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Finding Summer (Nightwind Book 3)

Page 9

by Suzanne Halliday

  She giggled at the shock in his expression. “At last, there’s a reason for big boobs. These babies kept me from being a ballerina or a competing gymnast. Too top-heavy,” she drawled.

  He held her eyes and slowly slid his hands under her sweater. She sucked in a breath as his exploratory touch climbed up her stomach and cupped her breasts.

  A firebolt of manly desire hit her full on when a rumbling sound came out of his throat, and he growled, “Fuck.”

  The things he did to her boobs with his fingers reduced Summer to a trembling mess. She moved on his lap and took delicious advantage of the way she straddled him.

  Before long, she was on her back with one leg hooked around his waist. He pressed her into the sofa with his large body.

  They kissed with greedy, animalistic hunger. His tongue swept her mouth and teased her until she followed his lead. His hunger and the strength of his lips drove her mad with want. Their tongue kissing sent waves of desire crashing through her. She clutched his hair and undulated beneath him with increasing desperation.

  His chest heaved, and she felt a shudder move through him. The passion they ignited was fierce and demanding. They still had their clothes on—a situation she hoped was about to change.

  All of a sudden, he wasn’t kissing her anymore. When they separated, she complained at the loss of closeness.

  “No,” she whined.

  “Sh, sh,” he whispered. “Come on, sit up.”

  He offered his hand.

  “Wha-what’s wrong?” she asked in a shaky voice.

  “Nothing. Nothing at all. But we need to talk.”

  “Aw, come on. Really? You want to talk now?”

  “Jesus,” he ground out as he hauled her off the sofa and onto her feet. “You’re killing me, baby.”



  She grinned. Baby was kind of cool.

  “Let me guess,” she purred while biting her lip and audaciously invading his body space to stroke his torso. “You want me to behave, right?”

  “Behave?” he scoffed. “Pfft! Hardly. We just need a logistics time-out.”

  “A what?”

  His answering smirk was so sexy she squeezed her thighs in reaction.

  “Proper execution requires coordination and orchestration. Before we deploy our forces, we need a plan.”

  She wagged her brows. “Will we be naked when these forces are deployed?” She grinned. “Because naked would be good, don’t you think?”

  He covered his face with his hands and laughed. “Naked would be great but not here. We’re not doing it on a sofa.”

  “Ohhh,” she replied when she finally understood. “I get it. Okay. Cool.”

  Pointing toward the short hallway, she explained the apartment’s layout.

  “Bathroom on the left. Bedroom on the right.”

  “Condoms in the kitchen,” he remarked.

  They looked at each other, and she asked, “Meet me in the bedroom?”

  “Do not take your clothes off,” he growled. “I wanna do it.”

  That was fine with her. The only reason she wanted to head to the bedroom first was to make sure she hadn’t left a breadcrumb trail of panties or anything else embarrassing.

  Feeling like a teenage first-timer with a shot at the prom queen, Arnie hurried into the kitchen to retrieve the box of condoms. He grabbed the lube as well although he was ninety-nine percent positive it would not be needed.

  From the corner of his eye, he saw the silky blindfold and shoved it in his pocket. He didn’t have a plan for it, but the expression on her face when she saw it told him he should get one.

  In the living room, he did a security check. The front door was closed and locked. Nothing dangerous needed attention—no candles or anything like that.

  His eyes swung to the hallway and fixed on the bedroom door. It was open, and he could hear Summer moving around the room.

  Practicality knocked on his brain. He dropped onto the sofa and quickly removed his shoes and socks. After that, nothing was left to be done except take the delicious and delightful girl to bed.

  At the bedroom door, he peeked first to see what she was doing and had to bite off a laugh. The lady had not prepared in advance for a bedroom visitor. He smiled. They were flying without parachutes. What could be better for a first time?

  He pushed on the door, and it swung open with quiet slowness. Leaning against the doorjamb, Arnie admired her sweet ass when she bent to shove things into a dresser. Her tight, stretchy jeans had been taunting him all day. Not everyone could or should wear jeans, and some people lost their ability to move naturally when encased in denim. But not Summer. She wore the clingy fabric like skin without losing her gracefulness.

