how very dependent I was in this moment. I couldn’t even get out of the damned car.

  “This is Austin behind me,” Aaron said, ducking his head into the car. “He’s one of the best physical therapists in the state.”

  I looked around Aaron and noticed that Austin was quite good looking and couldn’t help but smile. He had dirty blonde hair and was completely built.

  “Don’t go getting any ideas,” Aaron teased.

  “Right. I’m sure he’d be all over this ass,” I whispered, rolling my eyes. “Nice to meet you, Austin.”

  “You too, Miss Sullivan.”

  My eyes flashed to Aaron’s. I liked the way it sounded, even though it wasn’t a reality.

  “My last name’s Rhodes, but you can call me Brandy,” I said, smiling at Austin who had managed to set up the wheelchair.

  “Your chariot awaits,” Aaron said, grinning.

  “Lord,” I huffed.

  “I’m going to come from behind you and open the door your back is resting on, and then we’ll just work you into the chair,” Austin instructed.

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  “Aaron, if you could just carefully crawl in there to ensure she doesn’t fall out backwards that would be great.”

  “Yes. That would be great.” I started laughing at the absolute horror of what had become a day in the life of Brandy.

  My hot, new boyfriend was crawling in through the SUV, maneuvering around my mummified leg and metal encased torso, and reaching his arms out in front of him like he was rescuing a stray cat.

  “If this doesn’t scare you off, I don’t know what will,” I teased, feeling Austin’s arms wrapping under my armpits as he began hauling me from behind.

  “Okay. One. Two. Three. Lift,” Austin gently placed me in the wheelchair and Aaron came tumbling out of the vehicle.

  “That was graceful.”

  He flashed me a smile as Austin began pushing me to the stairs.

  “Oh, I’ve got a ramp,” Aaron said, glancing at Jackie. “Do you know where it went?”

  Jackie nodded and pulled it out from behind the rhododendron. “Didn’t want anyone to steal it,” she muttered.

  Aaron attached it the porch and Austin wheeled me up to the waiting nurse. I see how it worked. I got Austin and Aaron got…

  “I’m Kristy,” she said, reaching down to give me a light hug. “I’m one of the nurses Aaron hired.”

  I couldn’t help but chuckle and turned to Aaron. “Is she one of the best in the state too?”

  Aaron’s eyes flickered with amusement. “Why, yes she is.”

  Thankfully oblivious to what we were joking about, Kristy took over wheelchair duty and wheeled me into the home.

  “You’ll be walking again in no time,” she whispered. “He spared nothing when it came to this setup. You’re one lucky woman.”

  “Thank you. I really am.”

  She wheeled me through the large foyer, straight through the family room and down the hall to the guest room. There were silver and pink balloons hovering all over, and a huge sign that read “Welcome Home”. The nightstand was covered in flowers and so was the dresser. The sleigh bed that had originally been in the room had been replaced with an adjustable hospital bed. There was also a twin bed right next to the hospital bed. There were several newly attached poles and posts hooked to the far wall.

  “Are you planning on me taking up ballet again?” I teased.

  “My work is done with you once you can lift your leg on that bar,” Austin said, smiling.

  “And how long do you think that will take?”

  “Different for every patient.”

  “Where’s our girl?” Gabby hollered from the foyer.

  “She’s in here,” Aaron called out into the hallway.

  “I’ve got her favorite treats,” Gabby gushed, coming into the bedroom. “Welcome home.”

  I spotted a platter full of cookies and fruit bars and couldn’t help but smile.

  She cleared off a place on the dresser and set the tray down before giving me a big hug.

  “It’s so nice to see you out of the hospital. And your hair smells so good.”

  “Amazing what a shower will do for a person.”

  “I hate to bust up the party, but the sooner we start on rehab the quicker she won’t need it,” Austin said, glancing at Aaron.

  “Sounds good to me,” I said, smiling.

  “I’ll be out in the family room with Aaron,” Gabby said. “And Lily’s on her way up too.”

  Jackie and Kristy followed everyone out to the living area, leaving Austin and me alone.

  “I can’t promise that this won’t hurt or that you’ll like me by the end of it. But I promise by January no one will ever know you were even injured.”

  The fear of pain was quickly replaced with adrenaline. “Whatever we’ve got to do, let’s hit it.”

  Austin helped me to the flattened bed and as I felt my body stiffen and pull with pain, I knew I was going to be in for a long, grueling process of recovery.

