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Big Easy (Cowboy Craze)

Page 60

by Sable Hunter

  “Watch me.”

  By the light of the moon, he couldn’t see them clearly – not enough to protect Jewel if he were to shoot – but he could see their movements. They were headed to a four-wheeler and if he didn’t stop them, they were about to get away. Knowing it was now or never – Easy charged, slapping his mare on her flank to send her into a full gallop. He could only stop them, if he was close enough to aim.

  “Easy, no! Stay back. They’ll kill you!” Jewel cried as Everett pushed her to the ground so he could take a shot at Easy. This time he didn’t intend to use the crossbow, he held the pistol he’d pulled on her earlier. Zhang was armed and ready also, an unconscious Willie lying at his feet. They were only a few hundred yards from the four-wheeler, but Easy was closer than that. As he drew even closer, Jewel stared in wonder at the sight unfolding before her.

  Like the Hebrew prophet, Elisha, who went out to meet his enemy accompanied by an army of angels, Easy wasn’t fighting alone. As her warrior cowboy rode to her rescue, she could see he was surrounded by an unearthly light – and in that light rode Yuma and a band of their ancestors with their bows and tomahawks held over their head in triumph.

  To her relief, she wasn’t the only one to witness this miracle – Everett and Zhang could see the spectral band also. And in their horrified fright, they abandoned Jewel and Willie, choosing to flee rather than face the ghostly war-party.

  When they ran, Easy was right behind them, firing round after round from his pistol. Jewel stood, endeavoring to see, so afraid he’d be injured. To her relief, one of the bullets found its target. She recognized Zhang’s voice as he screamed out in pain. Everett made it to the four-wheeler, but he didn’t manage to start the engine. Easy vaulted from his horse and knocked him to the ground. As Jewel drew nearer, she could see her kidnapper didn’t stand a chance. A few moments later, she could hear the sound of approaching hoofbeats and the roar of an engine. Not wanting anyone to see her in the state she was in, she turned away to stand in the shadows, relieved to see Philip, Wade Prescott, and several other men arrive to take their attackers into custody.

  The moment someone else came to restrain Everett Hill, Easy was on his way to her, stripping off his shirt as he came. “Treasure, are you okay?”

  She stood, arms crossed over her breasts, until he came near – then she just launched herself into his arms, crying so hard she couldn’t talk. Easy wrapped his arms around her so tight she could barely breathe – but that was okay. She’d breathe later. Right now, she just needed to be held. “Thank you for coming. I knew you would. I called for you.”

  “Cotton sent me,” he muttered before claiming her lips and kissing her again and again. Once he assured himself that she wouldn’t disappear from his embrace, Easy ran his hands over her body. “Are you hurt anywhere?”

  “Nothing serious. Bruises. Cuts. Scrapes. I’m fine.” She burrowed against him. “Now, that you’re here.”

  “Where else would I be?” he murmured as he wrapped his shirt around her. “You needed me and I’m here.”

  Jewel’s heart was about to burst with joyous relief. “Will you see about Willie?”

  “Of course.” He moved away from her and called over several of the others to help. Together they took care of the woman, using Philip’s shirt to cover her, then loading Willie Mae into one of the FBI vehicles to move her to a waiting ambulance.

  “How is she?” Jewel asked from a few feet away.

  “She’s unconscious,” Wade told her. “Most probably from pain and shock. The arrow was lodged in her thigh. She was bleeding, but nothing major. Are you sure you don’t need to get checked out yourself?”

  “No. I just want to go home,” she said as Easy came to take her in his arms once more.

  Wade nodded. “Take her home. We’ll get your statement tomorrow. I’ve got a feeling this will be the final nail in the Hill’s coffin.”

  “I hope so,” Jewel muttered. “I just want to forget all of this ever happened.”

  Easy’s heart clutched in his chest. He understood what she was saying, he just hoped he wasn’t part of what she wanted to forget. “Come on, baby.” He helped her on the horse, then climbed on behind her.

  “We’ll meet you up front, Ease,” Philip said as he pointed to where the other two horses were grazing. “I’ll unhook the trailer from your truck, and take the horses back to Belle Chasse for you.”

