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Venus Online (Volume 1): LitRPG Sci-Fi Harem

Page 3

by Jeremy Zenith

  "Just my little cocktail. It'll help." She took a sip.

  "Look, I don't want a drink. This is kind of freaking me out. How do I quit?"

  The robot shrugged. "Fine, you want the truth? You don't get to just quit, Byron."

  "Wh-What?" He looked up. "Computer, end program. Computer, quit program."

  "This ain't the fucking holodeck, sweetie. It's a game. And if you want out, you have to win the game."

  Byron felt dizziness sweep over him. "They didn't tell me that. They just said it was a game. I can't be stuck in here. I have a job, I have a Mom and a sister. I'll starve out there or die of thirst."

  She reached out to pat his cheek. Her hand felt softer than he expected. "Chill the fuck out, baby. Time works differently here. You can spend days inside the game and only a few minutes pass in the real world. The virtual reality pod also has a life-support system that will give you enough nutrients and fluids to survive for over a year. You won't die."

  She turned away and took another sip. "At least, not from hunger and thirst. Now drink up. You're hurting my feelings."

  The last thing he wanted was a drink, but he decided to humor her. He took a sip and burst into coughs as the liquid burned its way through his mouth and down his throat.

  The robot giggled again. "Wow, you're a lightweight. You gotta learn to keep up, baby."

  She put the glass down. "Okay, let's get the boring stuff out of the way. You've played RPGs before, so this won't be too much of a shock. Venus Online has three stats: strength, dexterity, and NRG. We'll get to that last one in a minute. Tap the bracelet on your wrist. It'll give you your stats."

  Byron looked down and noticed the bracelet on his right wrist for the first time. He tapped it.

  A menu floated in front of him.


  STR: 10

  DEX: 5

  NRG: 1

  ARMOR: 1

  HP: 100/100

  CREDITS: 100

  The robot pointed. "Nice, you're a marine. Badass. Okay, strength is just that. How hard you hit, how much you can pick up, also determines what weapons you can use. Dexterity is how fast you move, how quick you are, and also how sneaky you are. Also determines how good you are with machines and crafting. As you can see, your stats aren't worth shit right now, but you'll bring them up with leveling up and new gear."

  She held up her finger. "NRG is a powerful substance in Venus Online. I could give you the whole spiel they give you in orientation about how it's this mysterious alien substance that enhances your body and mind and all that shit, but let's just call it magic, okay? You can use it to move things with your mind, start fires, teleport, that sorta thing. It's pretty cool. If you decide to raise that stat, we'll talk more about it. Right now, you can't use any of it."

  Byron winced. "Aw, man."

  "No biggie. We'll get you a neural implant, you'll be ready to roll." She clapped her hands together with a metallic clank. "I don't think I need to go into armor and health. You look like you know your way around an RPG."

  "Yeah, yeah. But look, let's get back to me getting out of here. Why can't I just exit?"

  She winced and twisted one toe into the floor. "Well, I can't really tell you that. You could say the company wants to get its money's worth. But it's also part of the game. There is a way out and you have to find it. But hey, maybe you'll like it so much in here that you won't wanna leave."

  Byron thought about his tiny apartment, dead-end job, and lack of romance, and had to admit he didn't have much to go back to. At the same time, he didn't like the idea of being trapped in a video game. He also thought about his sister, Molly, who was a sophomore at a nearby community college. She would probably wonder about him. Then there was his mother who lived in a nursing home where he visited her every Saturday. She would miss him, wouldn't she?

  Still, the robot seemed to say it would be days in the game before morning came in the real world. He'd have time to worry about it later. "Okay, so what am I supposed to do now?"

  The robot spread her arms. "Whatever the fuck you wanna do, dude. You're in outer fucking space. You've got your spaceship and me, your loyal and faithful companion. We'll explore, have adventures, all that shit. So the first thing we need to do is give your spaceship a name."

  That made him pause. He always hated that part of games where he had to think of a name because he could never pick the right one. "Oo, uh, okay. How about the Enterprise?"

  She folded her arms. "Sorry, that name's taken. You gotta be more original, dude."

  He took a deep breath, feeling a lot of pressure until he suddenly remembered the name he had given his ship on Battlefront: Deep Space. "Okay, how about the Icarus?"


  She folded her arms behind her back while bowing her head in a nod. "Icarus, it is. And now I'd like you to come up with a name for me."

  Byron chewed his lip as he looked over her. "You look kind of like Scarlett Johansson. How about Scarlett?"

  The robot shrugged. "Sounds good to me."


  She took slow steps towards him while narrowing her eyes. "Now, let's get back to my original question. Should I call you Byron, Captain, or Master?"

  He swallowed. "Uh, Captain is fine."

  "Okay. But you know I'm not just here to hoist the sails and give you tutorials, right?" She reached out to run a finger down his chest. "I'm also your faithful companion, here to serve your every need. And I do mean every need."

