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Bad Moon: Bad Duology Book Two

Page 10

by Colt, Shyla

“Now it’s my pleasure to present to you the future of the White Creek pack.”

  “That’s our cue, beautiful. Pretend you enjoy spending time with me.” Isiah planted a kiss on her cheek and gently tugged her toward the door that led out into the dining area. He gave her hand a quick squeeze and gifted her with a dazzling smile. She heard others gasp at their interactions. It was clear things were not as they once were.

  Forcing her lips to curl up at the corners, she slid back into her old ill-fitting skin. Bright smile, vapid eyes, and demure body language. She leaned heavily on Isiah, as if drawing strength from him. He led her to stand beside the Alpha who watched her every move. Her sudden power acceleration made him nervous. The merriment was thunderous. People whistled, stomped their feet, and howled. She didn’t have to fake the blush that tinted her cheeks, visibly heating her face, neck, and the tips of her ears. A present from her red-haired father.

  The Alpha raised a hand and silence fell over the crowd. She glanced at Isiah who gestured for her to speak first.

  She cleared her throat and stepped up. “I want to thank you all for your kindness and concern over the past week. I was caught off guard by the sudden shift. When I sought out the calm of nature and reconnection of self, I got a lot more than I bargained for.” Laughter rang out, and she smiled bashfully. “My family has been helping me adjust and fully comprehend what occurred. We believe it’s the natural step in evolution. That Odin has truly gifted us for our vigilant and faithful service and sacrifices to him. I urge you to check your hearts and houses to make sure they’re ready for what we know is coming.” The words were bitter in her mouth.

  “Can I be done yet?” She glanced at Isiah who nodded and stepped up.

  “Our Maiden is resilient and gracious. She’ll continue with her schedule as usual, but we’ll be keeping a closer eye on her. One must always protect what’s most precious to them.” Jaws dropped as they looked from him to her. He hadn’t let go of her hand, and she kept her body language accepting of his obvious interest. Her stomach ached. How much longer can I do this? The desire to run and leave everything behind was high. What would it be like blend into a town, and become just another face making a living?

  A wave of reassurance washed over her. She felt the presence from her dream. Pulling the supporting energy close to her heart, she breathed deeply. Is he closer? Even now he could be in town. The thought thrilled her.

  “My father and I will begin to plan the transfer of power ceremony. We ask that you bear with us. We want to make things move as smoothly as possible, but there are always kinks to iron out when a new Alpha takes over. I have large shoes to fill, but I believe I’m up to it. I hope you agree. I have White Creek’s best interest at heart, and I have no problem doing what’s necessary to keep us all safe, and comfortable. Your well-being and happiness is of the utmost importance to me.” Relief spread through the crowd like an audible exhale. They were eating up every word he served them and asking for a second helping. “On that note, I bid you all enjoy your food and fellowship.” Isiah raised his hand, and a slow clap caught spark, spreading around the room like wildfire.

  The age of Stark is upon us.

  He led her into the crowd, and she was engulfed with well-wishers expressing their concern and relief as they vied for her attention. She did her best to address each question thrown her way with an acknowledgment. Isiah was smooth, soothing fears, turning on the charm, and diverting attention from her to himself. If it was for her benefit or his own, she couldn’t say. Maintaining the contact between them, he kept an arm around her waist, on her hips, or slung across her shoulders. It made her skin crawl. Crowded, and run down from the game of pretend, she longed to escape. Unable to handle the close range, she stepped away.

  “If you’ll excuse me. I’ll be right back.” Isiah arched an eyebrow. ‘Bathroom,’ she mouthed. He nodded his head, and she kept her gait slow and steady as she wove through the crowd, smiling and nodding her head at people. The minute she entered the empty hallway that led to the bathroom, she ran. Her heels clicked on the wood as she reached the back door. Yanking the wooden door open, she slipped out into the crisp autumn day. Inhaling, she bowed her head as her heart struggled to exit her chest.

  “Be calm. Do you need me?”

  The voice, which only spoke to her in dreams, jolted her.


