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Doctor Hero: A collection/A tribute

Page 5

by Madison Faye

  I rolled my eyes, flipping him off as I yanked off my scrubs and started pulling my dress shirt back on.

  The thing is, I was happy, and it’s something I hadn’t felt in a long damn time. But when I’d seen her in that room the first time, it’s like someone had thrown open the shutters that’d been closed and locked for so long that I forgot they even opened.

  “Well fuck man,” Aiden growled. “I know you’re the keeping it to yourself type, but whoever she is, I like this on you. I haven’t seen you like this since before—”

  “I know,” I growled quietly.

  “What’s the hesitation I seem to hear there?”

  I shook my head. “I have no hesitations. Not with her,” I added fiercely. “But, there’ll be complications.”

  Aiden raised a brow and I sighed, grumbling.

  “She’s a patient.”

  He winced, but then shrugged. “Not the greatest PR, but people will live.”

  “She’s young.”

  Aiden’s brow furrowed again. “How young are we talking here, Brody?”

  I gave him a look. “C’mon, don’t look at me like that. She’s almost twenty, it’s not like that. But still…”

  “But still, you’re thirty-two.”


  “Why do I get the feeling you don’t give a single shit about what I or anyone else has to say about the matter?”

  “Because I don’t,” I growled fiercely, my heart racing and beating faster as I thought of Ada. “Because she’s it, man. She’s everything.”

  Aiden whistled. “This mystery girl who seems to have gotten through the walled-off Jackson Brody have a name?”

  “Ada,” I said softly, the very sound of her name making my heart race and my cock throb.

  My friend nodded. “Well, fuck man, I guess I just have one question then.”

  I raised a brow. “Yeah, what’s that?”

  He grinned. “The fuck are you still doing talking to me?”

  I was smiling. Me, smiling. It’s not like I hadn’t felt any happiness since, well, before. But I hadn’t ever felt this kind of happiness. Life hadn’t ever felt so purposeful, like everything was clicking into place. Ada was the missing piece I’d always known wasn’t there. Her, and what I saw in our future was what I wanted, and I knew I was going to make it happen with her.

  And fuck I couldn’t wait to get back to her.

  I was reaching for the door handle to my Mustang, when the voice hit me like a knife in the back. The voice I’d tried to block out — the one I’d have been just fine never hearing again for the rest of my life.


  Jen had been a lifetime ago — a mistake I kept following thinking there’d be redemption somewhere down the road.

  There never was.

  We’d met young, when I was still in med school and she was, well, hunting for a doctor to marry up and latch on to. And that’s just what she did — well, what she almost did. We’d planned to be married — not because I was head over heels in love with her, but because I was young and just thought that’s what you did. It’d never felt exactly right, but then, it was never bad either.

  Until it was. Until I found out about her betrayal, and her true motives.

  See, I wanted kids. I’ve always wanted kids, and as far as I knew, Jen was on board. We tried to conceive while she was planning our big elaborate wedding, but it just never happened. It was Aiden who saved me from the biggest mistake of my life. I knew he’d struggled with telling me and breaking his own Hippocratic oath as a doctor, and I was forever grateful for him for it.

  Aiden was the one who discovered the truth about Jen. He’d been out at a bar frequented by the docs and med students of the university, and it was there he’d seen Jen, my fiancé, pulling two other doctor’s into the bathroom while putting her hands all fucking over them. He’d gone directly to the hospital and pulled up her records, because he’s a smart, calculating man, and that’s when he found the rest before she showed me.

  Jen had secretly been on birth control the entire time we’d been together. Despite all her bullshit about wanting kids and a family, she’d been faking it — faking it and then also fucking her way through as many other doctors as she could. Seems I was a fetish, not a partner.

  Through the PI I’d hired, I found out the rest. Her true plan was to keep “trying” to have kids with me, and when we couldn’t, she was going to file for divorce under the grounds that we couldn’t conceive. And in this state, that afforded her half. I’d been furious, of course, and I’d thrown the other men in her face and threatened to bring it to light in court, but then, I couldn’t. I had nothing concrete besides Aiden’s testimony, but Aiden’s testimony would also expose him to being the one who leaked me her medical records, which would cost him his license and his future.

