The Sleepwalkers
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Kepler, Friedrich, 381
Kepler, Gretchen, 230
Kepler, Heinrich, 226, 228, 385
character, 229
Kepler, Heinrich jnr., 230
Kepler, Johannes, 13, 14, 15, 33, 77, 169, 170, 171, 199
accident proneness, 230
and Baer, 298
and Copernicus, 168, 239, 240, 248, 251, 253 -4, 256 -7, 261, 287
and gravity, 337 -40
and Galileo, 351, 355, 356, 358 -61, 370 -8
and Maestlin, 268 -9, 270, 275, 281, 282
and The Revolutions Preface, 168 -71
and Tycho, 276, 278, 279, 282, 286, 298, 299, 301 -12
and Wallenstein, 413 -4, 419, 420
appointed Imperial Mathematicus, 312
arithmetical errors, 321
astrologer, 242 -6
at Benatek, 302 et seq.
attitude to women, 237
birth, 229
Chaplinesque quality, 349, 404
circular motion rejected by, 324 et seq.
comparison with Copernicus and Tycho, 335
confirms Galileo's discoveries, 378
cosmic cup, 269 -71
death, 422
defends his mother, 384 -8
definition of "weight", 499,
Dioptrice, 379
education, 231, 233 -4, 238
effect of Tycho's observations on, 303, 304
egg orbit, 329 -31
"eight minutes arc", 322 -3, 328
ellipse orbit, 332
explains the tides, 338
excommunicated, 383, 408
false theories, 325 -6
first concept of universal gravity, 308, 317
first science-fiction work, 415 -9
Harmony of the World, 388 -98
horoscopes, 225, 231 -2, 234 -7 et seq. 272, 273
geneological, 227 et seq.
hypochondria, 230, 231, 237, 242, 350
international fame, 349
lack of self-assurance, 306 -7, 349
last journey, 420 -2
marriage, 271 -4
second, 399 -404
mathematicus in Linz, 382
meeting with Tycho, 302 -3
Mysterium Cosmographicum, 247 -61
Notes to, 264 -5
on interplanetary travel, 373
on Rheticus, 160 -1
paradoxical dualism of, 241, 262
Perfect Solids, 247 -53, 254
planetary laws, 247, 255, 258, 260, 264, 265, 277, 313 -4, 324, 326 -36, 394 -8, 497, 502
polemics on Ursus and Craig, 309 -10
Professor of mathematics, 238, 241 -2
proves his own hypotheses false, 322 -3
quarrels with Tycho, 305 -8
receives loan of telescope, 378
religious faith, 280 -1
Rudolphine Tables, 407 -11
scientific method, 404 -5
self-portrait, 236 -7, 238 -9, 241
steals Tycho's observations, 345
study of Mars, 303, 315 -36
the New Astronomy, 313 et seq., 344 -6
theory of birth of Christ, 381
uniform motion rejected, 317
unpopularity with schoolmates, 234 -5
Kepler, Katherine (Frau Heinrich Kepler), 226, 229 -30, 231
accused of witchcraft, 384 -8
Kepler, Katherine ( 6 ), 228
Kepler, Katherine ( 8 ), 228
Kepler, Kunigand, 228
Kepler, Maria, 228
Kepler, Sebaldus, 226, 227, 228
Kepler, Sebaldus jnr., 228
Kepler, Susanna (Frau), 411, 415
Koppernigk, Andreas, 127, 131 -3, 175
at Bologna, 131
at Cracow, 127
Koppernigk, Nicholas, 125 -6
Koppernigk, Canon Nicolas, see Copernicus
Kries, Johan Albrecht, 133
Kroeger, Jakob, 188
Lament of the Dove, 443
Lange, Erik, 296
Lanz, Father, 427
Lauchen, Georg Joachim von, see Rheticus
Launau, Canon Matthias de, 128
Learned Ignorance, 206
Leibnitz, 526
Lembo, Father, 426
Leo X, Pope, 146, 151, 152
Leopold of Austria, Archbishop, 466
Letter to Castelli, 433, 439, 441, 445
Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina, 434, 438, 439, 445
Letters on Sunspots, 430, 458, 467
Leucippus, 60
Libanius, Georg, 139
Libri, 369
Limneus, 276
Lippershey, Johann, 363
Lorini, Father Niccolo, 432, 433, 439, 440, 441, 442
Longomontanus, 303, 309, 315, 334
Lossainen, Bishop Fabian von, 143
Luther, Martin, 142, 522
gibe at Copernicus, 153, 154
Lutherans attack the Copernican system, 357
Lysis, 40
Maelcote, Father van, 426
Maestlin, Michael, 170, 171, 241, 242, 247, 256, 268, 270, 275, 281, 282, 289, 298, 308, 309, 320, 346 -7, 373, 406, 408
Magini, 305, 320, 360, 368, 373, 382
Maraffi, Father Luigi, 440, 453
Marie Celeste, Sister, 493
Galileo's ignorance of Kepler's discoveries, 479
Kepler's study of, 303, 315 -36
solves orbit problem, 333
Matthias, Emperor, 382
Mattise, 78 fn.
