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Big Easy (Cowboy Craze)

Page 32

by Sable Hunter

  Easy jerked his head to look at her. “Exactly. Only these men won’t be fighting for their freedom.”

  “They can win prizes. One event can earn the lucky winner five hundred dollars, a far cry from the seventy-five cents an hour they earn working on the farm.” Jewel stopped talking as they found their seats, taking time to study the program she’d been given. “Here’s a list of the events: bronco bucking, bull riding, cow milking, inmate poker, bull dodging, and something called Guts & Glory.”

  “Sounds interesting,” he muttered as their attention was drawn by an announcer asking them to stand for the presentation of the flag. While the national anthem played, a prison official entered, followed by a stream of inmates, all on horseback. Next, came the presentation of incarcerated veterans, who marched to the middle of the arena to receive a round of enthusiastic applause. Easy couldn’t help but chuckle a bit. “What does that say? Military service outweighs criminal acts?”

  “Shhh.” Jewel squeezed his arm. “Remember, you’re a redskin and I’m a witch, we don’t need to say anything to piss this particular group off.”

  Her advice brought another chuckle to his lips. “Wise words, treasure.”

  After the rodeo clowns were introduced, the events began. Immediately, Easy became captivated, cheering on the participants who pitted their skills against the beasts who were fully intent on ridding themselves of their riders. “I can’t say a lot about their talent, but the enthusiasm of these fellas is inspiring,” he muttered as man after man failed to meet the eight-second time limit, flying through the air and landing in a haphazard heap.

  Bareback riding followed barrel racing, then bulldogging followed wild cow milking – and through it all, the inmates were subjected to getting kicked or trampled on every hand. The event that seemed to intrigue Easy the most was one where four inmate cowboys placed themselves at a table in the middle of the arena for some friendly hands of poker. As they began to play, a huge bull was released. The clowns danced around, luring the bull to join in the game by unseating the players. The last inmate to remain in his seat was declared the winner.

  While Easy was focused on everything happening in the arena, Jewel’s attention was split between the sexy man she was nestled against – and the paranormal circus going on all around her. After the unsettling visit to The Myrtles, she opted not to draw his attention to what she was seeing. Due to the activity and the crowd, the faint shades were easy to miss. Jewel let her eyes rove slowly, she certainly didn’t want to attract their notice. The last thing she needed was a horde of them to descend on her, all vying for the opportunity to tell her their grievances. For this wasn’t your run of the mill haunting, these ghosts appeared to be victims. She knew the majority of the men incarcerated in Angola were there for violent crimes. Most of them were lifers. What she was witnessing seemed to be an assembly of lost souls, all feeding off the energy of one another, their killers, and the crowd gathered to observe them. Jewel didn’t need to take a count to arrive at the conclusion that there were more dead people in the arena than live ones.

  “Hey, what’s this?”

  Easy’s question forced her focus away from an irate female spirit who was trailing an inmate selling soft drinks to what was transpiring in the rodeo arena. Several stagehands were laying circles on the ground. In a few moments, an inmate stood in each circle. Jewel glanced at the program. “I think they’re playing chicken with a bull.”

  “Now, this is wild,” Easy whispered as he sat on the edge of his seat. The bull was huge, muscular, and angry. With lowered horns and jerky movements, he rushed the inmates, hitting one so hard, he tossed the man over his back and high into the air. Having cleared one circle, the bull lunged to another, chasing the occupant out of the circle, knocking him down, then running right over his body. The man’s cries of pain were drowned out by the cheers of the crowd.

  “I can’t watch.” Jewel buried her head in Easy’s shoulder, glad to be hiding from the unsettling sight. “Tell me when it’s over.” She didn’t let the moment go to waste, inhaling his clean, manly scent. Jewel blanked her mind and stopped listening to the announcer’s voice, she also tuned out the whispers of the spirts. Instead, she zeroed in on Easy, basking in the joy and happiness he was experiencing at the rodeo. Her mind wandered to all the things they’d shared and how close she felt to him at the moment. A thrill shot through her when she realized the rest of the weekend lay before them. Especially the nights. Anticipation of the pleasure they’d share made her feel warm and tingly. He was such a man. And a wonderful lover. When tomorrow came, what would they do? Where would they go? One by one these thoughts filtered through her mind, until she realized how much time had passed. Lifting her head, she saw he was staring at her with an indulgent, tender look on his face. “You didn’t say anything.”

