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Piercing Silence, Grey Wolves Series Novella

Page 12

by Quinn Loftis

  “Like I said, it’s good some things never change,” Peri smiled.

  “Good times, right?” Jen added.

  “Sally and Costin don’t have quite the entertainment value that you two do.”

  “Your own fault for not inviting me,” Jen pointed out.

  “True enough,” Peri sighed. “But I’m here now and, as always, you have not disappointed, Jen.”

  “I think if we continue to sit here and talk like Dec isn’t in the room seething over my lack of submission his head my pop off his neck.”

  Peri’s faced scrunched together. “That would just be messy.”

  “Then, perhaps, you should―you know―” Jen made a popping motion with her hand as she said, “poof us out of her.”

  “I don’t go poof,” Peri said indignantly.

  “Maybe you should; it could be more impressive then the bright lights.”

  Peri shrugged. “Fine, we’ll poof.”

  Jen saw the minute Decebel realized what the pair was saying when his eyes widened and he started toward her. He was too late. She and Peri were already flashing from the room.

  Jen caught her balance as she opened her eyes and saw that Peri had brought them to a hospital. She had no clue which hospital, but there was no doubt that’s what it was as people in white coats walked quickly through the halls and scrub clad nurses rushed about with arms full of charts.

  “I’m looking for the hospital pharmacy?” Peri’s voice drew Jen’s attention. She turned to see the high fae talking to one of the nurses in blue scrubs. “Yes, I’ve only been working here a few days and I get turned around so easily.”

  Jen wanted to roll her eyes. Peri was using some sort of magic over the women who was smiling back at the fae as though Peri had just shot her up with the really good pain medicine. The woman answered Peri and gave her some vague directions and then hurried on her way.

  “You work here?” Jen smirked. “You have about as much right being a caregiver as I do being—”

  “A stay at home stripper mom?” Peri interrupted.

  Jen pursed her lips. “Ha, ha. My stripping days are over.”

  Peri motioned for her to follow. “Uh-hu and so if Katie Peri’s E.T. suddenly started playing, you wouldn’t have the sudden urge to de-robe?”

  “Urge, yes,” Jen admitted. “I mean, come on, the song has a sick beat. Who wouldn’t have the urge when it plays?”

  Peri nodded. “Good point.”

  They rounded several corners and took two stairwells before finally coming to a brown metal door with the word Pharmacy painted on it in white block letters. Next to it was a black square on the wall that required the scanning of a badge for entry. Peri held her hand out in front of the black square and the door made a clicking sound. The fae smiled. “Don’t mind if we do,” she said as she pulled the door opened and motioned Jen inside.

  A short, balding man stood on the other side of a long counter. He had a round, kind face with deep set eyes and a small nose. His glasses sat perched on the edge of his nose and Jen wondered how they didn’t just slip right off.

  As the door shut behind them, the man’s eyes looked up at them over the rim of his glasses. They widened slightly but then his surprise was replaced with what she was sure was practiced professionalism. “How can I help you ladies? Forgive me if I don’t know your names. I’m rather new,” he said blushing endearingly.

  “Don’t feel bad,” Peri said good-naturedly. “We’re both new too. In fact, so new that we left the chart for the patient up stairs.” Peri glanced at Jen. “Do you remember the name of the drug that doctor,” Peri said and glanced over Jen’s shoulder, “um, Dr. Vagisile was requesting.”

  Jen choked back the laugh that nearly burst out at the name Peri had come up with. Jen’s eyes narrowed. “Dr. Vagisile, the OB doctor, wanted something to help stop Ms. Cli Tauris’ contractions.”

  Peri’s eyes widened at Jen’s words but Jen just turned and smiled at the pharmacist, whose face had turned a bright shade of red. Wrapped in his white lab coat, he reminded Jen of a tampon, which was just all kinds of wrong. She blamed Peri and her stupid vagsile name for that.

  “Yes,” Peri finally choked out. “Yes, the drug to stop Ms. Tauris’ contractions.”