  “Good.” He nodded. “Thanks for everything.”

  For the next little while, Jewel just let Easy take care of her. He settled her in his truck and covered her with a blanket so she could rest while he helped Philip hitch up to the gooseneck. In spite of being warm enough, she shivered, watching the FBI agents take the two men into custody and drive off with them. All she could think about was how differently this could’ve ended. Once most of the vehicles departed, there was a different type of gathering. Jewel could see Hill’s victims, standing together in a row, gazing in the direction they’d seen their murderer leave. This time, however, they appeared clothed. Their bodies were unmarked. Their faces serene. They seemed to know justice would soon prevail.

  Once Philip was on his way, Easy came to join her. He crawled in, then leaned over for a tender kiss. “I lost ten years of my life tonight.”

  “Don’t say that.” It hurt her to think of his life being shortened for any reason.

  “I have never been more scared in all my born days.” He didn’t even crank the engine, he just held her hands in his. “I never should’ve let you out of my sight.”

  “No, it was my fault. If I’d stayed at home, I would’ve been fine. Everett used Willie to lure me. He set a trap. She called and told me she needed help, that she’d escaped her husband and needed a ride to safety. I couldn’t tell her no.” She didn’t explain that she’d tried to call him, there was no use rehashing that now. “I’m just so thankful you came to save me. I called you with my whole heart, but how did you know where to search for me?”

  “Cotton.” Easy chuckled. “When I got home and didn’t see a car, I ran in to see if you’d left a note or something. Instead, I found a message from Cotton. He arranged your tarot cards and the chess pieces into words. JEWEL, DANGER, and LAUREL. He even appeared and told me to hurry!”

  Jewel laughed. “I think you need to let him win at chess.”

  Easy kissed her again. “I’m going to let him do whatever he wants to do.” He bowed his head, a knot as big as his fist in his throat. “What I want to do now, is go home and hold you until tomorrow. Does that sound good to you?”

  “Perfect.” As he cranked the truck, Jewel wiped the tears from her face. “I’ll be glad to get cleaned up and put on some clothes.”

  “I’ll help you. I’ll run you a bath and let you soak in the tub.” Easy could scarcely drive, he couldn’t keep from glancing over to her – just to make sure she was still with him – alive and well. “I’m sorry we didn’t get to go on our date.”

  “Oh, it’s okay. There’s plenty of leftovers from last night.” Jewel clutched the edge of the blanket. She was still trembling, albeit more from relief than fear at the moment. “Mother went to Florida today. To pack up and move back.”

  “Excellent. She’s a nice lady.”

  Jewel wondered a bit why he didn’t ask about their living arrangements. Oh, well. She guessed they’d cross that bridge when the time came. “Yea, she is. Did I tell you she’s making arrangements to pay back as many people who were cheated during that scam as she can?”

  “Really? How?”

  “You won’t believe it, but she’s become an inventor and sold some patents for a fast-food fry packet that holds ketchup and a highlighter with disappearing ink.”

  “Wow. Did she use a little magic?”

  “She said she didn’t, but I don’t know. Maybe. I’m just glad she’s happy. Who knows? Maybe we can repair some of our tattered reputation in this community.”

  Easy wanted to tell her that he hoped she’d soon be living in another
community, at least part-time. But he didn’t want to propose going down the highway. “You’re lucky to have your mother.”

  “Yea, I am.” A thought occurred to her. “Did you see Yuma tonight? He was with you, you know.”

  This shocked Easy. “No. What do you mean?”

  “At the end, when you charged Everett and Zhang, determined to save me – you weren’t alone. Yuma and a half dozen other warriors rode at your side. It was amazing. All of you were bathed in this otherworldly light.” She reached over to stroke his arm. “Everett and Zhang saw it and were scared out of their wits.”

  This news made Easy feel like a million dollars. “Yuma said he’d never leave us. I guess he wasn’t kidding. The only downside to that I see is…”

  “What? What downside?”

  Easy chuckled as he put on the blinker to turn onto Gentilly Road. “I saw their terrified looks and I thought they were scared of me.”

