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A Gallant Grenadier: A Tale of the Crimean War

Page 5

by F. S. Brereton



  Whether or not honest kind-hearted old Joe Sweetman was a donkey was yetto be proved, as the reader will ascertain for himself if he will onlyhave patience to bear with the narrative till the end; but certain itwas that Joe and Tony were not alone in thinking well of Phil.

  "He's a likely youngster," the adjutant had more than once remarked tothe colonel, "and he'll make an excellent N.C.O. once he has sufficientservice. He's well educated, and always well-behaved, and with yourpermission, Colonel, I will give him a trial in the orderly-room."

  "Do just as you like," the latter had answered. "I leave these mattersin your hands; only, if you make him a clerk, do not take him altogetherfrom his other duties. He might lose his smartness in the ranks, andwhat I want is not alone N.C.O.'s who can write well, but men who can bean example to the others, and, above all, have authority over them.Keep your eye on the lad, and let me know how he gets on."

  "Certainly, sir. I'll see how he performs his duties, and mention thesubject to you another day."

  Phil had thus already attracted attention, and a hint to that effect,passed from the sergeant-major through the colour-sergeant to himself,encouraged him to persevere in his drill. Not long afterwards thebattalion received orders to proceed to Windsor, and there relieveanother of the Guards regiments. By that time Phil and Tony hadcompleted their recruits' course, and had taken their places in acompany of the regiment.

  "We couldn't ha' been luckier, Phil, could we?" remarked Tony, with agrunt of satisfaction, as the two stood on the parade-ground waiting forthe bugle to sound the "Fall in". "I said weeks back as I'd stick toyer through thick and thin, and here we are, yer see, both in the samecompany, and always falling-in alongside of one another. But it won'tlast long, mate, and don't you go for to try and make believe it will.I ain't so blind as I can't see that before long you'll wear acorporal's stripes. All the fellers says the same, and it's bound to betrue."

  "I must say I hope it will," Phil replied cheerfully. "It is my aim andobject to become an N.C.O. But we needn't think of parting, Tony.We'll still be in the same company, and if we don't stand side by side,we shall be close together in the barrack-room. Besides, you may getthe stripes sooner than I."

  "Me, mate? That's a good un! There ain't a chance."

  "You never know, Tony; and although it seems far away now, it will come,especially if you always keep out of trouble, as you have done up tothis."

  "Yus, it might," Tony agreed, after a long pause. "Every chap gets achance, they say, and I'll see if I can't win them stripes just to showyer, Phil, that I've stuck to me oath. And it won't be getting intotrouble as will lose 'em for me. I used to be a regular wild un, butI've given that up months ago; besides, I heerd Sergeant Irving a-sayingonly a few days ago that the chap as was quiet was bound to get on.`What's the good of larking about as some of these idjuts do?' he says.`Them as drinks is certain to get into trouble, and come before thecolonel, and what good does it do 'em? They loses their chance ofpromotion, and they ruins their health. Besides that, they goes downthe quickest when the troops is on active service.'"

  "Yes, that is very true, I believe," Phil answered. "But to return tothe stripes. You must win them, Tony, and if only you stick to yourwork I am sure you will succeed. Then in the course of time you'll bemade sergeant, and later perhaps become sergeant-major. What a finething it would be! You would have a good pension to look forward to,and one of these days could end your service while still a young man,but with the comfortable feeling that you were provided for for life."

  "Hum! that's flying away to the skies, mate," Tony chuckled, "butthere's plenty of time to see, and--look up! there goes the bugle."

  Both lads fell in with their company, now dressed in all the pride ofbearskins and whitened belts and pouches, and having been dulyinspected, marched stiffly erect out through the barrack-gate, up SheetStreet, and into the famous old castle.

