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by David McCullough

  Cleopatra’s Needle, 180, 326

  Cleveland, Grover, 274

  and civil service reform, 275–76, 302 1884

  presidential election, 315, 317, 346

  Clews, Henry, 138

  Clift family, 126, 129

  Codman, Frank, 222

  Columbia Law School, 237, 238–39, 287

  Committee of Seventy, 154

  Conkling, Roscoe, 260, 280

  and Chicago convention (1880), 299, 309

  and Cincinnati convention (1876), 157–63

  and Customhouse controversies, 176, 178–84, 186, 196, 275, 301

  resigns from Senate, 275

  Conscription Act (1863), 59

  Continental Land and Cattle Co., 331

  Cook, James, 25

  Cooke, Jay, 138

  Cooper, James Fenimore, 123, 326, 378

  Cooper, Peter, 156–57

  Country Life in America, 289

  Cowles, Anna Roosevelt, see Roosevelt, Anna (Bamie)

  Cowles, William Sheffield, 373

  Cowles, William Sheffield, Jr. (Bamie’s son), 128, 252, 373

  Crimson, 207, 209

  Cullom, Shelby, 310

  Curtis, Assemblyman, 263

  Curtis, George William, 190–91

  and Customhouse controversy, 181, 182

  and 1884 Republican convention, 299–306

  passim, 309, 310, 314, 315

  in Republican reform crusade (1876), 155–56, 158, 160, 162

  TR praised by, 274, 319–20, 324

  supports Cleveland against Blaine, 317

  Custer, George Armstrong, 330

  Customhouse controversies, 175–85, 196, 275, 301

  Cutler, Arthur, 140, 167, 217, 293

  Daddy Luke, 47, 55

  Dakota Territory, 121, 235, 257, 326ff.; see also Bad Lands

  Dana, Richard Henry, 75, 160, 221, 317

  Daniell, Tom, 47–48, 53

  Daniell, William Coffee, 48

  Darwin, Charles, 207

  Davis, Jefferson, 72, 76, 78

  Day, Clarence, 325

  Day Dream (yacht), 136

  De Billier, Frederic, 327, 329

  Deer and Antelope of America (Caton), 326

  Deerhound (British yacht), 76

  Delano, Sara, see Roosevelt, Sara Democratic Party Cleveland nomination, 317

  and 1876 election, 225

  New York mayoralty campaign (1884), 317

  Tilden nomination, 159, 163 see also Tammany Hall

  Depew, Chauncey, 261, 304

  de Veaux, James, 43

  Devonshire, Duke of, 82

  Dimon, Assemblyman, 263

  Dodge, Cleveland, 251

  Dodge, William E., Jr., 61, 63, 65, 178, 191, 251

  Dodge, William E., Sr., 178

  Dodsworth, Mr., 169

  Dow, Wilmot, 329, 337, 352, 354, 356, 357

  Doyle, Arthur Conan, 118

  Draft Riots, 60

  Dunbar, Charles, 207, 213, 219, 220

  Dreyfus Affair, 355

  Drumont, Édouard, 355

  Eaton, Howard, 331–32, 337, 347, 354

  Edmunds, George Franklin, 181, 301, 309, 310, 312–13, 320

  Eeghan, J. A. van, 331

  Eliot, Charles, 284

  and Blaine, 316

  and Edmunds, 300

  as Harvard president, 141, 201–8

  passim, 211, 212–13, 220–21

  at museum opening, 185, 202

  Elkhorn Ranch, 337, 341, 352, 356–57

  Elliot, Daniel Giraud, 88

  Elliott, Corinne, 46

  Elliott, Daniel Stuart, 44, 48, 53, 57, 64

  Elliott, Georgia, 44

  Elliott, John, Senator, 43, 46

  Elliott, Johnny, 48, 130, 147

  Elliott, Lucy Sorrel, 48, 130, 233

  Elliott, Maud, 48, 130, 147, 180

  Elliott, Susan, see West, Susan Elliott

  Ellis, Lizzie, see Roosevelt, Elizabeth Ellis

  Ellis, Ralph, 209

  Emerson, Ellen, 128

  Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 128, 206

  Enemy of the People, An (Ibsen), 284

  Etruria, S. S., 369

  Evarts, William, 246, 261

  and Cigar Bill, 279, 288

  and Customhouse controversy, 175–76, 178, 179

  on Hayes dinners, 208

  Family Circle Dancing Class, 240

  Ferris, Joe, 332, 351

  Ferris, Sylvane, 332, 337

  Field, Cyrus, 270, 271, 273

  Fifth Avenue Conference, 299

  Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church, 143–44, 191, 241, 250