  “Oh, you were plenty scary,” Jewel assured him. “I thought you were incredible. You’re my hero, Easy Blackhawk.”

  “You’d better believe it.” He squeezed her left hand, stroking her ring finger with his thumb. He always wanted to be her hero, but soon he hoped to be her husband.


  “Just wait right there. I’ll come around and carry you inside,” Easy instructed as he shut the driver’s side door, then bounded around the front of the truck. The automatic lights hadn’t shut off and she could see him clearly. Shirtless. Muscles defined. His bronze skin gleaming from a fine sheen of perspiration. The man was so beautiful and so kind. She clutched the hem of his shirt she wore, trying to keep her hands from trembling. Jewel knew she was having a residual reaction from her ordeal. She knew she was safe – she was with Easy.

  “I can walk,” she told him as he went to help her out.

  “Your feet are cut to ribbons.” He frowned as he saw them. “After I get you cleaned up and doctored, I’m not going to let you walk by yourself for a week.”

  “Easy, I’m fine,” she assured him as she wrapped her arms around his neck and held on while he carried her up the stairs to the house. “All the damage is just superficial. I’ll be good as new tomorrow.”

  “I’m not taking any chances with you, my treasure,” he informed her as he entered her home, balancing her in his arms while he locked the door behind them. “I want to show you something.”

  “Okay.” She nestled against him in full contentment while he carried her to the reading table. As they neared, Jewel could see the cards and chess pieces laid out to form words. “This was how Cotton warned you.” She swallowed a hiccupped sob. “Thanks, Cotton!” she called, then buried her head against Easy’s warm skin. “I’m so sorry I made such a mistake. I put both of us in jeopardy. You could have been hurt or killed.”

  “Of course, I want you to be more careful in the future. I don’t ever want you to put yourself at risk,” he told her as he headed to the bathroom. “Thankfully, we’re both fine. This worked out exactly like it was supposed to. I believe that.” When he entered the small room, he placed her gently on the vanity. “Sit right there while I run you a bath.”

  “I need one for sure.” Jewel examined the many scratches and scrapes on her arms and legs. “I’m a mess.”

  “You’ll be good as new soon,” he promised as he gathered towels, a washcloth, and added bath salts to the flowing water. “I’ll see to it.”

  Jewel didn’t know what to say as he cared for her. She was completely overwhelmed as he removed his shirt she was wearing, then lowered her into the warm, soft water. Without asking, he knelt by the tub and proceeded to tenderly wash every inch of her – carefully, gently, kissing her hands, her feet, and lastly her lips. “I need to take better care of you.”

  As he stood by the tub, Jewel lifted her eyes to look at him. “I think you’re doing a fine job.” She thought he was about to grab a towel to help her out, but she was wrong. Her heart rate increased as he undressed, then stepped into the tub to sit behind her.

  “I need to hold you now.”

  As he settled into the tub, she fit herself between his legs, reclining on his broad chest. When he wrapped his arms around her, Jewel sighed with contentment. “Now, everything is as it should be.”

  “You’re right. Let’s just rest for a little bit.” Easy held her close, his hands soothing her body. Not trying to seduce, he just needed to know she was all right. Resting in his arms where she belonged.

  When the water began to cool, he took the washcloth and gel in hand to bathe himself. Upon realizing what he was doing, she turned in his embrace. “Let me.”

  With near reverence, she ran the cloth over his body, cleansing his skin of all evidence of their ordeal. “We’ve been through a lot, haven’t we? More than most. I made some poor choices and endangered you. I’m so sorry.”

  “Hush.” He covered her lips with his own. “Do you think I’d want you to go through this alone?” Easy kissed her again. “I’m right where I want to be.”

  Standing to his feet, he lifted Jewel out of the water to pat her dry. “Here, sit,” he urged her to take a seat on the closed toilet lid while he drained the tub, wiped it down, then used a first aid kit to care for the injuries on her legs and feet. “Now, you’re all fixed up.” He kissed her on the cheek, then padded to the other room to find some clothes for them to wear. “We’ll go to the kitchen and warm up some food, then I want to talk to you.”