  Many a time did Phil stand motionless by his sentry-box, looking overthe terrace-wall at a scene not to be surpassed in any other quarter ofHer Majesty's wide dominions--the green fields of Berkshire, with oldFather Thames winding hither and thither amongst them, now flowingplacidly along between banks of shimmering corn and grass, and anonswirling past with a splash and a gurgle which broke up the reflectionsof boats and houses brightly mirrored on its surface. Then, sloping hisgun, he would march across in front of the terrace gardens and thewindows of the royal apartments, and, turning his eyes in the oppositedirection, admire the three miles of absolutely straight and undulatingroad, lined on either side by its double row of grand old oaks andbeeches, and ending in a green knoll, surmounted by a pile of masonry,on which is set a large equestrian statue familiarly known as "theCopper Horse". Away on either side the wide stretches of the park wouldattract his attention, while far beyond the town, appeared the faintblue and reddish band which marks the position of Windsor Forest.

  Many times, too, whilst on sentry-go, did he stand as rigid as his ownramrod, heels close together, and gun at the "present", as the Queen andthe Prince Consort with their children sauntered by. He had evenexchanged words with them, for, attracted by his height, and possiblypersuaded by the pleading of the infant princes, the Prince had stoppedin front of our hero and questioned him as to his age and his parentage.The remarkable manner in which he had been adopted appealed to theircuriosity, and before long they had learned Phil's story.

  When not for guard, Phil and Tony generally managed to find plenty ofoccupation in their spare hours. In the winter there were long walks tobe taken, and in the summer there was the river, a never-failing sourceof enjoyment, and in those days far less crowded than in this twentiethcentury, when excursion trains, bicycles, and tooting steam-launcheshave done not a little to mar its pleasant peacefulness. Hard by theBrocas boats could be obtained, and here a number of soldiers were to befound every afternoon, idling by the river-side and gazing at the youthof Eton disporting on the water, or themselves seated in boats scullingup and down the stream.

  Phil and Tony were occupied in this way one hot summer afternoon, andhaving sculled up to the Clewer reach, rowed in to the bank, and madefast there for a while.

  "It's mighty hot, young un, ain't it?" remarked Tony, wiping theperspiration from his forehead. "Phew! it is hot! Why, if we was boundto row these boats, we'd hate the sight of the river. What do yer sayto a snooze?"

  "Just the thing, Tony. It's too hot for any kind of exercise, so let'stie up and wait an hour; then we can pull up to the lock and down again.It'll be time for tea then."

  Accordingly the two laid in their paddles, and stretching themselves onthe bottom of the boat beneath the shade of an overhanging tree, soonfell asleep, lulled by the gentle ripple of the water. An hour passed,and still they slumbered placidly, the wash of a big boat as it slippedby them failed to rouse them. They heard nothing, and even the hoarsechuckles of a few comrades on the bank above them did not disturb them.

  "What say, Jim? Shall we let 'em go?" grinned one.

  "Yes, send 'em along, Tom. It'll be a proper joke to watch 'em whenthey wakes up and looks about 'em," was the answer. "Now, shake offthat rope, and pitch it into the boat. So--oh! Gently, man! Shove 'emoff as quiet as if they was babies in a cradle."

  It was a huge joke to those upon the bank, but upon the unconsciousoccupants of the craft it was wasted. They stirred neither hand noreyelid, but, locked firmly in the arms of Morpheus, glided down theriver, totally unmindful of the shouts which followed them and of theangry "Boat ahead! Where are you coming to? Steer to the left!" whichwas hurled at them on more than one occasion. Suddenly a louder shoutawoke Phil, and, sitting up with a start, he stared around, his eyeswide-open with astonishment, to find that he and Tony were drifting inmidstream past the Brocas, and were already within 50 feet of thebridge.

  "Why, we're adrift!" he exclaimed in a bewildered tone. "Here, Tony,wake up or we shall be on the bridge!"<
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  "Eh, what!" grunted Tony, rubbing his eyes. "Adrift! What's that rowabout?"

  The shout which had aroused Phil was repeated at that moment and, takenup immediately, assumed a perfect roar, in the intervals of which a loudclattering as of wheels rapidly passing over cobble stones, and thestamp of horses' hoofs were heard.

