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Bound: Contemporary M/M Romance (Auctioned Book 2)

Page 6

by Rana Drake

  By the time I got to the sales floor, I had already decided that I was going to have to just keep an eye on him, and play up the others. When the slaves were marched in from the showers, I told Ash to start putting them in their display cages from the front to the back, ensuring that Collin was in the very last one, instead of being front and center like last time.

  If I just kept the attention on the others, maybe he would be overlooked. I knew I was being stupid, but I didn't fucking care. Collin was starting to become my main motivation for getting up and coming to this wretched place every morning, and even if I couldn’t take him home for myself, I would at least get to spend plenty of time with him here at the club.

  If I played my cards right tonight, maybe I could convince the others he went home with someone and then just hide him here.

  I stopped myself right there - I couldn't be risking my livelihood over some passing attraction to a fucking slave. I was losing control of myself more and more by the minute, and I'd better get a grip on myself before I lost my shit.

  The only think I could think of gripping, thought, was Collin's pert ass.



  "You must think you're something fucking special," I heard someone say from the other side of the room. Another voice snickered. I couldn’t tell who they were talking to at first, until I squinted and realized the other captives in the room with me were directing their voices my way.

  Another one of them piped up, "You must have sucked his cock real good to have him treating you like a little prince. Better hope he doesn't leave again, or you'll have to go through the video studio like the rest of us."

  They all laughed, seemingly enjoying the camaraderie that was gained by ganging up on me. I didn't know how to respond to their accusations. I hadn't done anything with Jake, although I wouldn't be opposed to it, especially if it did get me better treatment in here. After all I had been through, I was willing to do whatever it took to make sure I didn't have to be tortured anymore.

  I was confused about why everyone, the guards, the other captives now, kept saying that Jake preferred me? If that were actually true, why hadn't he touched me? The man had done nothing except tenderly bathe me and feed me, and even get me an eye doctor. Why wouldn't he have fucked me or demanded sexual favors from me if he did indeed fancy me. I was his captive, his slave, and I knew that he wasn't some kind of chivalrous gentleman. He would have taken me if he wanted me.

  And he hadn't.

  But what did he mean when he stormed out of here, claiming that he had told Ash to take care of me? I would almost be easier if he just treated me like dirt, like he did everyone else. It would be less confusing, and I didn't need more things in my world to be confusing. I needed some sense of what to expect out of these captors. The sooner that I could predict behavior, the sooner I might have a fighting chance of getting the fuck out of here.

  If that were still an option at all, I knew it was going to somehow be through Jake. Shit, the way people in here were talking, you'd think the man was in love with me - and I know that wasn't true. If he cared about me, he would get me out of here. He wouldn't keep me tied up like a fucking animal.

  Anger rose in me as I listened to the others making fun of me. I hated Jake. I hated all these sick men who did this to people like me. I used to have a normal life, and now I was nothing but an object. The mood swings that I was suffering from were agonizing in this place - one moment I hated these people, the next moment I was getting an erection from being the object of desire.

  I hadn't slept well in over a week. I was starting to fucking lose it. I closed my eyes and tried to drown out the voices of the other victims of this sick business game.

  I must have drifted off to sleep, because I was woken up with a loud siren and the door to the cell swinging open. I had learned that the siren was used to wake us up if we were sleeping, and also signaled that we must disrobe and get into line immediately. If one of us failed to comply, we would all be whipped and made to lick each other's assholes.

  I sprung to my feet, pulling my tunic over my head and leaving it on the cot before stepping into in with the others.

  "It's time for the sale," Ash barked. "Stand up straight and look pretty boys, this is your chance to move up in the world."

  I felt sick to my stomach as I was marched toward the show room. I didn't know there would be another sale so soon. I wanted to cry as I was shoved into the cage once again, shivering with fear as the door was slammed. My heart thumped in my chest as the memories of what I went through last time set in. I squeezed my eyes shut, not wanting to see the faces of the horrible men that were here to buy someone to torture.

  "Open your eyes," a voice said to me. I could tell it was close. I opened them, only to see Jake standing in front of me. "You're eyes are your best asset, besides your cute butt," Jake said. "Keep them open."

  I didn't want to piss him off, so I did. I watched as the men made some of the other boys do all kinds of horrible things to each other but to my relief, none of them were coming over to me. I was in the last stall. Maybe they were too lazy to come all the way down here. My heart sank when I saw one of them approaching, his eyes clearly on me. He looked even more evil than Marlon had been and my breath caught in my throat as I silently willed him to go away.

  Jake stepped in front of him before he got to me and I could see him speaking, then he smiled and pointed to one of the others, directing the man over to him. I breathed a sigh of relief. I hadn't been forced to do anything awful yet, but I knew that was the operative word here.

  I could hear the others being forced into all kinds of show acts - I could hear them screaming as they were reamed with giant dildos, moaning as they were made to fuck and suck each other, crying as their dignity was destroyed.

  I didn't know whether to feel guilty that they were suffering and I wasn't - or relieved that I was off the hook for tonight, maybe.

