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Teacher's Pet

Page 4

by Briar Lane

  “Wait, he talked about starting a family?” I asked, gasping a little in surprise.

  “Yep!” she responded. “So that’s why when I found out I was pregnant, I stupidly thought he was going to be there for me. I mean, I didn’t want a child then either, of course. It wasn’t in my plan. I was terrified the second I saw the stupid little line on that pregnancy test. But I thought he was going to help quell my fears and help me through it.”

  “What did he do?” I asked, completely engrossed in her story.

  “He yelled at me. Like, he actually yelled at me, as if it was my fault! Like I’d done something wrong or planned it somehow! He demanded I get an abortion.”

  “And you were against that?”

  She looked down at her glass sheepishly, swirling the red wine around. “Can I be totally honest?”

  “Yeah, of course,” I told her.

  “I wasn’t actually against it at all. I mean, I was furious that he was mad at me and disgusted that he would demand it, but I was on board. I figured, you know, he didn’t want a child and I couldn’t raise one on my own… So I agreed. It wasn’t the time. I totally planned to have one, but when I got to the clinic I just… couldn’t. I had to leave. I just felt such a strong connection to this new baby growing inside me and I couldn’t do it.” She looked guilty.

  “You don’t need to feel bad, you know,” I told her.

  “I know, I know.” She shook her head. “I just hate thinking that I almost gave Alex up. As hard as my life is now, I couldn’t imagine it any differently. I hate to think about a world without her and I was minutes away from that becoming a reality.”

  I could tell Katie was getting emotional so I leaned in and rubbed her shoulder softly. She instantly curled into me, leaning her head against me. I immediately regretted the move because, man, was my heart pounding with her beautiful face so close to mine.

  I backed away for a moment, just to give us a little space and to make sure I didn’t do anything stupid, and she pulled up and continued her story.

  “Anyway, you can imagine how he reacted after I came to see him and I explained I was still pregnant and that I was keeping it. He was livid, yelling that I was trying to trap him, telling me I was ruining his life. He told me if I didn’t get the abortion, he’d dump me on the spot. I told him I wasn’t going to, so he did. And that was actually the last time we spoke. I mean, besides talking through our lawyers. That was our last face-to-face interaction. And I felt so dumb because I realized all that talk of a family and the white picket fence was all bullshit. I mean, having the baby so soon wasn’t on our timeline, but if he really wanted a family with me, why did he care that it was a few years earlier than expected?”

  “Right. That makes no sense.” I sighed. “I’m so sorry. That must have been so hard for you. One minute you’re pregnant with your boyfriend’s baby, and the next you’re completely alone.”

  Katie nodded. “It was horrible. I felt so abandoned. To make up for it, I continued to sleep around. I mean, I obviously wasn’t drinking and partying, but I had sex with any guy who wanted to. I don’t know, I kind of had this fear that, like, I was going to be alone forever. That no man was going to want me after I had another man’s baby. It made me a little desperate.”

  “But that’s not true at all!” I said, more loudly than I meant to.

  “But isn’t it?” she asked. “I mean, I’ve been back on the dating scene for a few years now and so far nothing has worked out. And I know it’s not because of me. It’s not who I am as a person. I have a decent paying job, I’m good-looking, I think I’m nice to talk to…”

  “You are,” I assured her.

  “So what’s the common denominator here? That I have a daughter. That’s the only thing left to bother men.”

  I frowned. “You’re going to find the right man. I know it. You’re worth it. Like you just said… You’re beautiful, you’re charming, you’ve got your shit together, and you’re a wonderful mother. Someone is going to see that in you.”

  Katie smiled at me. “You’re really sweet. You know, I know we’ve only hung out twice now, but I want you to know… I really appreciate you. And I really hope this friendship pans out between us. You’re like my guardian angel.”

  I had to burst out laughing. “Your guardian angel?”

