The Man Bible: A Survival Guide: a Slater Brothers companion
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Do whatever you want—it’s time to make peace with Jesus because you’ll likely be meeting him soon. If you do anything other than remain completely still and play dead when she tells you to do what you want, you’re as good as dead for real.
When you have a second—get up off of your ass, and do whatever she wants you to do ASAP. This is a sweet little sentence with a much harsher demand behind it. Don’t argue, just smile and do as ordered. There is a one in ten chance that acting straight away may lead to a blow job. That’s the word on the street, anyway.
What did you just say?—This is a warning shot. You have one chance to rephrase whatever it was that you just said, use this emergency life with extreme caution. In other words, don’t fuck it up.
Are you going to wear that?—She hates whatever it is that you’re wearing and wants you to change immediately.
I’d love to see you try—This is not a statement, it is a genuine offer. Your woman is giving you the chance to come up with an excuse for whatever dumb thing it was that you said you were going to do. Do not engage. Play it off as a harmless joke then stuff your mouth with food, and pray.
I have a headache—you’re getting no pussy tonight.
K—Shit is about to go down if you don’t apologize. One letter responses are a universal ‘fuck you’.
I didn’t mean it, I was tired—This is an apology wrapped in the form of an excuse for her crazy behavior. Accept it and move on.
I love you—I’m happy to report that this sentence means exactly what you think it does. Women don’t throw around the L word lightly, if she tells you she loves you, then you’re a lucky bastard because it’s true.
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Read the glossary, memorize the words, and stay safe out there, my brothers.
The Rise Of ... The Man ... Bible
If you’ve reached this point in the guide, then I applaud you ... unless you skim read. If you skim read like a little pussy on a measly guide no more than a few thousand words, then you deserve whatever pain comes your way when you disregard the advice given to you. As I mentioned in the introduction, I expect this guide to grow over the years as I learn new information about the wonderful beings that are women. There is no limit to this pool of knowledge, and I mean that. Things will only go from strength to strength from this point on. What I have in this guide right now should keep you alive and in a happy marriage, but only if you pay attention to what I’m saying.
Alec, I’m serious right now, pay attention.
It is more than possible to read this guide daily, but if you’re too lazy to do that, then at least flick back to chapters you know will help you, or at the very least, memorize the glossary. The things in the glossary are hurdles we face every damn day. If you don’t heed my warnings, then it’s your funeral. I’ve done all I can at this point. If you do listen to the shit I have to say, then I’m happy to report that you will do well in life, and by that I mean you will actually live long enough to enjoy it instead of having your wife’s foot lodged up your ass.
When I have new information for a new chapter, or a new term for the glossary, I will inform each of you in person, then I will update this eBook. As I stated at the beginning of this guide, this little gem is a secret between the five of us. Nothing will save me if Bronagh manages to get her hands on this. If she kills me because of The Man Bible, then I’m taking each of you assholes down with me, and I fucking mean that.
First and foremost I’d like to thank my wife, Bronagh, because without her, this guide literally would not exist. I love you, pretty girl. I want to thank my kids for being the little angels that they are ... well, on most days, anyway. I’m not thanking you four assholes for anything, you should be thanking me. Thank you to Creator for giving me guidance on writing this guide, she’s a real gem and if it weren’t for her, we wouldn’t be the people we are today. She didn’t ask me to write that either, it came from the heart. I want to thank all Creator’s book people for, you know, all the book stuff that they do.
Mayhem Cover Creations, I love my cover. You captured my beauty perfectly. Thank you.
Nicola Rhead, you polished my shit up real nice. Big thumbs up.
Creator, you formatted the guide and missed out on sleep to do it. I appreciate it, mama.
And just in case I ever decide to make this book public, I want to thank our readers. To every single one of you who have stuck with our series over the years, you’re awesome. This is the last official addition to the Slater Brothers series and then it’s a motherfucking wrap. It took Creator four years and eight months to reach this point, and we never would have made it without you guys. I mean that literally because if no one bought our books, Creator would be stocking shelves somewhere right about now instead of writing every day.
Keep an eye out for our buddies series starting in 2019, the Collins Brothers series will have nothing on us, but they’ll be decent enough books to read. If attractive Irishmen are what you’re into, that is. Personally, I’m more excited for the Slater Legacy series to start because you’ll be reading my babies stories, as well as my horde of nephews. Me and the others will even pop up every now and again. Doesn’t that just make life grand?
Again, thank you, and good night!
About the Author
L.A. Casey is a New York Times and USA Today best-selling author who juggles her time between her mini-me and writing. She was born, raised and currently resides in Dublin, Ireland. She enjoys chatting with her readers, who love her humour and Irish accent as much as her books.
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Casey’s first book, DOMINIC, was independently published in 2014 and became an instant success on Amazon. She is both traditionally and independently published and is represented by Mark Gottlieb from Trident Media Group.
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To read more about this author, visit her website at