  And don’t get him started about her ass in jeans. Seriously—her backside needed caution tape or something to warn him off because the thoughts he entertained about Summer and her ass fell dangerously close to the danger zone.

  When she straightened and whirled around to find him salivating over her bottom, she squeaked, “Oh!”

  He got caught, so there was no reason to play off what he figured was clearly evident in his expression.

  “It might be too soon to admit this, but your ass calls to me.” He watched her blush and went in for the kill. “And it’s calling out in a very specific way.”

  There was a one Mississippi, two Mississippi pause and then she flew across the room and threw herself into his arms. The feverish way she kissed him revealed so much.

  He dropped the stuff in his hands when he caught her. It took a few minutes to kiss her into a calmer state. Her eagerness was a potent aphrodisiac. Sweet Summer couldn’t help herself.

  After the kissing, he kept an arm around her waist and held her against him. She cuddled close and sighed heavily when he held his hand up, and they joined palms.

  Her skin was warm and incredibly soft. He studied her smaller fingers and marveled at his emotional response to the visual of their joined hands.

  He liked the way she fit and how she had to tilt her head to look at him.

  Feeling more alive and manly than he ever had before, Arnie let the moment sweep him away.

  Pulling her hand to his mouth, he kissed her fingers and then her knuckles. She was breathless and quivering when he lifted her chin with his finger and kissed her nose.

  Words teetered on the tip of her tongue, but she wasn’t sharing, and it bothered him. He needed to be inside her head too.

  “Don’t hide your thoughts from me.”

  “How do you know that’s what I’m doing?”

  “Because I feel you.”

  She bit her lip and lowered her gaze. “Is that normal?” she murmured to a spot on his chest.

  Why pretend it was? “No.”

  Sounds came from her, but with her face averted, he couldn’t catch the gist. “Sorry. Say again?”

  It took an eternity for her lashes to sweep up in slow motion. Her eyes showed a level of intensity he suspected was new to her.

  “Um,” she muttered. Clearing her throat, she bit her bottom lip, sighed, and squeezed her eyes shut for a brief second.

  “I think I can hear your heart,” she announced in one long continuous word.

  He blinked and reared back a few inches. Wait. What did she say? Hear his heart? How?

  Her hand rested on his chest over his heart. “I don’t mean the beating.”

  A chill ran up his spine. Arnie searched her expression. Summer had moments of clairsentient insight, whether she was aware of it or not.

  It was genuine interest, not just playing along when he asked, “What do you hear?”

  He was a little surprised when she answered right away.

  “You’re a secret keeper.”

  He swallowed, and his heart thumped.

  “But we can’t have secrets.” Her voice was nearly a whisper.

  “Is that all?”

  “No.” She shook her head but didn’t offer more detail.

nbsp; “Is that what you were thinking just now?”

  “Um, no.” She shook her head again. “But I wasn’t trying to keep anything from you.”

  “Then tell me what you were feeling. I want to know, Summer. It’s important to me.”

  She gave a half laugh and made a face. “You’re going to be disappointed if you think it’s important.”

  He stroked her face. “Everything about you is important.”

  “Okay, well, yikes.” She charmingly cackled. “It was a total chick moment involving feeling overwhelmed by the difference in our sizes and how lame it seemed. I’m supposed to be a modern female! Not a giggling twit whose panties get soaked because some guy made me feel small and precious.”

  “I’m not some guy,” he growled. “I’m the guy, and we might as well get it out into the open now.”

  Mental note to self: Add giggle snorting to his list of guilty pleasures.

  The laugh was accompanied by Summer playfully shoving at his shoulder. “Seriously? I give you wet panties on a silver platter, but you get grumpy about semantics?”

  “Admit I’m the guy, and we’ll circle round to the subject of your panties.”

