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Key Thinkers of the Radical Right

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by Mark Sedgwick (ed)

  267, 269– 70

  93– 94, 99

  by Edward S. May, 175

  on Europe, 78, 83, 84, 86

  by Fjordman, 170

  and globalization, 75, 76, 78, 86

  by Glenn Reynolds, 190

  Greg Johnson and, 205, 206

  by Mencius Moldbug, 187, 188– 89,

  Guillaume Faye second to, 91

  191, 192– 94, 198– 99

  and identity, 73, 77– 79

  by Richard B. Spencer, 113

  on immigration, 78, 83

  blood and soil, 26, 235

  inspires Alexander Dugin and Alt

  Blood Axis, 66

  Right, 73

  Blood Brotherhood, by Jack Donovan and

  and Islam, 76, 78

  Nathan F. Miller, 243

  and Jack Donovan, 247

  Blot, Yvan, 83

  and Jared Taylor, 213

  Blumenberg, Hans, 49

  and Jews, 74, 78

  Böckenförde, Ernst- Wolfgang, 49

  on Marxism, 75, 77

  Bolton, Kerry, 216

  Mencius Moldbug compared to, 188

  Bond, James, 216

  and metapolitics, 74, 76, 85

  Books Against Time, 207

  on multiculturalism, 85, 86

  Boot, Max, 116

  and neopaganism, 76, 79, 82

  Bosnian War, 174– 75

  published by Arktos, 269, 272

  Bostom, Andrew, 175




  Bouchet, Christian, 165

  on race, 125, 126, 129– 30, 131

  Boudon, Raymond, 85

  and the Republican Party, 121, 122– 25,

  bourgeois society, 3, 62

  127, 130, 131– 34

  bourgeois state, 33, 38, 39, 43, 48

  and the state, 121– 22, 125, 132

  Bowden, Jonathan, 209, 231

  and white identity, 127, 129, 131

  Bowman, James, 247

  and white nationalism, 131– 32

  Bradford, Mel, 104, 106– 07

  Buckley, Joshua, 205

  Brahmin, 59, 189, 195

  Buckley, William F., Jr., 110, 112– 13, 115,

  Breitbart, 187, 199

  125, 131, 151

  Breivik, Anders Behring, 170– 71, 175,

  Buddhism, 56, 161

  235, 269

  Budgen, Sebastien, 85

  Breton, André, 25

  Building the German Empire Anew, by

  Brexit, 259, 272

  Oswald Spengler, 4, 5

  Brimelow, Peter, 112– 13, 131

  Burkeanism, 109, 113– 14

  British National Party, 209

  Burnham, James, 126, 191– 92

  Brix, Helle Merete, 175

  Bush, George H. W., 104, 123

  Brotherhood, the, 245– 46

  Bush, George W., 103, 104, 112, 124, 127

  Brownshirts, 248

  Bryan, William Jennings, 114

  Cacciari, Massimo, 85

  Buber, Martin, 77

  Calhoun, John C., 149

  Buchanan, Patrick J., 121– 34

  Campbell, Joseph, 66

  and anti- Semitism, 132, 134


  and Catholicism, 121, 130, 133

  and Alain de Benoist, 75– 77

  and civilization, 131– 32

  and Alexander Dugin, 159

  and the counterculture, 128, 130

  in the Alt- Right Manifesto, 236

  and culture, 124, 128

  and Greg Johnson, 211, 212

  and democracy, 127, 128

  and Julius Evola, 66

  on demography, 123, 128– 29

  and Marine Le Pen, 86

  on ethnicity, 126, 129

  and Oswald Spengler, 6, 14

  and feminism and gender, 128, 130,

  and Patrick J. Buchanan, 126

  130, 133

  and Richard B. Spencer, 224, 226,

  on global elites, 126, 132

  229, 233– 34, 235

  and globalization, 126, 130

  and Samuel T. Francis, 130

  and identity, 126, 127, 129

  Carlyle, Thomas, 191– 92, 197

  and immigration, 122– 23, 129, 131,

  Carter, Jimmy, 106

  132, 134

  Carvalho, Olavo de, 165

  and Israel, 127, 132, 134

  caste, 58– 60, 161. See also class

  on Marxism, 128, 130

  Cathedral, the, 193– 98

  and the neoconservatives, 124– 27, 131


  and paleoconservatism, 121,

  accepted by Richard B. Spencer, 235

  125– 27, 129– 31

  of Carl Schmitt, 37, 43, 46, 62

  and Paul Gottfried, 113

  and Mussolini, 58






  Catholicism ( cont. )