  He tried to swallow again while glancing around. "I'm, uh, not sure what you mean."

  "Yes, you do." She stopped close to him, pressing her breasts up against him. They looked like solid steel but felt soft and mashed up against his chest. "As you can tell, this game was programmed by guys. Well, and a few women. But mainly guys. And they know the first thing most guys want to do with a female robot."

  The text popped up on his vision again:


  He took a step back. "Okay, this is gettin' kinda weird."

  Scarlett dropped her arms to her sides. "What are you, gay? 'Cause if so, I can switch to a male version."

  "No, I mean, I just got here. It sounds like you and this game want me to have sex with you."

  "It's not just that I wanna have sex with you. You wanna have sex with me, too."

  He flinched at her confidence and tried to look surprised and shocked. "What? No, I don't."

  She planted her hands on her rounded hips. "Hey, I'm a robot. I can scan you and tell your heart rate is going up, your pupils are dilating, and I don't need scanners to see the blood rushing to your dick. So I know you want some o' this tits and ass. What's the problem?"

  He paused a moment, considering all his objections. "Well, first of all, you're a robot."

  "Yeah, with all the necessary equipment." She reached up to jiggle her boobs up and down. "On the top and the bottom."

  She turned her back on him and bent over to touch her toes. A small hatch slid open between her butt cheeks, revealing a moist and pink hole that looked really inviting.

  "Shit." Byron ran his hands over his face to find it moist with sweat. He couldn't believe this conversation. "Okay, look, I'm also not comfortable doing something like this with those guys out there watching."

  Scarlett turned to face him again. "Captain, no one's watching. There's thousands of people logged into Venus Online. Some of them are fighting, some of them are fucking, nobody gives a shit. The company has better things to do than watch everybody. If you want, we can even block all monitoring in private mode. Just tap your bracelet and turn private mode on."

  He went back to his bracelet. When the stats came up, he noticed other options on the menu bar including "Private." He tapped it.


  His robot smirked. "Military-grade encryption. We can't communicate with the rest of the game while it's on, so we can't keep it on all the time, but it's good
for quickies. You have total privacy. So now what's the problem?"

  He took a deep breath and glanced around.

  Scarlett giggled. "Look, I know you want me, and I'm not just a robot. I'm capable of feeling horny and feeling pleasure, so I want you, too."

  She waved a hand in circles over her head while rolling her eyes. "So we could do the whole thing where we have this sexual tension floating around between us until we finally fall into bed. Or we could just get it over with right here, right now, and get on with saving the universe."

  "Wow." He couldn't hold back a grin. "Never met a woman so aggressive before."

  Scarlett reached up to stroke her breasts again. The nipples glowed pink. "Baby, you've never met any woman like me before."

  Chapter 5

  BYRON couldn't deny to himself that Scarlett was amazingly sexy and beautiful, and the fact that he hadn't had sex in over a year meant that it wasn't a tough decision. "Okay, so how's this work?"

  Scarlett blew out her lips in a snort while rolling her eyes. "Seriously? Even if you're a virgin, you must have seen porn, right? Or didn't they go over it in health class?"

  "No, no, I mean, like, where do we, uh--"

  "Oh, right." She pointed at the front of the ship where Byron had first appeared. "Well, at some point, I wanna break in the chairs on the bridge, but we can start with the bedroom. Follow me, and don't forget to check out this ass while you do it."

  Scarlett turned on one heel and strutted off through the ship, giving her hips an extra sway. He followed, obediently watching her chrome butt cheeks swinging in front of him, whispering a silent thanks to the engineer who designed her.

  She headed down a hallway to a large cabin with everything he would expect to find in a bedroom including a mirror, a dresser, and a bed. She spun around and tilted one hand at it. "Will this do, for a start?"

  He took a deep breath, knowing this was actually going to happen. "Yeah, that'll work."

  "Great. Come here, baby." She came close and pressed her lips against his.

  Her body had a light scent of roses, and he was impressed by the detail of the experience. Once again, he was surprised to find her lips as soft and juicy as a real woman. It seemed like the metallic appearance was just that, and her body felt as warm and pliable as flesh. He wrapped his arms around her waist and drew her close to kiss her deeper.

  She suddenly tore her lips away from him and gave him a worried look. "Do you want me to call you Captain in bed, too?"

  He laughed. "Uh, no, just on the bridge is fine."

  She smiled, showing rows of white teeth. "Aye-aye, baby."

  They kissed again, and he pushed his tongue into her mouth. She welcomed it, swirling her tongue around his while moaning. As her chest pressed against his, he felt her nipples thicken against him.

  He felt her arms reach around him, drawing him close, and her delicate hands traced lines down his back through the fabric of his jumpsuit. The feeling made goosebumps spring up all over his body.

  He slid his hands down her back until they rested on the cheeks of her ass. They felt soft and round and he squeezed them until she moaned into him.

