Big Easy (Cowboy Craze)

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Big Easy (Cowboy Craze) Page 21

by Sable Hunter


  “Let’s make this a night to remember.”

  Easy swept Jewel into his arms to carry her from his truck to the porch. Cradled in his arms, she held onto his shoulder in surprise. “Easy, I could walk, you know.”

  “Sure, but what would be the fun in that?” Stealing a kiss, he bounded up the stairs, placing her gently on her feet while he opened the door. “I have a bottle of wine. Do you want to drink it downstairs or upstairs?”

  “Upstairs, please.” Jewel pressed her hand over her heart, trying to calm the rapid beating.

  “All right.” Easy allowed her to step in first, then followed close behind. “Won’t take me but just a second to get the glasses. The wine’s chilling in a bucket of ice.”

  Left alone in what used to be her mother’s living room, she glanced around. He really had changed nothing; everything was still in its place. Seeing the chessboard set up and an obvious game in progress, she called out to him, “I see your match with Cotton is progressing well.”

  From inside the kitchen, Easy chuckled. “Yea, I haven’t checked the camera yet. I may have a film worth a million dollars, proving the existence of the supernatural. Who knows?”

  “Maybe.” She rubbed her arms, feeling a chill. “Cotton, if that’s you,” she whispered, “I don’t want to be disturbed tonight. I also don’t want a voyeur. So, scat! Make yourself scarce!”

  “What are you saying?” Easy joined her. “Were you speaking to my invisible roommate?”

  “Yes. I was telling him to vamoose. This party is only for the two of us.”

  “Damn straight.” He gestured toward the stairs. A bottle of wine in one hand, two glasses in the other. “After you, fair flower.”

  Still carrying the roses Jewel led the way to the second floor. “I’m a little nervous.”

  Easy found he couldn’t lie to her. “I am too. Actually.”

  “Why?” He was the one with all the experience.

  “I want everything to be perfect for you.” As Easy moved to the dresser to fill the glasses with red wine, he could scarcely uncork the bottle for watching Jewel. She walked into his bedroom looking like she belonged. Not because she used to live there – no. Because she was right where he wanted her to be.

  Going to the bed, she pulled the covers down, then proceeded to take the petals from the white roses and scatter them across the blue sheets. “I’m not worried. I know I’m in good hands.” She hesitated to mention the doubts she had about herself again. No use reinforcing the idea.

  “Thanks for the vote of confidence.” Easy’s arm jerked and he spilt a few drops of wine on the dresser top.

  “I’ve never had planned sex like this before,” Jewel confessed as she stood back to assess her decorating efforts.

  “Really?” Bringing her a glass of wine, he then took the spent rose stems from her to place on the dresser. “I’m not sure I want to know what kind of sex you’ve had.” Easy found he didn’t enjoy picturing her with another man.

  “Oh, nothing to brag about. Rushed teenage fumbling.” In a car. On a couch. On a picnic table. A thought came to her mind that made her frown. Come to think of it, she’d only taken part in one-night stands herself. “Let’s make tonight different for both of us. To pleasure.” She raised her drink in salute. Even though she knew better, the moment felt almost sacred to Jewel. Like the beginning of something momentous.

  “Hell, yes.” He clinked her glass with his. Standing so close in the pale light of the small lamp, the energy between them seemed to grow to palpable levels. “To hours and hours of pleasure.” Easy knew he sounded calm. Together. All a hoax. His very bones vibrated with the need to touch her.

  As they sipped their drink, the awareness between them seemed to grow. He couldn’t look away from her, Easy found himself longing to kiss her throat where he could see the delicate muscles move as she swallowed. “Want more?” he asked in a hushed tone. “Wine?”

  “No. No.” She handed him her glass. “I’m good.” As Easy carried the glassware to the dresser, Jewel let out a ragged breath. “Shall I undress?” She stepped out of her shoes, a pair of black patent flats, leaving herself barefoot. She hadn’t been kidding about the shoes, she owned exactly four pair – black dress flats, off-white heels, casual sandals, and a pair of sneakers.

  Before she could reach behind her back, Easy came to stop her. “Allow me.” Stepping near, he brushed Jewel’s hair from her shoulder. He was so close she could feel the whisper of his warm breath on her skin.