  “Why would I? I’d much rather have you all cuddled up against me.”

  This made her blush. “What’s next?”

  “Last event – Guts and Glory!”

  “Great,” she whispered, not sure she wanted to see this spectacle either.

  Turns out, Jewel was right. She had to watch the whole thing through the slits between her fingers as she held her hands over her eyes. Guts and Glory turned out to be a game of chase where the aim was to capture a poker chip tied between the horns of Angola’s fiercest bull. With a flourish of music, the bull was released into the center of the arena and a horde of inmates ran after it – trying to avoid the horns of the one-ton animal as they endeavored to snatch the chip that would win them a cash prize of five hundred dollars. Tense moments of scrambling bodies and dodging horns caused the whole crowd to collectively hold its breath – until one man emerged triumphant, holding the plastic disc high over his head.

  “Whew, I’m glad that part’s over with,” Jewel murmured as the clowns chased the bull through a gate.

  “Aww, I’m sorry.” Easy studied her face. “We should’ve done something else.”

  “No. No.” Jewel felt contrite. “I didn’t mean to complain. I enjoyed most of it and I dragged you to The Myrtles.”

  “Come here. Let me hold you while we let the crowd makes its way out of the stands.”

  She willingly went into his lap to rest against him with a contented sigh. “Besides, it doesn’t really matter what we do together – the fun is being together.”

  With a chuckle, Easy kissed her neck. “I like your style, Baptiste.” He hugged her close, glancing over her shoulder as people filed by. “Do you want to stop somewhere for supper or…”

  When his voice trailed off, Jewel turned her head to study his face. “What’s wrong?” She followed his gaze to the convicts on the arena floor who were picking up trash and moving the barrels. Jewel could see they weren’t alone, the men were accompanied by several translucent figures who trailed their footsteps, their mouths moving in silent speech. From Easy’s expression, she wasn’t the only witness to their plight. “You can see them too.”

  “Yep.” Placing Jewel on her feet, he looked all around, seeing others. “Have they been here all the time?”

  “They have, yes.”

  “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. These poor souls are their victims, aren’t they?” He let out a long breath. “I guess if anyone deserves to be haunted, they do. What kills me is how these people seem to be trapped. Who would want to spend their eternity following their killer around?”

  “Eternity is a long time. At some point, I hope they find peace.” Seeing the disturbed look on his face, she sought to give him some explanation. “We also don’t know how often…this…” She motioned around them with a wave of her hand. “Happens. Spirits come and go; we’ve seen evidence of that. Maybe a congregation such as this draws them.” Jewel stood. “Let’s go. I’m ready for a change of scenery.”

  “I don’t know.” Easy gave her a smile as he looked into her eyes. “What I’m looking at right now is mighty fine.”

  “Oh, you.” She grabbed him by the hand as they
made their way out of the arena to the parking area.

  Once they were on the road, Jewel felt more serene. She settled sideways in the seat so Easy was in her line of vision. “You’re so handsome.”

  “Thank you.” Easy appeared to be surprised at her compliment. “The admiration is entirely mutual.” He gave her a heated look. “You have to know how attracted to you I am.”

  “Yea.” For some reason, the way he answered made her a bit uncomfortable. At the moment, she couldn’t ascertain why. “Uh, how’s work going at Belle Chasse?”

  “Good. We’re making progress. Philip has hired some good men and they’re getting the job done. We’ve cleared acreage, repaired fences, and bought several hundred head of cattle. Jed has cultivated several tracts of land and is readying the soil for planting. All in all, I think we’re on schedule. This upcoming week, we plan on readying more land, laying more fence. It’s going to be an ongoing process for quite some time. What about you? What does your schedule look like this week? Is there going to be any room for me?”

