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Big Easy (Cowboy Craze)

Page 9

by Sable Hunter

  “I can understand that.” He was also extremely glad she’d made the decision to remain – else he would’ve never met her.

  Why he felt that way and what it meant – was better left for another time.

  “I don’t like you staying over here by yourself unprotected. People coming in and out.”

  In another lifetime, to another person, his words would have been so welcome. Fighting an almost uncontrollable urge to throw caution to the wind, she responded with her usual aloofness. “I’m fine. I’ll be more careful.”

  “Not good enough.” He shook his head, taking his cowboy hat off to rest on the step below him. “I don’t like to think about what might’ve happened tonight…”

  “But it didn’t. You came in time. It’s over.” She patted his knee with a shaking hand.

  Easy captured that delicate hand before it could get away. “Doesn’t feel over. Feels like something has just begun.”

  Just like that, a hopeful joy flared in her chest. And just as quickly, Jewel extinguished the foolish emotion. “What? Did the countdown begin on my twenty-four hour time limit?”

  Her flippant comment surprised him. “Hey, that’s not fair,” Easy protested, even though he knew her assessment was just – considering his checkered past. Looking sheepish, he nodded. “I’ll admit I’ve had a few one-night stands in my past. But, if you weren’t psychic, you wouldn’t have all of this…insight.”

  She smiled, having no wish to hurt him. After all, he’d just went knight-in-shining-armor all over her attacker’s ass. “Okay, so I might have an unfair advantage over your usual prospective partners.”

  “I just hope what you consider to be an advantage doesn’t lead us to make a decision we’ll both regret later,” Easy stated with a hint of gravity in his voice as he reluctantly moved his hands away from her delectable body. “Still, I can’t help but worry.” He thought a minute. “Dammit, my cell doesn’t work worth a flip out here. I need to get a landline so you can call me if you need me.”

  Seeing he was sincerely concerned Jewel snapped her fingers. “Hold on, I have an idea.” She rose and ran back into the house, returning a few moments later with a pair of walkie-talkies. “I think there’s zero chance I’ll need to worry you – but if I do, I can contact you with these.”

  Easy nodded, pleased with her idea. “All right, this will work just fine.” He took one of the small two-way radios to give it a test and to make sure they were tuned to the same channel. “Batteries are good. The distance should be no problem.” He gave Jewel a gentle smile. “This makes me happy.”

  His pleasure at the thought of her safety made Jewel’s heart dip in her chest. “Good.” She raised her eyes to capture his. “I am very grateful. You saved my life.” And his kiss was unbelievably hot. “I don’t know how to thank you.”

  Well, he could think of a couple of ways right off the top of his Stetson. “You don’t owe me anything, I’m just glad I was here to help.” Rising to his feet, he glanced over toward his truck, noting the white take-out bags on the ground. “Man, I slung my supper all over the yard.”

  “I have lasagna. Let me fix you a plate.” Jewel stood up to do just that.

  He almost turned her down. The burger was probably still intact – mostly. He’d already horned in on two meals and the more he was around Jewel the more he wanted to be around her. Since the woman kept insisting there was no chance of anything more between them, he was probably just spinning his wheels. Obviously, she felt they shared no common ground.

  But…Easy thought she was wrong.

  Proving it to her might be one of the most exciting things he’d done in a helluva long time. Besides…he liked lasagna. “Thank you. I’d appreciate that very much.”

  “To go.” She gave him a stern look. “I find myself needing a hot bath and a glass of milk to calm my nerves.”

  Damn. “Sounds like a plan.” Not the best plan, but he’d bide his time.

  Easy remained on the stoop while she prepared a plate for him. While he waited, he considered what he could do to protect her. Glancing over his shoulder, he saw no peephole in the door. He could install one, but even better, he could get a surveillance camera for the front so she could see who was at her door before allowing them inside her home. Easy made a mental note to make that happen.

  “Here you go.”

  Standing, he accepted the foil covered plate. “Smells good. Thanks.”

