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Bound: Contemporary M/M Romance (Auctioned Book 2)

Page 8

by Rana Drake

  "There is nobody that knows where you are. Nobody in the whole world is ever going to save you from me, and if you don't do what I want you to do, you're trash. " He paused and I could smell his putrid breath as he breathed heavily, inches from my face. He traced the blade down my belly and circled it around my base of my cock. I gasped, and he laughed.

  "Maybe you just aren't stimulated enough. I see your silly little cock isn't even hard. Do I not do it for you, Collin? Do you need something a little extra?"

  In a rage, he tore the blindfold off of me, letting me see what he was doing. He took the blade and traced it down my upper thigh, turning it on its side so that the sharp side dragged across my flesh. I bit my lip, determined not to cry as the blade sliced a thin line into my thigh and blood trickled out. I didn't even feel the cut, the blade was so sharp. He didn't cut me deeply, just enough to make me bleed. He looked into my eyes as he did it again on my other leg, stopping the long line that he drew just before he reached my crotch.

  I wanted to beg him to stop, to plead with him to not hurt me, but I knew that was exactly what he wanted. He wanted to break me, to make me admit that he was strong and I was weak. He loved the sound of people crying underneath him, pleading with him to use his power for good instead of evil, which he would of course never dream of doing.

  I wasn't going to budge. He could slice me up and let me bleed out for all I cared. What did I have to live for?

  My Master paused, looking me in the eye with a malicious glare. I could see the busted skin of his lip. It was already turning purple. He set the blade on my chest, then dipped his finger into my blood and smeared it over my lips before he slapped me across the face.

  "You are nothing. Remember that. Nothing." He hit me again, then began slicing into my upper arms, careful not to cut too deep, but making a huge mess anyway.

  I hadn't felt this powerless since I was in middle school getting beat up by bullies every day for not being like the other boys. I let my mind flashback to those days on the school yard, where I was pushed to the ground and surrounded by boys twice my size, knowing that I didn't have a chance. I didn't try to fight back. I had just curled up in a ball and braved their kicks and punches until they finally lost interest.

  That's what I intended to do this time. Only, the sight of all the blood was making me feel faint. Even the bullies hadn't drawn this much blood from me. I summoned the same strength I had used back then, biting my lip and focusing on the ceiling as my tormentor had his fun. But I wouldn't give him everything.

  Master positioned himself between my legs and pulled his thick cock out. He stroked himself in front of me, getting himself hard as he held the knife to my throat. With his drunken, shaky movements it wouldn't take much for him to slip and slice my throat wide open.

  I wished that he would.

  Instead, he spit into his hand and wiped it between my legs, doing what he could to wet my asshole before he violently shoved himself into me. He smiled, a disgusting, toothy grin as he began fucking me, the bloodied knife now cast to the side of me.

  My open wounds bled onto the sheets and the sight became too much for me to bear. I don't know of he finished inside of me or not, because the last thing I remembered before passing out was his sweaty, busted face, his features twisted in exertion as he pounded into my bloodied, used up body.



  This event was going to be big. After Hunter's gala at the casino, countless new men had joined the organization, as was Hunter's hope from the beginning. The club was at critical mass these days - we had gotten a slow start on the come up all those years ago, but now the organization had its filthy hands in everything from law enforcement to the actual judicial system and we were unstoppable. Which meant that we weren't as scrupulous as we used to be when it came to accepting new members.

  Of course, as a member, invites to all of our private auctions were part of the package deal that was paid for in monthly club dues. With the influx of new men, I had no idea what to even expect tonight. I wasn't always against expanding the club, I used to push for it. I was always a firm believer that men who worked hard should get to play hard, too. I had dreamed of a club like this since I was a young businessman, and I believed that wise businessmen should be aptly rewarded with lovely playthings like the ones we sold.

