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Big Easy (Cowboy Craze)

Page 27

by Sable Hunter

  Otis grabbed Everett by the right shoulder at the same time Easy grabbed him by the left, jerking him around to look him in the eye. “You want to attack someone asshole, attack me.”

  “Hey, wait a minute. Back off, redskin.” Otis Hill attempted to step in between his brother and Easy.

  “You either control your brother, Sheriff – or I will.”

  “I know who you are.” Everett raised a finger to point into Easy’s face. “He’s fuckin’ the stupid palm reader.”

  “Oh, she’s not stupid, Everett. She knows exactly what you’ve been doing with those women,” Easy told him with a sneer.

  “What the fuck!” With a snarl, Everett headbutted Easy as hard as he could. “You tell the bitch she’d better keep her fuckin’ nose out of my business!”

  Easy didn’t go down. Instead, he lunged at Everett, more angry over what he said about Jewel than anything else. “Punks like you don’t have any business worth shit.”

  As they struggled, a crowd surrounded them. Easy managed to get in a couple of good blows before Jed and Philip pulled him back. The sheriff was holding his brother, but his glare was all for Easy.

  “You’d best watch your step around me, boy. I’ll throw your ass in jail so fast you won’t know what hit you.”

  “How about your brother? I guess you give him a free pass for all the dirt he does.”

  Jed squeezed Easy’s shoulder. “Walk away, bud. You can’t win this.”

  Easy let himself be led away, but not before he nailed Everett Hill with a look that promised he’d give more of the same if the opportunity arose.

  “Oh, my poor, Easy.” Marion ran to meet him, standing on her tiptoes, touching his face.

  “I’m fine.” He put up an arm to keep her back.

  “What was that all about?” Jed asked him.

  “A hothead with a big mouth.” Easy ground the words out between clenched teeth. “Marion, get your stuff, I’m taking you home.” He felt an overwhelming need to see for himself that Jewel had made it home safely.

  “Oh, goody.” She gave Kris a silly little wave. “Easy and I need some private time. Toodles!”

  Easy didn’t argue with her, he just gave Jed and Philip a look that said he’d talk to them in the morning.

  On their way out, Marion clung to his arm. “I was ready to go. Your friends are nice, but I didn’t really want to share you with them.”

  “Sorry, Marion. I had a great time, but something’s come up I need to take care of tonight.”

  “What?” She stopped in her tracks, forcing Easy to do the same. “You have something to do more important than me?”

  “Yea. Sorry. Look. I apologize, Marion, but this isn’t going to work out.” He touched her arm. “It’s not you, it’s me.”

  “Don’t use that fuckin’ excuse on me!” Marion stepped in front of him, jerked her leg up, and kneed Easy in the nuts.

  “Christ!” Easy bent double, seeing stars.

  “Don’t call me again!” She stalked across the parking lot. “I’ll find my own way home!”

  “I’ll…take…you…” he gasped, but by the time he’d raised up and could talk in a baritone again, Marion was nowhere to be seen.

  Still unsteady from the intense pain, he made for his truck. “Crazy woman,” he grumbled as he carefully climbed in behind the wheel. With a shake of his head, Easy acknowledged that the night hadn’t gone as planned. He could’ve gone stag like Philip. He never should’ve asked Marion Cole out on the rebound. And that’s exactly what that was, the rebound. Hearing Everett Hill talk about Jewel the way he did just made Easy realize how much she meant to him. Bottom line, he wasn’t ready to walk away from her. His relationship with Jewel might be new, but it was no less important – to him at least.

  Cranking up the truck, he headed in a homeward direction, his mind still reeling with unexpected feelings. He was tired of one-night stands. He wanted more with Jewel Baptiste. What that meant, he wasn’t sure at this particular point in time. He certainly wasn’t about to propose or anything – God, the sky would cave in if he did – but he was ready to see if he could have a real relationship with a woman. Looking up into the black expanse of night, he let himself soak up the beauty of a countless bright stars. He didn’t often notice stuff like that, he was usually too busy, too preoccupied. Yes, he knew he was changing his tune. He wasn’t acting or thinking like the old Easy everybody was used to. He was looking at the world through different eyes. “I shouldn’t have walked out on her, I should’ve stayed and fought for…us.” Nodding his head, he acknowledged how he truly felt.

