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Big Easy (Cowboy Craze)

Page 56

by Sable Hunter

  “Good?” she asked, almost as breathless as he seemed to be.

  “Earthshattering.” He chuckled, stealing another kiss. “Mercy, you are fine.” His eyes moved appreciatively down her body. “Now, it’s my turn. Let me take care of you.” Reaching for the bath gel, he filled his palms, then set out to sensually massage every inch of her sensitive flesh. Unwilling for him to have all the fun, she squeezed some gel into her own hands and reveled in the pleasure of rubbing her palms over the masculine landscape of his body.

  After rinsing off, he chuckled as his cock began to stir again. “Let’s get to the bed while I can still walk.” Stepping from the stall, he grabbed a navy towel to quickly dry off, then held one for her to step into. “That shower beat the one I had last night at the jail all to pieces,” he muttered as he picked her up like a groom would his bride. “A concrete floor and icy cold water.”

  The thought of him in such sad circumstances filled her with dismay. Holding onto his shoulder, she kissed his neck as he carried her to bed. “I’m so happy you’re here with me now.”

  “Good. Let me see if I can make you even happier.” He switched on the overhead light as they passed the switch on the wall. “Now, I can watch your expression, make sure I’m doing my job.”

  “What are you going to do?” Jewel giggled as he bounced her a little bit in his arms.

  “Hmmm, well, let me see.” As he carefully placed her on the mattress, Easy stepped back to appreciate his good fortune. “There’s so many luscious possibilities, I’m not sure where to start.”

  With her heart thrumming in her chest, Jewel tried to be patient, her body was shivering with anticipation. “Are you up for suggestions?”

  Her comment made him chuckle. “As you can see…” He pointed down to his sizeable erection. “I think I’m up for most anything.”

  “I hope so.” She held her arms out to him and he came. Big. Broad. Strong. So handsome and sexy she wanted to melt. “How about a kiss?”

  “All right. That I think I can handle.” Putting one knee to the mattress, he rose over her. “I’ll start with the lips and move on from there. Sound okay to you?”

  “Sounds slow. I might pass out from acute lust syndrome.” Easy looked at her funny and she giggled as she pulled his head down. “Give me those lips, Blackhawk.” Kissing him hard, she tangled her fingers into his soft dark hair, relishing the feel of the silky strands. When his lips parted for her a heartbeat later, they were immediately swept up in a firestorm of sensations.

  Jewel was so aroused, her skin felt electrified. After he kissed her breathless, he began to move down her body, leaving a fiery trail of licks and nips from her mouth to the upper swell of her breasts. She cradled him to her as he cupped the soft mounds, arching her back as he molded and plumped the soft flesh.

  “Your tits are so luscious. I love to touch you.”

  Now, it was Jewel’s turn to be spellbound as she watched the fascination on his beautiful face. “I love your touch,” she whispered as he caressed her breasts, her body writhing in ecstasy as he milked the nipples. “Take me in your mouth, please.”

  “How do you do it?”

  Jewel gasped as his tongue lashed the distended peak, his hand molding the eager flesh. “How do I do what?” A soft cry slipped from her lips as the firm draws of his mouth gave her untold pleasure.

  “Make every time feel like the first time,” Easy softly explained as he kissed a path from her left nipple to her right, intent on giving each twin the same attention.

  As he suckled, the pleasure was so great, Jewel couldn’t keep her eyes open. She loved everything about making love to him. “I don’t know. Just talented, I guess.”

  Her teasing answer made him laugh as he scooted even lower in the bed. “That you are. Downright inspiring, I’d say. Now, spread those pretty legs and let me see you.”

  Jewel found that Easy was right. This wasn’t their first time, but she felt shy enough for it to be so. Hesitantly, she opened her knees, leaving her exposed and trembling before him. When she lifted her eyes to his, all of her reticence vanished. The look on his face told her all she needed to know – the admiration and heat in his eyes, the hungry lick of his lips. He wanted her as much as she needed him.

  “You are so damn beautiful.” He took a long moment to look his fill. “I can’t believe I found you.”

