Big Easy (Cowboy Craze)

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Big Easy (Cowboy Craze) Page 22

by Sable Hunter

  With a powerful surge of desire still pulsing through her, Jewel lifted her hips, silently begging to be filled. She needed him more than oxygen, craved to know what it was like to take him deep into her body. “Easy, Easy, please.” Jewel needed him to how much she wanted him; how desperate she was for him. Placing a hand behind his head, she pulled him down for a deep kiss, her tongue swirling with his as she rewarded him for a job well done.

  After the kiss, he raised up, staring down at her, his eyes moving over her body. Savoring the sight. Taking his cock in hand, he gave it a couple of long strokes, then bent close enough to rub the tip up and down the length of her slit, coating the wide head in her cream, edging up to tease her clit. “Yes, please. Now!” Jewel felt so empty, her channel contracted rhythmically for him, begging.

  Lost in the moment, Easy closed his eyes, letting out a harsh breath. “God, this is perfect. I could come just from this, rubbing my cock against your little pearl. Feel good?”

  “Yes…but I need you, Easy,” Jewel panted. What he was doing only made her want him more. Placing her feet flat on the bed, she tried to move her bottom in order to capture him, to urge him to go where she needed him the most. “Please?”

  She didn’t have to ask twice. “Oh, fuck, yeah.” He came over her until he covered her, his weight settling to press her deeper into the soft bed, her thighs spreading to make room for him. Holding himself up with one arm, he used the other hand to open her even wider. “Ready for me?”

  Jewel could only nod, the anticipation to finally have him inside of her made it hard for her to breathe, much less speak. There was some primal part of her that wanted Easy to be changed by what they were doing. She wanted him to love being inside of her so much, he’d never be satisfied with another woman. Blinking, she tried to dispel the thought. As much as that would please her, putting such a curse on him was not something she wanted to do.

  “Look at me, Jewel.”

  His demand caused her to focus. Their eyes locked and something clicked within her. As their gazes merged, she felt as if their souls did also. In spite of all the reservations and intentions she had of protecting her heart, keeping this casual flew out the window. As his dark eyes stared into her deep blue ones, she felt a connection no one could deny. In the endless moment when this great truth seemed to crystalize between them, Easy began to feed his hungry cock inside of her. Little by little.

  “Christ, you’re tight. Am I hurting you?”

  “No,” she panted, writhing a bit at the overwhelming intrusion. “Not hurting me at all,” she hissed, taking as much of him as she could. Already, he seemed to fill her and Jewel knew he wasn’t all the way in. Easy was a big man with a big cock. After a year or more without sex, she had to be stretched to accommodate him – but God, it felt good.

  Holding his breath, Easy stiffened and bucked his hips, striving to work his dick inside the tight glove of her pussy. “Relax, just a little, baby.” Fighting to maintain a semblance of control, he took a moment to appreciate the sight before him. Jewel lay supine, her face flushed, her breasts quivering. “You are absolutely fuckin’ breathtaking.” His compliment made her smile and the trust he saw on her face was undeniable. As if in answer to his request, she lifted her hips, opened her thighs a bit wider, allowing him to slide completely inside of her at last. “Ah, that’s it, love.” With a gasp of utter ecstasy, Easy pulled all the way out and thrust back inside in one deep stroke, filling her completely. Buried to the hilt, he relished the absolute relief and pleasure of being deep within her.

  Once he was part of her completely, a renewed surge of need washed over her. She was completely attuned to every nuance of his expression, every slight movement of his body. Unable to resist touching him, she moved her palms sensuously over his shoulders and neck. When he began to thrust, she rolled her hips in welcome, attempting to pull him in even deeper. She loved how much bigger he was than her – taller, broader, stronger. Jewel loved the sensation of being pinned down – the full weight of his body moving over her – inside of her. He met every feminine desire she’d ever known to be claimed by the man of her choice. She wanted Easy to consume her.

  Giving them what they both needed, Easy moved in and out of her body with powerful thrusts, going deep with every stroke. The sensations of his complete possession lit her up and she clung to him, wrapping her arms and legs tightly around him. With utter abandon, she absorbed the jarring powerful surges of his body as he set a rhythm hard enough to make the bedframe pound against the wall.