  “Oh, um, that would be, yes.” The pudgy man stumbled about as he messed with something behind the counter. “The doctor is wanting…”

  “He seemed to be quite in a hurry to stop them.” Jen leaned forward and batted her eyes at the flustered man. “Dr. V said she was just too early to be going into labor. So we of course hurried down here to get him what he wanted as quickly as we could. Ms. Tauris looked to be in all kinds of pain with the writhing and screaming.”

  “Well, if you were pushing a watermelon out of your parts, you’d be writhing and screaming too,” Peri pointed out. “I’ve heard that for a man it’s comparable to them passing a kidney stone through their—”

  “Terbutaline,” the pharmacist blurted out. “He’s wanting Terbutaline.” He scurried off, his face growing redder by the second.

  “I think we made him uncomfortable,” Jen said as she watched him hurry to the back.

  Peri shook her head. “No, we were perfectly pleasant. He probably just has to pee. We don’t make people uncomfortable.”

  Jen laughed. “Right, and men love it when you talk about them squeezing stones through their man parts.”

  The high fae shrugged. “I don’t see what the big deal is. We females have to squeeze small beings through our parts and nobody cringes or refrains from talking about it. Like we enjoy thinking about popping a watermelon through our who-hahs.”

  Jen laughed as the pudgy pharmacists came hurrying back. She patted Peri’s shoulder. “Never thought I’d say this. In fact I was pretty sure I’d eat my own boob before I ever said this, but I’ve missed you.”

  Peri glanced over at Jen with a wry smile. “Awe, Jennifer, I don’t get choked up often but when I’m chosen over someone eating their own boob, well, it gets me right here.” She patted the place over her heart. “As much as I’m enjoying our bonding, I believe we have a patient waiting on us.” She snatched the bag from the still beat-red man and took Jen’s hand. They flashed right in front of the man and, based on his gasp, Peri hadn’t bothered to shield him from their sudden disappearance.

  When they reappeared in Fane and Jacque’s room, Peri tossed the bag to Rachel but didn’t give Jen time to say anything before she grabbed her again and flashed her from the room.

  “What the―” Jen huffed as they appeared out in the hall and several feet away from Jacque’s door. Jen’s eyes widened as she saw her mate come storming out down the hall. “You know I’m about to get chewed on like his favorite squeaky toy, right?”

  Peri didn’t look the least bit concerned. “I might care if I didn’t know that you thoroughly enjoy a good chewing.”

  “Jennifer,” Decebel growled but was cut off by Peri.

  “Save it, Alpha.” Peri held up a hand and froze Decebel in midstride. “You can flap your disgruntled jaws once I’m gone. I need information.” She looked back at Jen. “Has there been anything unusual happening here?”

  Jen frowned. “Be a little clearer, Peri fairy. Unusual for us is sort of a staple.”

  “No menacing looking freaks coming around to make threats or stir mischief? No visits from the pixie king? No Great Luna bringing warnings of the end of the world?”

  “Wow, sounds like you guys really are making some friends,” Jen said dryly. “No, nothing like that. Jacque got herself into some trouble but it didn’t have anything to do with any of that.”

  “Good,” Peri nodded. “She made a motion with her hand that released Decebel. “Please try to stay out of trouble while we are attempting to bring order to the rest of the supernatural world. I don’t have time to be poofing about rescuing your ass.” And then she was gone.

  “Well, she’s still her usual pleasant self,” Jen grumbled as she met the frustrated glare
of her mate.

  “Do you want to check on Jacque?” Decebel asked her in the voice that said what he really wanted to say wasn’t nearly as cordial.

  “You mean before you take me home and punish me for my insolence?”

  “You said it, not me.”

  “You were thinking it.”


  Chapter 18

  Jacque wasn’t sure how much time had passed from the time she collapsed to the time when the pain finally began to ease. She had slipped in and out of fitful sleep brought on by Rachel’s healing power. She couldn’t deny that she was thankful for those moments of oblivion.