  But nothing would prepare me for the pain I’d endure with Aaron. I just didn’t know it yet.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Four weeks had gone by, and I was feeling more and more like myself every minute. I had transitioned from wheelchair to crutches and from plaster cast to bootie. At this rate, I’d be snowboarding by January. Although that goal made Austin cringe every time I mentioned it.

  But a person’s only got one shot at life, right?

  Thanksgiving was four weeks away, and I’d been secretly planning a holiday menu with Jackie. I couldn’t wait to surprise Aaron with his first holiday at home with family and friends. Austin was going to be coming over in the afternoon for more physical therapy. He was completely blown away by my progress. What he didn’t know was that I was working morning, noon, and night on the non-assist exercises. I was down to one nurse, Kristy, who only came in the mornings to help me shower and change. We’d actually become really good friends, and I looked forward to her visits.

  I hobbled down the hallway, with only the knock of the crutches as they hit the floor. Jackie was out shopping and Aaron was at work. Tomorrow was Halloween, and I couldn’t wait to carve our pumpkins tonight. Gabby and Jason were going to come over, and my plan was plenty of drink, candy, and scary movies. Even though I couldn’t wait to get back in law school, I was actually enjoying this temporary freedom. I was on short-term disability through work and even though it wasn’t much, I was happy to have it. I tried several times to offer Aaron something, anything, but he wouldn’t take a dime so my goal was to repay him in other ways.

  I reached the kitchen and flipped on the espresso machine. Even though I had adjusted to things pretty well, the one part of my life that I missed more than anything was my daily morning Starbucks.

  Aaron had treated me like a princess from the moment I’d arrived. It turned out the twin bed was where he planned on sleeping, but after two nights of him being so close but so far away, I made him promise to sleep in bed with me. Which he did every single night.

  My next milestone was stairs. I managed to get halfway up our staircase yesterday, but I wouldn’t be able to get rid of the hospital bed until I could reach the top of the stairs without assistance. The thought of getting to snuggle with Aaron in his bed was incentive enough. I hoped this week would be the week.

  The green light on the espresso lit up, and I began packing my grounds when the front door opened.

  “Baby, I’m home,” Aaron’s deep voice rang through the house. “And I’ve got a Pumpkin Spice Latte for you.”

  I squealed and spun around on one foot and grinned as he walked into the kitchen. He looked amazing in his suit, and the Starbucks cup he was holding made my heart melt. This side of Aaron was one that I hoped existed under his cocky façade many moons ago. I think my heart knew it had all along, but I was just thankful my mind finally followed, allowing me to embrace this side of him.

  “You look gorgeous,” he whispered, handing me the cup of the glorious liquid.

  I glanced down at my outfit and blushed. I was wearing jeans and an orange sweater with an oversized neckline. “I don’t look too much like a pumpkin?”

  He laughed and softly kissed the crook of my neck. His mouth slowly trailed lower over my collarbone and down to my chest before he took a step back.

  “I love pumpkins.”

  “I love you.”

  “Love you too, babe. So what’s the plan for the night?”

  “Well, since you’re home early…”

  His grin widened as I ran my hands along his back. “I’ve been fantasizing about what I was going to do to you all day,” he growled.

  “Really,” I purred, bringing my lips close to his ear.


  “That makes two of us,” I whispered, nipping his lobe as his body stiffened.

  “You drive me absolutely crazy.”

  “Then I’m doing my job.” I ran my fingers through his hair as my lips wandered along his jaw, feeling the roughness rub against the softness of my lips. He let out a large sigh, his warm breath tickling my already sensitive skin. His hands began to glide along my waistband when I let out a trembling breath.

  “You like that?” he murmured.

  Nodding, I felt his fingers run beneath my sweater as they followed the dips and contours of my body. Aaron’s breathing was charged with heaviness as his fingertips slid my bra up. Feeling the tightness of my skin pucker as the tips of his fingers slid along my flesh was almost unbearable.

  Unable to take my eyes off Aaron, I watched as he slowly lifted off my sweater and took me in, all of me. The desire ran through me at a quickened speed as he lowered his lips down to my breasts.

  My breath stuttered as he continued teasing me with his mouth.

  Jackie opened the front door, and I almost didn’t even care as Aaron continued to canvas kisses along my breasts.

  But then it really hit me, and I quickly patted his shoulder to get him to stop so I could slip my top back on.

  He took a step back and licked his lips as I pulled the sweater back over my head. I was completely disoriented and needed so much more from him.

  “Upstairs?” I whispered.

  Jackie rounded the bend carrying two bags of groceries and Aaron went to help her out.

