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The Kangaroo Hunters; Or, Adventures in the Bush

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by Clarence Young


  Afloat on an Unknown Sea.--The insubordinate Sailor.--The CoralReefs.--An Island in view.--The Perilous Landing.--Peter'sRebellion.--The First Night on Shore.--Ruth among the Crockery.--Avaluable Prize.--The March from the First Encampment.

  As the morning light dawned on the distressed voyagers, they becameaware of their perilous situation. Around them lay the wide restlessocean, now agitated by a south-west wind, which drove them onward,washed and drenched by the waves, which threatened destruction to theirfrail vessel, in the midst of which the little knot of united friendswere now gathered, their unwelcome guest still lying asleep apart fromthem. As soon as the light permitted him, Jack began steadily andcarefully to repair and strengthen the raft. The spare spars he nowlashed round to form a sort of gunwale, to protect them from the spray;and after taking out a supply of biscuit for use, he nailed over thewhole of the packages the large sail they had brought away, to steadyand preserve them from any injury from the waves.

  The man they had rescued from death now awoke, and joined the rest: hewas a tall, powerful, savage-looking man, still wearing the convictuniform, so offensive to the taste of the civilized; and his mannerswere rude and insolent.

  "Have you no better prog than this poor stuff?" said he, as his portionof biscuit and cup of water were offered to him. "The Queen allows usbetter rations nor this, after your grand laws have made us out to berogues."

  "You fare as we do," answered Arthur, mildly. "As long as we havebiscuit, you are welcome to share it. We make no distinctions in ourcommon distress."

  "You were a pack of fools," said the man, "not to bring away somethingworth freightage, when you had space enough. Had you sense to fetch acompass?"

  "We had no opportunity to secure chart or compass," replied Arthur."Besides, we were too thankful for the means God gave us to save ourlives, to have many thoughts or cares about where we should go. We arein His hands, and I trust, by his mercy, may reach some safe harbor."

  "It's as well to tell you beforehand," said the sailor, "that you'dbetter not get it into your heads that you are going to give me up tohard labor and irons again. Wherever I set my foot on land I mean to bemy own master, and the first among you that peaches on me shall rue it."Here the man drew from his breast a brace of pistols, and added,--"Yousee I managed to keep my barkers safe. What would you say, man, to aball right through your ugly head?"--and he presented the muzzle of thepistol to Wilkins, who shrank behind Arthur.

  "You must mean that threat for a jest, Peter," said Arthur, in a tone ofdispleasure. "If you are in earnest, I can only remind you that we alsohave arms. I am commander here, and the first man on the raft that showsany signs of insubordination, I shall certainly shoot dead."

  Peter stared scornfully and vindictively at Arthur, but seeing hisunmoved countenance, he turned off with a sort of laugh, and withdrew tothe stern of the raft.

  "What a capital fellow Arty is, Hugh!" whispered Gerald. "See how he hascowed that huge bully. Are we not proud of our captain?"

  Towards noon the heat of the sun became excessive, and was mostdistressing to the voyagers exposed to its beams; Margaret and herfather especially suffered from it, till Jack contrived an ingeniouscanopy for them by raising some spars, over which he spread theboat-cloaks, which the boys had fortunately worn to protect them fromthe flames in the burning ship. As evening came on, the wind increasedalarmingly, and they looked round anxiously to obtain some idea of theirposition, till at last Wilkins pointed out some hazy dots on the wideocean desert, which he pronounced to be small islands.

  "O Arthur," said Margaret, "if it be possible, let us land on an island;I long to feel my feet on firm ground. Have you any idea what islandsthese are?"

  "I ken'em," said Wilkins, "and can tell ye they're all alike quitedissolute."

  "Then I pray, Arthur," said Mr. Mayburn, "that we may avoid them. We hadbetter continue to float on the solitude of the ocean, than seek thehaunts of the wicked."

  The boys laughed; they understood better than their father thepeculiarities of Wilkins's language, and Arthur said,--"I have read,papa, that these north-western islands of Australia are generally small,barren, and uninhabited. If we could safely land on one of them, itwould be desirable, that we might rest and improve our raft before wesought the mainland; but I fear they will be difficult of approach,from the coral reefs that surround them."

  "Which I long to behold, Arthur," said Mr. Mayburn; "and I beseech youto endeavor to reach one of these reefs. I have ever desired to lookupon the work of those toiling, wonderful insects; minute agents of theOmniscient for mighty purposes, laboring incessantly to carry out theplans of creative wisdom.

  'As the kings of the cloud-crowned pyramid Their noteless bones in oblivion hid, They slumber unmarked 'mid the desolate main, While the wonder and pride of their works remain.'"