  "Sounds like a cart or something coming down the street," said Phil."Look out, Tony, something's wrong!"

  As Phil spoke the clatter of hoofs and wheels became deafening, andbefore either could realise what was happening, two maddened horsesdashed on to the bridge, dragging a carriage after them in which agentleman was seated. On the back of one of the beasts was a postilion,and before Phil had time to exclaim, "It's a royal carriage!" thevehicle had collided with a cart coming in the opposite direction, therewas a crash and a sound of breaking woodwork, and next second rider andpassenger were shot as if from a catapult over the low rail of thebridge into the water.

  "Quick! get your paddle out!" cried Phil, snatching one up and plungingit into the water.

  Tony, now fully awake, sprang up and hastily obeyed, but with suchvigour that he swung the boat round till it lay across the stream. Nextmoment, driven by the swirl of the water, it was hurled against asupport of the bridge and capsized immediately.

  When Phil rose to the surface a few seconds later, and had shaken thewater from his eyes, he saw the boat shooting bottom-uppermost throughthe archway of the bridge, with Tony clinging to it. The stream hadalready swept him through, and just in front of him, splashinghelplessly, was the unfortunate postilion, his eyes glaring round insearch of help, and his mouth wide-open as he shouted to the people onthe bank.

  "All right! I'll be with you in a moment," cried Phil, striking out inhis direction. A minute later he was by his side, and, grasping him bythe shoulder, supported him till the overturned boat floated past them.

  Both clutched it, and hung on for their lives.

  "There he is, there's the other!" shouted a crowd of people on thebridge, and, hearing them, Phil hoisted himself as high as possible andsearched the water carefully. There was a swirl some fifteen feet away,and two clutching hands suddenly appeared, to be swallowed up an instantlater.

  Leaving the boat Phil struck out with all his might, to find nothingwhen he reached the spot; but, plunging beneath the surface, he let thestream sweep him on, and groped with outstretched hands on either side.Something touched his fingers, and, grasping it he pulled it to him;holding tightly with both hands he kicked frantically till his headappeared above the water. Another second and the head of theunconscious passenger was reclining on his shoulder, and a burst ofhearty cheering was ringing in his ears. Breathless and exhausted afterthe struggle, Phil looked round and caught sight of the boat driftingdown to him. Treading water for a few minutes he supported the figurein his arms, and at last reached out for and obtained a firm hold of thekeel, to which he clung, unable to make another effort, so much was hefatigued.

  But help was at hand. A boat had been hastily pushed off from theriver-bank, and before long all four had been lifted from the water andcarried up the steps on to terra firma. A doctor was hastily summoned,and meanwhile the gentleman and the postilion were removed to a cottage.

  As for Phil, five minutes' rest upon the ground made him feel himselfagain. Then, shaking the water from him, and bashfully exchanginghandshakes with the enthusiastic crowd who surrounded him, and would notbe denied, he slipped away with Tony, and, aided by a waterman, rightedthe capsized boat and proceeded to bail the water out.

  "Come along, let's get out of this, Tony!" he exclaimed fretfully. "Inever came across such a bother, and I hate a fuss like this."

  "But you'll stop and give yer name, Phil? They're certain to want it,'specially as the cove has summat to do with the castle."

  "Oh, they can find out later on! Come along and let's get away,"repeated Phil, in far more terror now than he had been when the boatupset.

  "Wait a minute, my men," suddenly sang out a voice from the bank. "Iwant to find out who you are."

  Phil reluctantly helped to push the boat alongside, while a gentlemanwho he knew had some connection with the castle pushed his way to thefront of the crowd and, coming down the steps, held his hand out towardshim.

  "Shake hands, my brave young fellow," he said earnestly. "I never saw amore gallant deed, and you can have every cause for satisfaction, foryou have saved the life of one of our Queen's most honoured guests.What is your name?"