  “This is going to be amazing,” he promised as he brushed his lips over her forehead, her cheek, and her eyelids, dusting her face with featherlight kisses. When his mouth was a mere whisper away, time seemed to freeze. A heartbeat later, when their lips touched, it was as if the once ordinary world suddenly become extraordinary. The gentle kiss quickly exploded into one of heat and desperation.

  Parting her lips, Jewel accepted him, going to her tiptoes when his warm tongue stroked hers. Immediately, she felt a burst of heated wonder flare inside her chest, excitement surging like quicksilver through her veins.

  For long moments they kissed, until their need for more became overwhelming. Sliding his lips from hers, Easy buried his face in her neck. “Are you ready for more?” When she nodded her assent, he urged her to turn around. “I want to be the one to undress you.”

  Jewel faced away from him, clasping her shaking hands at her waist. “I have to warn you. My underwear is only mildly exciting.”

  His answering chuckle ruffled the soft hair at her nape. “I’m sure you underestimate their appeal. Besides, I’m more interested in you than what you’re wearing.”

  “I hope so. I guess I should’ve gone shopping.”

  “Stop worrying. I think I have on some silly ones one of my brothers put in my Christmas stocking.” Easy chewed on his lip as his fingers fumbled at the fastenings of her dress. “My God, there must be a million tiny buttons here.”

  Unable to stop the impulse, Jewel giggled. “Those are for decoration. Just pull it over my head.”

  “Ah. Even better.” He bent to grasp the hem of her dress. “Hold up your arms.”

  Jewel did so, her breath hitching in her throat. “Maybe I should’ve undressed in the bathroom.”

  After lifting the garment over her head, Easy stepped back to admire the view. The lingerie she wore was simple. Feminine and silky. Off white and almost see-through. But in whatever way they could be described, their greatest allure lay in what they barely concealed. “Ah, treasure.” Easy sank to his knees, framing her heart-shaped ass as he pressed a kiss into the small of her back. “You are so fucking sexy.”

  Jewel looked over her shoulder, attempting to turn around. “Easy…”

  “Just one more second.” He couldn’t resist sliding his palms over her thighs and on down her legs. “So soft, silky. Exquisite.”

  By now, Jewel was shaking. She’d never experienced anything like this. Her skin felt so hot; she knew she had to be blushing. “Let me face you.”

  Rising to his feet, he placed his hands on her shoulders and helped her turn. When she did, Easy held his breath and gazed at her, rapt. The bra she wore was low-cut and the lush swell of her breasts spilling over the top made him groan, “I knew you were beautiful…but I had no idea.” He touched her bra strap. “May I?”

  “I’ll do it.” Jewel reached behind her to release the catch. His obvious admiration gave her courage.

  Once the cups fell away, Easy couldn’t take his eyes off her. Her breasts were full and ripe with rosy pink areolas surrounding large, puffy nipples. “Holy fuck,” he whispered, cupping the firm globes and pushing them together. Bending, he placed one gentle kiss on the top swell of each breast. “I’ll be your slave.” Even as he spoke, he let himself enjoy the sight of her small waist flaring into curvy hips, his cock throbbing at the sight of her femininity peeking through the sheer bikini panties.

  “I don’t want a slave,” Jewel told him, as she began to unbutto
n his shirt. “I want a man.”

  As she continued to remove his shirt, Easy stood there, his breath coming in fast pants, his eyes shining with unbridled desire. “Oh, that you have, treasure, that you have.”

  Jewel believed him. Having free access with him like this made her feel giddy. “Your body is amazing,” she muttered, admiring his broad, sculpted shoulders and chest. “I haven’t seen you without a shirt before.”

  “Touch me.” His words were half command, half plea.

  “Okay.” Pushing the blue shirt from his shoulders, she ran her palms over his smooth pecs and down the ridges of his abs, tracing the grooves with her fingers. “You feel so good.” The rapid rise and fall of his chest told her he was on the brink of losing control. Jewel could scarcely believe he was hovering on the edge – because of her.

