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Of Stars and Spells

Page 13

by Nyx Halliwell

  “I have my broomstick in a whole lot of cauldrons.” She winks and holds out a hand. “Please give me the USB. And then we’ll discuss your enlistment with PNR.”

  “You don’t know what your messing with,” I tell her. That container, the black abyss, is a pocket, much like Charlie described. It’s a place between seconds, worlds. “You could rip through the fabric of time and space with your experiments.”

  Quinn moves to stand on the other side of me, adding an additional shield for his mother and brother. Behind Janice, Kirk loiters, no longer pretending to be innocent.

  “We’re not giving you anything,” Quinn says. “You’re going to march yourselves right out of this house and never show your faces around here again.”

  Quinn touches my hand and I feel the emotions running from him into me—defiance, gratitude for bringing his brother back, determination to get rid of this group of people and protect all of us.

  “You don’t want to mess with him,” I tell Watson. “I suggest you do what he says.”

  She laughs. It’s a brittle sound in the small kitchen, raising my hackles. “You think you’re the only magick user in this room? Have I not made myself clear?” The smile leaves her face and her eyes turn deadly. “The only way any of you are going to live to see morning is if you cooperate.”

  True magick is both light and dark, a balance that mirrors nature. Hers centers on deception and illusion, and a sweep of her hand sends it swirling around the room, knocking over a vase, making the overhead light flicker. It coats my tongue, plugs my ears. While she portrays a gentle and kind woman, underneath, she’s tapping into some very dark stuff meant to fool us all.

  “Did you learn that on YouTube?” I taunt, sending a wave of my own at her, and wrapping the others in a protective bubble.

  This takes her off guard. She wobbles and her eyes narrow. The sweet façade slips another notch and I see the burning fire behind it. “Yes, you’ll be perfect for my program,” she croons.

  Quinn’s hand brushes mine again, and I realize he’s trying to slip me the USB.

  I raise my other in a distractive move, using telekinesis to send the fallen vase flying at her head. She throws up a wall of defensive magick, deflecting it, and then twitches a finger. In unison, her four henchmen point their guns at us.

  Quinn steps in front of me, and I stick the USB into my skirt pocket, but I’m not letting him save the day. I don’t know what the alpha male in him is planning, but I have a few tricks up my sleeve.

  In a quick instant, I astral travel to a spot behind Kirk. The little weasel must’ve betrayed the Harringtons. He’s been feeding information to Watson, maybe even helping set that fire.

  “You won’t see this on YouTube,” I say, and everyone startles, whipping around to look at me. Even the men with the guns shift to point them at me—at my astral projection.

  That’s all the diversion Quinn needs.

  In the next instant, he scoops up the globe and hurls it, hitting Watson in the back of the head. She drops like a rock.

  Kirk starts to run, and I bop in front of him, scaring him once again. He screams, as though he’s seen a ghost.

  The men with the guns are frantic, pointing at me, Quinn, back to me. I astral project once more, ending up behind them. “Oh, hey,” I call. “I’m over here now.”

  As expected, all four swivel in my direction. Quinn and Charlie tackle two as Spring and Summer, familiars in tow, rush into the room.

  Cinders flies into one of the men still standing as Summer grabs Mrs. Harrington and shifts her out of harm’s way. The armed henchman’s hair bursts into flames and he jets to the sink to try and put it out.

  Spring freezes the fourth man, Hoax pecking at his legs and yelling curses.

  Kirk jumps to his feet and bolts. At my command, Sirius bounds after him, chomping onto his pant leg in the hall.

  I project once more, following his energy and screams of pain, and plant my astral self in front of the door. “Where do you think you’re going?”

  Sirius releases him, but stands firm, growling and showing his fangs. Kirk glances toward the dining room, then to me. He points, his finger shaking. “But you’re…in there. How can you be here?”

  I wink. “Magick”

  He screams once again and tries to go around me, but Sirius lunges, clamping his teeth into Kirk’s backside. Another scream and the dog takes the man down.