  “Do you need me?”

  “How can I hear you? Where are you?”

  “Close. I can come to you now.”

  “No!” Her pack would descend like rabid beasts. “I’m at a pack event.”

  “Ahh. You are well though?”

  “Physically? Yes. Mentally, I’m exhausted.”

  “I want to see you tonight.”

  Her throat went dry. He was here. Finally, after all of this time. Excitement quickly replaced everything else. She threw caution and doubt to the wind. They needed this.

  “Yes. When and where?”

  The pure joy she felt sliced through the darkness surrounding her like a beam from a lighthouse cutting through thick fog.

  “You tell me.” His voice held dry humor.

  “The Sacred Dancing Lake at midnight.”

  “I’ll be there, and I suggest you be there, too, solynshka. Lest I come looking for you.”

  She held the fact that they’d be together tonight close to her heart. “I will be.”

  “Are you better now?”

  “Yes. Thank you.”

  “Always, moye Serdste.”

  He retreated from the link, but his presence remained close by. Is he monitoring me for signs of distress? She’d never had someone looking out for her this way. She’d always been the protector. This was foreign territory. He wrapped around her like a hug. Closing her eyes, she allowed herself to return the mental embrace. Her knees weakened under the onslaught of passion and protectiveness she sensed. How could a man occupy the title stranger and best friend at the same time? What would it be like once they shared the same space? Butterflies tickled her belly.

  The cold feeling of dread faded, and gave way to excitement. Flushed for a different reason, she moved back to the building. The door opened, and Brook slipped out.

  “I thought I’d find you here.”

  “I needed a minute.”

  Brook walked over to join her. “They kind of descended on you like piranhas.”

  “I anticipated it.”

  “I only knew because I know you so well. To everyone else, you were perfectly poised, polite, and elegant. Everything a future queen should be.”

  “Ugh. Don’t make me vomit.”

  Brook giggled. “It looked like Stark was behaving himself.”

  “He’s been scarily helpful.”

  “Well, he’s getting what he wants now. So why wouldn’t he be?” Brook asked.

  Her tongue tingled with the urge to share her meeting. Joss had just opened her mouth to speak when she spotted Isiah making his way down the hall toward him.

  “Speak of the devil, and he shall appear.” Joss nodded toward the brunette.

  “Doesn’t want you out of view, does he?” Brook asked.

  ‘No,’ she mouthed.

  Isiah opened the door. “Bathroom?”

  “I couldn’t exactly say I need to get some air before I scream.” Joss shrugged.

  “Brook,” Isiah nodded.

  “Isiah,” Brook replied, refusing to budge.

  Joss glanced down and smiled at her friend’s pluck.

  “I figure you’ve had her to yourself long enough. I needed to get some bestie time in.”

  “I thought you did that last night,” Isiah replied casually.

  Joss tensed. “Are you spying on me?”

  “There’s very little that goes on we don’t know about at White Creek.”

  “And somehow that’s even creepier,” Brook said, stepping closer.

  Isiah glanced from Brook to Joss. “Between us isn’t a position you want to take, Brook.”

bsp; Joss stiffened and stepped in front of her friend. “That sounded like a threat, Isiah. But it couldn’t be because I know you’re not stupid enough to come for someone I hold dear and expect to like the results.”

  “I’m stating a fact, Joss,” he said calmly.

  “We’ll see about that.” Joss balled her fists.

  “Come, Father, wants us to lead a toast.” The mention of the Alpha took away her options.

  Gritting her teeth, she turned her attention to Brook. “I’ll call you when I get home tonight.” She willed her to understand she needed to talk to her.

  Brook nodded. “I’ve got no plans, so I’ll be there.”

  Refusing to let Isiah think he had all of the power, she turned back toward him. “Lead on.”

  “We’re presenting a united front, remember?” He held out his hand.

  “Not if you continue to make power plays. We’re supposed to be in this together. That means meeting in the middle. Do you even remember what that’s like?” Taking his hand, she froze him out. He tightened his grip. Ignoring the twinge of pain, she refused to respond. He thrived on responses. Mentally, her mind began a count down until midnight.