  “Oh! You want a declaration? Hmph,” she grunted. “Quite a switcheroo, isn’t it? I mean, it’s usually the woman looking for reassurance, right?”

  No joke, his entire being exploded with joyful elation. It didn’t matter if she was teasing—what mattered was how absolutely right she was. Him needing to be told he was the man was a role reversal.

  He grinned. “You can’t beguile me with quirky charm and tempt me to the brink of madness with a body begging for my touch and not admit this one thing.”

  “Beguiled? Lovely word.”

  “Beguiled, enchanted, charmed, spellbound. Seduced,” he added in a throaty growl.

  Her small hands crept around his waist and embraced him. “I knew you were the one the minute I saw those fugly shoes. There. Satisfied?”

  He grinned and stepped back to move her an arm’s length away.

  She snickered. “Bored already?”

  “As if.” He laughed. “Now, listen up. I want you to bend over and pick up the things I dropped.”

  She was confused. He crossed his arms and gave her a pointed look.

  “Ohh.” She giggled. “You want me to bend over.”

  “Ah, I see understanding in your eyes and hear it in your voice. Now stop stalling, baby, and do as you’re told.”

  To his utter amazement, she flowed effortlessly into a handstand ending with a sexy pirouette. She gave him a memorable ass show while gathering the condoms and lube.

  Holding up the two things, she blushed profusely. “So, I guess we’re doing this, huh?”

  “Probably a couple of times,” he drawled. “Put them on the bed and then come back.”

  She did as he asked and approached cautiously. Summer knew the time was at hand. He was so attuned to her that he felt her tension. She was breathing faster; her nipples were visible under her sweater, and she had red blotches on her neck. The signs of her increasing arousal were obvious. What wasn’t so obvious was the blood flowing into her sweet virgin pussy. By now, her clit would be swelling, and she must be noticeably wet.

  Arnie heard her gasp when he dropped to one knee and reached for the button on her jeans. She was quivering as he pulled the zipper down and spread the sides. He kissed the soft skin of her stomach before pushing the clingy denim off her delectable body.

  Her hands trembled, and she clutched his shoulder to steady herself as he removed the pants.

  With the denim in a pile, he switched his focus to the triangle of sheer pink lace doing a poor job of shielding her femininity from his gaze.

  Grasping her ass, he hauled her close and buried his nose at the juncture of her thighs. “Oh, baby,” he groaned. “You smell so good.”

  “Arnie,” she whimpered as her hands went into his hair.

  He breathed her in again and again until it felt as though he was drowning in her sweet, musky essence. His mouth tingled and watered. When the time came to put his tongue to good use, he was going to enjoy her taste.

  Summer was no stranger to an orgasm. She considered herself among the lucky who had no problem coming, but she wasn’t prepared to feel the soft pulses of a surprising climax from nothing more than Arnie’s face smashed against her mound.

  It was his manly groan that tipped her off the ledge and sent her into a quivering free fall.

  His eyes told her he knew what happened. She gasped at the red-hot pleasure in his expression.

  He wasted no time peeling away her panties. She liked the pretty pink silk even though at best her lingerie consisted of scraps of nothing or the sensible white briefs she wore for practical reasons.

  With her panties gone, this time when he pressed his nose against her, he grunted.

  “I smell your desire, golden girl.”

  He plucked at the modest thatch of blond curls left after her latest waxing. Since the days of her time as a gymnast, she preferred meticulous ladyscaping to an overgrown garden.

  Nothing in her previous experience prepared her for what he did next. In a seductively choreographed series of moves, he parted her lips and flicked her clit with the tip of his tongue.

  Her legs nearly gave out. She gasped and steadied herself with great difficulty.

  “We won’t be needing the lube,” he grunted. “You’re dripping.”

  His words made her body react. She felt heat pour into her center. The arousal caused her pussy to throb. With shaking hands she tore her sweater off and sent it sailing.

  It felt wicked and decadent to stand there while Arnie crouched in front of her and teased her virgin flesh with his tongue. She liked the way it made her feel. With each soft swipe of his tongue, she moaned and tilted her pelvis, begging for more.

