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Sun on the Rocks - The OOL Broderie

Page 5

by Somers Isle & Loveshade

  "Good light," said the driver, "box works," he said, proud to see the economic growth of the kingdom at work.

  Chapter Seven

  Clarity dozed off while they crossed the sixteen mile four lane road linking the main island of Bahrain with the border station in Saudi Arabia, which boasted a McDonalds, and a Kudu. After a short drive in Saudi Arabia, they reached King Fahd International Airport, and followed Scafarel to a hangar, home of the new Owens & Owell Air Fashion LOOVE Jet, the four letter acronym standing for Light Owens & Owell Vehicle. They stopped at one of the gates leading to a large airport hangar. A security guard stopped the lamp post hoist truck. Clarity searched her pockets for the passes that Donway had provided and extended them to the guard.

  "We're fuel specialists sent by Owens & Owell for the Air Fashion LOOVE jet," said Clarity.

  "Fuel specialists?" Clarity gulped, hoping that Money Fact's training and briefing on the Air Fashion Jet was correct. The argument was tenuous and had required several days of study for Clarity to understand the logic of it.

  "Yes, we're putting in place the bond indenture that will finance this project, one hundred million dollars of debt that will convert to equity, shares that is, under a murabaha issuance. As you know, the plane needs eighty three thousand gallons of kerosene fuel to fly, but the problem is securing a price for the fuel, preventing a loss for the project if there's a rise in the kerosene fuel price. So Owens & Owell hedges potential kerosene hikes by buying gasoline futures contracts, going long futures, so that if the kerosene price rises, the company will make money on the futures hedge position, hence securing a buying price for the kerosene today, regardless of where the price goes in the foreseeable future." The guard kept a blank stare at Clarity.

  "Why are you here, today?"

  "We need to verify the amount of fuel in the plane, to see how many gallons of gasoline we'll need to hedge one plane, filled up to capacity, for a twelve hour flight." The guard, wearing an official Owens & Owell badge looked at the driver of the truck.

  "Bright kids, Cocoon Lounge," he said.

  "I want to go to Cocoon Lounge," said the guard. The truck driver mentioned Habib and the guard glanced at the girls. "Ok, you can stay, go with the rest of the crew over there, below the left wing inside the hangar."

  The truck drove towards the hangar, half open. At over seven stories tall, two hundred twenty one feet long, and holding five hundred fifty one passengers, the two level Air Fashion Emirates Owens & Owell jet was the largest commercial plane ever built, a magnificent project endeavoured by the kingdom of Bahrain, whose initial contract for one plane to Owens & Owell AeroFlight Manufacturing Division was conditional on the contractual fact that the plane actually flew.

  Clarity and Montana stepped out of the truck and walked towards the wing of the plane, where a crew was working. Clarity threw a glance at the back of the plane, where Scafarel's car had parked. She threw a brief glance, and noticed Jenna wearing the wedding broderie of the O&O daughters, going up the plane's ramp.

  "I sort of got the futures argument, but can't figure out why it's a long position that works in this case," said Montana.

  "A long position makes money if fuel prices rise, which is what we don't want."

  "If we don't want that, why are we hedging?"

  "Precisely, because we don't want that."

  "Ok, you'll explain that to me later. What now?" Clarity pulled Montana aside, and they reached a stair in the front of the plane, whose assembly was reaching completion.

  "We get inside the plane, obviously. Donway wants to know what the Church of the Holy Flower does, and I think the plane is where the wedding takes place."

  They walked up the stairs to the flight cabin, on the second floor. Clarity led Montana inside the cabin, while she walked upstairs to the fashion lounge, the official Church of the Holy Flower altar. Her friends were getting naked, as the holy flower, the rose of levity, was meant to be seen naked. Clarity noticed the OOL broderie on a chair nearby. She picked up the underwear garnment and left the second floor lounge, peaking to see Jenna and Flower naked. She'd seen Lanai naked, but she'd never seen Jenna and Flower naked. Both were shaved, as she imagined. Scafarel was taking off the clothes of Shalia Owell and Jenny Owens, and was getting naked herself. Beside Scafarel, a glass vase holding the white rose Clarity had seen in Manama, was placed on a round table.