  Chapter Six

  “Are you sure this is safe?”

  “Yes,” she lied convincingly.

  Brook frowned. “I’m not so sure.”

  “He’s been in my head for years, Brook. We both deserve this moment.”

  “And if he’s a psycho who plays minds games?” Brook placed her hands on her hips.

  “I don’t think life would saddle me with two of those,” Joss said dryly.

  Brook’s worried her bottom lip. “It’s not funny. You’re all dressed up and glowing. I’ve never seen you like this. Knowing it’s for some strange vampire unsettles me.”

  “He’s not strange to me. I could never explain to you how well I know him. Years of intimate conversations without the boundaries of normalcy, politeness, or embarrassment. In our dreams, we’re free to be ourselves, one-hundred percent. He’s seen me at my very worst. Right after my father died, and my mother became sick, he was the shoulder I leaned on. It was him, my mother, and I. You want me to discount all of that because your opinion of what I should do differs? It’s not going to happen. I have my own doubts and some reservations. I don’t expect everything to fall into place like some magical fairytale.”

  “I’m not sure that’s true. Your face lights up when you talk about Kaz. It always has. I’m afraid of what meeting him will do if he’s not what you expected,” Brook remarked earnestly.

  “For once, I’m taking a risk. Don’t try to talk me down from it.” Joss placed her hand on her shoulder. “I’m past due for some serious rebelling. Let me rebel yell, mama Brook.”

  Brook rolled her eyes. “Is this how you usually feel about me and my choices?”

  “Yeppp.” Joss popped her p. “Now tell me I’m pretty, help me fluff my hair, and sneak the hell out of here without being dedicated. I’m nervous enough on my own. I can’t take your anxiety onto my shoulders, too.”

  “Okay.” Brook took a deep breath. “First of all, you’re stunning.” Her black tights were tucked into a pair of black, steel-toed boots with a breathable interior. A black Henley stopped at mid-thigh. The thick material would keep her warm, and keep her from becoming shapeless. She wore a light coat of make-up and cherry Chapstick. It was a careful balance of details and not trying too hard. “Secondly, I think we should give you a thick French braid. Your curls are distinctive. A braid hidden under a hat would be smart.”

  “You’re right.”

  “Sit and let me work my magic.” Brook patted the back of the chair. As she finger-combed Joss’s hair, she asked, “What did you tell captain crazy about tonight?”

  “That we were going to be catching up, and I needed at least a day off from him.”

  “Jesus. You guys are like a divorced couple trying to get along for the kids.”

  “No, to be divorced you had to at least love one another enough to be married first,” Joss quickly corrected her.

  “Oh. You two would be an arranged marriage for sure.”

  “Let’s be honest, that’s what we are,” she said sarcastically.

  “How far are you going to take this act?” The guitar riff heavy nineties playlist created a safe space where they could speak their mind.

  “I don’t know,” Joss answered honestly.

  “You’d better start trying to figure it. Because I can tell you right now, Stark doesn’t know when to quit or have a normal stopping point. He’s the type who’d take you with him over the cliff, so you better know when to bail out.”

  Brook’s words rang with truth. Ice formed in her veins. I passed the point of no return a long time ago, my friend. Keeping the thought to herself, she clung to the emotions Kaz brought to life. In the fathomless darkness, he stood as a lighthouse, guiding her through rough waters fraught with craggy rocks. She trusted in his ability to keep her from harm, regardless of everything else she was uncertain about.

  “I’ve waited forever to do this prep with you. All of the other dates felt like you humoring the poor boy who gathered up enough courage to ask you out.”

  She grimaced. “I mean, basically that’s what it was.”

  “Be honest with me. Are you in love with this vampire?”

  “I don’t know, Brook. I went from thinking he might not be real, to knowing he had to be, and now I just want to be in his presence and feel things out. It’s like being in a long-term, long-distance relationship, without meeting the other person.”