  “Yeah!” she said enthusiastically. “It’s like, the universe sent you to me as a little gift. Because when you helped me that day, I was feeling completely let down. I was alone, I had no support, and then you come out of nowhere to support me and help me out, and you’re just… a total godsend. I really needed someone and you’ve been there. So thank you.”

  “No problem.” I smiled at her.

  God, she was gorgeous. And now I knew it wasn’t just me who felt this weird connection between us. She thought I was her ‘guardian angel.’

  No, I had to remind myself that Katie was straight. We’d just had a whole conversation about her male ex! She might think of me as a friendly guardian angel, but she was not interested in me, and I had to get that through my head. This was not going anywhere. She did not like me…

  But I still had the overwhelming urge to lean in and kiss her.

  I had to leave. I just had to go. I couldn’t fuck this up. Especially not now that I knew how much she would value being friends with me. I couldn’t make things awkward for her. She deserved to have some support and if I couldn’t do it romantically, I’d absolutely do it as a friend. I wanted to be what she needed.

  I forced a yawn. “I’m getting pretty tired.”

  She immediately looked disappointed. And I understood why. I didn’t want this night to end either… but it had to.

  “Oh, really? Do you think you’ll head home?”

  “I think so,” I told her as I stood up.

  But when I did, I began to stumble. I knew I was drunk, but I didn’t know I was that drunk. I was nearly crossing my legs! Suddenly, the whole room was spinning.

  “Are you okay?” Katie asked as she caught my hand and helped me balance.

  “Yeah, yeah… I guess I had more to drink than I thought.” I laughed.

  “Hey, do you wanna just crash on my couch?” she asked. “I know you only live down the street, but I’d feel better if you stayed here until you could walk a little better.”

  That was the opposite of what I was trying to do. I wanted to leave so I could escape my awkward feelings…

  Then again, she was right. I was stumbling. It was dark, and though it was only down the street, I was wary of walking outside at night while I was this incapacitated. And, besides, I’d only be sleeping down here on the couch, right? She’d be upstairs in her bedroom. We’d be separate enough that I wouldn’t do anything stupid.

  “Yeah, that sounds good, actually,” I told her. “I’ll just walk home when I sober up.”

  “Awesome! Let me just grab you some blankets and a pillow. Hold on.”

  I let myself fall back down onto her couch which, honestly, was incredibly comfortable. I didn’t think I’d have any problem sleeping there. I expected that the alcohol especially would knock me out any minute, even if I was faking being tired. I knew myself, and when I was drunk, I fell asleep the second I closed my eyes.

  Katie came back with a pillow which she put at the foot of the couch. I quickly fell into it and she proceeded to lay the blankets over me.

  “Okay, anything else you need?” she asked. “Some water, maybe?”

  “No, I don’t think so. I’ll be just fine,” I told her.

  “Alright, well, goodnight then!” she said as she walked to the wall and flicked the light off.

  “Goodnight!” I told her before I heard her feet pitter-patter up the stairs.

  Despite what I’d previously thought, I didn’t knock out the second my head hit the pillow. On the contrary, I felt wide awake with my thoughts of Katie.

  I thought being in separate rooms would be enough for me to settle down but it wasn’t. I was drunk, I was
into her, and I couldn’t stop thinking about how she was in the same house as me right now. How she was merely upstairs, close enough for me to walk to and…

  No, I had to stop. I couldn’t keep thinking like this. She wanted a friend. I needed to be a friend. I was only going to fuck things up if I made a move on her. Hell, she didn’t even know I was gay! I couldn’t imagine what kind of shock she’d get if I just popped up in her bedroom and was like, ‘Hey, you wanna make out or something?’

  So, I tried to refocus my thoughts. I thought about what I’d do tomorrow, what I was going to throw together for my lesson plan this week…

  But all that was so boring compared to tonight. So, instead, my thoughts drifted back to Katie. I played the night over in my head. I remembered how beautiful she was. I thought of all the things I wanted to do to her but couldn’t…

  Stay away, Lana. I told myself. Just stay away. Don’t crawl off of this couch. Don’t make your way to her bedroom. Just stay away…



  This night truly was all I’d hoped it would be and more. Lana was amazing. And I was so drunk, I didn’t even care about coming off too strong and letting her know to what extent I liked her. I mean, I’d literally called her my guardian angel. As if we were already best friends or something.