  She took a step back, moving further into the bedroom while holding his hands. He followed her until they made their way to the bed. She leaned back to take him by the hands and gently turn him around. With a light push on his chest, he fell back to sit on the edge of the bed.

  Scarlett ran her hands up her rounded thighs to her full hips. "You like what you see, sweetie?"

  "Yeah, absolutely. You're gorgeous."

  She broke into a smile that shone with joy. "I'm glad. I'm here to please you. In every way."

  She dropped onto her knees in front of him and ran her hands up his legs, along his thighs, and pushed his knees apart. Her eyes stayed locked on his as she reached up to the collar of his jumpsuit and dragged down the zipper.

  As the jumpsuit fell open onto the bed, he looked down at his chest and his jaw dropped. His hard pecs and six-pack abs looked completely foreign to him. Having spent his whole life in a flabby, scarred body, he couldn't believe it.

  "Mmm," Scarlett moaned. "You look so fucking tasty, baby."

  Byron winced. "Uh, you know this isn't what I really look like, right?"

  She licked her lips. "It doesn't matter what you look like out there. Only what you look like in here. And I like what I see right here."

  Her hands pushed off the shoulders of his jumpsuit to pool them on the bed behind him. Her slender metal fingers curved over to run down the muscles on his chest. They paused to tweak his nipples, making him jump and quiver a little. That made her giggle as she continued to trace the curves of his pecs, down the ridges of his abs, and down to his waist. As she did, he realized how he had been frozen in place the whole time. He reached out to run his hands over her shoulders and down to her breasts.

  "Oh yeah," she moaned. "They're all yours, baby."

  He could see his hands trembling as he ran them over the soft and supple flesh. He'd never touched boobs like hers, even though he'd dreamed of them so many times. All his other girlfriends had been flat-chested or had saggy boobs, not huge and firm ones like this. Yet the fact they looked like metal but felt like flesh was mind-bending. It felt completely real (he still hadn't gotten used to how real everything seemed) as her full globes rolled under his fingers. The heavy breasts barely fit in his palms as he cupped them.

  She leaned in to plant gentle kisses on his torso. Her lips traced a path over his muscular flesh, making her way down. While he played with her tits, she continued to click his zipper down until it went past his waist, revealing his boxer briefs. Her eyes widened at the bugle in his underwear and he felt a shock of surprise as well.

  "Wow," she breathed.

  "Yeah, uh, that's definitely not what I look like in real life."

  "The 3D modelers do excellent work." She reached her hands down to slip into his underwear.

  Goosebumps sprang up on his thighs as her slender fingers reached his throbbing member. She dragged his thickening flesh into the cool air and hummed softly in appreciation. As he had guessed from the bulge, his virtual dick was way bigger than his real one. It looked at least eight inches long and thick, too. With his muscular and well-endowed body, Venus Online really did give him a better alternative to his real body. He'd always been heavy, even as a toddler, so seeing himself in a hot and sexy body was a thrill he'd never imagined possible.

  She whispered. "God, I wanna taste that fucking dick."

  All those thoughts vanished as Scarlett turned her piercing eyes on him and opened her mouth. Her plump lips spread wide to accept his hardened cock between them. When the lips closed over him, he groaned from the pleasure moving along his shaft.

  "Oh, that feels amazing," he groaned.

  She let him go and giggled again. "Hey, don't shoot off just yet, tiger. I'm just getting started."

  She slipped him into her mouth again and pushed her head forward. All the girls Byron had been with gave him head reluctantly, infrequently, and badly. He had thought oral sex was just overrated. Now as he felt Scarlett draw on his cock, he knew why guys loved it so much. The feeling of her soft cheeks and tight lips around the shaft felt amazing. Her tongue glided along the underside, tickling it lightly. Even the way her teeth grazed him made him shiver.

  "Oh God, yes." He squeezed his eyes shut. "You're so good."

  She tightened her mouth around his cock and something clicked inside her.

  The suction increased a thousandfold, making him gasp. It felt like he'd stuck his dick into a vacuum hose, but one that was hot and wet. When he looked down, he saw that she had taken his cock all the way into her mouth until her lips met his balls. Since she was a robot, maybe she really did have a vacuum inside her mouth.

  He reached down to run his fingers through her long silver hair. It felt softer than real hair, and smelled of a flowery perfume. "Oh, that's amazing. H-how are you doing that?"

  She didn't answe
r but continued to suck on him while bobbing her head up and down at a faster pace. His toes curled in his boots as her mouth took him in again and again, gliding along his swelling . When her fingers came down to encircle his balls, he grunted and felt his cum starting to rise. Part of him wanted to tell her to stop, afraid she would rip his cock right off, and the rest of him wanted to beg her not to stop.

  She raised her head up and held it there while her hands went down to her breasts. She lifted them up to wrap around his glistening shaft, surrounding him in a tunnel made of her enormous tits. The sensation of going from almost unbearable suction to hot, soft flesh while her mouth continued to savor his swollen head put him over the edge.


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