  First World War, 379

  Fish, Hamilton, 135

  Fish, Mrs. Hamilton, 67

  Fisk, James, 63, 113

  Five-Cent Bill, 277–79

  Flandrau, Charles Eugene, 366

  “Flight of the Duchess, The” (Browning), 115–16

  Florida (Confederate raider), 76

  Foraker, Joseph, 309–10, 313

  Franco-Prussian War, 113, 114, 115, 138

  Fraser, Hastings, 247

  Free Trade Club, 238

  Freud, Sigmund, 95

  Furness, Frank, 130, 140

  Furness Abbey, 78–80

  Gallaxy (publication), 29

  Garfield, James A., 237, 245, 275, 298–99, 307

  George, Henry, 369, 371

  Germanic, S. S., 233

  Gideon, Assemblyman, 263

  Godey, Harry, 126, 127, 128

  Godkin, E. L., 156, 191, 299, 300, 310, 317

  gold standard, 309

  Goldthwait, Dr., 189

  Gompers, Samuel, 267–68, 283

  Gone With the Wind (Mitchell), 49

  Goodall, John, 348

  Gorringe, Henry Honeychurch, 326, 327

  Gould, Jay, 113, 268–73, 275–77, 284, 299

  G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 257

  Gracie, Anna Bulloch, 44, 82, 239, 249, 286, 362

  and Civil War, 56–58, 60, 64–66

  passim early life, 48, 52, 53

  and Elliott, 245, 250, 257

  and “Greatheart,” 34

  in household of TR Sr., 38, 39, 55

  Irvine’s secret meeting with, 74

  marriage, 67

  at Oyster Bay, 163, 233, 257

  and TR’s first marriage, 229, 236

  and TR Sr.’s death, 186–91

  Gracie, Archibald, 151

  Gracie, James K., 39, 188, 233, 236, 286

  Grant, Ulysses S., 209, 300, 307

  as President, 32, 142, 155, 156, 158, 160, 260

  refuses to run again, 157

  Grant and Ward, 300

  Gray, Asa, 207

  Great Northern Railroad, 295

  Great Northwest, The (Putnam), 326–27

  Greenwood Cemetery, 66, 191, 292, 296

  Haase, Dr., 28

  Hagedorn, Hermann, 221

  Hale, Edward Everett, 202

  Half-Breeds, 281

  Hall, Anna, see Roosevelt, Anna Hall Hall, John, 144, 191, 292

  Hall, Mary Ludlow, 380

  Hamilton, Alexander, 142

  Hand, Johnny, 307

  Hand, Julia, 53

  Hanks, C. S., 216–17

  Hanna, Mark, 312, 321, 374

  Harper’s Weekly, 155

  Blaine renounced by, 317

  on Edmunds, 300

  on TR, 274, 302

  on TR Sr., 182, 190–91, 300

  Harrison, Benjamin, 300, 374

  Harrison, Mrs. Burton, 67

  Harrison, William Henry, 374

  Harvard Graduates’ Magazine, 201

  Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology, 141, 204

  Harvard University, 140–41, 165–74, 201–23

  Hasty Pudding Club, 207, 211, 228, 229

  Hay, John, 30, 33, 62, 68, 284, 376

  Hayes, Lucy W, 179, 208

  Hayes, Rutherford B., 162, 164, 173–75, 178–84

  passim, 196

  Hayes, Webb, 179r />
  Hess, Jake, 261–62

  Hewitt, Abram, 142, 154, 327, 369, 371

  Higgins, Assemblyman, 263

  Higginson, Henry L., 327

  Hill, A. S., 220

  Hippocrates, 95

  Hoffman, Louis A. (”Baron”), 327, 333, 334

  Hooper, Jennie, 227

  Hopkins, Mark, 156

  Howe, Julia Ward, 59

