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A Sneeze to Die For

Page 17

by Teresa Trent

  “Man, he’s fast.” Max said stating the obvious.

  “You think?”

  “I hate to bring this up but there is also the little thing that the health inspector said that no animals were allowed in the kitchen or dining room area. If the health inspector were to come back by we could be in even deeper trouble.”

  Marty appeared as they wheeled Camille out of the conference room on a stretcher. “Hey there, buddy.” Wiley said, acknowledging the star of the fire department, Buddy Tidwell.

  “Hey Wiley. Mark it down. Rescued another.” Wiley looked down to find Catpurnicus rubbing up against his pant leg, now fresh from his hiding place.

  “Hey there little fella where did you come from?” Where Catpurnicus had treated Nora and Max with nothing but disdain, he seemed to have a soft spot for Wiley.

  “Pick him up Uncle Wiley. We’ve been trying to catch him. “Uncle Wiley did as instructed, picked up the cat gently and continued to pet him.

  His eyes crinkled in the corners as he smiled, “I’d like to call myself the cat whisperer, but it’s the way I smell. Wouldn’t you come running after a man who smell like bacon and fried chicken?” He handed the cat to Nora.

  Bubby’s ears perked up. “Is that the cat the whole town has been looking for? Darn, I wanted to be the one to find him.”

  “Cat’s don’t count.”

  Camille, who had been resting quietly under the oxygen mask now reared up.

  “Yes, we found him Camille.” Nora said. “What is more interesting is where we found him.”

  Camille became more agitated and Bubby pulled his attention to her. “Alright now, little missy. Just breathe deep and ol’ Bubby will have you right in no time.”

  Tuck’s eyebrows raised slightly. “So, you found the missing cat?”

  “Yes. I’m going to lock him in the office until we find his owner. I think she’s still out combing the streets with some of the other convention members. I’m pretty sure Camille kidnapped … I mean catnapped him. “Leaving Camille to the mercy of an eager EMT, Nora did her own rescue of Catpernicas and decided to put in the office until she could find the cat carrier for him.

  “Could it be that she found the cat and was keeping it until she got ahold of the owner?” Tuck said as he followed Nora and closed the door behind him.

  Nora let the boxy red cat onto the floor. “I don’t think so. I was talking to this woman yesterday and she didn’t mention anything about finding the cat. I did find it interesting though that she never joined the searchers. She seemed to be on her phone most of the time.”

  “Why would she do that?”

  “Doug told us that a cat like this has a stud fee in the thousands of dollars.”

  Tuck stroked his chin. “Lucky guy.”

  “There’s more.” Nora thought of the thumb drive in Izzy’s pocket. “I may have information on someone who had a motive to kill Alan Shaw.” Nora thought of her promise to Izzy.

  “I’m listening.”

  “The only problem is Izzy has it.” Tuck drew nearer to Nora making her feel a mixture of warmth and regret to have him so close. She could feel his breath on her neck.

  “Has what?” He whispered.

  Nora pulled away suddenly, not wanting this action to go any further for fear of her own lack of resistance. “A thumb drive. I was going to give it to you, but she pocketed it before I could. She’s fierce about protecting Evangeline.”


  “It’s complicated, but I promise the next time I see her I’ll wrestle her to the floor to get it.”

  “She’s stronger than she looks. You’d better be careful.”

  Nora laughed. “Oh, and by the way. Your old girlfriend checked out.”

  “She did? So soon?”

  Nora took a breath. “I thought you didn’t care about her anymore.”

  “I don’t. I’m still investigating a murder. Having all the potential suspects here, makes it more convenient for me to figure out who killed Mr. Shaw.”

  “And possibly Mr. Stephenson.”

  “Man. I guess somebody doesn’t believe in the free press around here.”

  Nora shook her head. “And now we have a catnapping.”

  “This place is going to Hell in a handbasket.” Tuck said.

  Chapter 31


  “I’ll admit, it seems like we have a lot going on right now.”