  Jewel put her hands behind her back to keep herself from touching him. He was so big and warm. Magnetic. From where she was standing, she could smell the soap he’d used and a hint of mown grass. Taking a deep breath, she firmed her resolve to keep him firmly in the friend/tenant/neighbor zone. “It’s the least I can do.” At this close range, she could see a shadow coming on his jaw. “He hit you. Does it hurt?”

  “Nah.” His gaze caressed her face and neck, his eyes narrowing when he saw faint fingerprints at her throat. “He choked you. Son-of-a-bitch.”

  “I’ll live.” She brought her hand up and brushed her fingers over the area. “It doesn’t hurt.” Much.

  “Okay.” Easy didn’t want to leave, but it was time. “I’ll enjoy this.” He raised the plate as he started down the steps. Giving her a mischievous grin over his shoulder, he muttered softly, “And I sure enjoyed that kiss.”

  * * *

  Jewel watched him go, a mysterious tugging in her chest. The man definitely knew how to push her buttons. As she stood there in the gathering twilight, a slight breeze blew by, causing her to rub her arms. “What a day.” She felt like she’d been put through the wringer. Like the sheriff had said, this wasn’t the first time she’d been threatened because of her mother’s scandal and he was also right about the prospect of there being more trouble. Unfortunately, the damage was widespread. The company had responded to many enquiries for psychic help, even sending unsolicited letters to millions of names on ‘sucker lists’, the personal information of vulnerable people collected by data brokers. The letters were sent to the sick, the old, and the lonely. Each letter promised Hazel would use her magical powers to make things right for these vulnerable people. They would get well, escape trouble and adversity – even get rich beyond their wildest dreams. All that was required for this amazing feat to be done for the gullible folk was the payment of a necessary fee.

  And thousands and thousands had done so. Falling for the scam. Not knowing that despite the communications appearing to be handwritten and personally signed, Witch Hazel never saw their requests. The clincher would always be the personal details included, all gleaned and pieced together from information the ‘sucker’ had provided on one online site or another.

  At fifty dollars a whack, they received faulty guidance, faux lucky numbers, and useless talismans. This seemingly elementary scheme brokered millions and caught countless victims in a web of deceit.

  Did Jewel feel guilty?

  Of course, she did.

  If she could right every wrong, she would. Regrettably, this was beyond the scope of her powers.

  Standing in the shadows, Jewel surveyed her home. Was she safe here? She needed to think so. Alas, her powers seemed to weaken when they came to personal matters. Many people wondered why people with power were seldom wealthy and influential. She’d always considered this to be the universe’s way of balancing things out. So, she couldn’t buy a lottery ticket to win millions or head down to the track and pick all winning ponies. Every once in a while, something snuck through – like what she’d seen in the cards the other day.

  “Stop it.”

  But…she couldn’t always depend on those personal visions. Where her own situation was concerned, Jewel had a hard time sifting through a true prophetical vision – and her own heartfelt desires or private fears.

  No, as far as making decisions in her own life, Jewel had to rely on plain ole good judgement and common sense. And neither of those things were telling her a relationship with her handsome tenant was a good idea.

; Still…she’d never been more tempted to do anything in her entire life.

  Taking one last look into the gloaming, she let the singing of the crickets and frogs bring a smile to her face before she retreated into the sanctuary her father had built.

  …After enjoying every bite of Jewel’s lasagna, he carefully washed the plate and put it on the table in the foyer to return at the earliest opportunity. As he performed a few more chores, he let himself think about the idiot who attacked Jewel. Easy felt his hackles rise at the way she’d been overpowered and abused for something that wasn’t her fault. Fuck, he wanted to plant himself between Jewel and any danger that might raise its ugly head to imperil her.

  Checking the clock, he noted it was still a little early to go to bed. Going to his room, he found the small portable chess set he’d brought from home. Now, was as good a time as any to read the rules and familiarize himself with the board and the playing pieces. Before placing it on a table near the fireplace, he grabbed the walkie-talkie. Easy didn’t want to miss any important communiques from his pretty landlady.

  Pulling up a blue upholstered Queen Anne chair, he settled down to set up the board. While reading the instructions, he heard a noise upstairs. Immediately, he froze and looked up.