  Huckleberry Finn (Twain), 378

  Hudson, William, 265, 274

  Huidekoper, A. C., 331, 347

  Huidekoper, Frank, 331

  Hunt, Isaac, 263–66 passim, 291, 294

  on Elliott, 254

  and Five-Cent Bill, 278

  on Platt scandal, 275

  on TR, 274, 278–79

  and Westbrook Scandal, 270, 273

  Hunter’s Feast (Reid), 118

  Hunting Trips of a Ranchman (Roosevelt), 325–26, 344

  Husted, James, 275

  Hyde Park, N.Y., 232, 250, 253, 256

  Ibsen, Henrik, 284

  Independent Republicans, 315

  Ingersoll, Robert G., 162, 298

  Innocents Abroad, The (Twain), 72

  Irvine, John, 43

  Jackson, Henry, 211, 215

  James, D. Willis, 143, 182

  James, Henry, 72, 85, 203, 260

  James, William (American philosopher), 141, 207, 221

  James, William (English author), 270

  Jay, Augustus, 126, 127

  Jay, John, 175

  Jay Commission, 175–79

  Jerome, Jennie, 72

  Jesup, Morris K., 261

  J. K. Gracie Co., 286

  Johnson, Samuel, 158

  Jones, Charles C., 68

  Jones, George, 300

  Jung, Sir Salar, 247

  Katahdin, Mount 217

  Kearsage, 46, 76

  Kelly, John, 273

  Kelly, Peter, 263

  Kennedy, John S., 294

  King, Barrington, 44, 45, 58

  King, Joseph Henry, 58

  King, Roswell, 44

  King, Tom, 48, 50, 51, 58

  Kruse, Assemblyman, 263

  Lady of the Lake, The (Scott), 80

  Laënnec, René, 95

  Laird, John, 77

  Lamb and Rich, 289

  Lampoon, 205

  Lamson, John, 167, 170

  Lamson family, 114, 167

  Lane, Lulu, 227

  Lang, Gregor, 331, 334, 336, 337, 338, 347

  Lang, Lincoln, 331, 334, 336, 347, 352

  Lebo, 342, 343

  Last of the Mohicans, The (Cooper), 120

  Lee, Alice see Roosevelt, Alice Lee

  Lee, Caroline, 225

  Lee, Caroline Haskell, 225, 228, 291, 322

  Lee, George, 225

  Lee, George Cabot, 225, 228, 260, 292, 322, 323

  and “beef bonanza,” 327

  Lee, Harriett, 225

  Lee, Henry, 225, 323

  Lee, Isabella, 225

  Lee, Rose, 214, 222, 225, 228, 229

  Lee, Higginson and Co., 225, 323, 327

  Leeholm, 289

  Lesseps, Ferdinand de, 353

  Lewis, George Washington, 211

  Life with Father (Day), 325

  Lincoln, Abraham, 36, 66, 307, 378

  TR Sr. and, 61, 62, 65

  Lincoln, Mary Todd, 62

  Lincoln, Robert Todd, 300, 312

  Lincoln, Willie, 62, 63, 65

  Livingstone, David, 118

  Lodge, Henry Cabot, 157, 157, 207, 329, 340

  elected to Congress, 371

  friendship with TR, 319–20, 322–23, 365

  opposes Blaine at convention, 299, 303, 307, 309

  stands by Blaine’s nomination, 317–18, 321, 323

  Lodge, Nannie, 370

  Loewenthal, Henry, 270

  Logan, John A., 300, 310, 312–13, 315

  London Daily News, 75

  London Exhibition (1851), 27

  Long, John D., 300, 310, 320

  Long Branch, N.J., 60, 65–66, 101, 105

  Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 168, 206, 221

  Longworth, Alice Roosevelt, see Roosevelt, Alice (TR’s daughter)