  “I guess some things are meant to be,” she whispered. Later, she’d wonder what the future held for them – but right now, she was much more interested in the present. As he made room for his wide shoulders between her knees, Easy began placing teasing kisses and nips from her navel to just above the mound of her femininity.

  “So soft, so sweet.” With a slightly shaking hand, he traced the shell pink folds of her pussy with one finger. “I treasure you, you know. It’s not just something I call you. It’s something I feel.”

  “I feel the same way.” This was no time to pretend otherwise.

  “Good.” Easy lowered his head to the pearl of her clit, his tongue circling the tender bud, bringing a keen of delight to her lips. With eager fingers and tongue he made her feel good. Easy knew this to be true by her entreaties for him to continue and the way she writhed so much he had to hold her still while he pleasured her.

  Jewel arched from the bed – not trying to escape, she was straining to be closer. Tangling her fingers in his hair, she tugged on the strands as a cry of ecstasy was ripped from her lips.

  With slow, deliberate strokes, Easy licked the delicate slit of her pussy. He loved how she whimpered and wiggled, pulling his hair hard enough to make him wince. The little touch of pain was worth it to know he was driving her crazy. Sliding his hands under her hips, he lifted her, then buried his face between her thighs.

  Tossing her head side to side on the pillow, Jewel clawed at the bed covers as Easy licked, kissed, and nuzzled her pussy. “Oh, my God!” she cried when he took her clit between his lips to suck. “That feels so good!” White hot arcs of pleasure flashed through her as the pleasure built – and built. “Easy, I can’t hold on…” One hand fisted the sheet, while the other clenched his hair as she was drawn up into a cyclone of ecstasy and hope. Each gust of pleasure was greater than the one before, increasing in strength until she couldn’t hold on any longer. “Easy!”

  Even as she flew high, Jewel tried to hold on to reality. She felt on top of the world. Indestructible. And this man giving her untold joy was the reason. Was she right? Her psychic mind endeavored to capture what was to come – did the path they were on lead to happiness or heartbreak? She didn’t know. At this moment, she refused to waste any time analyzing the future. Jewel was rapt with ecstasy, nothing mattered except for Easy and the way he made her feel. “Oh, please,” she begged as he worshiped between her legs, sucking her clit, thrusting his fingers inside her over and over – until the universe exploded and she shattered into a zillion points of light. She tried to scream, to breathe, to speak but she was unable to do anything but feel.

  Easy held her as she came, he’d never witnessed anything more amazing in his life. As the last remnants of her rapture drained from her spent body, he placed one more reverent kiss on her Venus mound before moving up and over her. He was so hard and turned-on, he thought he might die from need. “I can’t wait. Hold me. Please.”

  Jewel didn’t hesitate, she wrapped her arms around him to bring them face to face. Easy was so close she could feel his heart hammering in his chest – not to mention his huge erection nestled against her. “You want me,” she whispered.

  “Understatement.” He chuckled, looking into her eyes. “I’ve never met or even imagined anyone like you.”

  Jewel held her breath, waiting for him to tell her he loved her – but he didn’t. Instead, he said, “Let me make love to you.” Unwilling to deny him anything, she wrapped her legs around his hips, allowing their most intimate areas to touch.

  Easy reveled in the way it felt for their bodies to be pressed together. “Fuck, thi
s is perfect.” As his palms roved over her satiny skin, he kissed her face, neck, and shoulders.

  Unable to keep her hands to herself, she slid one between them to find his cock hard, thick, and throbbing. After giving him a few strokes, she captured his hand to bring it to the apex of her thighs. “Feel me. I ache for you.”

  Finding her wet for him, he smiled, his face full of adoration. “You’re ready for me.”

  “Yes.” She kissed him softly. “I am so thankful to be with you tonight.” Jewel placed her hands on his shoulders. “Take me. Make me yours.”

  Easy moved over her, taking her words to heart. To him this was more than just sex. This was a man making love to the woman he loves. “Guide me to you.”

  Her breath coming in tiny pants, Jewel wrapped her hand around him as far as it would go and placed the wide crest of his cock to the delicate well of her sex. When he began to push inside of her, she gasped at the perfect burn as her sex stretched to accept him.