  “I think I can make room for you,” she answered him with a blush. “As far as my week goes, I have several clients. One needs help locating her late husband’s will. Another wants help getting pregnant and I’ve promised to help a woman regain custody of her child. I also have another session with Willie Mae Hill.”

  “Do you think that’s wise?” Easy’s face clouded with concern. “Her husband is nuts. We had a little altercation last night at the Blue Goose.”

  “What? Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Well…” Easy shrugged. “I was focused on mending things with you. Plus, I didn’t want to upset you, he said some pretty ugly things about you.”

  “Like what?” A shiver of unease shifted through her.

  “Oh, it was related to your helping find that deputy’s mother. Everett made some noise about your reputation and how much he disliked his wife having anything to do with you. I’m afraid if you continue to meet with her, he’s going to find some way to hurt you.”

  Jewel considered telling him her suspicions, but decided against it. She had an idea, a way she might get to the real truth. In doing so, she had no intention of endangering anyone else – especially Easy. “I’ll be careful. Whatever Everett has done, Willie Mae isn’t part of it.”

  Easy didn’t like it. “Don’t see her if I’m not around. Can you do that? Can you schedule your time with her when I’m home?”

  His obvious worry for her touched Jewel’s heart. “Yes, I can do that. I’ll call and reschedule.”


  This seemed to satisfy him. Taking her hand, Easy set their course for home. On the way, they talked about everything they could think of – favorite movies, music, even their views on topics such as climate change and immigration. While they didn’t agree on everything, Jewel and Easy found out they liked one another. In addition to their intense sexual desire for one another, they thoroughly enjoyed each other’s company.

  As they neared home, Jewel suggested they pick up some Cajun fried chicken and a few sides for supper. “We can eat and relax at home. I don’t really feel like cooking.”

  “Sounds perfect.”

  Easy followed her directions, pulling into a Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen. Seeing there was a line at the drive-thru, he opted to run inside to place their order. “Be right back, doll.”

  “I’ll be waiting.” Jewel laid her head back, smiled, the stretched like a contented cat. Who would’ve ever thought she could be this happy? Gazing out the window, she could see the sun would be going down soon. Already, streaks of pink and orange were spreading across the sky. “What a day,” she whispered, feeling warm and happy. She felt so lighthearted, looking forward to every moment of the evening ahead. After a few moments of watching the sunset, Jewel turned her attention to the large plate glass window of the restaurant. From her vantage point, she could see Easy standing in line. She stared for a second, then blinked, unwilling to believe what she was seeing.

  Another woman was all over Easy. Her arms draped around his neck. Gazing into his eyes. Her fingers coming up to tangle in his hair. Bile rose in her throat at what was taking place right in front of her eyes. Jewel reached for the door handle. All she wanted to do was get out of the vehicle. Unable to look away, she opened the truck door – but as she did – something unexpected happened. Easy lifted his hands and removed the woman’s arms from around his neck. He gave her a smile and a nod, then moved to the side, pointing to the counter to indicate the clerk was waiting for her to place an order.

  Jewel continued to stare, seeing the woman visibly pout, then reluctantly turn away. Easy crossed his arms over his chest, then said something to the man behind him. When that guy stepped forward, Easy moved back in line. He’d effectively put a buffer in between him and the woman who’d come on to him so strong.

  Reclosing her door, Jewel settled into the seat. Her heart was still pounding, but she no longer felt the desire to run. She continued to watch the scene before her, her eyes trailing the woman as she paid for her food, accepted the to-go bags, then gave Easy one last longing look before going on her way.

  By the time Easy joined her, Jewel was almost back to normal. Almost. What bothered her more than the woman hitting on Easy was her reaction to it. In spite of her initial surprise at what she witnessed, there was also this underlying fear that she’d been expecting him to slip.

  “Smells good, doesn’t it?” He placed the food in the back, then climbed behind the wheel.

  “Sure does.”

  “I ran into a girl in the shop. She asked me out for a drink. To say thank you.”

  “Oh, really?” Jewel was shocked at his revelation. “What was she thanking you for?”