  “The fact that you called it a relationship says a lot, Joss.”

  “What else can you call the bond you have with the person you’ve continuously spilled your guts to?” Embarrassment crept over her like a fine mist. Dropping her gaze, she studied the beige carpet. “We’ve been two people whispering to one another in the dark. Now we’re going to turn on the light switch and hope each of us likes what we see.”

  “With you, there’s nothing to dislike, Joss. You’ve got this. I mean, the man came from who knows where to see you. I don’t like the thought of you going alone, though.”

  Joss tapped her temple. “You’ll be a call away.”

  “If he hurts you, I’m going to hunt him down,” Brook promised.

  “He won’t.”

  “Look at you. Seriously, you can’t help but defend him, can you?” Brook marveled.

  “He would do the same for me,” Joss said smoothly.

  “I hope so.”

  “It’s like the pack bond, Brook.”

  “Maybe he’s your—”

  “Don’t say it. Please,” Joss pleaded. Her heart raced, and her body vibrated with nerves.

  “You’re right. I’m not the one you need to hear that from.” Brook squeezed her shoulder. “You’re all done. Let’s get you to your clandestine meeting.”

  Joss rolled her eyes, but couldn’t keep the smile from her lips. Adding a black hat to her ensemble, she moved to the back of the house, facing the woods. Sending out her senses, she searched the area for the presence of wolves. They were gathered in the front of her home, where they had the record player going, and Brook making drinks in the kitchen. Their energy level was low. They were tired and relaxed. She quietly opened the door she’d left unlocked, and slipped outside and into the woods without notice.

  Borrowing from her inner wolf, she sped through the forest at a clip no human could produce. The hairs on her body rose as she entered the sacred space. She could feel the years of history and magic emanating from the land. The barrier between the past and present felt thinner in this sacred place. The Native Americans believed it was a central point in the universe. She was inclined to believe them. Studying the history of the Blackfoot Indians, she’d learned more about their beliefs and how they connected to the land she’d been living on for years.

  Feeling Kazimir approach, she turned away from the water. Her breath froze in her throat when he came into
view. Tall, slender, and pale, his warm brown eyes were fringed with dark lashes. His thick, dark hair brushed his shoulders, and his thin, pink lips curled up into a smile that made her belly drop into her boots in the best possible ways. His high cheekbones, strong jawline, and angular chin created a face made for paintings. Her fingers itched to touch him. Inches away from her, he stopped. For the first time in years, she felt whole. Basking in the feeling of completion, her lids grew heavy. She swayed forward slightly as she drank him in from beneath her lashes. Like magnets, they were pulled closer until they were mere inches apart.

  “Hi,” she whispered, feeling shy.

  “Hello, Joss.” His deep voice sent a chill up her spine. Strong, yet soft—when it came to her, he’d always made her feel completely protected. “May I touch you?”

  She nodded, unable to speak around the lump in her throat. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he pulled her body to his. She wound her arms around his neck, then rested her head on his shoulder, perfectly content in the shelter of his arms. He rocked them both slightly side to side as they simply existed together in the expanse of a perfect moment.

  “You’re not cold.”

  He chuckled. “And you feel like a miniature sun.”

  “Wolves run hot.”

  He shrugged. “Vampires run lukewarm.”

  “Good to know.” She burrowed her face into his soft, worn leather jacket, inhaling his citrus and bergamot scent. “You smell good.”

  “So do you … like an expensive caramel coffee. I can smell your strength and sweetness.”

  “You sound like you want to eat me, Kazimir.”

  He groaned. “Say it again.”

  “Kazimir,” she whispered.

  He wrapped her hair around his fist and pulled her head back to look up at him.

  “You’re perfection.”

  She licked her lips. “This is insane.”

  “No, this is right. Had I known, I never would’ve left you alone for so long.”

  His words thawed the ice that had formed inside of her chest, separating her from most people.

  “Don’t say things like that.”

  “Why? I mean them. You’ve been neglected and used. That stops tonight.”


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