  Low, Seth, 259, 282–83, 292, 317, 322

  Lowell, James Russell, 160–61, 161, 175, 317, 326

  Lowell, Josephine Shaw, 322

  Luffsey, Riley, 334, 336, 350

  Lynch, John R., 304, 307

  Mackenzie, John Noland, 102

  Madison Square Presbyterian Church, 191

  Maltese Cross Ranch, 332, 337, 341

  Manhattan Elevated Railway Co., 269–71, 273, 275–77

  Martin, John F., 55

  Mary Ann (Roosevelts’ maid), 21–22, 71, 82, 117, 139, 187, 189, 237, 248

  Mason, James M., 77

  Massachusetts Reform Club, 317

  McAllister, Ward, 68, 240

  McDougall, Walt, 168

  McKinley, William, 306, 309, 321, 374, 376

  and Blaine, 303, 313, 314

  McManus, Assemblyman, 263

  Medora, Dakota Territory, 316, 332, 333–37, 340, 341, 351, 357–58

  Melville, Herman, 177

  Memorial Day, 315

  Merriam, Francis, 126, 127, 129

  Merrifield, Bill, 332, 337, 342–45, 348, 350

  Merritt, Edwin A., 180, 183, 196

  Metcalfe, John, 94, 96, 150, 152

  Metropolitan Museum of Art, 32

  Miller, Warner, 280, 281

  Minot, Henry, 173, 182, 187, 192, 193, 221, 228, 229, 230

  Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa (Livingstone), 118

  Missouri Pacific Railroad, 269

  Mitchell, Margaret, 49

  Mobile and Ohio Railroad, 286

  Montcalm and Wolfe (Parkman), 206

  Mores, Marquise de (nee Medora von Hoffman), 327, 332, 333, 334, 335–36, 353, 355

  Mores, Antoine-Amédée-Marie-Vincent Manca de Vallombrosa, Marquis de, 327, 332–37, 347, 350–55

  Morgan, Edwin D., 179

  Morgan, J. Pierpont, 32, 261, 269, 317, 374

  Morison, Sanford, 327

  Mulligan letters, 161, 299, 323

  Murphy, Michael C., 261, 263, 279

  Murray, Annie, 169, 227

  Murray, Joe, 261–62, 284

  My Brother Theodore Roosevelt (Robinson), 381

  Napoleon III, 86, 114

  Nast, Thomas, 302

  Nation, The, 156, 190, 300

  National Mining and Exploring Co., 145

  Naval History of the War of 1812, The (Roosevelt), 78, 213, 238, 241, 255, 257, 270