  Wilkins stared at the enthusiastic naturalist, and, turning to Arthur,said, "Does he want us to land among them reefs, think ye? A bonnieclash we should have with this log float. If we'd had a few of them barkboats as them black fellows has up country, we might have made a shift;but, ye see," indicating the fair sex by a finger pointed towards them,"they'd make no hand of swimming among breakers."

  "Indeed, they would not," answered Arthur; "we must contrive some safermethod for them, Wilkins. But if we could, by using our oars, draw nearto these isles, I should like to inspect them."

  "Ye cannot suspect 'em, sir," answered Wilkins, "without ye were rightatop on 'em. Why, they're all dry and bare, and clear of aught but a fewbirds but I'se willing to use an oar, if ye'd like to see 'em."

  It was hard work rowing that heavy raft, and the ungrateful Peterrefused to assist, but sat apart, smoking cigars, of which, it appeared,he had contrived to bring a box about his person; still before nightthey had approached within a mile of a rocky island. Then the suddendarkness of a tropical region surprised them, and compelled them to waitfor day, uneasy at the dangerous proximity of the coast, towards which,Wilkins pointed out, a current seemed to be urging them.

  "We must have all hands at work, captain," said he, "to keep off themugly rocks. Come, Peter, man, take up an oar."

  "Not I," said the savage, "I'se take a snooze; and when we're drifted abit nigher hand, rouse me up, and I'll make a swim to shore. I've nomind for another capsize."

  It was a service of toil and danger, and the active young men plied theoars vigorously for hours, trusting they were standing safely off thedangerous reefs, till at last, worn out with fatigue, one after anotherthey dropped asleep.

  Jack and Wilkins held out till a pale light showed them breakers closeat hand, and they felt the current carrying them into the danger. It wasa moment of deep anxiety. "See," said Wilkins, "yon uncoveredreef--let's try to get a bit nigher to it; then we'll knot a rope to ourraft, and I'll swim off and find a way to moor it. If three on us wereatop on yon reef we might haul up t' rest on 'em."

  All the youths were now roused, and anxious to share this service ofperil, for all could swim: but Wilkins was strong, and the mostexperienced; so while he tied one end of the rope round him, Arthur andJack secured the other end to the raft, and then they continued to holdoff against the current as they watched the bold swimmer till they sawhim standing safely on the dry reef. In five minutes more they felt, bythe strain, that the rope was fast to the rock. Then Arthur went offwith a second rope, secured from danger by having the first to hold byif necessary. When he reached Will, he found the reef was broader andsafer than he had dared to hope, while beyond it the water was not morethan a foot deep to a shingly beach.

  "If we had 'em all here, ye see," said Wilkins, "they could easy wadeout."

  "Then what shall we do, Wilkins? what is our next step?" asked Arthur.

  "We must get more hands," answered he. "And here's a canny opening,clear of breakers; we'll try to bring her in here."

  Then, after he had, with sailor's skill, secured the ropes to two hugefragments of rock, he continued,--"Now, l
et's be off again, and see howwe can manage it. If we could get that big lubberly Black Peter to lenda hand, he's a powerful chap at a tug."

  "Then he shall work or starve," said Arthur, firmly.

  "That's the text, captain; stick to that," said Wilkins, as they plungedinto the water again.

  Their return to the raft was easier than they had expected, for the tidewas ebbing, and already some of the rocks were bare which an hour beforehad been covered with breakers; besides, the stretched ropes afforded arest for the hands when they needed it. Arthur explained his plan to hisfriends on the raft, and called on all hands to aid in propelling orhauling the raft towards the smooth opening in the reef.

  "You must assist in hauling the ropes," said Arthur to Peter.

  The man swore violently that he would never submit to be ordered by aboy.

  "I have the management of the party," answered Arthur, "and all arewilling to obey me except you. Take your choice: if you refuse to sharethe work, most assuredly you shall not share the rations."

  The wretch darted a furious glance at Arthur, and put his hand into hisbreast; but observing the little band had their eyes on him, he mutteredwith a sneer, "A parcel of fools!" and plunged after Wilkins and Arthurto the reef, to tug at the ropes.

  The raft had drifted among scattered rocks, and there was muchdifficulty in preventing it from being dashed against them; but thoseleft upon it used long poles to push off from these dangers, while themen on the reef continued to haul the ropes, in hopes of drawing theraft to the opening they wished it to enter, belaying the rope anew asthey gained a few yards. Slowly and painfully the work progressed;sometimes they snatched a moment for food and rest; sometimes thefaint-hearted threw down an oar or pole, as a strong wave cast themback, after they hoped they had made some way.