  “Now, what are you going to do about it, Blackhawk?” He didn’t have to think too long to know the answer. Maybe it wasn’t too late to fix things between them. “That’s right. I’m going to go check on her and make sure she’s all right. And while I’m there, I just might get around to asking for a second chance.”

  * * *

  The evening was waning and Jewel was tired. After a long, eventful day, she sat on the front porch. Without turning on the light, she could appreciate the beauty of the night. Above her, the Louisiana sky was a mass of twinkling stars. There was no light pollution in this part of the state, so her view of the heavens was uninhibited. From her perch, she could also see the moonlight reflecting on the bayou and all about fireflies twinkled, adding their own sparkle to the evening.

  The sounds Jewel could hear were as captivating as the view – calls of night creatures and birds, the bellow of a bull alligator, the rustling of the wind through the trees. She closed her eyes, resting her head against the post, wishing the serenity surrounding her would soothe the restlessness of her spirit. Jewel knew she couldn’t blame all the disquiet she was feeling on the tension built up from her quest to locate Imogen Lawson. No, Jewel could lay the turmoil in her heart directly at the feet of Easy Blackhawk. Try as she might, she couldn’t put the image of him with that other woman out of her head for a second.

  Without warning, the sound of a vehicle engine drowned out the frogs and crickets. Jewel couldn’t imagine that anyone was coming to see her at this late hour. She also couldn’t imagine Easy coming home from his date this early either. Holding her breath, she drew back farther into the shadows, hoping to remain invisible to whoever it might be.

  …Easy swung into his regular parking spot, his gaze immediately cutting to Jewel’s house. A sigh of relief escaped his lips when he saw her car in the drive. Grasping the handle, he swung open the door, debating his next step. There was no light shining at her place at all. Did that mean she was asleep? Or was something else wrong?

  Knowing he wouldn’t be satisfied until he knew she was okay, Easy started across the yard to see for himself. He’d only gone a few yards when he heard her voice.

  “What are you doing home so early?”

  Easy slowed his footsteps to a stop, straining to find her in the deep twilight. “Am I early? I think it’s almost midnight.”

  “I didn’t expect your date to end so soon. Did the Blue Goose close early?”

  “How did you know where I was? Were you stalking me, treasure?” Honing in on her position on the stairs, Easy moved closer.

  “No.” She huffed out a breath. “I gazed into my crystal ball.”

  “I see.” He came closer, to the foot of the stairs. “Mind if I come up and sit a spell?”

  Jewel found herself trembling. She sat on her hands to stop them from shaking. “I guess. Why are you here? Why aren’t you with her?”

  He moved to sit on the step just beneath the one she was sitting on. “I’m right where I want to be. With you.”

  “Easy. Don’t. You were with another woman.”

  She stood up to leave, but he grasped her ankle, running his palm up the silkiness of her leg. “My mistake. I didn’t even kiss her, Jewel. I didn’t want to.”

  “I don’t believe you.” She pulled away from him. “She seemed willing enough. She had her hand on your ass.”

  Easy couldn’t hel
p it, he threw back his head and laughed. “Wow. Your crystal ball has twenty-twenty vision.”

  “Oh, stop it. I’m going in. Goodnight.”

  Before she could take more than two steps, Easy was up and beside her. “Not so fast.” He clasped her head, weaving his fingers through her hair. “She was willing, Jewel, but I wasn’t. I couldn’t get you off my mind. I missed you so much I ached.” His lips brushed over hers, softly, seeking her consent.

  She put her hands to his chest, intending to push him away but somehow unable to do so. Jewel almost felt hypnotized. Easy mistakenly believed she was the one with the power – but he was wrong. She was helplessly drawn to him, a willing victim of his magnetic spell.

  Beneath her palm, his chest was hard and warm. Unable to resist, she clutched at the material of his shirt. “Are you sure you missed me? Your date looked very pretty.”

  “I’m more than sure,” he told her. “Test me. Verify my words. Look into my memories and know I didn’t betray you in thought or in deed.”