  Seeing his vulnerability made her feel powerful. Emboldened. She might not be wearing the carnelian bracelet any longer, but she knew her true power lay within. As his hands glided down her sides and over her hips, pulling her up tight against him, Jewel felt a throbbing begin between her thighs. A desperate, non-negotiable yearning. Her body was begging for his. Rubbing against him, her skin sizzled. Jewel wanted to move inside this moment and live in it for the rest of her life.

  Arching her back, she offered herself to him. “I want to do it all, Easy. I want to do everything with you.” Shivers of anticipation radiated over every inch of her skin as he caressed her body, running his palms down her back and over her ass. “Your hands feel so good on me.” No lie. His touch was intoxicating. His kisses addictive.

  “We have all night. We’ll do anything you want.” Easy felt his blood warm, as if he was hovering in a state of perpetual need. As he claimed her mouth once more, his fingers dove into her hair, tangling to hold her tight. Easy knew this was more than sex. This was a claiming, a consuming, he couldn’t get enough of her. Smothering her neck in kisses, he loved how she melted against him. “Treasure, I’m going to do things to you that will make your knees weak.”

  Walking her backward as he loved on her, Easy pushed her to the bed, going to his knees at her feet. “I can’t wait another moment to do this.” The desperate press of his lips to hers led to a sizzling trail of kisses down her throat, over her delicate collarbone, and straight to her full breasts. “The softest satin.”

  She gasped as he plumped one, thumbing the nipple, while he devoured the other. His warm mouth enveloping the swollen nipple was an electric shock to her system. As he suckled hungrily on her flesh, she felt the draw all the way to her clit. “I love this,” she keened. “I love this so much.”

  Taking note of her pleasure, he moved to switch breasts. “I’ll suck them for hours for you. You can watch television and I’ll feast on you.”

  An image of what he described came to her mind. She blinked it away, unwilling to concentrate on anything but what was happening now. Raking her fingers through his hair, she held his head to her breast, moaning as he scraped her tender nipple with his teeth. “Take your fill now,” she whispered, a euphoric hunger electrifying her body. Seemingly turned on by her obvious enjoyment, he left playful bites all around the tender globe before returning to suck even harder. Jewel closed her eyes and basked in the feeling. She’d be tender tomorrow, but she didn’t care. She wanted all of him she could get tonight.

  For long luscious minutes, he licked, kissed, and laved her breasts, milking on the nipples, sucking them hard. Jewel couldn’t be still as he tugged on the tips, growing even more aroused when he voiced his approval as they throbbed and peaked, rosy and wet. As her need grew even sharper, she gently traced her fingertips over his face, marking him with her touch. “Easy, I need…”

  “What do you need, baby?” he asked, as he laid her back, kissing a path down her middle. Easy’s cock throbbed in his jeans.

  “I need you.” Sitting up, Jewel took him by the hand, pulling him to his feet.

  “But I’m not near through with you,” he protested. “I haven’t even gotten started.”

  “There’s time.” She kissed him tenderly. “It’s your turn now.” There was no other way to put it. “I want to worship you.”

  Her words stole his air. Before Easy could formulate a response, Jewel dropped to her knees, her face level with the hard, thick ridge pressing against his jeans. “Jewel, oh, baby,” was all he could say as she eagerly opened his zipper. When she hooked her fingers into the waistband of his jeans to tug them down, he helped her.

  “Finally,” she murmured as she pulled the stiff denim material down past his knees, helping rid himself of boots and socks. “There.” When she raised her head, Jewel couldn’t help but giggle. “Look at you.”

  At first, her laughter shocked and alarmed him. He’d never known a woman to find his assets anything but admirable. “What?”

  “You were right. About the underwear. Sponge Bob.”

  Easy couldn’t help but grin. “Told you.” He watched her face, his heart racing, as her smile faded and was replaced with a look of pure lust. “See anything else you like?”

  “A little something,” she teased with a straight face as she reached up to palm his hard-on through the cotton of his briefs. Her eyes clouded with pure desire as she stroked the full outline of his length. “You’re so hot. So big.”

  Easy shuddered as she petted him through the thin fabric. “Don’t make me wait too long, treasure. I’m putty in your hands.”

  “Feels more like steel.” Yanking on both sides of his underwear, she unveiled him. Her eyes never leaving his massive erection as he kicked the briefs off to one side. “Oh, God,” she whispered as she wrapped a hand around his thick girth, licking her lips as he throbbed in her hand. “I love this.”