  As her eyes fluttered open, the soft glow of candlelight filled her vision, along with the face of her very concerned mate.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked her, regardless of the fact that he could have just looked inside of her mind himself. She appreciated that he wanted her to be the one to tell him.

  “Better,” she admitted. “But tired.”

  “You had me worried.”

  Jacque managed a weak smile. “That makes two of us.”

  They stared at each other for several long minutes before Jacque finally broached the subject she’d so diligently avoided before the crisis had hit. She knew it probably wasn’t the time, but she needed to fix things.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t come talk to you about my worries, Fane. I’m sorry that I made a decision that involved both of us, not to mention our pack, and didn’t think about how it would make you feel. I just wanted to take away your pain.”

  Fane brushed a finger along her jaw. His eyes roamed over her face hungrily seeming to soak all of her in. “I understand why you did it. I know what it’s like to want to protect you from any and all pain and fear. I want us to be able to be honest with one another without the other feeling like they have to go to some drastic measure to fix things. Sometimes the best thing we can do for each other is just to be there. Just having you to hold, Jacquelyn, is the most soothing thing I could ask for. You are more than enough to help me get through tough times.” He took a slow breath as his warm, strong hand gently encircled her throat resting across her collar bone. “I can face anything in this world with you by my side. All I ask is that you trust that. Trust that we were brought together for a reason at exactly the right moment in time. I don’t think the fact that we were meant for each other is necessarily going to make anything easier, but it does make it all have more purpose.”

  “When did you become so wise?” Jacque asked grinning up at him. Her body shivered under his touch and she tried to keep from closing her eyes and basking in it. She realized that the scare from the labor contractions had put things into perspective for both of them.

  “When I was blessed enough to have you accept me as your mate. Don’t you remember? Beside every wise man is an even wiser woman.”

  Jacque laughed. “Now you’re just trying for brownie points.”

  Fane shrugged. “I’ll do whatever it takes to get loving from you.”

  “Is that what you need?” Jacque’s voice dropped and warmth spread over her.

  Fane’s eyes began to glow. “I want nothing more than to hold you, skin to skin, but Rachel has forbid any form of physical intimacy. She said we needed to make sure the medicine is going to keep your contractions at bay. So you are officially on bed rest.”

  “Well, that’s a bummer.” Jacque tapped her chin. “I guess you will just have to entertain me.”

  He quirked an eyebrow at her. “Oh? And how am I to do that, Luna?”

  Jacque didn’t even blush when she answered. “I think a strip show by my fine specimen of a husband is in order. Even if we can’t physically be together, that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy the view.”

  Fane threw his head back and laughed as he sat up and pulled his shirt over his head revealing his very toned torso. “If a view is what my female wants, then that is what she will get.”

  Jacque looked at his exquisite form taking in her fill. He really was something to look at.

  “You’re turn,” Fane told her with a smoldering look that she was sure would melt steel.

  Her eyes widened. “You want me to take off my shirt?”

  He shook his head. “All of it. Like you said, I can look, just not touch.”

  He reached for her but she held up a hand. “Wait one sec, Casanova. Before I bare all for you, are you okay? Like with everything?”

  Fane laid a hand on her hip tugging her toward him. “It’s getting better. Seeing you in that much pain, and also seeing what could have been, has helped me let go of a lot of my fears. I’m not saying I’m not still scared of somethings but I think a lot of that is natural. After all, we are young and being a parent is a scary, intimidating thing. But like I said, together we can do this.”

  Jacque felt her eyes fill with tears. “We’re going to be okay, right?”

  “Beloved, we are so much better than okay.” He tugged at the hem of her shirt and helped her pull it over her head. “And we are about to be even better than that.” He laid down next to her and pulled her body close against his letting his warmth absorb into her. Their chest pressed together and their hearts pounded out a steady rhythm seeming to say with every beat that they were exactly where they were supposed to be―together, complete, whole.