  Easy groaned in abject ecstasy as he worked himself deep. She was so tight and hot – the ecstasy took his breath away. With her fingers scoring his back, he began to move, allowing his hungry cock to burrow deep. “God, this is so fuckin’ good.” In. Out. In. Out. With each flex of his hips he went deeper, each thrust caused her to clasp him even tighter. “Amazing.” Even though the pleasure was out of this world, the best part was her. Being with Jewel was like coming home.

  As for Jewel, she was in heaven. As he moved above her, she memorized every emotion flitting across his face. Tenderness. Comfort. Rapture. Observing his pleasure increased her own. Each thrust he made into her body sharpened the excitement rising within her. “Oh, I love…” This. Us. You. Lifting her hips, she sought more, opening herself up to him completely.

  “Fuck, treasure,” he groaned as he drove his aching cock into the paradise of her willing body – over and over again. Each thrust he made brought a whimper of bliss to her lips. Just knowing he pleased her was worth everything.

  “Oh, Easy,” Jewel whispered, clinging to him. Maybe, the tighter she held on, the longer she could keep him. Instinctively, her sex tightened and rippled, fluttering around him with every heartbeat as he filled her again and again. Burying her face in his neck, she allowed the natural rhythm of her aroused femininity to give them both exquisite pleasure.

  “Jewel, this is so perfect.” His words were whispered as he labored, straining to make this amazing moment last as long as possible. Easy prayed for control, his muscles tensing as his excitement increased every time her sweet pussy clamped down on him like a velvet vise.

  Digging her nails into his back, she gasped, her eyes wide with wonder. Something about tonight felt different than the other times they’d had sex. More intense. Bigger. More meaningful. The pleasure was so intense she didn’t know if she could bear it. Her pussy tingled and spasmed, her sex clenching, massaging his cock in a way that made Easy shudder and groan.

  “Holy Fuck!” His body acted and reacted to the greatest ecstasy he’d ever known – his hips pumping, driving his cock as deep as he could – then pulling it out only to do it again and again.

  Jewel felt as if her world was spinning off its axis. Gripping his shoulders, she kissed his neck, then nipped the strong cord she found there. Hungrier for him than she’d ever been, she drew her legs up and tilted her hips, ready to beg for more. “Faster, baby. You’re so big. So good. Fuck me hard, Easy. Fuck me hard!”

  Hearing the sexy words coming from her sweet lips enflamed Easy. With a growl of pure lust, he began to power into her. Hammering her with hard, fast, deep strokes. Filling. Pushing. Fucking her with all his heart and soul until the firestorm hit and she chanted his name like a prayer.

  “Easy. Easy. My Easy.” Even as the rapturous crescendo sang through her, she urged him to find the same euphoria. “Cum for me, Blackhawk. Let me hear you cum.” To her delight, Jewel felt his strokes grow harder, faster, stronger – until with one powerful thrust, he abruptly stilled, every muscled frozen, his whole countenance transfigured as pleasure consumed him and he filled her with his life-giving essence.

  “My treasure,” he whispered as a luscious, languorous feeling consumed him. As his body and mind came down from the high, he felt mellow, still tingly from the most incredible pleasure he’d ever known. With his hips still thrusting lazily, Easy sought her kiss, covering her lips with his own. “That was freakin’ amazing. Thank you.”

  “I loved it too.” As she loved him. She didn’t say so, however, the moment for a declaration voiced in the heat of passion was long passed. All she could do was cradle him to her and welcome his kisses as her sex continued to throb around him in sweet aftershocks. “This night is so much better than last night. I was so worried about you.” Caressing his back, she acknowledged how right it felt to hold him close. “When I heard they’d tried to hurt you…” Jewel squeezed him as hard as she could.

  “I’m okay, though.” He kissed her softly. “I’m sure you had a lot to do with that. You willed me to be safe, didn’t you?”

  “Yes,” she confessed softly. “I demanded the universe keep you safe and bring you back to me – my will be done, so mote it be.” She wiggled her finger in a circle in front of his face like she was waving a magic wand. “But…I can’t say for sure Truman Lawson showed up at the precise moment to save you because of anything I did.” Jewel kissed his cheek. “All I can say is that fate was kind.”