  Tempted beyond bearing, Jewel probed his mind for a few scant heartbeats, catching a glimpse of him and the woman she’d seen earlier. Brief interactions, nothing beyond dancing and talking. She shook her head, about to break the connection when she saw a fleeting image of two people together – their bodies naked in a tumble of soft pillows. Candles surrounded their bed and the curtain billowed in on a soft breeze. Jewel’s heart dipped until she saw the identity of the woman. This wasn’t a memory; this was a fantasy. She was surprised how sweetly romantic it was and the best part – the woman in his fantasy was her.

  “So, what did you see, Jewel? Was I telling the truth?” He just hoped she hadn’t seen his bout with Everett, he wanted a chance to tell her about that in his own time.

  Instead of just resting on his skin, her fingertips began to massage the hard muscles of his chest. “I believe you.”

  As her lips parted in answer, they drew his kiss. He captured her words of belief, holding the trust she gave him as close as he held her.

  “Good. Now, kiss me.” His tender, husky plea caused Jewel to shiver as he claimed her mouth with a sighing moan. His tongue stroking, caressing, his arms sliding around her. Recognizing his searing primal power, her body vibrated with excitement. Her breath came in shallow, excited pants. With complete abandon, Jewel began to kiss him back. She couldn’t withstand the need to give him what he needed, what she wanted more than air.

  Sensing her surrender, Easy kissed her fiercely, his mouth devouring hers. as if his very existence hinged on the complete ravaging of her lips. He plundered her mouth, drawing on her tongue, his hand cupping her cheek to make sure she stayed right where he needed her.

  Easy kissed her until she was weak in the knees, he kissed her until she keened her arousal, until every coherent thought fled. Honeyed heat rushed through her veins. Her need for him was so complete, a rising tide she had no will to resist.

  When he couldn’t subsist without a breath, Easy’s lips parted from hers. “Can I come in? Can we pick up where we left off?”

  Jewel felt her instinctual need to put up her guard, to protect herself. She needed to set the parameters before he decided to do so. “No expectations. No promises. Not a one-night stand…but not…”

  “Forever?” Easy knew this wasn’t the time to debate the terms of their relationship. This was a win and he intended to take full advantage of the opportunity. “You’re the one who can see the future, treasure. You tell me.”

  Jewel wished there was enough light for her to search his face. Since there wasn’t, she searched his heart. Sensing no deceit, only hope, she took him by the hand. “Come with me. We’ll sleep in my bed tonight.”


  Ready to shut out the world, Jewel welcomed Easy into her home, pushing him against the door hard enough to slam it closed. Standing on tiptoe, her lips crashed into his and she kissed him hard. Their mouths melded together, a fire blazing between them hot enough to singe their fingertips as they tore at one another’s clothes.

  “Oh, I like this side of you,” Easy whispered between kisses, as he gathered her close, his hands skimming down the soft lushness of her naked body, stopping only to delight in the sweet roundness of her hips as he pulled her against him. “Wrap your legs around me,” he demanded.

  A wild delicious urgency swamped Jewel as he lifted her up. When she did as he asked, she trembled as his cock throbbed between them. The man pushed buttons she didn’t even know she came with. Twining her arms around his head and shoulders, Jewel gasped as Easy stole her breath, their lips colliding over and over in deep desperate kisses. He devoured her mouth with such an intensity she knew her lips would be left swollen, marked, hurting so good.

  After long minutes of drugging kisses, Easy dragged his mouth from hers. “Hold on tight. I need to free up my hands.” Jewel’s nails dug into the back of his neck as he whirled her around, reversing their positions, pressing her into the hard surface of the wall.

  She gasped when one of his hands came up to tease her nipple with rough, callused fingertips – circling, tweaking, pinching – each heated brush making her want him more. “I need you,” she whispered. Jewel felt empty, desperate. Her pussy ached with the need to be filled. She wanted to take him inside of her, she wanted to ride him until this unquenchable thirst was quenched.

  “You got me, treasure. You got me all night long.”

  All night long. Jewel knew he was speaking words meant to excite, not meaning anything more. Still, she wanted to tell him she wanted this night and the one after – and the one after that. She wanted more. More time. More of him. Clinging to his broad shoulders, grinding her eager sex against him, Jewel desperately tried to assuage the deep need clawing at her. “Take me, Easy,” she whimpered, covering his mouth in biting kisses.