  The feeling of her heart hammering in her chest sent Summer into overdrive when he looked up at her and held her eyes.

  “Goldilocks, I’m going to lick your pussy so you can come properly.”

  The wicked gleam in his eyes made her tremble.

  “The endorphin rush will make penetration less stressful.”

  Her eyes widened. This was what it meant to make love with a real man. He wasn’t just about getting his rocks off.

  She was surprised when he snarled. “Screw those other assholes. What they knew about properly fucking a beautiful, desirable woman wouldn’t make it onto the head of a pin.”

  “Whereas you gained access to my head before claiming my body.”

  “Your thoughts are easy to decipher.”

  She smirked. “Oh, yeah? What am I thinking right now?”

  “You’re hoping I shut the fuck up soon and bury my face between your legs.”

  He wasn’t too far off the mark, so she chuckled, and asked, “And what would be the best way to hurry this eventuality along? My virgin loins quiver with need.”

  “Virgin loins?” He sniggered. “I like the sound despite knowing the admission makes me a bit of a pig.”

  “Pig? I hope not, but glutton will score you bonus points.”

  When the hell did she learn how to flirt?

  “I can do gluttony,” he proudly announced.

  He stood and removed his shirt but made no move to get naked. Summer studied the way his pants molded the sizeable lump under his zipper.

  “We’re gonna wait for the reveal.” He laughed. “Gotta get you warmed up and ready for me first.”

  “Oh, my god. That sounds hot.”

  Taking her hand, he placed it palm down on his chest. She whimpered when the warmth of his skin scorched her and sent waves of heat hurtling into her center.

  “I touch you, and you touch me. Don’t be shy, sweet Summer.”

  “My pleasure,” she said teasingly.

  Her fingers mapped his torso. He had impressive musculature and marvelously defined abs. The kind that made girls go stupid.

  Stroking and petting, she enjoyed h
er first opportunity to get to know this man’s body. He was a golden Adonis with brain-melting sex appeal.

  “You’re beautiful,” she murmured.

  “Hey, that’s my line.”

  His eyes twinkled, and she smiled.

  “Sashay your cute, curvy ass over to the bed. It’s up to you how much of a show you put on as long as you end up on your back, knees bent, thighs spread wide. You aren’t the only one who needs room to maneuver.”

  His throaty laugh made her pussy throb. She ran her fingers down the center of his gorgeous chest and sighed dramatically. He looked at her with such lust she felt bold and daring. With bravery she didn’t expect to have, Summer wet her lips and cooed, “I’ve never been licked.”

  “Oh, baby, don’t you worry. When I’m through, your new favorite thing will be coming on my tongue.”

  “Promise?” She played the innocent card and lowered her eyelashes to help hide a naughty smirk.

  He puffed with cocky swagger and boldly plucked her nipples. “Says the virgin vixen who just came before the party even got started.”

  Well, she had to give it to him. He was correct. She had, in fact, experienced a mini-orgasm and wasn’t about to deny it.

  He twirled his finger. “Now stop yammering and get on the bed. I’m hungry.”

  It was her first time with a man, and she really didn’t know what to expect despite a head full of sexy thoughts thanks to all the erotic romances she had on her Kindle. Some part of her asked, Should I be nervous? Or scared?

  What if she froze and couldn’t come again? It was a possibility.

  Or worse, what if she got overstimulated and ended up gushing like a hydrant? Could anything be more awkward?

  In the end, she went with her gut, and what her gut was saying didn’t require a translation.

  Get on the damn bed and spread your legs. He’ll take it from there.

  She whirled around and took two steps, knew without looking back that he was staring at her ass, and wiggled it provocatively. Giggling, she smacked one butt cheek and hurried onto the mattress. Crawling as requested, she looked back and nearly swooned at the sight of him staring at her naughty ass display with fiery lust blazing in his eyes.

  It was a lot easier to lay down and open her legs than she ever thought it would be.


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