  From behind me, I hear gasps. Children who’ve come up the front steps of the porch stand frozen, staring. The door is wide open, and they’re expecting candy. I can’t decide if I’m a trick or a treat at this point.

  Quinn jets out of the dining room, Charlie on his heels, and together they subdue Kirk. I turn toward the children, putting on my best smile as I float off the ground, blocking their line of sight from the three men. “Pretty good Halloween trick, huh?”

  The fear falls off their faces and a couple laugh. It becomes infectious and soon all the children are cheering and asking me to do more.

  Coming up the walk, Mama Nightengale raises a thumb over her head and gives me a big smile. Hoax is still on her shoulder, balancing precariously, and only shouting “Happy Halloween,” at everyone.

  “Let me through.” She moves between them, the kids parting like the red sea for her. “I bet they have some tasty candy for us here, don’t you?”

  As she crosses the threshold, I point to the bucket on the side table. She nods and winks, turning to give the kids their treats.

  Sirens cut through the air in the distance. Spring joins us in the foyer. Mama N returns the bucket and waves for the kids to move along. Mrs. Harrington and Summer come to stand by me and Summer shuts the door. Mrs. Harrington blows out an audible sigh of relief, Hoax dancing at her feet and cursing like a sailor.

  I turn and find Quinn smiling at me. Kirk lies on the hallway floor, hands tied behind his back. He’s murmuring nonsense about magick and witches. “Nice work, Stargazer.”

  “Are you okay?”

  He nods. “Couldn’t be better.”

  “Autumn, I’m not sure what…”—his mother waves a hand at me—“you all did, but I can’t thank you enough for bringing Charlie home and protecting us.”

  I can see she wants to hug me, but in this ghostly form, thinks better of it. Crossing herself and muttering a prayer under her breath, she speeds back to the dining room. Charlie, looming over Kirk, grins at me.

  “Thank you for calling me home,” I say to Spring and Summer. “I could feel all of your magicks helping me.”

  Summer picks through the candy and snags one. “Next time, don’t go scrying without us. You almost gave all of us a heart attack. We felt your connection, but it was weird.”

  “I assume there’s a good story behind all this?” Spring wants to know, as much a statement as a question.

  I nod. “Where’s Winter?”

  Both sisters grin. “Left her to mind the shop. Hopefully, she hasn’t turned all the kids into toads.”

  The next few minutes are a blur. I return to my physical body, Tristan arrives with several of his officers, and Janice Watson and the others are handcuffed and hauled away.

  Spring sneaks in a kiss to Tristan and she and Summer leave with Hoax and Cinders.

  Winter shows up as Tristan’s driving off with Watson in the back of his squad car. Watson turns in the seat to shoot me a glare, weighted with vengeful magick. I suspect I’ll have another interaction with her one of these days, but I also know the metal handcuffs on her wrists, and the iron bars she’s about to land behind, will mess with it enough to keep us all safe for now. I’ll mention to Spring that Tristan needs to magically reinforce her cell.

  “Looks like I missed all the fun,” Winter says. “Are you coming to the shop anytime soon? We’ve been overrun with kids.”

  I’m not surprised to see Ronan with her. She gives a little shudder about the children.

  “We’re on the way to Mama Nightengale’s to grab more bags of candy,” R
onan tells me. “Just thought we’d stop and see if you needed any help.” His gaze goes to the police cars pulling onto the highway. “Guess we’re too late?”

  I laugh, more from relief than anything. Sirius barks, wagging his tail, and Quinn comes out to the porch.

  “Autumn had everything under control.” He puts an arm around my shoulder and kisses my temple. “Go home to your sisters,” he murmurs. “I’ll call you later.”

  Happy I’ve managed to bring his family together and shut down Watson and her goons for now, I hand him the USB. With Sirius beside me, I leave and go celebrate Halloween and Samhain with my own family.


  Nearing midnight, we gather in Conjure’s kitchen, hold hands, and say a prayer for our mother.