  "May the rose of levity and its water attune the wetness of those women present here, and may the murabaha come to fruition." Scafarel placed all women in a circle holding hands and pressed a remote control which closed all doors leading to the plane. Clarity overheard Scafarel speaking to Shalia Owell.

  "Has the money arrived at the bank in Bahrain, the one hundred million dollars from the line of credit?"

  "Should have, it's a digital wire transfer." Jenny Owens walked naked towards Scafarel.

  "Can we wear the Broderie and get married, Cassandra?"

  "No, join the other women over there, will you, I want you all nice and naked for three days."

  Three days naked, holy flower, thought Clarity. Turned on by her friends, she walked to the flight cabin, where Montana was waiting. Curious, Clarity put on the white broderie, which fit her tightly, cozily bringing warmth like a microkini. Aroused by the soft touch of the fabric on the intimate parts of her body, she saw several lights of the clothing gear light up, a yellow and a green light. Her arousal lit up all the lights of the broderie, which suddenly looked like a lit up Christmas tree.

  "I'd like to check your temperature now, the broderie says it's the right time," said Montana coyly.

  Clarity looked closer at a small set of red lights at navel height on the lingerie item, where the chi-chung point leading to the sea of chi point was. Just as Money Fact had indicated, slightly above the navel, there was a rough patch protruding from the bridal item, a tokyo flash barcode watch replacing one of the clothing item's set of lights. The watch's minute red light emitting diodes, flashing on and off, indicated the time of the wedding, which was to take place in three days, seven hours, and fifty three minutes.

  She pressed on a button and changed the chronometer counting down time, by three days and seven hours. Immediately, Clarity felt the plane move. One of the electrical light switches in the plane, made by the same company which made the broderie's lights, and the lamp post lights, was connected to the watch, which had activated the autopilot wirelessly, starting the engines. The autopilot now thought it was the day of the wedding, which matched the maiden flight of the plane, a flight that was meant to last fifty three minutes.

  She pressed on the second floor microphone and heard moans, distinguishing the moans of Lanai and Flower, from the sound of Cynthia begging Shalia Owell to keep touching her rosebud, from the orgasmic moan of Jenna, from the heavy breathing of Cassandra Scafarel and the O&O daughters. The holy flower was the woman's organ of pleasure, she could guess. Apparently, Church membership combined with sexual ecstasy could prevent someone's attention from feeling air flown inside a plane. Montana rubbed the breastline of the broderie, until Clarity's nipples stood to attention.

  "The plane's moving but the hedge is not in place, oh, oh."

  "Never mind the hedge, I just hope the plane flies," said Clarity, "I set the wedding time ahead by three days and seven hours, the broderie's set for fifty three minutes from now."

  "Oh, good, there will be a wedding then."

  "No, it's meant to change the schedule, so that there's no wedding when people show up in three days and seven hours and fifty three minutes. Instead, no one will be here in fifty three minutes."

  "It'll be a wedding without people, then, in fifty three minutes, plus we can get married as well in the mean time."

  "No, if no one can act as priest, or priestess, and there are no witnesses or papers to sign by the O&O daughters, there won't be any wedding, and the O&O Board of Directors will remain as is."

  The hangar door was opening. Clarity locked the flight cabin door a
nd saw the electronic flight plan flash onscreen. They were headed for Manama, in Bahrain, seven days ahead of a wedding created by the soft touch of a holy flower, a white rose, on the rosebuds of two women whose ovarian palace was managed by Cassandra Scafarel, a woman who avoided decadence by reading deeper meanings of ecstasy into it.

  Chapter Eight

  Clarity and Montana listened to bossa nova as the plane took off from Saudi Arabia's King Fahd airport, heading for the capital of Bahrain. After reaching cruising altitude, they heard a knock on the flight cabin door.

  "Open up please," said Scafarel. Clarity's heartbeat accelerated. It was her chance to meet a truly spiritual woman and priestess, after having received some training by Money Fact. Money Fact had told her to bring back the rose of levity and the techniques of mystical and sexual ecstasy and those principles of spiritual perfection that Scafarel used on the women she convinced to be part of her Church. For that, she had to face Scafarel. She pressed a few buttons to keep the autopilot on course to Manama, and locked the flight program according to the instructions provided by Money Fact herself.