  Decebel held Jennifer in his arms as they sat on the floor in front of the burning fire. It was finally getting cool enough to have a fire again, and the warm flames danced sensually across his mate’s skin.

  “You think we are all going to be okay?” Jennifer asked as she pressed her face against his bare chest.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Sally is off doing who knows what with Peri and all those new healers. I mean, what is up with all those chicks suddenly appearing? Healers are a big deal and you know every pack without one is going to be clamoring to get their grubby paws on one. That can’t be good for unity purposes. And then there’s Jacque and Fane and all their crap plus the worry of her losing the baby. And then there’s us.”

  “What about us?” Decebel frowned down at her. “I thought we were fine. We had our fight, we made up, with incredible love making I might add, and I’m planning to make sure you stay too tired to cause any more problems.”

  “I’m going to pretend you didn’t just say that I cause problems. Because what I know you meant was that I bring you such joy you can barely contain yourself and you struggle with the urge not to run to the top of the mountains singing ‘the hills are alive with the sound of music.' ” Her voice echoed around the room as she sang out the last part.

  “Okay so, perhaps, we should be worrying about us. And if I ever do perform such a feminine act please kick me in my man parts.”

  Jennifer patted his leg. “Consider it done, baby.”

  Decebel ran his hand down her long hair enjoying the way the silk strands felt against his skin. His mind flashed back to earlier and the feel of her hair on his face and chest and her scent surrounding him. She was definitely a handful, but she was his.

  “In answer to your question,” he said quietly not wanting to disturb their peaceful moment, “we are all going to be fine. We’ve already made it through some tough times. We just have to stay united not only as mates and partners but as pack as well. Evil will seek to divide us to weaken us, and we at times will even try to sabotage ourselves in our misguided efforts to fix things that are beyond our control, but if we stand beside one another, support one another, and love each other, we will persevere. As for us, you’re stuck with me, babe. Where you go, I go.”

  “To hell and back?” Jennifer asked and he heard the teasing in her voice.

  But in his answer there was no jesting. He meant it with every cell in his body. “To hell and back as many times as you need me to go.”

  She pulled back and looked up at him. “That’s all I need to know.” She leaned up and pressed a kiss to his lips, and Decebel felt all of her worries fade away as she once again gave h
erself to him. As always, his mate was generous with herself and her affection and Decebel reveled in her attention. He had no doubt that their time of peace would soon be coming to an end. His wolf sensed it and was growing restless. But for now, he would push the worries away and find peace and comfort in his mate’s arms.

  Chapter 19

  Lilly watched as the king of the warlocks paced the main hall in the mountain they called home. She was still growing use to living in such a grand and old fashioned place, but it was beginning to feel like home. She and Cypher had yet to say any formal vows, and though they shared a bed, because her warlock refused to leave, their relationship had not progressed physically. If things continued they way they had been recently, she wondered if they’d ever get around to getting married. Lilly knew she shouldn’t be worried about that, and she wasn’t, not really. But the little girl in her who dreamed of the white dress couldn’t help but hope that, even at over forty years of age, it would happen soon.

  “Are you going to talk with Vasile about it?” She finally broke the silence that had been between them since she’d returned from seeing her daughter. When Lilly had gotten back she’d found Cypher and his top council members in deep discussion over the continuing decline of their people. Every day another warlock fell victim to the madness that seemed to be claiming them.

  Cypher was getting desperate to help them. And yet she knew that he honestly didn’t have any idea how to fix the problem. The magic in the human realm had grown weak, and it almost seemed as if the warlocks were begining to soak up all of the evil that had been left over, like a residue, across their mountain over the years.

  “I understand your ties to the wolves because of your daughter, Lilly, but it isn’t in our nature to seek out help when it will reveal a weakness about ourselves.”

  He’d told her that already in many different ways, but she still didn’t agree. “Will you let pride be your downfall then?”

  His yellow eyes narrowed. “It isn’t pride to want to protect my people.”


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