  There it was again.

  “Damn mouse.” He shook his head and continued with what he was doing, trying not to look at the corner of the room where he’d witnessed something he still couldn’t explain.

  After having gained a basic general knowledge of the game, he began to set up different moves, following the instructions that illustrated different strategies. “Wargames. I think I’ll like this.”

  Easy spent another half hour or so playing himself, just to get a feel for the game. Once the local provider turned on his internet access, he might be able to play online. He probably wouldn’t be able to count on Jewel to give him a run for his money – not in chess anyway.

  Stretching his arms over his head, he yawned. Before going upstairs, he made a few notes on his near useless cell phone. One was to call the telephone company to get a landline. The other was to stop and buy a camera for Jewel’s front door. When he was finished, he brought all the chess pieces to their original positions and made one move. Queen’s pawn to d4. “This is considered to be a strong opening move. I’ll see if I can beat myself tomorrow.”

  Standing, Easy took the walkie-talkie and made one round through the house, making sure all the doors were locked. As he passed the window facing Jewel’s, he noticed only one light was on in the back of the house. Was that her bedroom?

  Once upstairs, he showered and crawled into bed in his birthday suit. With sheets he bought covering the bed, he felt like he could be himself. “All right, lights out.” Tonight, he didn’t intend to sleep under the glare of the overhead light.


  In a heartbeat, the room was black. “Damn, this is serious dark.” In fact, this seemed darker than it had the first night. Turning his head to stare out the window, he saw the security lamp at the corner of the house was burned out. “Geez. Okay.”

  Quiet. So quiet.

  It seemed like he could hear a clock ticking. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. “Weird.” There was no clock upstairs. There was a grandfather clock downstairs, but it wasn’t running. Touching his chest, he made certain he wasn’t hearing his own heart beating. Nope. Different rhythm. Maybe he was hearing a death watch beetle or maybe it was the countdown to something really bad.

  “Shit. Stop it, Blackhawk. You’re weirding yourself out.”

  Suddenly, a static noise on the radio caused him to jerk. Reaching out, he brought it near to his ear. What was that? Was Jewel trying to contact him? Did she need help?

  He held it for a few moments, hearing nothing more.

  Finally, he could stand it no longer. Raising his eyebrows and hoping for the best, he pressed the PTT button.

  …Next door, Jewel pulled her nightgown over her head, then padded to the bed to turn back the covers. Sitting on the edge of the mattress, she flipped off the lamp. Should she watch TV? “Yea, why not?” As she extended her hand to grasp the remote from its usual spot on the bedside table, she jumped a bit when the walk-talkie came to life.

  “Jewel, come in. Jewel, do you read me? Come in, treasure. Over.”

  With a gasp, she grabbed the radio, then flipped the light on so she could see what button to press. She’d had these things for a while, but she’d never really used them. “Easy?”

  “Affirmative. Who else would it be? Over.”

  “Well, I don’t know. What is this ‘treasure’ reference?”

  She could hear him chuckle. “Jewel. Precious gemstones. Treasure. It’s a natural thought progression. So, you’re okay? Over.”

  “Yes.” Jewel scooted up in the bed, bringing her feet up under the covers. “You didn’t need to check on me.”

  “Huh. Maybe, I’m the one who needs help. After all, I’m over here with a spectral roommate. Alone. Over.”

  Settling back against the headboard, Jewel shook her head. “Are you afraid of being alone, Easy?”

  “Not afraid. Exactly. Maybe, I’m just lonely. Over.”

  His drawl was so pronounced, Jewel had to laugh. “If you don’t quit saying the word ‘over’ every time, this conversation will soon be over. Now, what happened? Did Cotton jump out at you?”

  “No. Not yet. Although, you could say I’m a mite…on edge. I thought you might give me something else to think about.” He paused and dropped his voice. “Like that hot kiss we shared.”

  Jewel didn’t say anything for a second, so he came back with more.

  “I didn’t say ‘over’, but you can answer me, treasure.”