  Tuck’s eyebrows raised. “You have been soaking up all of the city’s police services.”

  “Okay, Officer Way-Too Friendly, here are the facts. We’ve had a catnapping.”

  “Strange but true.”

  “We’ve had deliberate sabotage to our restaurant operations.”

  “And you feel that Jumbo Jim and Moore Foods have been in cahoots.”

  “Correct, but Wiley has found a solution to that problem.”

  “One less for me.”

  Tuck’s eyes narrowed as he took it all in. “What about Big Dudley and Little Dudley? They’re a treacherous pair. Getting the whole town addicted to caffeine over at Dudley’s Brew? Is this a city-wide restaurant conspiracy or is it just Jumbo Jim, the mastermind? Maybe we should check the donut shop? Were they in on it too? You have to get up early to really get to know those guys.”

  Nora ignored Tuck’s attempt at humor. “Jumbo Jim has been trying to stop our restaurant from operating ever since we landed the Meow Meetup convention. I’m pretty sure he’s the one behind our delayed shipments from Moore Foods, and I suspect he sent a couple of Hell’s Alley bikers here on false pretenses to release cockroaches in the dining room. He’s desperate. No matter what he does to us we will keep going.”

  “More importantly, we have had not one, but two murders connected with the convention.”

  “Cat people. They seem so soft and fluffy that you never notice the claws.”

  Tuck’s glare softened as he took in the information. “Okay. Good enough, although why you had all this happening and didn’t tell me I’ll never know.”

  “You were busy. You had a meeting in Lubbock and then we were keeping you occupied with poor Mr. Shaw falling down the elevator. Then of course, you were also whooping it up with that alley cat.”

  Tuck held up a hand to prevent her from continuing. “Enough. I already explained that what you think never happened.”

  “Funny, that’s not what she said.”

  Tuck blushed. “Really?”


  “What have you been doing while I’ve been out of town? Have you taken up reading Evangeline Cartwright’s mystery novels? Has being around the mystery author all weekend caused you to think in terms of plots and red herrings?”

  “Which brings me to who might have killed Alan Shaw.” Nora paused for moment as Izzy’s face flashed before her. She wanted to keep her secret, but she was also not keen on a murderer going about his or her business in her hotel. She finally blurted out, “You need to check out Evangeline Cartwright.”

  “Why would I need to check her out? I think your imagination is starting to run away with you. This is a nice little old lady who writes mysteries about pie judging contests. She is not exactly the typical FBI profile of a murderer.”

  “Trust me, consider it. I’m telling you this even though I promised Izzy I wouldn’t. I can’t get around this creepy feeling it might be her.”

  “All right.” Tuck grumbled and stroked his chin as he considered the option. Catpurnicus, who had been under the desk, growled at Tuck possibly in response to his low-toned rumbling. Maybe the cat was on Nora’s side, or maybe they were just too grumpy males unhappy with the world.

  Tatty opened the door, “Nora? Did you find the cat?

  “Oh, yes. Sorry I should have called.” Nora apologized.

  “Ed should be along shortly. He was
picking up his suit for the anniversary party. Tatty’s eyes drifted from Nora to Tuck, unsure of what she had just walked in on. Tuck turned toward Tatty but made himself busy by pulling out his policeman’s notebook. He began to write a note and then snapped it closed.

  “Close the door, don’t let the cat out. Thank you so much for helping out in our search. Turns out he was in one of the hotel rooms all along.”

  “Are you kidding? I have to go tell the altar guild at St. Mary’s. We had them searching in the blocks around the church.”

  Nora walked over and took Tatty’s arm. “Thank you again.”

  As they entered the lobby, Doug was escorting Evangeline out of the elevator. Tuck who had been following Nora and Tatty now stepped forward and greeted Evangeline as she exited the sliding doors. Nora was surprised Doug had finally made it to the fourth floor, even if it was to escort her somewhere.

  “Miss Cartwright, I was wondering if I could ask you a couple of questions?” Tuck asked politely. Evangeline’s eyes widened.