  We need a second table and all the chairs we possess since we have a full house. Spring has set places for everyone, and we’ve left a special setting at one end of the main table for Mom’s spirit.

  Candles are lit, tiny pumpkins, apples, and gourds act as the centerpiece. All our familiars are also in attendance, along with Mama Nightengale, Kaan, and Prue. Tristan, Hopper, Ronan. Hale and Storm are here, and Dad and Talia Walkingstick, Hale and Ronin’s mom, round out the gathering, everyone solemn, but happy.

  The meal is simple and consists of roasted vegetables, baked squash, a wild rice casserole, and fresh bread. We share warm mugs of cider and mulled wine.

  Several times during the meal, we laugh and share stories, and I feel Mom’s essence in every one of them. I glance at Winter, but see no tell-tale sign that our mother’s ghost is actually here. My sister hasn’t had time today to sit and focus on reaching her, but I believe Mom feels us and our honoring her wherever she is. I silently vow to do all I can to get her away from the demon.

  I tell the group what happened at the Harringtons’, mentioning the idea about the black hole abyss providing the perfect container for the demon when the time comes.

  This makes my sisters happy. We may finally have a solution to our problem, if we can figure out a way to put it in there.

  I also warn them about Janice Watson and Paranormal Research Labs. We’ll need to be more diligent and careful about protecting ourselves from people like her from now on.

  Sirius brings me the Whitethorne Family Books of Spells, and I add the one I created in the abyss that helped bring Charlie back.

  For dessert, we enjoy carrot bars with cream cheese frosting, apple tartlets, and pumpkin pecan muffins.

  Afterwards, Dad says a tribute to all those who’ve passed over, asking them to impart their wisdom and guide us forward as we make plans and prepare for winter. He especially mentions our Gwrtheyrn ancestors in the woods.

  Outside, a storm blows up, but the rain is gentle, the thunder subdued. We end with one of our father’s favorite blessings for peace and prosperity before calling it a night.

  Back in my cabin, the cats, Sirius, and I bed down for the night. Quinn calls to check on me and I curl up in my warm blankets as we talk. He tells me they’ve already figured out how to explain Charlie’s sudden reappearance to the curious small-town we live in—a top-secret undercover assignment that would only work if he was “dead” to the world.

  The subject brings up Mom and I tell him what really happened to her, and what my sisters and I plan to do about it. He offers to help, and I fall into a blissful sleep, dreaming of a man with moss green eyes rocking our baby in front of my fireplace.


  November 1st. A new month full of possibilities.

  I throw open my cabin door feeling ready for every single one of them.

  Sirius and I go for our normal run and I breathe deeply for the first time in days. My sisters and I are safe. We have a plan for dealing with the demon and releasing our mother’s soul. Charlie is home; Mr. and Mrs. Harrington are happy. Quinn is, too.

  I heard promises in his voice last night. In a dream, he told me how lucky he was to have me, and swore our new life together was just beginning.

  This morning, the sun peaks through the fog, burning off last night’s frost. The pathway is still damp from the rain. I wove my beautiful maple leaf into my side braid, right above my ear; a talisman.

  As I breath in the cool air, I feel like I’m embarking on a new chapter. My cards this morning were the Ace of Cups and The Lovers—true love, union, balance. The land of fairy tales and happily-ever-after.

  Is it possible? I wonder as we approach Harrington Farms. Could I be the next sister to finally land my soulmate?

  I’m no longer hiding Sirius behind an invisibility spell. The gate is open, and my favorite Harrington is standing there, like usual with a cup of steaming liquid in hand. Sirius runs to him, jumping up and trying to lick Quinn’s face. Coffee spills and he laughs.

  Calling off the playful dog, I take the proffered cup, enjoying the gleam in his eyes. There’s still something bothering me, and I raise the question over the rim. “Watson will be out of jail in no time. She’ll come after the USB again. We need to figure out how to keep it, and all of you, safe.”

  “She won’t be back.” Quinn rocks on his heels. “I already gave it to her. The city council has canceled the deal, and no one is selling any property to her now that the truth’s been exposed about her purposefully starting the fire here.”