  “Your friends just pulled in behind me,” she said. “I’ll get some appetizers going before I head home.”


  “Thank you, Jackie. That’s so sweet of you.”

  “I’m just happy to see you hobbling all around, dear. And your sweater’s on backwards.”

  My cheeks turned fire red instantly as I worked my arms through the holes and slid my top where it belonged.

  “Thank you,” I muttered, taking a sip of my latte.

  “Happy Carving Time,” Gabby shouted from the foyer.

  Jason and Gabby walked into the kitchen holding two huge pumpkins.

  “Oh, how cute! You dressed like a pumpkin,” Gabby gushed.

  I turned and scowled at Aaron who was cracking up as he put the milk in the fridge.

  “Thanks,” I said, rolling my eyes. “Mind taking this to the table after you dump off your pumpkin?” I wiggled my brows at the Starbucks cup that I’d just put back down so I could crutch it to the table.

  “Totally,” Gabby said, placing her pumpkin next to ours.

  “Once the timer goes off, your snacks will be done. Gabby, I’ll put you in charge of that, and I’m going to take off for the night. Have fun.”

  I waved and watched as Jackie grabbed her purse and coat and wandered off toward the door.

  “Anyone thirsty?” Aaron asked, grabbing a beer and popping the top off.

  “I’ll take one of those,” Gabby said, pointing at the bottle.

  “Me too. I haven’t had any pain medicine for two days.”

  “Two beers coming up. Jason, you want a seltzer?”

  “Perfect,” Jason said, as he arranged the pumpkins and knives on the table.

  “So you look amazing,” Gabby gushed. “How are you feeling?”

  “Almost like normal. I just can’t wait until I don’t have to use those things,” I said, glaring at the crutches I had propped against the wall.

  “I bet. By Christmas?” Jason asked.

  “Forget that. I’m hoping by Thanksgiving.”

  “Never one to waiver under pressure,” Gabby laughed.

  “I’m hoping we can go on a fun ski trip this winter too,” I said, smiling.

  I glanced over at Aaron who shifted his gaze to Jason. What was going on between them?

  “Don’t you think that would be fun, guys?” I tried again.

  “I’m totally in,” Gabby said. “What about you, Jason?”

  “Sounds like a plan to me.” He nodded.

  “Well, that just leaves Mr. Grinch. You in?” I asked Aaron.

  He smiled and his eyes locked on mine, but I recognized something that I didn’t want to see.

  “I love you, babe,” he laughed, and shook his head.

  Something was off. I glanced at Gabby who noticed it too, but
Jason quickly turned the topic to making the first cut into the pumpkin.

  “I’m going for a Dracula look,” Jason said.

  “That’s awfully fancy,” I said.

  Aaron stood up abruptly and glanced in my direction but wouldn’t make eye contact. “I’ve gotta make a call. I’ll be right back.”

  “Okay,” I replied, trying to shove off the worry.

  But it was too late; the first seed had already been planted.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  It was another beautiful Saturday with the crystal blue skies out, and the crisp air just calling for the last of the autumn leaves to drop. Aaron had left to run some errands, and Jackie had the day off. Gabby would be here any minute, and I was really looking forward to spending time with her. I needed some pick-me-up girl time. I tried to ignore a few of the recovery hiccups that I’d encountered, but there were some that were harder to ignore than others. My hair had started growing back in the areas where it had been clipped, but I still wasn’t necessarily feeling as fabulous as I wanted. Aaron made me feel like the most beautiful thing to walk the planet, but many mornings—and this was certainly one of them—I felt less than human. I wasn’t sure which scars from the accident were going to be harder to heal, the external or the internal ones.

  Wandering into the kitchen, I opened the fridge and laughed. I told Jackie I had everything covered for my impromptu lunch with Gabby, but she apparently didn’t believe me. She had a plate of various cheeses sliced, a plate of sliced fruit, and a platter full of meats. I was sure Jackie’s plan was to fatten me up before I left this place, and I was pretty sure it was working. I grabbed each plate out of the fridge and placed it on the island. Grabbing crackers and chips out of the pantry, I spread them out on a plate when the doorbell rang.

  I walked at a pace that was slower than pre-accident, but faster than last week and that’s all I could ask. I opened the door and Gabby ran in, hugging me tightly.

  “Oh, girl. It’s so nice to see you, especially at my brother’s house.” She let go and took a step back. “I can’t believe the progress. First no crutches and now no cane?”

  “What can I say? I’m Wonder Woman.”


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