  and Bat Ye’or, 173, 177, 178

  of Patrick J. Buchanan, 121, 130, 133

  and Conservative Revolution, 25

  rejected by Julius Evola, 55, 60, 62

  and Daniel Friberg, 271

  rejected by KKK, 235

  and Ernst Jünger, 24, 32


  and Greg Johnson, 209, 211, 214

  and Alain de Benoist, 82, 85

  and Guillaume Faye, 95– 98

  and Charles Maurras, 86

  and Jack Donovan, 244, 245, 251

  and Guillaume Faye, 94, 98

  and Jared Taylor, 138, 142

  opposed to fascism, 174

  and Julius Evola, 59

  Center for Conservative Research, 157

  and Mencius Moldbug, 191, 199

  Chambers, Whittaker, 115

  for Oswald Spengler, 3– 4, 6– 8,

  Champetier, Charles, 232

  10– 11, 16

  Charles Martel Society, 205, 224

  and Patrick J. Buchanan, 131– 32

  Charlottesville, 207, 230, 232, 235,

  and Paul Gottfried, 102, 109

  238, 252

  and Richard B. Spencer, 231, 232,

  Charlottesville Statement, 232

  233, 236

  Chomsky, Noam, 247

  Clash of Civilizations, 214

  Christian Broadcasting Network, 123


  Christian Coalition, 123

  and Alain de Benoist, 74, 77, 81

  Christian Democratic Party, German, 32

  and Jack Donovan, 243, 253

  Christian Right, 130– 31, 133,

  and Jared Taylor, 144

  243, 246– 47

  and Mencius Moldbug, 194, 200


  and Patrick J. Buchanan, 132

  and Bat Ye’or, 173– 74, 176, 177, 178– 79

  and Paul Gottfried, 110– 11

  and Carl Schmitt, 37, 42, 43, 44– 45

  and Richard B. Spencer, 237

  decline of, 126, 128

  See also elites

  and Ernst Jünger, 30, 30– 31


  and Oswald Spengler, 10, 11, 12

  change, 97, 194 ( see also ecology)

  and Paul Gottfried, 102

  impact of, 142

  See also anti- Christianity;

  Clinton, Bill, 124, 130

  Catholicism; evangelicals;

  Clinton, Hilary, 130, 189, 252


  Cocteau, Jean, 27

  Chronicles, 124, 125

  Codreanu, Corneliu, 62

  Church of Satan, 243

  Cold War, 79

  Civil Rights Act, 102, 146

  impact on Italian politics, 65

  civil rights movement, 114, 147, 212

  impact on reception of Oswald

  civil rights programs, 194

  Spengler, 4, 15

  Civil War, American, 14
8– 49, 196

  impact on US politics, 122

  Civil War, Lebanese, 173, 174


  Civil War, Russian, 161

  and Greg Johnson, 210


  and Richard B. Spencer, 225, 227,

  and Alain de Benoist, 76, 79

  236, 238

  and Alexander Dugin, 160– 61

  Western, 179





  Colonization of Europe, The, by

  Carl Schmitt as part of, 39, 44, 48

  Guillaume Faye, 76, 94, 98

  defined by Armin Mohler, 24– 25

  Commentary, 115

  Edgar Jung as part of, 41


  Ernst Jünger as part of, 24

  and Alain de Benoist, 79, 84, 85

  Guillaume Faye and, 91, 92

  and Alexander Dugin, 161

  Jack Donovan and, 247

  American Christian opposition

  Julius Evola meets, 62

  to, 174

  Oswald Spengler as part of, 15

  and Antonio Gramsci, 261

  Richard B. Spencer and, 226, 231

  fall of, 32, 85– 86

  Constitutional Theory of Carl

  and Mencius Moldbug, 199– 200

  Schmitt, 38

  and the National Review, 125– 26

  Convergence of Catastrophes, The,

  and neoconservatives, 103

  by Guillaume Faye, 98

  and Paul Gottfried, 103– 04

  cosmopolitan elites. See

  Communist Party

  elites: cosmopolitan

  French, 85

  cosmopolitanism, 78, 137, 188.