  I couldn’t have that.

  Furthermore, the PI had used illegal surveillance to obtain what he’d discovered, so that was out too. The worse though was that Jen had come prepared for war. The whole thing had hit me out of nowhere, but she’d done her homework. During the course of me kicking her ass out, she’d filed a lawsuit for “aggrievement,” claiming I’d abused her and cheated on her.

  …It’d be funny if it wasn’t infuriating.

  The witch even had four women from God knows where swear that I’d tried to force myself on them, or that I’d tried to use my status as a doctor to have my way with them. Jen claimed that it was my indiscretions that had forced her to “protect herself” with secret birth control, and “forced” her to find intimacy with other men. My own lawyer had made sure that her completely fabricated bullshit about the other women never made it out of the courtroom to damage my reputation, but he hadn’t been able to keep it out of “the clause.”

  And it was that that’d hung over my head for the last couple of years.

  The clause stated that I ever married again, or fathered children, it would be proof that I’d meant to string Jen along and leave her all along. Utterly preposterous, I know, and so fucking thin it was a joke. But the judge had incredulously agreed with the whole thing, despite my legal team’s protests.

  So, that was that. It wasn’t the only reason I’d been alone and walled off from women and most people for the last few years — I’d also just been uninterested in anyone after going through that. But, it was certainly a reason. But then I’d met Ada, and my whole world had tilted on its axis. I’d found her, and the rest of the bullshit that was in my past had faded away in a second, until all I could see was her and me and our future together.

  The voice in the parking lot shattered that.

  I turned slowly, my face hardening as I glared at her.

  “What do you want, Jen?”

  She smiled this bullshit, fake smile at me, waving her hand like we were “old friends.” My gaze landed on the rock on her hand, and I rolled my eyes. That’s right, I’d heard through the grapevine that she’d found some poor sucker to cozy up to. She couldn’t get married herself without voiding the clause, so I’m sure she was just leading the guy along on a leash for as long as it took.

  “You look good, Jackson.”

  “Go fuck yourself, Jen.”

  She laughed, the sound piercing and harsh. “Now Jackson, let’s be nice.”

  “Let’s not.”

  She glared at me.

  “What do you fucking want, Jen?”

  “Nothing, Jackson, I was just visiting Petey here at Mercy, and when I saw your car I thought I’d wait and say hi.”

  Petey? I rolled my eyes. Of course her new guy was a doc. Poor bastard. The thing is, looking at Jen then, I had no idea how I’d ever felt a thing for her. There was nothing there — just cold, calculating fakeness. And honestly, seeing her like that, I almost wanted to smile at the life of imprisonment and coldness I’d dodged. And I wanted to smile wider at the promise of real life, and a real love I’d found with Ada.

  “You being good, Jackson?”

  I ignor
ed her, turning to unlock my car. “I have to go, Jen.”

  “Seeing anyone, Jackson?”

  I growled, my jaw tightening dangerously as I whirled back on her.

  “Fuck off, you witch,” I spat.

  Jen laughed. “Now, now, let’s be nice, Jackson. I mean, Petey has all sorts of money, but you’re my lottery ticket just waiting to pay out! A girl has to check on her retirement plan from time to time, right?”

  “Stay the fuck away from me,” I hissed, my eyes narrowing. “And don’t test me, Jen.”

  She bristled, but then she tried to hide it with a sarcastic eye roll.


  “Goodnight Jen.”

  I got into my car, slammed the door shut, revved the engine, and peeled out of the parking lot.

  I hated that she had this power over me, and I hated that whatever I might have with Ada was going to be under this fucking shadow. At a red light, I stopped and took a breath, counting to five and letting my head simmer down.