Medici, Cosimo de, 371
Medici, Ferdinand de, 351
Medici, Julian de, 370, 377
Melanchton, 153, 154, 159, 163, 164, 165, 166, 176, 191, 213, 522
Mellini, Cardinal, 462
Messenger from the Stars, 13, 351, 355
Meyer, Bastian, 384
Milton, John, 32 -3, 68 -9, 368, 495
Mnesarchus, 26, 30
Monster, Father, see Riccardi, Father Niccolo
Montaigne, 97
Monte, Cardinal del, 426
Muehleck, Barbara (Frau Johannes Kepler), 271
Mueller, Johann (Regiomontanus), 208 -9
Mueller, Katherine (Frau. Sebaldus Kepler), 227
Mysterium Cosmographicum, 247 -61 et seq., 272, 274, 323, 325
Narratio Prima, 254
Natural History ( Pliny), 288
Natural Magic, 373
Neoplatonism, 52, 85 -8, 94 -103
contempt for science, 88
emanation theory, 94 -5
New Astronomy or Physics of the Skies, 160, 303, 313 et seq., 362, 370, 372
difficulties in publishing, 344 -6
Newton, Sir Isaac, 13, 14, 278 -9, 353, 496 -509
birth, 496
on gravity, 339
reasons for success of synthesis, 518
synthesizes Kepler's and Galileo's law, 504
Niccolini, Tuscan Ambassador, 481, 487, 489, 490
Nicolas of Cusa, 129
1984, 54
irrational, 39 -40
sacredness of, 28, 29 -31
OBSERVATION data, importance of continuous in astronomy, 285, 286
Observation – Report on Jupiter 's Four Wandering Satellites, 378
Ockhamists, 199, 207, 337
On the Face in the Moon Disc, 49, 71, 72
On the Motion of the Eighth Sphere, 146, 200
On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres, 15, 119, 121, 122, 123, 141, 142, 146, 148, 150, 151, 153, 156, 157, 188
reactions to, 213 -9
the Dedication and Rheticus, 172 -4
the Preface scandal, 165 -72
On the Senses and Sensibilities, 152
On the Sizes and Distances of the Sun and Moon, 49 -50
Optics, 341, 362
Opus Palatinum de Triangulis, 189
Oresme, Nicolas of, 199, 522
Orphic cult, 33 -9
Orsini, Cardinal Alessandro, 454, 455
der, Andreas
letters to Copernicus and Rheticus, 167
Preface to The Revolutions, 166 -72
Otho, Valentine, 189
Oyster universe, 19 -10
PALMERINI, Professor, 428
Paracelsus, Theophrastus Bombastus, 153, 198, 524
Paradise Lost, 68 -9
Parmenides, 57, 60
Paul III, Pope, 151, 153, 172, 173, 427, 457
Paul V, Pope, 426, 443, 453, 454, 457, 458
Paulus, Father, 494
Perfect Solids, the, 247 -53, 254, 303, 334, 372
Peucer, Kaspar, 191
Peurbach, George, 191, 192, 207 -8
and astronomy reunited, 258
Aristotelian, 108 -111, 199, 211, 217, 275, 454
Kepler's, 336 -40
Physics, 104
Pherekydes, 26
Philolaus, 40, 42 -4 "central fire" theory, 43 -4
Picard, Jean, 507
Picasso, 78
Piccolomini, Cardinal, 453, 492
Pigeon League, 431, 535
Pitch, musical, 28
Planetary Theory, 191
attitude to astronomy, 52
cause of fall of philosophy, 85
compared with Aristotle, 53 -7
contempt of artisan class, 54 -5
hostility to Pythagoreans, 52
politics, 54
theory of universe, 57 -9, 63
Platonic revival, 198 et seq.
Platonic solids, 249
Platonism, 41, 52 -7, 74, 75, 85, 88, 474
Pliny, 31, 71, 92
Plotinus, 86
Plotowski, Canon, 182
Plutarch, 49, 71
Polycrates, 26, 38
Polz, Johann, 349
Pope, Alexander, 97
Portolano, charts, 100
Praetorius, Johannes, 169, 275
Prevolvans, 417, 418
Principia, 509
Principle of continuity, 95 -6
Proclos, 40
Prowe, Ludwig, 121
Pseudo-Dionysius, 95, 105
Ptolemy, Claudius, 14, 65, 191
immobility of earth: 76
objects of astronomy, 74
Tables, 70
"wheel" universe, 66 -75
Puncrum equans, 318, 319, 320, 377
banishment, 27
founder of religious philosophy, 26, 35 -7, 520 of science, 26
Pythagorean Brotherhood, 14, 33, 56, 262
a religious Order, 38
dissolution of, 40
founding of, 27
rules of life, 8
Pythagorean philosophy, 27 -41
axis of, 89
declared false by Holy Office, 456
harmony of the spheres, 31 -3
irrational numbers, 39 -40
Kepler and the, 246, 249, 255
musical aspects, 28, 31 -2
of healing, 29, 36
Plato's hostility to, 52
religious concept of, 35 -9
sacredness of numbers, 28, 29 -31
scale, 31 -2
"the highest music," 29
QUERENGO, Mgr., 452, 461
RALEIGH, Sir W., 98