  I saw Jake intervene when another man started wandering over to me. What was he telling him? He again pointed to another cage, and I heard him say, "You might be better suited to try-"

  Was he directing customers away from me?

  It didn't work this time. The man shook his head, smiling, and pointing at me. Jake looked pissed, but finally stepped out of his way.

  The man strode up to me, lightly stroking my thigh through the bars. "Oh, he's so silky smooth. I like that. Nice pale skin…this will mark up nicely under the leather whip, won't it?" He looked into my eyes as he spoke. "Oh and those brown eyes. Yes, he's looking quite nice to me."

  Jake smirked, saying nothing. The man ran his hand up between my legs, cupping my balls before reaching behind them and fingering my asshole. I let out a gasp as he slid the tip of his finger into me, and this seemed to delight him.

  He fondled my cock gently, and I recoiled from his touch. He was disgusting. I wanted nothing to do with him, and I prayed he would go away. I bit my lip to contain myself.

  Jake stepped forward. "I really don't think this one is going to suit you very well. I have another right this way that would be perfect-"

  "Oh no, that isn't necessary, Jake. You know me well enough by now to know that I like to try new things. Variety is the spice of life, right?" He laughed, a horrible, wicked laugh.

  Sticking his finger in my ass again and causing me to jump, he smiled wide. "I definitely want this one. He's just so fun, the way he reacts to my touch. Wrap him up for me Jake, you've got a sale."



  "Here come all the fucking douche bags," I though angrily as the new wave of clients entered the show room. There were plenty of old faces amongst all the new. Word of these events was spreading quickly, and it was starting to become a chore.

  I stood guard toward the end of the row, effectively blocking the view of Collin as best I could. I stood there with my arms folded, trying to keep the scowl off my face as they descended upon the new captives like a pack of wolves. All I cared about was
keeping Collin from being bought today, as fucking stupid as it was. It's not like I could keep him here forever, but I didn't care. I just needed more time to figure something out, and if I could save him from these scoundrels tonight, then I just might be able to come up with a plan.

  I'd seen the way he looked at me, that mix of fear and interest, and I needed to explore it further. He wanted me, I could smell it on him. He wanted to bend over for me just like I needed him too, and all I needed was a little more time to make that a reality.

  A group started to make their way down the line, and stopped to ask me what was good around here. Putting on my best salesman smile, I directed them to the new pick-ups, a pair of twins that were huddled in a cage together. Delighted, they stopped and began to assess the goods. That was easy enough.

  When another fuckhead started sniffing around near Collin, I was able to quickly direct him away by telling him that the guy in the cage next to his was a master cock sucker, and also a chef. Kill two birds with one stone. I knew that client liked to make his slaves work, and he nodded excitedly when I told him that we'd plucked him from a five star restaurant as he was getting off of work one night.

  "Yeah, just go on over there," I muttered. "Stay the fuck away from what is mine."

  Ash gave me a look from across the show room, smirking when I sent away another client. He shook his head in disgust, but I didn't give a flying fuck what he thought of me. He could smirk all he wanted, I was still doing my job. He had no grounds to stand on for getting Hunter involved.

  I looked behind me, and saw Collin watching me. I locked eyes with him for a moment, and had to turn around before the sight of him, naked and quivering in captivity, made my cock hard. I couldn't afford to have to steal away and jerk off again like I did last time. I needed to stay here and stand guard.

  Just as I turned back around, a familiar face started to come towards me. Michael Simmons. He had been attending these functions for years, and he looked bored when he approached. I couldn't even bring myself to put on a fake smile as he neared me .

  "How's life been treatin' ya, Jake?" he asked casually.

  "Just fine," I remained tight lipped.

  He looked up and down the aisle with an exaggerated look of boredom. "You're not bringing in the kind of stock that you used to, ya know."

  "I do what I can," I said. "Some like what we have. Haven't you noticed all the new faces? I think we're doing just fine."

  "Bah," he waved his hand. "I've seen all this before. I'm looking for something new, something exciting." He peered around me, catching a glimpse of Collin.

  "What's that over there?" he asked, still staring.

  "He's new. Was returned after only a day of rental." My blood was boiling. I caught sight of Ash watching me from across the room again. If he sent Simmons over here on purpose, I swore I would beat his fucking face in.

  "He looks nice to me. I want to check him out," Simmons insisted.

  "No, I don’t think you do. You're a loyal customer, and I couldn't let you pay money for something I know won't suit you. His last buyer had problems with him, that's why he's here."

  "What kind of problems?" he wanted to know.

  I thought fast. "He's skittish like a fucking cat and he gives the worst blow jobs the guy has ever had."

  Simmons laughed out loud. "I'd love the challenge," he said, striding past me to walk up to Collin's cage.

  "Here, kitty, kitty," He cooed, sticking his hand through the bars and touching my Collin.

  Collin stared at the ground, not looking at him.

  "Oh, I think I like this one." Simmons said. "So shy." He turned to me. "You know I like them shy and untrained. I haven't had the pleasure of breaking one in for quite some time."

  He reached around and fingered Collin's asshole, making him gasp, which caused a wide smile to spread across Michael's face.