  At length, wedged between two reefs that ran out to sea, they found theycould make no further progress, though there was yet a hundred yards ofdeep water between the raft and the dry rocks to which the ropes wereattached.

  When Arthur saw this, he called out, "Haul taught and belay the ropes;and now, how shall we convey the weak to the shore, Wilkins?"

  "Bad job!" growled he. "We might swim out and trail 'em after us; butlikely they'd be flayed."

  "Halloo! Arthur," called out Hugh, "come over and see what we areabout."

  When Arthur had reached the raft, he saw that Jack, with the help of theboys, had lashed together three or four light spars to form a sort of_catamaran_, large enough for one person to sit upon. To each end ofthis they had attached a long rope, with one end of which Jack proposedto swim to the reef of refuge, ready to draw over in this float, one ata time, those who were unable to swim; and he engaged, if the voyageronly kept quiet, there would be no danger; and though the raft was nowfirmly fixed, it was probable it would be dashed to pieces athigh-water, so no time must be lost to make the trial, that the ladingas well as the passengers might be saved; and Jack set off with the roperound him.

  Now the question was, who would venture on this frail float the first?The water looked dark and deep, and all shrunk back. At length it wasarranged that they should test the safety of it by first sending over apart of the freightage of the raft, as less valuable than human life.Still, these slender necessaries were precious to them, and they firmlylashed a part of the packages to the float, and anxiously launched andwatched the light raft until they saw it safely drawn to the reef andunladed by Jack. It was then hauled back, and Margaret, to encourage herfather, ventured next, her brothers having lashed her firmly down, andcharged her to be calm and motionless.

  After her safe arrival, Mr. Mayburn gained courage to follow her, andwas succeeded by Nurse Wilson. Ruth begged to carry her basket of fowls;but was not permitted, which was fortunate for the chickens, for theterrified and restless girl, attempting to change her position, capsizedthe frail bark; but Wilkins and Arthur swam out to her assistance, andsoon righted it, and, half-dead with fright and the salt water she hadswallowed, she was turned over to Jenny, and the young men returned tothe raft to assist at the removal of the most valuable part of thecargo--the provisions, guns, and ammunition.

  In the mean time Peter had roused himself to take a trip to the raft,and when Arthur and Wilkins reached it, they found the ferocious manholding Hugh by the throat, and threatening to shoot him if he did notgive up one of the guns, which the boy held in the case firmly graspedin his hand, while Gerald was releasing the other gun from the covering,that he might defend Hugh, and protect the powder and shot, which heguarded behind him.

  As soon as Wilkins and Arthur stepped out on the raft, the savagerelinquished his grasp of the boy; but called out in an insolent manner,"Give me one of the guns, and my share of the powder and shot youbrought off. They are as much mine as yours, and I claim my right."

  "You are mistaken, Peter," said Arthur; "the guns are our own privateproperty. The powder is not legally yours or ours; but the necessity ofthe occasion caused us gladly to save it from destruction; at somefuture day we may be able to account for it to the owners. In the meantime, I choose to keep possession of such a dangerous material; nor willI allow you to commit deeds of violence. We have saved your life, andsupplied you with food. If your nature does not prompt you to bethankful, at least be neutral; do not return evil for good."

  The man did not answer, but there was a dogged look of ferocity in hiseyes, that plainly spoke his feelings; and Wilkins whispered to Arthur,as they were tying on the packages,--

  "Would you mind our twisting a rope round his arms and legs, and givinghim a shove overboard? he's dangerous."

  "No, Wilkins," answered Arthur. "Let the man live; we have no right tobe his executioners, though I believe he deserves death. If we all reachland safely, we must watch and guard against him; and, above all,Wilkins, do you take care that he does not tempt you back to evilcourses."

  "We'se see," answered the man, "I'se not to reckon on; but I fancy I'das lief take service with ye, as turn rogue again, with a cut-throat doglike him."

  Arthur earnestly hoped that they might be able to reclaim thisgood-natured but ignorant man. He conversed kindly with him, as theycarefully and successfully managed the transit of the whole lading,including Ruth's chickens; and then, Wilkins taking the charge of thetwo young boys as they swam to the reef, Arthur remained a few minutesto cut away the ropes, which were too valuable to be abandoned, afterwhich he signified to the apparently careless Peter that he must look tohis own safety.

  "I see all that," said the man in a surly tone; "depend on't, I shallnot stay here; you haven't got rid of me yet. So mind your own business,young fellow, and I'll mind mine."

  Arthur left him and soon rejoined his friend; and Peter, drawing hisknife and severing the cords that had lashed together the spars of theraft, he allowed them to float, and grasping one piece to supporthimself, he swam to the dry reef.