  Jewel smiled at the treasure part. “I shouldn’t have kissed you, that was a mistake.”

  Easy grinned as he heard a hesitancy in her voice. “I don’t think it was a mistake at all. I think you were reacting purely on instinct. Doing exactly what you wanted to do.”

  “I didn’t say I didn’t want to kiss you.” Jewel put her hand on her lips for a second, then moved them. “I’m saying it wasn’t wise.”

  “I don’t know about you, but I think that kiss might be the smartest thing I ever did.” He held the radio close to him, wishing he could hear her breathe. “I want to do it again.”

  She whimpered at the thought, then realized she’d pushed the button too fast. He would’ve heard her and known exactly what she was feeling. “Dammit, Easy. Don’t say that.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because. I’m not going to date you.”

  Easy felt let down. “All right. Don’t date me. Let’s be friends. Buddies.” What was he doing? The woman was a psychic. She was going to see right through his smokescreen.


  Easy couldn’t believe his ears. “Really? Well, okay!”

  “Just friends.” Yea, she couldn’t believe what she was doing. “I know I can’t trust you romantically, but you’ve proven yourself to be a hero. A good friend.”

  Can’t trust him romantically. This stung. “Do friends ever cuddle?”

  “Easy…” Her one word spoke volumes. “No. I don’t think so.”

  “Shucks. What are you wearing?” Yea, he was pushing the envelope. She’d either hang up in disgust…or not.

  “Just a gown. A white gown,” she answered, then huffed. “Why? What are you wearing?”

  Easy chuckled. “Nothing.”

  “Oh, my God!” she squealed, fanning herself, then held the button down. “Go to sleep, Easy!”

  “Wait. Wait. Don’t turn off the radio.” He paused, waiting for her to say something else. When she didn’t, he spoke again, “I’m sorry. I love to flirt and you’re so much fun. Leave the radio on. I just need to be sure you’re all right. Please?”

  “I’ll be fine. But…okay. I guess you can call me if you get scared,” she teased him, enjoying the way their lighthearted banter made her feel.

And you can call me for any reason. Anytime.”

  Jewel shivered. “Over, Easy.” She giggled. “I made you sound like a plate of eggs.”

  “No problem. Over, treasure.” He grinned like a Cheshire cat. Yea, she could have him anyway she wanted him. Over-easy or sunny-side-up.

  Jewel placed the radio down, completely shaken by their conversation. She didn’t have a wealth of experience; she’d only dated a few times. For some reason, being known as the area witch’s daughter put a bit of a damper on some men’s enthusiasm. Until this second, she hadn’t realized how much she missed the energy of a man in her life. The excitement. The thrill. Sharing. Teasing. Jewel turned over, capturing the spare pillow and hugging it to her chest. “He seems so…determined. Interested.” In her!

  Even with her qualms and misgivings, she felt this effusion of excitement in her veins. “Oh, God. What am I going to do?” Part of her wanted to know what it was like to be the center of all that sensual intensity. Could she deal with a casual affair? Even a one-night stand? “I don’t know!” If she went into the encounter with her eyes open, could she enjoy the experience without getting hurt? “Dang. I’ll have to work up a spell to protect my heart.” As Jewel closed her eyes to surrender to sleep, she knew she’d meet Easy in her dreams.


  “Good morning, Captain Crunch.” Easy poured himself a bowl of cereal and sat down to break his fast. He felt good. He’d slept like a baby. Woke up this morning hard as a rock with thoughts of his sexy neighbor on his mind. After a fantastic shower and a good come, he was ready to meet the world.

  Once he read every word on the cereal box, he knew he could use Captain Crunch on top of ice cream, in a tasty treat called puppy chow, even as the pebbly roof of a gingerbread house. “Man, I’m impressed,” he ventured as his gaze landed on the walkie-talkie.

  Before he could talk himself out of it, Easy grabbed the two-way radio and pressed the PTT button. “Good morning, treasure. Over.” He took another bite of cereal, waited a moment or two as he chewed and swallowed, then repeated his transmission. “Good morning, treasure. Over.”


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