  Newsboys’ Lodging House, 31, 33, 105, 142, 238, 254, 287

  New York City Board of Aldermen, 275, 281–83

  New York Court of Appeals, 279

  New York Evening Mail, 190

  New York Evening Post, 190, 302

  and Blaine, 309, 315, 316, 323

  and Five-Cent Bill, 278

  and Reform Charter Bill, 290

  and Westbrook Scandal, 273

  New York Herald, 181, 290

  New York Infant Asylum, 238

  New York Observer, 279

  New York Orthopedic Dispensary and

  Hospital, 31, 36, 135, 143, 238, 254

  New York Reform Club, 251

  New York Sun, 179, 215, 264, 376

  New York Telegram, 190

  New York Times, The, 29, 129, 174, 190, 216, 265, 300, 308, 309

  and Blaine, 303, 312, 314, 317

  and Gould-Westbrook Scandal, 270, 271, 272

  and Reform Charter Bill, 290

  and TR’s engagement, 366–67

  New York Tribune, 238, 316, 350, 364

  and Five-Cent Bill, 278

  and Hayes, 174

  opposes public works, 155

  on TR Sr., 182, 190

  New York World, 41, 264–65

  and Five-Cent Bill, 278

  on TR’s support of Blaine, 316

  and Westbrook Scandal, 270–71
r />   New York Yacht Club, 269

  Niagara Falls, 240

  Nibelungenlied, 168

  Nile River, 122–31

  Nilsson, Christine, 300

  Nobel Peace Prize, 375

  North American Reptiles (Baird), 120

  Northern Pacific Railroad, 326, 327, 330, 333

  Northern Pacific Refrigerator Car Co., 333

  Northern Securities Co., 374

  Norton, Charles Eliot, 207

  Nugent, Laval, 331

  O’Brien, John J. (”Johnny”), 280, 292, 300

  Olmsted, Frederick Law, 136, 142, 156

  On Asthma (Salter), 96

  O’Neil, William (”Billy”), 263, 265, 275, 278, 284

  On the Origin of Species (Darwin), 119

  Oregon Trail, The (Parkman), 339

  O’Shea, Minnie, 24, 376

  Oyster Bay, N.Y., 112, 114, 378

  TR plans home at, 248, 257, 286, 288–90; see also Sagamore Hill

  TR Sr.’s home at, 145–48, 163–64, 167, 169, 233, 235

  Packard, Arthur T., 335, 360

  Pall Mall Gazette, The, 75

  Palmer, George H., 213, 219

  Panama Canal, 353, 355, 374

  Panics 1837: 26

  1869: 86, 113

  1873: 138, 144

  Paovitch, Noel, 78, 82

  Parkman, Francis, 206, 221, 339

  Parsons, Fanny Smith, see Smith, Fanny Parsons, James, 380–81

  Patriarchs’ Ball, 240

  Peck, Harry Thurston, 374

  Pellew, George, 207, 215

  Pender, Sir John, 331

  Pendleton Act, 275, 300

  Penrose, Boise, 259–60, 284

  Phelps, Dodge and Co., 177–78

  Philadelphia Centennial Exposition, 170, 174

  Pilgrim’s Progress, The (Bunyan), 34

  Pioneer Cattle Co., 327

  Pius IX, Pope, 86

  Plains of the Great West (Dodge), 326

  Platt, Thomas C., 275, 297, 298, 303, 305, 306

  Plunkitt, George Washington, 265

  Plymouth Church, 66

  Polk, Dr., 189, 190

  Porcellian Club, 208, 211, 218, 221, 222, 228, 321

  Potiphar Papers, The (Curtis), 156

  Pott, Percivall, 35

  Potter, Howard, 30, 32, 34, 159, 191

  Pratt, Nathaniel, 45, 53

  Prince, Le Baron Bradford, 180, 183–84

  Progress and Poverty (George), 369

  Progressive Party, 379

  Proust, Marcel, 110

  Puck, 299

  Pulaski, S.S., 46

  Putnam, George Haven, 286, 317, 326; see also G. P. Putnam’s Sons

  Quincy, Josiah, 209, 316

  Ranch Life and the Hunting Trail (Roosevelt), 349

  Rains, John, 263

  Rand (classmate of TR), 209, 211

  Red Cloud, Chief, 112

  Reform Charter Bill, 281–83, 290, 293, 369

  Reid, Elizabeth Mills, 364

  Reid, Sir John Rae, 248

  Reid, Mayne, 118–19, 123, 152, 341

  Reid, Whitelaw, 364

  Remington, Frederic, 325, 330, 346, 349

  Republican Party 1876 convention and election, 155, 157–63, 260, 298


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