  I wanted to smack it right off of him.

  Simmons wasn't a renter. He bought for keeps. He had never once returned a slave to the club. The man was a sadist, and his slaves never lasted long. I had heard rumors that a few of them had even died. He treated them like whipping posts, and when he was bored with them, he would put them up as collateral in poker games, and they would often be lost when Simmons got too drunk and misplayed his hand.

  I would know. I had been to a few of those gatherings myself, and his slaves never looked good after he had them for a few months. When he lost them in the games, the new owners usually finished them off, either selling them again or doing who knows what the fuck else. It was a disturbing thought, but the club was the highest rung of the slave trade. We actually kept the captives in decent shape and gave them basic care - the people that bought these guys were a different story, another level of depraved.

  Simmons liked to see people in pain, plain and simple. Some people like a sunny day at the park for stress relief, Simmons liked to see tears streaming down his slaves face. He never knew when to quit because he didn't have to. He had more money than he knew what to do with, and absolutely everything was disposable to him. Including human beings like Collin.

  "Michael was still looking at Collin like he was a juicy piece of steak, sticking his fingers in his hole and playing with his balls, laughing and teasing him. "I don't think he can really even see me, Jake. He keeps squinting, is he blind or something?"

  "Oh, I forgot to mention, he needs glasses to see. Without them he can't make heads or tails of shit. Another reason why he just isn't a good fit for your needs. I'd take a look at the boy behind you."

  Simmons shook his fat head from side to side. "No, no, I think it's cute. I'll call him mole. He'll be my blind little mole, won't you?" He pinched Collins flank hard, and twisted, enough to leave a bruise.

  I lost my temper. "Don't damage my fucking merchandise," I growled, grabbing his wrist and squeezing.

  "Calm down, Jake. I've made my decision. I'll take him. If I break it, I buy it, you know that." He pulled his wrist away, straightening his cuffs. "Wrap him up for me Jake, we're going to have a great time together."

  It took every drop of willpower I had not to choke the life out of him right then and there. Instead, I caught Ash's eye from across the room and nodded at him signaling for him to get over here and make the transaction. I couldn't bring myself to do it.



  I flipped on the television in my room and selected a DVD from the shelf that housed hundreds of movies. I had been with my new Master, as he insisted I call him, for multiple days now and I couldn't believe how well I was being treated. I wasn't sure why the man had even purchased me - he hadn't forced me to perform any horrifying acts , he hadn't even touched me except for a few kisses and fondling here and there. There was a point in my life where I would have been so traumatized by even those small acts, but now, I expected it at the very least.

  I hadn't seen anyone else in the home since I had been here. I was confined to my quarters, but instead of being locked in a dark room with no furniture and no amenities whatsoever, like a dog in a cage, I was in what was almost a studio apartment sized suite. I had my own bathroom, a sleeping area with a huge, comfortable bed, a television, books, movies, and even a fully stocked refrigerator and microwave. I was lonely, but I was safe. I had even started to relax, wondering if maybe this could be my life now. This wouldn't be too bad. At least I'd never have to worry about working again, or paying off my student loans, or getting a job when I finished college.

  I tried not to think of those things too much, because if I did, I was afraid that I would have an irreparable mental breakdown. I knew that I was probably never going to see any semblance of my own life ever again. How could I? I didn't even know where I was anymore, and even if I was released, I don't know that I could ever go back to the way things were before. I had changed, deeply, and I wasn't even sure which version of me I liked better. The new me - the slave - had a certain freedom that I never had before. I was uninhibited now, no longer the inexperien
ced nerd who couldn't get laid to save his life. I was desired now, and that felt good.

  It also felt good that I was now being kept like a pampered pet instead of a hated stray. I relaxed into the sofa, thankful for the change in luck, but still fearful that it wouldn't last. I don't think I would have lasted another week with Marlon, though. Anything had to be better than life with him.

  I was startled out of my thoughts by the doorknob turning and the door swinging open. A man who looked like he must be hired help stepped inside. I had never seen him before.

  "Your Master wishes to see you in his playroom. Come, now." I nodded, getting to my feet quickly. I had just started to feel relaxed, and didn't want to do anything to warrant any sort of punishment. I had learned quickly that the best way to avoid that was to simply do what I was told. I didn't have much fight left in me anymore.

  I followed the man out of my suite and up a flight of stairs, taking us to what I believe must have been a third floor.

  I wasn't nearly as nervous as I had been when I knew I was entering a play session with Marlon. This man was obviously a respectable slave owner. I'd been living better here than I was living on my own, before I was kidnapped, so meeting him for a session didn't worry me too much - although, I did feel a slight flutter of apprehension mixed with arousal.

  I looked at the ground as I was led to my master's chamber, but inside I was eager to find out what awaited me. I knew it wasn't going to be a wholesome round of missionary sex followed by falling asleep together to a movie, but I wasn't interested in such a thing anyhow. I realized that I was eager to do my job. I sincerely wanted my new master to be proud of his purchase. I wanted him to desire me, to be proud to own me.


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