  “Talk?” Jewel didn’t much like the sound of that. “What about?”

  Easy didn’t want to say. His stomach was tied in knots. What if she said no? What if she thought he was too big of a risk? “Just be patient.”

  After slipping a soft gown over her head and donning a pair of lounge pants for himself, he picked up the dirty clothes to put them in the hamper. Jewel noticed he kept his back to her while he dealt with the clothes, digging something out of the pocket of his jeans to slip in the pocket of the plaid lounge pants.

  “Did you get a new phone today?”

  “No. No. Not yet. Philip loaned me one to use tonight.” He turned to give her a smile. “I’ll get a new one first thing tomorrow. Today…sort of got away from me.”

  “No kidding.” She giggled, then gasped as he picked her up again. “I think I’m too heavy for you to be carting around so much.”

  Easy tossed her a bit in his arms as he carried her through the house. “You feel just right to me. A perfect armful.” He looked into her eyes, turning serious. “Let me do this. Okay? I need it. Do you have any idea how afraid I was for you? When I realized what was happening to you, I…” He shook his head, unable to continue.

  “It’s okay.” She lifted her head to rub her cheek against his. “We’re here. Together.”

  “Right.” Now, he just needed to make sure this thing between them lasted forever. “What’s on the menu?” he asked as he settled Jewel into a chair at the dining table.

  “Probably a little bit of everything. My mother likes to cook.”

  He dug around in the refrigerator and pulled out a half dozen dishes. “I can see that.”

  As he worked filling plates, then warming them in the microwave, Jewel grew more nervous by the second. What did he want to talk about? Was he about to tell her he was leaving? Moving on? She hurriedly reviewed all he’d said, all he’d done. No, he said he was right where he wanted to be. But for how long? “Thank you,” she muttered as he placed a glass of iced tea and a plate filled with a wide array of food in front of her.

  “Eat up. You’ve been through a heck of a lot.”

  Jewel waited to begin eating until he joined her. Dutifully, she took a few bites. They tasted like cardboard.

  “Hey. What’s wrong?” he asked with concern.

  Jewel debated telling him the truth. After all, she could say it was due to the crazy ordeal she’d survived. “I’m nervous,” she quietly muttered after a few moments.

  “You don’t have to be afraid. I’m here, now. I’ve st
ill got Wade’s piece. No one gets to you unless they go through me.”

  “I don’t doubt that.” She took a sip of the tea he’d poured her. “No. I’m nervous about what you’re going to say.”

  This worried Easy. Did she sense he was about to pour out his heart? That he was about to pop the question? What if she didn’t want to hear this from him? He could still remember what she’d told him the first night they’d been together – No expectations. No promises. Not a one-night stand…but not forever.

  “Don’t be. You’re the one in total control here. I promise.” She held his heart in the palm of her hand. She just didn’t know it yet.

  “I don’t feel in control.” Jewel pushed her plate aside. “I can’t eat now. Not until I know what you’re going to say.”

  “Don’t you know?” he asked with true curiosity. “Can’t you read me?”

  His question took Jewel aback. Oddly, the thought hadn’t crossed her mind. For a second, she opened herself up to him, then quickly shut the door. “I’d prefer you just tell me.”

  Easy could see the uncertainty on her face. “I could, but I’d rather you see for yourself.”

  “What?” She looked at him with confusion.

  Pushing his plate aside, he gazed deeply into Jewel’s beautiful eyes. “Look.” He held out his hand, palm up. “Tell me what you see?”

  “Easy?” She kept her eyes locked to his, almost afraid to do what he asked.

  “Go ahead. Read me. My palm can’t lie, can it?”

  “I did that when we first met.” She knew what she’d seen. Oh, Jewel had heard Hazel speak of the lines in people’s palms changing over time – but that was rare and not this quick.

  “Do it again. For me.” He willed her to trust him. “Please.”

  Jewel didn’t want to. She wasn’t sure why Easy would put them both through this.


  “Okay.” Jewel took his hand in hers, so warm and strong, she wanted to press it to her breast and hold it there. Letting out a long breath, she glanced down.


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