  "We'll open only if we can take part in fourth heaven ceremonies of the Holy Flower, and if you show us the rose of levity," said Clarity, "naked," she added. She was ensuring an equal footing with the other eager-to-be adepts, who were already naked.

  "That can be arranged, if you return to me my faberg? egg and the broderie," said Scafarel, "you can be the center of attention." Clarity's arousal rose up a notch, and a previously unlit lights, lit up her waist and navel.

  "You're completely alight, this has to do with what you found in the Bahamas in that resort, Hexas Style, right?" asked Montana. Clarity wasn't ready to share her private, intimate moments with Montana.

  "Yes, you're ready to give up money and your lifestyle?" said Clarity.

  "I'm ready to give up my clothes," said Montana, undressing, "I want to know about heaven."

  Clarity looked through the cabin door eye and saw Scafarel, surrounded by the Owens & Owell daughters, looking through a small television screen showing them inside the cabin.

  "Get naked and I'll open." Scafarel was wearing pants and a blouse, and a pair of 'perhaps' tan sandals by Midas with block heel and a double strap. She took off her pants, revealing a white lace trim Intimate Essentials thong and matching bra. A golden flower pendant adorned her neck.

  "You want me completely naked?"

  "Yes, completely," said Clarity. Montana pressed her to open the door, but she told the S Group heiress to behave. Scafarel took off all of her clothing, revealing a stunning body, firm round buxom curves. She was also shaved.

  "Good, here we come," said Clarity. She opened the door and got out with Montana, observed by Jenny Owens.

  "Our broderie, why is it lit up, Lady Scafarel?" Cassandra Scafarel turned to Jenny. It was the first time either of the O&O daughters saw her naked and the first thing she did in those cases was to test their arousal and presence of mind.

  "Because she's aroused, my dear," said Scafarel, "very aroused." Clarity felt the impertinent look of Scafarel on every fibre of the broderie, bringing it to life even more. Shalia Owell threw a glance at Montana, who was carefully hiding behind Clarity, in moulded plunge bra and ice cube color string Bahia by Aubade, leaving the buttocks and the small of the back, bare.

  "We've met them at the Cocoon," said Shalia Owell. Scafarel stepped towards Clarity, looking at her from head to toe.

  "I see, I suppose you are the reticent member who didn't obey Penelope in the Bahamas, the one who led to the whole destruction of my resort Hexas Style, my faberg? egg, and the four heavens of Maria Feodorovna, a disciple of Money Fact, who leads you to think I can't be trusted?"

  "Money Fact guides my spiritual strength, but I have my own will," said Clarity. She looked down at Scafarel below the waist and felt as though the business woman had a flower, a hibiscus or calla lilly between her legs, with sepals, petals, style, and stigma. Her stigma was particularly engorged.

  "I see, you like my stigma don't you? It's a shame you don't like the Church of the Holy Flower, the lights of the broderie say to me that you could make a very good use of your body with it."

  Scafarel led Clarity and Montana to the second floor, a large area where about two hundred seats had been replaced by lush sofas and cushions, jars filled with warm tea, and carpets tiled with intricate geometric patterns. They sat down in one of the sofas, and Clarity watched her friends disappear behind a curtain unfolded by Shalia Owell and her bride-to-be. They were going to film 'Embroidered Air Avenue', the first adult film for the women of Sun on the Rocks.

  "Let's exchange information," said Clarity. The lights of the broderie were starting to dim off, as the level of Clarity's arousal dropped off to reasonable levels, allowing her to think through the rest of her plan.

  "Get comfortable, please, take off the broderie, exchange what my dear, you're in a plane that belongs to the kingdom of Bahrain, you've trespassed private property, and you don't really have anything on me."

  "Precisely, I know, from Sensual Brigade sources that this plane is a surveillance plane, not just a fashionable commercial jet, and Central Intelligence, Sensual Brigade, Right of Way Division, wants to ensure no surveillance takes place in this delicate commercial area involving oil production and trade, because we need the energy until renewable energy sources are produced efficiently. I want to know where the chip sending out the surveillance information is, I know it's built by Owens & Owell, and it is the reason why Shalia Owell and Jenny Owens are here." Scafarel moved several feet and a large bell made of glass surrounded Clarity and Montana. Montana knocked on the glass to ensure it was solid.