  “You did what?” There’s no way he would give her our evidence. Wait…this is Quinn. Mr. Intelligence. “You made a copy, didn’t you?”

  He smiles at Sirius, who now sits against his leg. “Yes, and I sent several to people with the power to reveal what her group is doing. Anything happens to me or my folks, or if I discover PNR Labs is bothering you, the info will be released to the general public. She can have her USB, but there’s nothing she can do about the fact that all I have to do is say the word and she’ll be exposed, along with our government, regarding their underhanded and immoral activities. We have proof.”

  Namely Charlie. He’s better than the USB, and in combo with it, definitely a one-two punch. I’ve already put a protection spell over all of them, but he may need a bit more.

  Quinn reads my mind. “I made Charlie record his testimony and sent copies along with the USB to my media friends. Silencing him won’t do Watson, or anyone else, any good.”

  I sip more coffee, smiling as I look across farm. The poor burnt trees stand forlorn, but there are more that’ll be ready for the holidays. “Smart.”

  Mrs. Harrington emerges on the front porch and waves. I wave back.

  “And Kirk?” I ask.

  “Dad remembers everything, thanks to your spell, and told me the truth about what happened. We’re pressing charges, so he won’t be back either.”

  That’s good. Really good. “How is Charlie? I bet you guys have a lot to catch up on.”

  “You can’t imagine the gift you’ve given us.” Quinn gives my braid a tug. “Charlie’s going to need time to adjust, but he’s already decided he’ll stay and take over running the farm for Dad.”

  “That’s awesome,” I say. “I bet your parents are thrilled.”

  Quinn pets Sirius and smiles big. “I do have one favor to ask of you.”


  He looks around before meeting my gaze. “I’d like to come home, too. Thinking of helping my folks and Charlie, and maybe opening my own security business. Figure there’s at least a few gals up the road who might use my services.” He winks. “I want to start over with you, most of all, and I’ll do whatever it takes, within my mere mortal powers, to show my appreciation for the rest of my life.”

  New beginnings. Union. Happily-ever-afters. “I’ll consider your offer.” I say, hiding my smile. “Does it come with coffee every morning on my run?”

  He grins. “It comes with anything you want, Autumn Whitethorne.”

  “Well, if we’re doing this, then I’ll expect you’ll be helping with the shop expansion come spring, and taking me on a date tonight.”

  Anticipation and happiness wash over his face. I feel love welling i
n his chest. “Absolutely on both counts. Anything you want. Should we go out to eat? A movie? A trip to Hawaii? Your wish is my command.”

  “Let’s start with the hill.” I dig my toe into the dirt, feeling like I really am embarking on a new chapter. “A little stargazing would be nice.”

  He sets our cups on the pumpkin stand nearby. Then he wraps his arms around me and looks down into my eyes. “I can’t think of anything I would rather do, Stargazer.”

  Sirius barks his happiness as Quinn lowers his lips and kisses me.

  * * *

  Ready to find out what happens next?

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  Bonus, you’ll receive a free book from the Sisters of Raven Falls Series that includes cute magickal spells, recipes, and craft ideas!

  Ready for more fun?

  Enjoy this excerpt from Of Spirits and Superstition

  * * *

  Ghosts are easy. People drive me crazy.

  Adel Lofgren is fifteen minutes late for her session. It’s been snowing all day, and the roads aren’t great, so it’s understandable. However, if she doesn’t arrive shortly, we won’t have time to talk to her mother, who passed three months ago, before my next client arrives.

  Conjure is closed, and the winter season is in full swing. I love the long nights and silvery shades of ice and snow. It’s my favorite season and the one I’m named after, my birthday falling on its solstice.

  My sisters and I are like Santa’s elves, restocking shelves and handling online orders for the holidays. The fireplace is burning brightly, the mantle decorated with boughs of pine and spruce. The aromatic fragrance of wood fills the shop, along with a cranberry-scented candle next to the register. Snow falls peacefully outside the front display windows.


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