  Russian, 86, 157

  See also universalism

  Concept of the Political, The, by Carl

  Costello, Jef, 216, 246– 47, 250

  Schmitt, 38, 45, 46– 47, 49

  Coston, Henry, 74

  Confederacy. See neo- Confederates

  Counter- Currents, 206– 10, 213,

  Confederate statues, 116, 230, 237. See

  215– 16, 217– 18

  also neo- Confederates

  and Daniel Friberg, 259

  Confessions of a Reluctant Hater, by Greg

  and Greg Johnson, 143, 204

  Johnson, 207

  and Guillaume Faye, 98

  Congdon, Lee, 114

  and Jack Donovan, 250, 251

  Conservatism in America, by Paul

  counter- Enlightenment, 31

  Gottfried, 112

  Counter- jihadism, 170– 71, 173,

  Conservative Century, The, by Gregory

  175– 76

  Schneider, 116

  Counter- Reformation, 10

  Conservative Intellectual Movement


  in America, The, by George

  and Alexander Dugin, 156, 158,

  Nash, 108– 09

  163, 164

  Conservative Millenarians, by Paul

  and the Democratic

  Gottfried, 107

  Party, 104

  Conservative Mind, The, by Russell

  and Greg Johnson, 207, 216, 218

  Kirk, 102

  and Guillaume Faye, 91– 92

  Conservative Movement, The, by

  and neoconservatism, 114

  Paul Gottfried and Thomas

  and Patrick J. Buchanan, 128, 130

  Fleming, 109

  and Telos, 109– 10

  Conservative Revolution


  Alain de Benoist and, 73, 81

  and Carl Schmidt, 36, 42, 43, 44

  Alexander Dugin and, 155– 56, 159,

  and Guillaume Faye, 94

  160– 61, 162, 167

  Croce, Benedetto, 54





  Decline of the West by Oswald

  and Alain de Benoist, 81, 83, 84, 86

  Spengler, 3, 5– 6, 7, 12– 14

  and Alexander Dugin, 159, 162

  Decter, Midge, 104

  and Antonio Gramsci, 261

  Defoe, Daniel, 198

  and Daniel Friberg, 267, 269

  Deleuze, Gilles, 92

  and Ernst Jünger, 32, 34

  Delphi, oath of, 93

  and Greg Johnson, 211, 216

  demagoguery, 6, 34, 63. See also

  and Guillaume Faye, 96


  and Jack Donovan, 244, 246– 48, 250

  Demidov, Ivan, 164

  and Jared Taylor, 140, 141


  and Julius Evola, 60– 61, 66

  and Alain de Benoist, 75, 76, 80

  and Mencius Moldbug, 193, 194

  and Carl Schmitt, 42, 43, 44, 48, 49

  and Oswald Spengler, 8– 12, 14– 15

  and Daniel Friberg, 265

  and Patrick J. Buchanan, 124, 128

  and Ernst Jünger, 24, 25, 31

  and Paul Gottfried, 106, 107, 115

  and founding of US, 106

  and Richard B. Spencer, 224,

  and Greg Johnson, 206, 211

  232, 236

  and Guillaume Faye, 96

  See also ethnicity; Volk; civilization

  and Hans- Herman Hoppe, 191

  and Jack Donovan, 245

  D’Annunzio, Gabriele, 55

  and Julius Evola, 55, 61, 62;