  God, she loved this. How had she lived without this? Without him?

  Running her palms over his back, Jewel sought to prolong this wondrous connection for as long as possible. She even tightened her grip on him internally, forcing a moan of pleasure from his lips. In the next heartbeat, he claimed her mouth in a voracious kiss as he made tantalizing figure eights with his hips, grinding against her. Tingles of rapture ran from her clit to her nipples, even to the tips of her fingers as he circled his hips, driving relentlessly into her soft heat.

  “That’s right, squeeze my cock, treasure. I love how you milk me every time I pull out.” Easy pressed his lips to her neck, threading his hands in her hair, their bare skin caressing one another.

  Jewel did as he asked, tensing her feminine muscles rhythmically, lifting her hips to meet his – parrying every thrust. Faster. Harder. In and out. Over and over. Grinding into him. Arching. Seeking. Jewel knew her movements were becoming wild as she chased the ultimate pleasure for them both.

  “How fuckin’ beautiful you are.” Determined to give her everything, Easy fought back his own need to climax. Awash in mind-numbing pleasure, he rode her, awed at the sight of Jewel as she began to surrender to the pleasure. Her breath caught, then came in short pants, her whimpers growing to delirious cries.

  As he pounded into her, Jewel felt herself begin to unravel. Biting her bottom lip, she braced for what was to come. Inside her, around her, between them – the energy shifted. Built. Clutching him tightly, she opened her mouth in a soundless cry as she shattered in a million pieces beneath him, her body writhing as she flew apart, bucking wildly beneath him. A breathless keening spilt from her lips as she floated away, sparks of color exploding in her vision, blinded by release.

  Seeing her come was all the inducement Easy needed. His own release was so close he could taste it. Pushing deep, he held still within her, his entire body tensing as a powerful climax overtook him. Shuddering and jerking, a roar of jubilation burst from his lips as he achieved the pinnacle, a powerful orgasm overtaking him.

  Not wishing him to miss an ounce of ecstasy, Jewel lifted her hips and locked her ankles around his hips. Moving beneath him, she took over the rhythm, impaling herself on his rod over and over so he could ride out his climax for as long as possible. When the blinding pleasure became more than he could bear, Easy collapsed into her arms, his lips finding hers in a grateful kiss. She held him for long moments, conscious of the beat of his heart, the whisper of his breath on her skin.

  “That was…unbelievable.”

  “It was,” she agreed, at a loss for words to describe something so perfect.

  “I must be crushing you,” Easy muttered, lifting himself above her. When he pulled out, Jewel groaned at the feeling of loss. Already, she felt empty and wished he was inside her once more.

  After he visited the bathroom, she did also, feeling a little awkward after the rapture they’d shared. Not knowing what else to do, she began to gather her clothes.

  Seeing her intentions, Easy lifted his hand, beckoning Jewel to return to his bed. “Don’t go. Sleep with me.”

  Despite her intentions to remain within the parameters she’d set for herself, his open arms were an invitation she was too weak to refuse. As she sank into his embrace, Jewel tried to negotiate with herself. She’d allowed herself one night with him…but the night was far from over. “All right. For a little while.”

  “Good.” He settled her head on his sho
ulder, kissed her temple, and they drifted peacefully off to sleep.

  * * *

  The moonlight filtered through the sheer curtains, casting mysterious shadows on the hardwood floor. His breathing harsh, Easy pulsed up into the perfect heat of Jewel’s pussy as she continued to ride him. Still chasing her own climax, she moved over him, her palms resting on his pecs, her nails scoring his skin. From where he lay, she looked like a sensual goddess, intent on claiming the bliss she was due. His own control was long gone, twice already he’d succumbed to the erotic spell she cast. He’d awoken her with kisses, unable to resist her nearness. She’d responded like a dream, as eager for his touch as he was for hers.

  “Easy, I can’t stop,” she keened, continuing to move on him, her silky dark hair swinging around her. Some of the curly strands hung to her waist, the shorter ones in the front curled around the rosy nipples he couldn’t seem to resist. If he wasn’t milking them with his fingers, he was sucking on them until they were hard as diamonds.