  Fuck Jen. Fuck letting her shit pull me down, when I had more happiness than I’d ever known waiting for me. The thought of Ada blew the storm clouds away, until all I could think of was her sweet smile, her eyes, and the soft, honeyed cries she’d make when I made her mine. I didn’t even realize I was just sitting there grinning like an idiot and imagining Ada all round with pregnancy until the car behind me laid on the horn, reminding me that I was sitting still at a green light.

  I floored it, the engine roaring as I peeled through the streets of New York, back to the girl I loved.

  Chapter Seven


  I sighed, my mouth falling open and my eyes closing in ecstasy as I slowly sank into the hot, bubbling water.

  God yes.

  The whirlpool tub in Jackson’s private bathroom off his office in the clinic had been entirely too tempting to pass up. I melted into the water, sinking in up to my chin as I let the steam swirl around me.

  My thoughts did the same.

  This whole day had been a whirlwind, and my blushing schoolgirl crush on my sexy older doctor had turned into something very real. I panted in the hot water, thinking about his hands on me, and his promise of what was still to come.

  That night, I was going to go where I’d never gone before with anyone.

  That night, I was going to give it all to him. And I couldn’t wait.

  I wasn’t scared, I was excited. I wanted him to be the man who took it. Because this wasn’t just a physical lust that I felt for Jackson. It wasn’t so much more, and I knew he felt the same.

  Jackson Brody had stolen my heart, and I wanted him to keep it.

  I sat in his tub for a while, letting the hot water soak into my skin and relax any tension that popped up — any nervousness that arose thinking about what was to come that night. But it was all excited nervousness. There was no fear or apprehension there.

  I just couldn’t wait for him to take me.

  Finally, I stepped out of the luxurious tub and toweled off, only then realizing I didn’t actually have a single thing to wear besides the clothes I’d changed out of. I wrapped myself in a fluffy white towel, poking my head back into his office before stepping out of the bathroom. The whole office was richly decorated — dark, masculine wood paneling and bookshelves on the walls, leather chairs, and a modern reclaimed wood and iron desk the sat near the huge window overlooking midtown Manhattan.

  The office was dark, and I stepped across the floor barefoot in my towel to stare out over the amazing view of the city at night, glittering like jewels.

  “Now this is a sight I’ve been dying to see.”

  I gasped, whirling as I hugged the towel, to see Jackson grinning at me from the doorway to his office. He stepped in, closing the door behind him before he strode right for me. I barely had time to open my mouth to say hi before he’d swooped me into his arms, pulling me tight to him, and kissed me fiercely.

  “Fuck did I miss you,” he growled into my lips, his hard muscles rippling as he pulled me tight.

  “You came back.” I grinned, feeling my pulse roar through me at the smell of him, and the taste of those lips, and the toe-curlingly sexy sound of his deep voice in my ears.

  “For you? Always, angel.”

  “Is everything okay?”

  He arched a brow.

  “The emergency, at the hospital…”

  He nodded, smiling. “The baby will be just fine. Complications happen, and I...” He shrugged. “I guess I’m there to fix it.”

  Something sparked hot inside of me — the thought of him caring for all those little babies tugging something primal inside of me. It was amazing, of course, but also so damn attractive. It was so hot and sexy to think of this man not just as this gorgeous sex god, but also this selfless, caring hero that saved children.

  …It made me think of what an amazing father he’d be.

  The thought made me whimper, my core tightening at the thought of me making him a father. I imagined his cock sliding so deep inside of me, and claiming me, and then pumping me full of his seed until it took. I imagined swelling with child as he cared for me, and then the two of us holding our newborn together, as a family.

  When he pulled me into his arms again, I sank into him, kissing him with an even greater passion, with an even hotter flame blazing through me for him. He growled at the heated way I kissed him harder, and pulled him tight to me by his shirt.

  “You showered,” he purred

  “I took a bath—oooh.”

  Jackson’s hand slid right down over my ass, tugging the towel up as his warm palm slid over my smooth skin. He cupped my ass and then pushed his hand deeper between my legs, until with a cry, I could feel his fingers teasing my already wet pussy from behind.