  Doug leaned toward Evangeline and his shoulder touched hers as he folded his arms in front of his chest.

  “You want to ask me questions?” Evangeline asked, a look of surprise on her face.

  “Yes ma’am. If you wouldn’t mind,” Tuck said.

  Tatty cocked her head to the side as she looked at Evangeline. Her eyes reshaped into slits as she observed the mystery writer.

  “Excuse me, but have we met somewhere before?” Tatty asked Evangeline.

  Evangeline’s eyes scanned Tatty’s face. “I don’t believe so.”

  Tatty continued to stare. “I never forget a face, that is up until now.”

  Evangeline’s response was ever gracious. “And you are so lucky to be able to do that. I’m so sorry, I’m not making the connection.” She turned to Tuck. “What did you want to know?”

  “I’d better get going,” Tatty said, but as she walked away she turned back for one last look at Evangeline and then shook her head.

  She stopped and snapped her fingers as she remembered something. “I still need to go by Shady Sunsets and pick up the place cards Rosalyn was making for us. Your grandmother does the most beautiful calligraphy. I’m just glad she can still do it. I’m sure people will keep their cards after the party. They turn out so pretty.”

  “She would love hearing that. She does do some beautiful work.” Wiley said as he passed on the way to the dining room.

  Nora thought about the peace the surrounded Shady Sunsets. The thought of visiting her grandmother appealed to her. Maybe she could get some peace about all that was going on with the hotel, with Tuck, even with Jumbo Jim.

  “I can pick them up for you if you like.”

  Tatty looked surprised, but then uttered, “Oh, would you dear? I really hate to ask after all you’ve had to do here. It would be a real help to me.”

  “I’d enjoy seeing my grandmother.”

  Tatty patted Nora’s arm. “And she would enjoy seeing you.”

  After Tatty left, Wiley started to make a quick exit for the door.

  “Don’t even think about it,” Nora said after her uncle as she followed him into the kitchen. She had faced down Camille Martin-Ortega and now she felt a sense of empowerment. She was finding dealing with things was less painful than not dealing with them.

  Wiley looked at her innocently. “Uh, did you need something? I was going to get some supplies for the clean-up.”

  “You can get those in a minute, Uncle Wiley. I’ve thought a lot about this, and I’d just like to know what would ever possess you to ask Corey for help?”

  Wiley pulled at his ear and gave Nora a quick smile. “It’s personal.”

  This was not the answer she expected. Ever since Wiley McArdle had come into her life, their relationship had been a little strange. The first time she laid eyes on him he fell into a trash can in a drunken stupor. Once a person has shown that side of themselves, it was difficult for her to see that person any other way. Most people want to show the put-together self, first. Wiley did just the opposite.

  “When you say it’s personal, you make me think you have some sort of friendship with my stepbrother. You don’t even like the guy, so spare me on the personal stuff.”

  “Trust me on this Nora, I really can’t talk about it.”

  One more time, someone was asking for her blind trust. First Tuck, and now Wiley. How much going along was she willing to do with these men she loved?

  “Okay, I’ll make a compromise. You don’t have to tell me all about your new BFF, Corey, but you do need to fill me in on the business side of it. Why Brockwell industries? How much is it costing us? How often will they deliver?”

  Wiley nodded his head as he listened to each question rolling by. An exuberance came into his voice. “Fair enough. Yes, these shipments are coming through the warehousing operations of Brockwell Industries. They are actually costing us less than that highway robbery outfit of Moore Foods, and they will deliver as often as I order.”

  This sounded like a dream come true, but Nora’s questions were leading to more. Why hadn’t she ever thought of using the warehouse operations her father had set up? “How did you finagle a deal like this Uncle Wiley? This is so much better than the arrangement we had with Moore Foods.”

  “Like I said, it’s personal, but I’m glad you approve.”