  “You don’t have to stop. Take your pleasure, treasure. That’s what I’m here for.” Tugging her close, he clasped a hand around her neck, bringing her lips near enough to kiss. “Come for me.”

  “How are you still hard?” she whimpered, grinding against him, putting as much pressure on her clit as she could.

  “Because you keep massaging my cock with that perfect pussy of yours.” He was beyond addicted to the way she could clamp down on him, sending him over the cliff time and time again. Bracing her in his arms, Easy adjusted them in the bed until he was propped up on the pillows, so he could take one of her nipples into his mouth. As he worshiped at her breasts, he could feel the tissues of her channel swell until she cradled his cock in a vise-like grip. He could tell she was nearing the point of no return.

  Layering his mouth over hers, Easy kissed her, sucking her tongue in time with his thrusts. They were both striving for a release so explosive, it would rock their world. She clasped his head to her breast, her fingers tangling in his hair. “Come with me, Easy. Together.”

  Knowing he was close, Easy tilted her hips so he could buck upward and fuck her hard. As he filled her again and again with sharp hard jabs, he brought one hand between them to rub her clit. “Eaaaasssssyyyyy!” Jewel cried as she flew apart in his arms.

  For Easy, the white-hot ecstasy was unbelievable, beyond anything he’d ever experienced with anyone. Beyond what he even imagined he could feel. From deep in his balls, the orgasm began to build, the sensations so exquisite, he didn’t think he could survive. Burying his face in her neck, he pounded into her, biting and sucking on the tender flesh of her throat “Fuck, baby!” This was so much bigger than any of the climaxes he’d enjoyed so far – it rose, swelled, wound him so tight, Easy knew when it broke – he’d never be the same.

  “Jewel…Jewel…Oh, God…” His every instinct demanded that he make her his. Capturing her mouth, he ate at her lips, his cock pulsing deep in her tender heat as the climax slew him, shaking Easy to his core. All he could do was hold her tight as unfamiliar sensations bombarded his heart. A perfect storm of pleasure and pure happiness raged within him. “Jewel, my Jewel.”

  His Jewel. Oh, how she wished that were true. Stroking his hair, she held him close. When she kissed his face, she found a trace of dampness on his cheek. “Easy?”

  “I’m good. Just trying to catch my breath.” She felt his lips grazing her chest.

  “Thank you for tonight,” she told him softly. “I’ll never forget it.”

  “Me either.” He pulled her down to nestle under the covers. “I wouldn’t have missed this night for the world.” With a sleepy chuckle, he kissed her hair. “You were insatiable.”

  This night. Their one night. “Go to sleep. You have to work tomorrow.”

  “All right.” Pulling her into his arms, he let out a heavy sigh. In a few moment’s his breathing evened out.

  Jewel lay there with her eyes open. She’d give him a few more minutes, then she needed to slip out. Her heart was doing strange things. She felt like she might cry and she certainly didn’t want to do that in front of him. How foolish of her to think she could steal this one night with him and come out of it unscathed.

  After what seemed like forever, she carefully moved out of his embrace. He shifted, sighed, and rolled over. Jewel rose and quickly pulled on her dress, using the light of the moon to find her dress, underwear, purse, and shoes. Tiptoeing to the door, she couldn’t resist looking back – just one time. The sight of him sprawled on the bed, vulnerable in sleep, tugged at her heart.

  Tiptoeing away, Jewel was almost through the door when he spoke out of the darkness, “Hey, where you going?”

  Holding onto the door facing, she whispered, “Go back to sleep. I’m just heading home.”

  “Why?” He held out his hand. “I want you to stay.”

  “I can’t.” God, how she wanted to – but she wanted a lot of things. Jewel ached for Easy to be different, for him to need her, to miss her when she wasn’t around, to lose his heart to her – because she’d fallen so completely for him.

  And all of that was why she had to go…before she begged him to let her stay.

  Without looking back, Jewel rushed out and ran toward her home. She was crying too hard to see the way clearly. Good thing she didn’t have far to go.