  In response to her passion, he snarled, eating at her mouth, then bowed his head to suck at her neck and the tops of her breasts. “Soon. I want you to beg me first.”

  He wanted her to beg? What about him? A smile came to her face. In spite of being near mindless with need, Jewel decided two could play his teasing game. Molding her body to his, she tightened her legs around his waist, then reached down to find his cock. The moment she took him in her hand, he moaned his approval, “Ah, fuck, yea.”

  “Like that? How about this?” After giving him a few delicious strokes, she held him at just the right angle to fit the full length of his cock into the valley of her sex, captured between the slick folds. In this position, she could rub back and forth on him, teasing the head of his cock and pleasuring her swollen clit at the same time.

  “Damn, treasure,” he ground out the words as he shuddered and jerked. “What are you trying to do to me?”

  “Make you beg…” she whispered seductively.

  “Ah, I see,” he murmured as he pressed feverish kisses all over her face. “A little friendly competition.” With a wicked chuckle, Easy cupped her ass, rocking against her, setting a feverish rhythm.

  Delirious with arousal, she ran her hands over his incredible body. The man was a titan, a walking mountain who overwhelmed her, yet made her feel incredibly sheltered. As his hips worked like a piston, his cock pulsing between her legs, Jewel realized her plan was backfiring. “Oh, God, love,” she moaned as he pushed his massive erection against her – over and over. Even though she loved what he was doing – she felt empty, hollow. The place inside her made just for him ached to be filled. “Now, Easy.” Rolling her hips, she begged him, “Don’t make me wait. Please.”

  “Oh, hell yeah.” Easy could barely breathe, he was fast becoming addicted to everything about this woman. Pressing his face to her neck, with his shoulders heaving, Easy lifted her just enough so he could fit the head of his throbbing cock into the creamy well of her vagina. As he fed his cock into her, she clamped down on him as if her femininity was trying to draw him in. “That’s it, take all of me, every inch.”

  “Oh, my God.” When he began to push
inside, she braced herself, knowing full well how he was built. Big. All over. She’d taken him before and she wanted him desperately again. “This is so good, Easy, so good.” The burning, stretching, pleasure-pain was absolutely perfect. He filled her in exactly the way she needed, reshaping her secret place just to fit him.

  “Hold on to me, baby, hold tight.” Doing as he asked, she wrapped herself around him like a clinging vine, her breasts flush against his chest. “That’s it.” As he began to move deep into Jewel, her exquisite heat seared him. God, he loved how slick she was, how tight, how fuckin’ wet. Digging her heels into his hips, she scored his back, her thighs clenching around him.

  Her eyes closed as he surged into her. Jerking. Groaning. Holding her steady as he rutted into her with sharp, deep jabs. Each time he impaled her, crushing his body against hers, she tilted her hips, straining to meet him. Absorbing his powerful thrusts, Jewel sought his mouth, needing to feel his lips on hers. “I love this. I love this. I love this,” she chanted as he took her hard, using all the force of his muscular, ripped body.

  Easy felt euphoric. He couldn’t explain how powerful and primal he felt when he could give her such pleasure. This woman was perfect for him. She accepted every inch of his cock and begged for more. Her response to him, the way she made him feel – was sublimely addictive.

  Wild with ecstasy, she writhed as he filled her over and over. Her internal muscles milked his cock, creating the most exquisite fire and friction she’d ever known. Pleasure ripped through her like a firestorm, Jewel felt herself teetering on the edge as he tunneled inside of her – harder and deeper with every thrust until the whole world exploded around her. “Easy!” she cried, her body arching, every muscle contracted and tensed as she screamed. This went beyond pleasure, this was magic.

  Easy always knew he could multi-task – and here was the proof. Even as he sought to give Jewel an orgasm she would never forget, he kept his eyes on her, the sight of Jewel in the throes of ecstasy was the single most erotic experience of his life. “Beautiful, you’re so fuckin’ beautiful.” Pinning her to the wall, Easy drove them both over the cliff, spiraling down into a maelstrom of bliss. Shaking, weak in the knees, he leaned them into the wall as he came so hard, Easy thought he might be going blind.


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