  "Private Western, sir," answered Phil with flushed cheeks. "PrivatePhil Western, Number 1760."

  "Then, Western, you can expect to hear from me again. You are a creditto your regiment, and your officers and all your comrades shall knowwhat a fine lad you are. Now, I will not detain you. You had betterget off and change your clothes."

  "Three cheers for the sodger boy!" a voice in the crowd shouted; andthese were given with a gusto which made Phil's heart flutter, whileTony stood upright in the boat, looking more pleased and proud than hehad ever done before.

  "Shove off!" cried Phil almost angrily. "Shove off, or we shall neverget away." A minute later they were pulling up-stream once more.

  "I don't mind guessing them stripes is yours," chuckled Tony over hisshoulder. "Young un, I knewed you'd have 'em soon, but you've won 'emnow, and no one ought to feel prouder of them than you. Mate, TonyJenkins is more pleased than if he'd got 'em hisself, and he feels justlike a blessed peacock."

  Phil made no reply, for he was still confused after his adventure, butfor all that the thought that now there was some possibility ofpromotion elated him. If from this day he was to be known as CorporalWestern he determined that he would do credit to that rank, and make useof it as a stepping-stone to a higher one. He wondered what the colonelwould say, and was in the middle of imagining himself being thanked bythat officer in the orderly-room when the boat banged against the bank.

  "Come along, mate," cried Tony. "We'll get along to barracks and changethese wet togs."

  Squeezing the water from their garments they left the boat in charge ofits owner, and made the best of their way to the barracks, where theywere not long in getting into dry clothing.

  Already a rumour had reached the soldiers, and soon both were surroundedby an eager crush.

  "What's happened? What have you two chaps been up to?" they asked.

  "Oh, an upset in the river, that's all!" said Phil nervously. "Here,ask Tony, he knows all about it;" and having transferred theirattentions from himself he slipped away, while Tony, seated comfortablyon the end of a bed, calmly filled and lighted his pipe, and, puffingbig clouds into the air, dilated upon the gallant deed performed by hischum.

  "He's a good plucked un, you chaps, as I has good cause to know," heconcluded. "Once he saved me from a bear as was near tearing me topieces, and now he's fished a gent out of the river that's staying alongwith the Queen. He's made, is Phil Western, and'll get his stripes.What's more, I'll tell yer now, so as there won't be no mistakes. Whenthe young un's corporal, we'll all treat him as such. Any chap asdoesn't 'll have to square it up with me. So now yer know what toexpect."

  With this final shot Tony pulled hard at his pipe and went off to findhis friend.

  Phil had won his stripes without a doubt, but he had yet to go throughthe ordeal of receiving them.

  The very next day his name was down for commanding officer's orders, andwhen he marched into the orderly-room, and stood to attention in frontof the green baize table, there was the colonel looking kindly at him,while a row of officers, no less interested in the young soldier who hadbehaved so gallantly, stood on either side.

  "Western, my lad, it is reported to me that you saved two lives fromdrowning yesterday," said the colonel. "I have made enquiries about itand find that you behaved nobly, and have been a credit to thisregiment. I may tell you that your name has already been mentioned asdeserving of promotion, and there is no doubt but that you would havereceived your stripes ere
long. But now you may feel doubly proud ofthem, for you have gained them by an act of bravery, which is seldom thecase unless on active service. From this date you are a full corporal.Now, my lad, get your stripes put on, for we shall want to see them onparade."

  Motionless, looking straight to his front, Phil listened as if in adream. Then he blurted out, "Thank you, sir!" and a second later wasobeying the order, "Right turn! Quick march!"

  Outside, by order of the colonel, the tailor was waiting for him, andwithin a quarter of an hour Phil was the proud possessor of two stripeson his right arm, the badge of a full corporal.