  Nora felt exasperation rising with this man. He wanted her to trust him. He wanted her to treat him as an uncle, which he was, but he only wanted her to know what he wanted her to know. She was tired of being held at arm’s length. “Wiley, you need to tell me what’s going on. What if Corey comes back and tries to cheat us out of the hotel? That’s how he works, you know.”

  “He won’t.”

  “How do you know? When did Corey Brockwell ever do anything nice for anyone? He’s an entitled rich kid with a gambling problem. For everyone’s sake you need to come clean ….”

  “Stop.” Wiley said raising a broken voice to Nora. She was startled by his sudden temper, but knew she had been egging him on. Caesar, who had been chopping vegetables looked up from his work.

  “I’ll tell you, but you’re not going to like it.”

  Nora feared she would now find out the details of Wiley’s dance with the devil. She worried they might never be able to set it right.

  “I am working with Corey in more than one way.”

  “What?” Nora snapped.

  “We are part of the same addiction group.”

  “Isn’t he a gambling addict?” Nora asked.

  “We’re a small town. We have to lump the addictions together. Sort of a one-stop shopping kind of thing. Corey is my sponsor.”

  “What kind of sponsor?”

  “You know. When I feel like I need a drink, I call him.”

  “And he lays bets on whether or not you’ll succumb?” Nora quipped. She instantly knew she’d gone too far.

  Wiley turned from her and walked away. “Wiley, I’m sorry.”

  He pushed his bony hand through the air to wave her off and out of his life.

  Chapter 32


  When Nora re-entered the lobby, Camille Martin-Ortega stood in front of the check in desk with her hands on her well-toned hips. “ You had no right to do that. I should call the police for breaking and entering.”

  Nora smiled as she watched the ever-controlled convention manager start to squirm. One of her tiny pin curls bobbed off her forehead when she spoke in tones that were becoming more and more shrill. A couple of convention guests walked by. Now that the cat search had been called off, there were a few classes being held in the conference room, including litter box control and fur ball relief. “Funny, you should mention calling the police. That’s just what I was planning to do. What were you doing with Catpurnicus in your room?”

breath caught and then she resumed her stance. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  One of the guests turned and smiled, “That’s wonderful news! You found Catpurnicus?”

  “No,” Camille growled.

  “Yes,” Nora said cheerily.

  “Where was he?”

  “In Mrs. Martin-Ortega’s room. I suspect he was there the whole time.”

  Now the guests looked confused. “Why would he be in your room while we were all out searching?”

  “Not all of you were searching. Mrs. Martin-Ortega chose to stay here making phone calls. If I had to guess, she was calling to set up a few dozen stud appointments before Catpurnicus would magically reappear.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous.” Camille sniped.

  “Did someone say Catpurnicus?” Mitzy Olson, the cat’s pink-haired owner, now stood in the door. One of the guests had retrieved her from of the litterbox classes and now stood with her arm linked in hers.

  “Good news. He’s safe. I found him upstairs in Mrs. Martin-Ortega’s room.”

  A look registered from confusion to anger. “You took him?” She ran to the Camille and claws out, attacked her. Camille screamed as she hit the floor and Tuck quickly returned from the dining room with Evangeline. This time, he didn’t have to pull the women apart as Camille cowered against the wall.

  “Get her away from me. Yes, I took her stupid cat. Why should someone with pink hair get all that money just for having a promiscuous cat? Tell me that. It’s just not fair.”

  “Oh my,” Evangeline muttered. Tuck turned to her and Doug who now stood by her side. “I guess I’m finished for now.”

  Doug patted him on the back. “If it’s not one thing it’s another, right my good man?”

  “Just what is the sentence for catnapping?” Marty whispered.

  “Life. Nine times.” Max answered.

  Chapter 33


  The hallways of Shady Sunsets Nursing Home and Assisted Living Facility had the familiar smell of cafeteria food and wisps here and there of old-fashioned colognes like Evening in Paris. After all that had happened, Nora was glad to get the chance to get away. When she looked in on her grandmother, Rosalyn, she was sitting with another resident in the parlor watching Jeopardy.


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