  The tide having now left the beach uncovered as far as this reef, thefamily went forward to the lofty cliffs which rose from the narrowshingly strand, and immediately began to remove their property to asecure place above high-water mark.

  "We may surely find a better spot for a night's encampment than this,"said the indefatigable Arthur, when, resting from his labors, he lookedup at the rocky heights. "There appears to be a belt of trees furthernorth, that might possibly afford more shelter. Can you walk as far,papa?"

  "I cannot exert myself more, my son," answered Mr. Mayburn. "Let usremain here; in this delicious climate, from what I have read, the nightwill produce no noxious vapor to harm us. Let us therefore offer ourevening prayer to God, and rest calmly under the canopy of His skies,after this day of trial and toil."

  The word of the father was the law of his children; and after they hadmade a sort of tent of the poles and sail from the raft, under which theboat-cloaks were spread, they joined in prayer and lay down to rest; butstill apprehensive of the evil disposition of Peter, each took an hourof watching to guard the packages till daylight. The brilliant light ofa tropical sun di
sclosed to the thoughtful castaways a smooth sea but abarren coast, and they looked round in vain for the means of subsistenceor escape. They saw Peter at some distance, dragging out of reach of thetide the timbers of the raft, which had been thrown upon the beach.

  "I am glad he is so usefully employed," observed Mr. Mayburn. "I trusthe feels ashamed of his ingratitude, and means to build us a hut withthese planks."

  "Not he," replied Wilkins; "I ken him better nor that. He'd never fashto pick up them spars; but he wants 'em to use for his own purposes. Butlet him be, let him be. Chaps like him is always twining a rope fortheir own necks."

  "Then, Wilkins," answered Margaret, "we ought not to 'let him be;' weought to try and induce him to undertake some happier and moreprofitable undertaking; do, Arthur, speak to the man."

  Arthur and Jack walked down to the beach, while Ruth made a fire andboiled some water from the casks, to make tea, a supply of which, and aconsiderable quantity of sugar, being among the provisions they hadsaved.

  "Come, Peter," said Arthur, "you will need some breakfast, and such aswe have, we offer to you. What are you going to do with these spars?"

  "They are my property, by the laws of wrecking," grumbled the man, "sokeep your mouth shut about them. I'll come to your breakfast, if I canget nought better nor your poor stuff."

  Finding all their approaches to intimacy with this sullen creaturerepelled, they returned to the tent, where they found nurse in a stateof great anger with Ruth the unlucky, who had literally _walked into_the China breakfast service, which the considerate Jenny had herselfbrought away from the ship, guarded on the wreck, and had just spreadout on a clean napkin on the beach, when the girl being sent to summonMr. Arthur, had rushed through the midst of the crockery, of which onlythe teapot and two cups escaped destruction. It was not in the nature ofan Irish boy to be serious at such an accident, and O'Brien had laughedso provokingly, that Jenny was roused almost to distraction.

  "A vagabond lass, as she is!" she exclaimed. "I blame myself, MissMarget; I knew what was in her, and I ought to have seen to have had hershut up in one of them Union prison-houses. Nothing's safe where shecomes; and see now, we may just drink tea, sup and sup round."

  "And we may be thankful we have tea, nurse," said Margaret. "And see,here is a tin cup we used for the water, may do duty instead of ourpretty Staffordshire ware."

  "And we may meet with a china-shop before long, nurse," said Hugh. "Weare not so very far from the great Empire."

  "Well, Master Hugh," replied nurse, "I don't pretend to know where wemay be; but there's little signs of shops or houses round us.----If thatdoesn't beat all!" exclaimed she, as Peter took up the cup of tea shehad prepared for her master, drank it scalding hot at once, and thencoolly sat down, drew out his knife and began to open and swallowoysters, with which he had filled his cap.

  "Shares!" cried Wilkins, good-humoredly, holding out his hand.

  "Seek them for yourself," said the churl, continuing his repast; onwhich Wilkins, calling on O'Brien to follow him, took his biscuit, andset out to search along the rocks. Margaret felt alarmed to see Geraldaccompany this man; but Arthur assured her he believed Wilkins might betrusted.

  In a short time Gerald came running up to them, and throwing down a capfilled with oysters, he cried out, "Give us a rope, Jack! we have got aturtle, and turned him on his back, that he may not get back to thewater; but he is such a monstrous fellow that I don't know how we shallget him dragged all the way to this place."

  "Then our best plan will be to go to him," answered Arthur; "we have notemptation to remain in this barren spot; and you seem to have found aland of plenty; therefore I propose we should march at once."

  Each took up some burthen to carry, leaving the casks and heavy packagesfor the present, and moved forward to encamp in a new spot.


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