  "There you are, corporal," said the tailor. "They're fixed on strong,and I hope they'll never want to be taken off. Stick to 'em, and whenthe time comes I'll sew on another with all me heart. Now you'd betterlook lively. The `fall in' goes in a few minutes, and I hear there'ssomething else for you to listen to."

  "Something else? Why, what?" asked Phil.

  "Well, some message came down from the castle, that's all I know of, butthey're rigging up the platform on the square, so it looks like someshow or other."

  Phil groaned dismally, and went to his barrack-room to smarten himselfup, hoping that this new "show" could have nothing to do with himself.

  But he was disappointed. The whole battalion fell in, carrying thecolours, and having been duly formed up in review order and inspected,they stood at ease, wondering what was coming, and looking with curiouseyes at the group of privileged sightseers who had already assembled,and at the red-carpeted platform which had been placed on the oppositeside of the square.

  Suddenly a movement was noticed amidst the crowd outside the gates; theyopened up, and a minute later two royal carriages swept in past theguard-room.

  All eyes were turned towards them, till a hoarse "Battalion, attention.Royal salute. Present arms!" was given by the colonel, and as one manthe regiment went through the movement, colours and officers' swordsdropped simultaneously, and a royal personage, dressed in full uniform,was driven up to the centre, where, the carriage having stopped, hedescended, and returned the salute.

  Then followed a minute inspection, during which Phil's heart beattumultuously against his ribs. Afterwards, with colours in air and theband playing, the regiment marched past in column--a sight worth goingmany miles to see--and finally drew up in quarter column and facedinwards towards the platform.

  "Corporal Western!" the colonel cried.

  Phil started and flushed crimson. Then, recovering his composure, hestepped from the ranks, and, marching forward, halted a few paces infront of the platform.

  "Officers, non-commissioned officers, and men," commenced the royalpersonage who had reviewed them, stepping forward, "it has given megreat pleasure to come here to-day and witness the fine way in which youhave marched, and the smart, soldierly appearance you present. You havefully upheld the traditions of the regiment to which you belong. I havenow another pleasant duty. One of your number performed a gallant actyesterday. He was then a private, and is now a corporal. He has wonhis promotion by bravery, as every soldier desires to do, and as a markof the Queen's gratitude for saving the life of a distinguished guest,and in order that he may never forget this day, I now present CorporalWestern with this watch and chain, and I feel sure he will always prizeit. It comes from his Queen. May it one day be carried in the fob ofan officer!"

  Bewildered, and scarcely knowing whether he stood on his head or hisheels, Phil took the watch handed to him and returned to the ranks. Ina dream he heard the regiment answer the colonel's call for cheers asthe royal officer stepped into his carriage, and in the same conditionhe stood, whilst his comrades tore off their bearskins, and, hoistingthem on their bayonets, shouted cheers at him for his gallantry.

  It was a bad half-hour for Phil, but, like all things, it came to anend. Soon he was back in the barrack-room, with friends crushing roundand eagerly gazing at the gold watch and chain presented to him.

  What Phil valued most was the crown set with brilliants on the back, andthe inscription beneath, which ran:

  "_Presented to Corporal Philip Western, of the Grenadier Guards, In recognition of his gallantry, By Victoria R_."

  Many and many a time did Phil pull out the watch and gaze at thatinscription, and often too did he determine that one day it should liein the waistcoat pocket of an officer.

  "It's my first step in the regiment," he said quietly to Tony, whentalking over his promotion, "and I hope it will not be the last."

  "Never fear, young un! You'll get higher yet, I know," Tony repliedearnestly. "In these days of peace it will take a time, no doubt; butif there's war, as seems likely, then you'll go up, and I don't mindtelling yer it's my opinion you'll be an officer yet afore I gets mystripes."

  "Humbug, Tony! It takes years and years to get a commission, even whenon active service. But I mean to have a good try for it, and shouldtroubles come with some foreign power, then, as you say, there is allthe more chance of my being successful. Now I am off to thequarter-master to ask him to put this in his safe and keep it for me. Iwouldn't lose it for worlds."


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