  d’Orcival, François, 79

  and Mencius Moldbug, 187– 88, 191–

  da Silva, Vicente Ferreira, 166

  93, 195– 96, 199, 200

  Dadaism, 57

  and neoconservatives, 127

  Daily Stormer, 251

  and Oswald Spengler, 6, 13, 14, 16

  Danilevskii, Nikolai, 160

  and Patrick J. Buchanan, 127, 128

  Darwinianism, 25, 78, 96, 149

  and Paul Gottfried, 110, 111, 112, 114, 115

  social, 25, 78, 96, 149

  and Robert B. Spencer, 226, 231, 232

  See also evolution

  Democracy, by Hans- Herman

  Däubler, Theodor, 37– 38, 44

  Hoppe, 191

  de Benoist, Alain. See Benoist,

  Democratic Party, the

  Alain de

  allegedly supported by William

  de Carvalho, Olavo, 165

  Bennett, 106

  De Geer, Jonas, 270

  duopoly with Republicans, 124

  de Lesquen, Henry, 83

  ignores race, 233

  de Turris, Gianfranco, 65

  neoconservatives break with, 104, 127

  Death of the West, The, by Patrick

  Paul Gottfried likens conservatives

  J. Buchanan, 127– 29, 131

  to, 103

  Debord, Guy, 92

  Republicans win votes from, 132

  decline, 60. See also Europe: decline of

  supported by immigrants, 129

  Decline of Eastern Christianity, The, by


  Bat Ye’or and David G. Littman,

  and Greg Johnson, 211– 13

  176, 178

  and Guillaume Faye, 96– 97




  and Jared Taylor, 140, 141, 145,

  and multiculturalism, 249, 252

  149, 150– 51

  and National Socialism, 252, 253

  and Mussolini, 62

  and neopaganism, 244, 252, 254

  and Patrick J. Buchanan, 123, 128– 29

  on progress, 248– 49

  and Richard B. Spencer, 235

  on race, 242, 252

  Deneen, Patrick, 113

  and Richard B. Spencer, 231

  Deng Xiaoping, 195

  and the state, 245, 248– 49

  Derrida, Jacques, 50

  and violence, 242, 243, 245, 248
, 254

  Devi, Savitri, 208

  and white nationalism, 242, 243, 252

  Dhimmi, The, by Bat Ye’or, 176

  drugs, 31, 56

  dhimmitude, 173, 178

  Dugin, Alexander, 155– 67

  Dickson, Sam, 150

  and the Alt Right, 165, 167


  and anti- Americanism, 159, 160,

  and Carl Schmitt, 38– 39,

  162, 167

  42– 44, 48, 51

  and civilization, 160– 61

  and Ernst Jünger, 27

  and the Conservative

  and Guillaume Faye, 97

  Revolution, 155– 56, 159, 160– 61,

  and Mencius Moldbug, 200

  162, 167

  and Oswald Spengler, 6

  and the counterculture, 156, 158,

  See also monarchy

  163, 164

  digital media. See blogging; internet

  and culture, 159, 162

  Dobrenkov, Vladimir, 157

  and Daniel Friberg, 269, 273

  Donoso Cortés, Juan, 42, 44, 62

  on Fascism, 159, 160– 61

  Donovan, Jack, 242– 54

  and Guénonian Traditionalism, 155,

  and the Alt Right, 226, 250– 52,

  156, 159, 163, 165, 166, 167

  253, 254

  and Islam, 157, 162, 165

  and civilization, 244, 245, 251

  and liberalism, 157, 160– 62

  and class, 243, 253

  and modernity, 161– 62

  and Counter- Currents, 250, 251

  and National Socialism, 159, 160, 161

  and culture, 244, 246– 48, 250

  and Richard B. Spencer, 227, 228, 231

  and Donald Trump, 251– 52

  and totalitarianism, 160, 161

  and Fascism, 247– 48, 254

  and violence, 158, 162, 179

  and feminism, 244, 245, 247, 248,

  and white nationalism, 162

  249, 250, 251, 254

  and white supremacism, 162, 165

  and gender, 242– 46, 254

  Duke, David, 124, 133, 144

  on global elites, 245, 248– 49

  Dune, 211

  and Greg Johnson, 217

  Dzhemal, Geidar, 155

  and hierarchies, 244, 245– 46

  on homosexuality, 243– 44, 246– 48,

  Eckhart, Meister, 56– 57

  250, 251, 254

  Eco, Umberto, 67

  and identity, 244– 45, 267, 271– 272

  ecology, 4, 75, 97, 142, 159.

  on masculinity, 242– 48, 253

  See also climate change




  education, 212, 236– 37, 260, 261,

  eugenics, 79, 82, 96, 149, 213

  264– 65, 267

  Eurabia, 170, 177– 78

  bilingual, 141

  Eurabia, by Bat Ye’or, 170, 176

  Eichberg, Henning, 75

  Eurasian Party, 157

  Eisler, Fritz, 37– 38

  Eurasian Union of Youth, 158

  Elam, Paul, 250


  Eldritch Evola, The, by James

  of Alexander Dugin, 159, 160, 161, 166

  O’Meara, 216

  interwar, 159– 60

  Eléments, 73, 78, 82, 85, 92

  Eurasianist Movement,

  Eliade, Mircea, 62, 64

  International, 157


  Eurasianists, 85, 157, 165


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