  He growled, yanking the towel off of me and making me gasp as he yanked my naked body against his muscled, gorgeous frame.

  “I guess that means I’ll just have to give you more of my cum, doesn’t it, you bad little girl?”

  I moaned into his lips as he kissed me, my hands sliding up his grooved, chiseled torso. He pushed me back until my ass pressed against the side of his desk. He lifted me effortlessly, sliding me on top of the polished wood and spreading my legs as he moved between them.

  “Is that why you took a bath? So you could get me to give you more of my hot cum? You just couldn’t wait to feel me filling up that little pussy with every drop?”

  I moaned, his filthy words and sweet kisses and firm hands driving me wild. He yanked the buttons of his dress shirt, pulling it off and tossing it away before he moved against me. My hard little nipples grazed across his thick, manly chest, and when his hands grabbed my hips and pulled me against the thick bulge in his pants, I cried out.

  “So fucking wet,” he growled. “And don’t tell me that’s from the bath, because I can feel your slick, sticky pussy against my cock even through my pants. I can feel you soaking my pants through with your sweet honey.”

  He kissed me again before moving down to my neck, making me gasp. Jackson eased me across his desk on my back, my hair splayed out around me and my legs wide for him.

  His lips trailed lower, across my nipples, and down the soft slope of my breast. He kissed my ribs, moving further down as my whole body trembled in anticipation. Powerful hands pushed my thighs wide, and when his lips found my tummy and nibbled their way down, I swear I could have practically come from that alone.

  His tongue dragged through my lips, making me scream in pleasure as I arched my back off the desk. Nothing in this world had ever felt as good as that single lick, and when he did it again, I lost myself in the pure heaven of it. Jackson growled, his wet, wicked tongue pushing deep inside and then pumping in and out. He teased up over my lips, his tongue dragging slowly over my aching clit as my hips bucked off the desk against him.

  “Eager little girl, aren’t you?” he growled, his hands tightening on my thighs as he pushed them wide and pinned me to the desk. His tongue slid back down, teasing
against my opening and then pushing inside. He started to slide his incredible tongue in and out of me, like he was fucking me with it. My whole body ignited, every single nerve blazing with heat as I cried out and moaned his name. My fingers found his hair, and I held on tight as he started to rock my world.

  He moved up to my clit, his lips wrapping around it and sucking gently as his tongue swirled in slow, maddeningly teasing circles. I went to pieces for him, moaning and whimpering, my slick juices coating his chin and dripping down my ass to his desk. His tongue swirled over my clit, his groans vibrating through me and sending me reeling as the pleasure exploded through me.

  Jackson growled, making me gasp as his strong hands gripped my thighs and pushed my legs up high and wide. His tongue traced down lower, over my lips, and then lower still. My eyes went wide, my breath a gasp on my lips as his wicked tongue swirled over my tight little asshole.

  “Oh God, Jackson—”

  “Lay back, angel,” he growled, his hands tightening on my skin possessively. “Lay back and let me show you how good you can feel.”

  His tongue dragged across my puckered, sensitive ring, making my whole body tremble in forbidden, wicked pleasure. My face blushed bright red at the thought of this man kissing me in so private a place, but he felt so fucking good that I never wanted him to stop. My whole body shivered in raw ecstasy as he tongued me slowly, teasing my little ass. His thumb moved to my clit, rolling over it in slow, deliberate circles as my entire world blurred at the edges.

  His tongue pushed against my ass, pushing the tip against my ring as his thumb worked faster and faster. My breath caught in my throat, my pink nipples straining into hard little points and my whole body trembling with pleasure. He growled into my skin, his tongue and his fingers and his masculine groans pushing me higher and higher, until suddenly, the whole thing shattered.

  I screamed, my hips arching off the desk against him as the powerful orgasm exploded through me. Jackson groaned, pinning me against his desk and keeping his tongue and his fingers moving, pushing me right through my climax until I was gasping for air and melting into a puddle on his desk. I trembled as he moved away, pulling me off his desk and scooping me into his arms as he sat back in his office chair.


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