  Easy was all smiles as he waited for his toaster pastry to pop up. In spite of the lack of sleep, he felt like a million dollars. Of course, a half dozen orgasms would do that for a man.


  He grabbed the cinnamon brown sugar pastry and took a big bite. “Umm-umm, hot, hot, hot.” Easy grabbed his slightly cooler coffee to cool his seared tongue. “Damn. Slow down, boy.”

  Checking the clock, he grabbed his keys. Oversleeping sure did put a cramp in his morning plans. If he’d woken up when he should’ve, he could have taken breakfast over to the woman who’d given him the best sex of his life. Hell, the best night of his life. Bar none. On the other hand, if she’d just stayed in his bed where she belonged…

  “Ha, who am I kidding?” Easy laughed at himself as he headed out the door. “We’d still be in the bed.” Oh, well. They’d get a handle on this whole thing eventually.

  As he hurried to his truck, he took a long look toward Jewel’s. No light shining in the window. “Yea, she’s probably sleeping in.” He grinned as he opened the door and climbed behind the wheel. “She deserves it.”

  …Across the way, Jewel looked out the window, watching Easy leave for work. She hadn’t been to bed. She’d stayed up the rest of the night, unable to sleep. Reliving every incredible moment. “Easy.” Jewel bit her lip; she couldn’t even say his name without smiling. The man was just about perfect. He was kind. Considerate. Funny. Sweet. Sexy as hell. An amazing lover. All those things.

  Her smile faded. The only exception to his sterling qualities was his love them and leave them habit with women. “Well, he loved you.” Jewel sighed loudly. “Very well.” She just didn’t intend to give him a chance to do the leaving part. She planned on getting ahead of him on that score.

  So…why was she still debating with herself? Questioning her judgment. Hoping and dreaming and wishing. Imagining her life differently. Imagining Easy differently.

  “Stop it!” She clasped her hands behind her head. “A leopard doesn’t change its spots.” Not even a sleek, muscled-up, sexy leopard she’d definitely made purr.

  Last night, part of her expected him to follow her home. That same weak link in her psyche also hoped he’d stop by or call before he left for work.

  None of that happened. Her eyes followed his truck until it was out of sight.

  Turning away, she forced herself to think about something else. “This house could use a good cleaning.” There was nothing better for putting things into perspective than a floor to ceiling scrubbing. While she was at it, she’d do a cleansing. Mop with a few drops of lavender, some basil oil, and a good dose of Florida wate
r. Once it was dry and everything was in order, she planned to smudge every nook and cranny with sage. This would get rid of bad vibes and any residue of negative energy from the people and spirits who’d been in her home recently.

  With a plan in mind, Jewel set to work, gathering the supplies she’d need. Picking up. Straightening. Dusting. On automatic, Jewel set out to bring order to her world. She sorted oils. Sorted stones. Scrubbed the stove. Even washed the curtains. Yet…as busy as her hands were, her mind was even busier.

  Her thoughts darted around from pillar to post. Irma’s health. Willie Mae’s safety. The identity of the spirits haunting her. A feeling of guilt swamped her. By all rights, she should tell someone what she suspected. That the Hills were somehow involved. But what did she know? Really?

  Stooping, she rolled up a rug and carried it outside for a good beating. As she took a broom and whaled the tar out of the thick woven material, Jewel let the reel of her visions replay in her mind. The man she couldn’t quite see who assaulted the woman. Her screams. The blood.

  Of course, there was also the fact that these visions came as a result of contact with items Willie Mae Hill gave her to read. Clothing belonging to her husband. Another factor to consider was the trio of sad spirits who’d accompanied the woman on her last visit. One she could identify, two she could not. How did they die? Jewel considered what she could do to find out their identities.

  “And then what?” she asked herself with a sigh. “Who would I tell?” Certainly not the parish sheriff, Otis Hill. Was there anyone else? Should she get involved? Did she want to get involved? “You’ve got to do some serious thinking about this, sister.” Maybe she ought to do a card reading for herself.

  The only thing stopping her was what she’d seen in the cards before.


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