  “What?” Easy asked, enthralled with her expressive face. He’d never exchanged talk like this with a woman before. His encounters had always been quick and impersonal.

  Celebrating her newfound daring, Jewel looked up into his eyes. “I love how thick and long you are.” When he growled and jerked in her hand, she leaned forward to kiss the tip. “I also love how you react to my touch.”

  Easy threw back his head as she worked him up and down. “I can’t help it, you’re amazing.”

  Jewel felt herself glow at his praise. This was going so much better than she expected. She’d hoped to have a good time, but this was more. He seemed to be as lost in her as she was in him. “I want to taste you.”

  “Oh, hell, yeah,” he groaned as Jewel guided the head of his cock to her lips, using her tongue to swirl over the tip, dipping into the tiny slit. When she ran her tongue down the length of his shaft, he chanted her name like a prayer. Taking her time, she played with him, toyed with him, licking and sucking, taking him deep as he throbbed in her mouth. He might not know it, but going down on him turned her on wildly. She loved everything about it – the way he felt in her mouth, the way he tasted, the way he looked as if he might die if she stopped.

  Easy adored the way her gaze held his, the way she passed that delectable pink tongue over her lips as if she couldn’t wait to taste him again. He especially loved the desire he could see shining in her eyes. When she rubbed him from root to tip, teasing the head of his cock with her tongue – he groaned, “Fuck, Jewel.” Her touch was out of this world.

  Holding onto his thighs, Jewel kept up the pace – tonguing him, sucking, stroking – playing with his balls. All of it seemed to please him, because he grew harder, thicker, unbelievably aroused. She kept going until he was shaking, his fist twisted in her hair.

  “I’m about to come, Jewel.” He tried to step back, but she tightened her grip on his thighs, and gave him everything she could. As he rocked into her mouth, she took him deep, humming her satisfaction. This seemed to be the catalyst he needed, for with a bellow and a guttural groan, Easy lost control and came hard, jetting his release down her throat.

  Jewel held him in her mouth until the pulses ceased, then released him to plant a kiss in the sexy V below his abs. R
ocking back on her heels, Jewel watched him as he came down from his erotic high. Without his touch, she felt bereft. Aching for more, one of her hands wandered to touch her own breast, the other straying down to her wet folds.

  Seeing what she was doing, Easy grasped her wrist. “No, that’s my privilege.”


  Her thought process never got any farther. He picked her up, joined his lips to hers and made himself at home, slipping her panties down and off her shapely legs. His intention to thoroughly seduce her clear as he took the kiss deeper. Holding her tight with one arm, he slipped his hand between her thighs to tease her wet cleft. “I need to kiss you. Here.”

  Jewel clung to him while he touched her, his fingers playing with her, strumming her swollen clit. She continued to cling to him like a lifeline when he placed her on the bed, spreading her legs so he could see her intimately for the first time.

  “Treasure, you’re fucking perfect,” he whispered in awe. Running his palm up her bare leg, Easy kissed her inner thigh with such tenderness, Jewel nearly came just from the perfection of the moment. When his tongue touched her for the first time, Jewel clawed to grasp the sheet at her side, coming up with a fist full of white petals. White-hot ecstasy rushed over her as he kissed and licked, her tender flesh opening up for him like a flower.

  As she surrendered to his mastery, Jewel thought she might pass out from the pleasure. The sounds he made as he loved her gave Jewel almost as much pleasure as what he was doing with his hands and his mouth. The whispered words of praise, the moans of enjoyment – they made each time he touched her even more perfect. “Oh, Easy, this feels so good!”

  Hearing her whimper of ecstasy made him want to give her even more. Taking her beautiful bottom in his hands, he lapped at her slick heat, tonguing her clit, tracing on her flesh a truth he hadn’t even admitted to himself. Over and over, he used his tongue to paint letters over her throbbing clit.

  M. I. N. E. M. I. N. E. M. I. N. E.

  “Easy!” When she began to shake, crying out his name, he repeated the first letter of his name over and over. Marking her as his – E. E. E. E. E. – until she screamed, tearing at his hair, rocking up into his face as she topped the crest and flew over the edge of the world.


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