  But, in a way, it felt like we already were. I could talk to her like an old friend I’d known for years. The conversation just flowed.

  And it felt so nice to get things off my chest for once. To be able to talk about my problems, my struggles, and have someone actually comfort me. When I said I’d be okay just having a friend to support me, this is what I envisioned. A real friend. Someone who seemed like they really cared and wanted to be there for me.

  After I’d given Lana her blankets, I changed into my own PJs. I wore a light pink tank top and pink and purple plaid pants. I didn’t usually try to match my pajama tops and bottoms, honestly, I was too lazy for that and nobody was going to see them besides Alex.

  Lana was here, though, and she might still be here in the morning to see them. In fact, I really hoped she would be here in the morning. We could eat breakfast together! I really didn’t want her to leave, it was so nice having her here.

  I turned my light off and went to lie down in bed, curling up under my covers with a smile on my face. I was completely contented. This night couldn’t get any more perfect.

  Or could it?

  I heard a knock at my door and turned around to see Lana standing in the doorway.

  “Can I come lie with you?” she asked.

  It was such a confusing question that I probably should’ve said no. Or asked what the hell she was talking about. I probably should’ve done something other than what I really did… which was say yes.

  Lana crawled in bed with me, leaning her entire body against mine and wrapping her arms around me so she was the big spoon.

  It was the strangest thing, and what was even stranger was that I was allowing it. I should’ve probably been yelling “what the fuck?” and insisting she get out of my bed immediately. Instead, I laid there and felt her warm breath on my neck and I felt… happy.

  That’s all I could describe it as. I was happy. I hadn’t had someone hold me this way since before Alex was born. Not since Alex’s father…

  And it felt so nice to feel her warmth against me. To feel the comfort of being held by someone else. I didn’t care that it was weird. I just wanted it to last.

  No, I wanted more than for it to last. I wanted things to escalate.

  I wasn’t even questioning why I wanted it or how I could. I guess the alcohol had overtaken my senses or something, because all I knew in that moment was that this felt incredibly intimate and I wanted it to continue. I wanted to feel more of Lana. I wanted her to…

  And just as I thought it, she did it. Lana rolled her hand from where it was at my waist and begin to slide it down lower, and lower. I had chills running up and down my spine. I knew where her hand was headed. And my breath quickened the lower it got.

  She slid her hand carefully into my underwear. Slowly enough so that I would have all the time in the world to stop her if that was what I wanted. But it wasn’t what I wanted, and I didn’t stop her.

  She began to roll her fingers over my clit and before I knew it, I was moaning under her touch. She wrapped her hand around my mouth which was a good move because I didn’t want to wake Alex. I moaned into her hand as she began to touch all over my pussy lips and clit.

  I couldn’t even remember the last time I’d been touched this way. Actually, I probably never had been touched this way. There was something special about the way she was touching me, it was so much better than what I’d had in the past. Maybe because she was a woman and she knew what she was doing. But it felt better than anything I’d ever had before.

  I found myself writhing against her touch. My body rocked back into hers, her breasts pressed against my back. Suddenly, I found myself filled with thoughts about turning around and touching them. Never before had I fantasized about another woman’s breasts, but now I couldn’t help myself. I wanted her. I wanted to touch all of her.

  So I flipped myself around and Lana released her grip on my mouth. She looked into my eyes as she continued to roll her fingers around my clit. I stared her down right back. It was so much sexier when I was looking straight at her.

  I started feeling at her breasts the way I wanted to. First over her shirt, and then I slid my hand up her shirt and felt her bare skin. She moaned softly as I felt her nipples with my fingertips. All the while, she had not stopped rolling her own fingers around my clit.