  “She was tending bar last night at the Blue Goose. Everett threw a drink in her face. I stood up for her.” He backed from the parking spot, watching the rearview mirror as he did so. “Mostly, I was pissed about what he was saying to you. It happened about the same time. She didn’t know what was going on – so, she thought I might be attracted to her.”

  “And were you?”

  Easy heard the doubt in her voice. Instead of pulling out into the street, he stopped the truck next to a dumpster. “No.” He caught her hand in his. “If she hadn’t reminded me of who she was, I would have never thought about her again.” Easy locked his gaze to hers. “There is no one but you. Just you. Understand?”

  Despite her previous reservations, Jewel felt the hurt and panic melt away. “Yea, I understand. Let’s go home.”

  * * *

  “Now, that was finger licking good.” Easy wiped his hands on a paper towel, then drained the last of his tea from a glass.

  “I enjoyed it. Not too spicy for you, was it?” Jewel gave him a teasing smile as she picked up the remains of the meal.

  “Not at all. Must I remind you that I am a warrior?”

  When he beat his chest with one fist and gave out a war whoop, she giggled helplessly. “Oh, sorry. I did forget. You being so sweet and all.”

  “Me? Sweet?” Sensing she was in a playful mood, Easy took full advantage. He bounded from his seat and caught her up in his arms, throwing Jewel over his shoulder. “Maybe I should show you what happens to fair maidens when they get taken captive by an Apache chieftain?”

  “Oh, please do.” She giggled, as she clung to his broad shoulders. “Are you going to put your arrow in my quiver?”

  Easy roared out a laugh, then popped her on the bottom with the palm of his hand, smiling when she squealed with delight. “I can promise to make you quiver, how’s that?”

  “Do it.” She patted him on his firm ass. “Take me to bed, Big Chief.”

  “Good nickname. Describes me perfectly.” Easy nibbled on her side as he carried her to her room. “Wanna see?” he asked as he carefully tossed her on the mattress.

  She laughed as she bounced, but she sobered quickly as he ripped off his shirt in one mighty move, sending buttons flying across the r
oom. “Wow.” Jewel’s eyes widened, not only at the muscled chest he’d just exposed – but also because of the way he was looking at her – like he wanted to eat her alive. Rising from the bed, she moved toward him. “I want to look at you.”

  Easy went still. “Look your fill.” As she moved around him, that sweet pink tongue of hers came out to wet her lips. “Just know that I’ll want equal time.” Normally, despite what everyone would like to believe, Easy wasn’t a vain person. At the moment, however, he wanted Jewel to burn for him. Yea, he tried to make it look natural, but when she came near, he flexed a muscle or two.

  As she circled him, Jewel gave in to an undeniable desire. Using both hands, she began to caress him. From his neck to his shoulders, down his arms – she planted tiny kisses all over his skin. While she was still behind him, she ripped her clothes off quickly, then drew close enough to rub against him, brushing her stiff, hungry nipples back and forth across his broad back. “You are so sexy, Easy,” she whispered, wrapping her arms around him. Pressing against him, she used her tongue to delicately lick his warm skin. A smile came to her lips when she felt his chest rumble with a growl. “Don’t grumble. It’s still my turn. You know how I love to touch you.”

  “Fuck!” When those small, soft hands of hers slid up to cover his pecs – rubbing – teasing his nipples – Easy thought he could be still, but he couldn’t. His cock was so big, it was straining against the zipper. “My control is almost gone.”

  Jewel smiled against his skin. He was trembling. Going on tiptoe, she whispered in his ear, “I think I felt you quiver, warrior. Makes me wet.”

  With one powerful move, he swung her to the front. His mouth found hers as his hands covered her breasts, milking her nipples, ravishing her lips. Straining against him, Jewel brought one hand up to encircle his neck. She gasped as his mouth slid from hers, trailing hot kisses down her neck and across her collarbone. Feverishly, she followed his lead, licking and kissing his throat, then his strong jaw. With her spare hand, she scored his nipple, teasing it with the tips of her fingers.


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