  "We're trapped, I think," said Montana.

  "You're getting dropped off the ocean naked with your friend," said Scafarel, "this wedding must take place, so that I become sole head of the Board of Directors of Owens & Owell." Clarity looked at the window a few feet from her and saw the lights of Manama underneath. According to Donway and Money Fact, there was a way to leave the plane fast in case of emergency. Unfortunately, it needed a parachute.

  Chapter Nine

  Clarity watched Scafarel from inside the transparent glass bell, feeling like a flower about to get watered inside a vase. Across from her, Scafarel placed the rose of levity inside a small vase that started blowing air to it, lifting it several inches off the floor. Carefully, she reached for a small bottle on the table and pressed a few drops of liquid on the petals of the white rose, as it levitated.

  "Give me the broderie, and I won't drop you off in the ocean, you've put in danger the growth of the rose of levity."

  "The broderie's attuned to my temperature," said Clarity. She grabbed one of the lights between her thumb and index.

  "I'll get rid of this light if you drop us off," said Clarity. She thought about Manama and pictured the lights of the skyline in her mind, pressing her hands on her stomach. The lights of the bridal broderie changed color, turning yellow, and the plane veered left, changing course. Money Fact's report in the decryptor recovered from Penelope Avalon in the Bahamas was correct again, the embroidered undergarnment was a wearable, wireless computer, and the lights acted as indicator once a thought by the wearer of the garnment had been processed. Processed how? And by what? She looked at Scafarel, whose look had changed, reflecting nervousness after seeing how the plane was changing course.

  "Get naked and I'll show you how to reach multiple orgasm simply by thinking about the four petals of the holy flower, in the body." Clarity's interest suddenly abandoned all thoughts of her mission to focus on the important.

  "So the holy flower is the woman's body, isn't it?" Scafarel approached the glass bell, her eyes looking at the broderie's yellow lights, and at the watch LED lights in particular.

  "I can see you changed the date of the wedding on the watch, yes, you can attain cleverness and perfection in the arts of speech and writing, freedom from disease, there are thirty seven facets to spiritual
awakening." Scafarel walked towards the curtain leading to the area where the girls were learning from Optesia, one of the women who attended Scafarel's Hexas Style resort in the Bahamas, about observing their body, one part at a time, with diligent observation and equanimity, indifference to sufferings and joys, while remaining free of the desire for money and worldly desires, a special aside for the O&O daughters.

  "That's different, Money Fact didn't teach me thirty seven facets, here is the broderie."

  "We're going to get dropped off if you do that," said Montana.

  "Better later than sooner," said Clarity, "we'll learn something new." Clarity took off the intricate garnment and left it on the floor, stepping on one of the plastic lights of the clothing item, squashing it. A door trap opened and vacuumed it to the clothe washing area of the plane, built by a new appliance division of Kitchen Aid.

  "Canopy or square parachute?" asked Scafarel.

  "Canopy, please," said Montana, "I trust good old military parachutes, is this the first facet of our spiritual awakening?".

  "Use faith on the way down, it gets rid of doubt," said Scafarel, "that's one of the facets."

  Scafarel reached for the window corresponding to row thirty seven C, the emergency exit window of the plane, and pushed down on the lever counterclockwise, instead of clockwise, which would have opened the window of the plane. Clarity and Montana felt the floor below them pull aside, giving the a view of several parachutes, with straps open, ready to be worn. Clarity spread her legs and landed with the leg straps of the parachute between her legs, causing two further straps and B12 snaps to attach to her shoulder near the Capewell canopy release optional item. Montana landed with two of her legs in one of the straps and the excessive weight pushed the parachute down towards the open bottom fuselage of the plane, now open. Clarity barely had the time to see the custom optional monogram M.S. on Montana's parachute, ready-made for her.

  "How do you open a parachute?" asked Montana shouting, barely audibly to Clarity.

  "The ring, pull on the Capewell canopy release, when you're in the air."


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