  I’d never had a sexual experience with a woman before. I’d never found the desire. But in this moment, she was so fucking sexy. This was hotter than any sexual encounter I’d ever had before. Maybe it was because it was something new and exciting… But I loved it.

  I pulled Lana’s shirt up over her chest so I could up the ante. It was much hotter to look at her bare breasts than to feel them under her shirt, and I got the overwhelming urge to suck on them… So I did.

  Now it was my turn to cover her mouth as she moaned. She fell into the pleasure for a moment, letting her hand stop around my clit, but only for a second. She steeled herself soon after and instead of just running her fingers around my clit again, she began to slide them up into my pussy.

  They went in effortlessly. I was soaking for her. And she felt so fucking good inside me. She started off slowly rolling her fingers at first, and then she inserted them in and out more quickly. I knew I couldn’t hold off much longer.

  “I’m going to cum,” I said so softly you wouldn’t even be able to hear me if you were standing right outside the door.

  Lana seemed to take that not as a warning but as a challenge. She slid her other hand into my panties, and as she was finger-working me, she rolled my clit around with the other hand.

  That was it. That was all I could take. With my hands still grasping her breasts, I felt my orgasm well up from inside me. It was coming, I was coming…

  It was the strongest orgasm I’d ever felt. Pleasure rolled through my body and I wanted to scream, though I didn’t. My entire body began to tremble as I gasped for air after the orgasm had finally passed.

  “Holy… shit…” I said between heavy breaths. “That was… amazing.”

  She grinned. “Was it really?”

  “Yes! That was the best thing I’d ever experienced.”

  “Good,” she said, sitting up in bed. “I guess I can leave now.”

  “Leave?” I laughed. “Oh, hell no. You’re staying right here in this bed with me. You can’t make a girl cum like that and then not cuddle her.”

  She laughed as she pulled her shirt back down. “Fair enough.”

  Lana leaned her body into mine and I was filled with her warmth. “Mmm… This is so nice,” I told her.

  “It is,” she responded. “But I’m kind of hungry, Mom.”


>   I jolted awake to find Alex inches from my face. “I’m hungry, Mom.”

  It was all just a dream? But it felt… so real. I could’ve sworn Lana was just in my bed…

  But she wasn’t. I turned around and she was not there. I had made up the whole thing.

  Holy shit, why would I make up something like that?

  “Okay, go downstairs,” I told Alex. “Grab an apple and I’ll come cook breakfast in a second.” I needed time to think on what my mind had just created.

  Alex nodded happily and hopped down the stairs.

  I couldn’t understand why exactly I would make something like that up. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’d had sex dreams before. That part wasn’t unusual. But usually the dream was of a man. Never in my life had I had a sex dream about a woman. It makes sense why I felt so casual about the sexual encounter… It was just fantasy. It wasn’t real.

  Now that I was awake, though, I wasn’t feeling casual about it at all. In fact, I was downright disturbed.

  I wasn’t gay. I’d never been gay. I had been into men my whole life. So why would I have a dream like that? Why would I make something like that up?

  It was making me feel weird just thinking about it, and I couldn’t shake it. But I had to because not only did I have to go make Alex breakfast, but Lana might still be here sleeping downstairs. I had to go play hostess to her too.

  As much as I’d wanted her to be here when I woke up last night, I didn’t anymore. When I looked at her now, all I was going to see was my dream. I wasn’t going to be able to keep a straight face around her. Just the thought of her now was making me red in the face, no way could I handle actually seeing her in person.

  But I had to. I couldn’t just stay up here hiding away.

  I put on my slippers and began to make my way downstairs, but I was pleasantly surprised to find that Lana was, in fact, gone. Her blankets were folded neatly at the edge of my couch, the pillow on top of them, and a note on top of that: “Started feeling much better early this morning and thought I’d walk home and get out of your hair! Thanks for the wine and a fun night. Hope we can do it again sometime soon! Text me.” She had her number written down after that.


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