  “I don’t think you give yourself enough credit.” He raised himself up and rolled off her, carrying her with him to hold in his arms. “I think you’re perfect. I wouldn’t change a thing about you – not one thing.”

  Her heart clenched at his words, because Jewel knew there was one thing she’d change about herself…she’d become the kind of woman a man like Easy could love forever. “You’re pretty special yourself, cowboy,” she whispered as she rested her head on his solid, broad chest. “Do you want me to go back to my house to sleep?”

  “Not on your life.” He held her tighter. “I’ll wake you when I get ready for work and you can sneak home before your mom knows you’ve been gone.”

  Jewel giggled softly as she nestled against him. “This is Witch Hazel we’re talking about. I’m sure she already knows. I never could get away with anything as a kid. No sneaking cookies without getting caught. No pretending to be sick to miss school.”

  “I understand. With three brothers keeping tabs on me, I didn’t get away with much either.” His arm tightened around her as he feathered a kiss on her temple. “Time to get some sleep, beautiful.” He reached down and pulled the covers over them.

  “I’ll be glad for things to get back to normal tomorrow.” She sighed.

  “Yea, me too,” he agreed. “I know this nightmare only lasted a couple of days, but it felt like forever.” He let out a long sigh of relief. “I just want you to be careful. Okay? Stay in the house and keep the door locked.”

  “Oh, I think I’m safe. Mother helped me put a major protective spell on the property. I don’t think anything or anyone will be trying to bother us here. So, don’t worry.”

  Easy tried to find some solace in her words. It wasn’t that he didn’t believe in the magic she spoke of. Lord knows, he’d seen her do some miraculous things. “Worrying about you is my prerogative.” He raised his head to steal a soft kiss. “After all, you’re my girl. Right?”

  His girl.

  The idea made her heart sing. Jewel just wished she knew what that meant for Easy. “Yea, I am.” She rubbed her lips on his chest. “Your girl.”

  Easy couldn’t help but grin. “You know what? I think we should celebrate.”


  “Yea. I’ll pick you up after work and we’ll have a date night. How does that sound?” Tonight, he’d shown her he loved her. Tomorrow, he planned on telling her.

  “Wonderful.” Jewel smiled against his skin. “I’ll be ready.”

  “Great.” After rising to turn off the light, he returned to k
iss her on the forehead, making his plans to head to a jewelry store at the first opportunity. “Goodnight, treasure.”

  “Night.” Jewel’s eyes were growing heavy, but her heart was light. She knew there were no guarantees for the future, but for the present…she was back in Easy’s arms. And it sure felt like she belonged there.


  “One more kiss.” Easy caught her to him to eat at her lips. “Damn, you’re sweet.”

  Jewel laughed happily as she clung to him while pushing him toward the door. “Go. You’re going to be late.” She certainly wasn’t anxious for him to leave, but she knew duty called.

  “Wait. Wait.” He moved away to go to the chessboard. “I’ve neglected my buddy. Let me make a move.” Easy didn’t have a lot of time to contemplate his strategy. “He’s going to beat me bad,” he whispered. “But don’t tell him that.” Looking toward the stairs, he called out to his invisible roommate, “There, that’ll hold you, bud. I promise I’ll do better next game.” Glancing at Jewel, he looked at her questioningly. “Does Cotton ever come to your house? If he did, we could set the game up over there.” His suggestion made him feel a tad embarrassed. “You know, since I seem to be staying over a lot.”

  His suggestion pleased Jewel to no end. “I think that’s a fine idea. I’ll move the board for you today. I’m sure he’ll take that as an open invitation.”

  “Good.” He started to leave, then grabbed her for one more kiss. “I’m so happy. I had a great time last night.” The words ‘I love you’ were on the tip of his tongue, but he just couldn’t say them – not yet. Other than family, he’d never told anyone he loved them. So, this was a mega-huge thing for him. And…he wanted it to be perfect. He wanted Jewel to remember the moment for the rest of her life.

  “I did too.” A poignant ache bloomed in Jewel’s chest. She didn’t know if the love she felt emanating from him was real or just a manifestation of her own desire. “You drive carefully today.”


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