  However, now I just didn't give a shit anymore. I was dreading tonight, as I had come to dread all of the auctions lately. The huge turnout that was expected resulted in a new wave of pick-ups coming in every night for the past four days, and I was exhausted. I didn't even play with any of them myself anymore. There was no point. The only one I ever actually wanted now belonged to someone else, someone who didn't deserve him.

  My blood still boiled when I thought of Simmons, and I tried my best to refrain from doing so. Hunter didn’t ask too many questions as to why I had decked him the other night at the gala - that was the good thing about the relationship we had - he trusted me. Even though, in this case, the only reasoning I had behind my rash actions was my own fucked up heart. If Hunter knew I was having the feelings I was having for that long lost pick up, I would probably be relieved of my position.

  I had this job because I was removed from the situation. I was the guy that had my fun when it was playtime, and knew how to call it quits when it was time for work. At least, I used to be that guy. Now I was just fucking jaded and bitter about the whole situation.

  The new pickups were being bathed and I was going to just enjoy the silence until it was time for me to face the shit show tonight at the sale. I flipped on my computer screen and went to open a file folder that had some pictures of Collin, figuring I could at least rub one out to calm my mind, when an email confirmation popped up.

  I'd just received the wire for an extra five million from Hunter. I smiled. He'd needed me to take care of a pair of wayward associates of his over the weekend, and had promised me a bonus. I didn't tell him, but at that point I would have been happy to kill anyone he needed me to for free - missions like that always cleared my head. And it worked, at least for the day. Now my bank account was that much fatter for it too.

  This gig wasn't always so bad.

  Any previous optimism I'd tried to force myself into having had disappeared the moment I saw Michael Simmons walk through the door. What the fuck was he doing back at the sale so soon?

  I thought that I might have had the good authority to kick him out, until I remembered that Hunter mentioned he had upgraded his membership at the gala, and now he had an all access pass to come to as many sales as he wanted and to make as many purchases as he wanted.


  I watched him as he walked up and down the aisles, the same sadistic look on his face that he had the night that he bought Collin. Seeing him back so soon made my stomach turn. The last time we had spoken, just before I had punched his lights out, he had told me he was going to incorporate knife play and now I feared the worst. My heart rate sped up, thinking that Collin must be dead. I felt like I was going to puke.

  Instead, I pushed my way through the crowd until I caught up to him. He had stopped in front of one of the new pick-ups and he was inspecting him thoroughly by having him bend over and watching him as he inserted a dildo into his ass that looked way too big for even the most seasoned slave.

  The poor captive looked like he was ready to pass out from exertion and shame. He was skinny and pale, even weaker looking than Collin. He couldn't have been more than eighteen, but I knew he was at least that, since the organization always made sure to only collect adults. Still, he barely looked it. Simmons smiled as he watched the show, until I tapped him on his shoulder, causing him to turn around. His smile immediately disappeared when he saw me standing there.

  I swallowed my anger. I wasn't here to fight him, I was here to find out information. I let him know as much, giving him a menacing squeeze on the shoulder that would have been mistaken for a friendly gesture if it had occurred between a different set of peopl
e. He looked at my hand as if it were radioactive, but he didn't move. His lip had just barely healed, but I could still see something left of the fool I had made out of him.

  "Back so soon?" I asked, not cracking a smile in the least. "What happened to your last purchase? Did you lose interest so soon?" I was trying to keep the snarl out of my voice, but I was unsuccessful. I felt my blood pressure rising while standing in such close proximity to this dirt bag. My hands involuntarily clenched into fists as I looked at him, ready to choke the life out of him right then and there if I found out that he had killed Collin.

  He smirked. "Oh no, quite the contrary actually. I've come to purchase a playmate." He gestured to the boy in the cage, who still was bent over with the dildo halfway into his ass.

  "Collin isn't what I expected. He isn't very vocal. I assumed someone like him would be more of a screamer, but he won't make a peep for me."

  "Is that so?" I asked, staring at him, dead eyed.

  Simmons pretended not to notice that I was contemplating his death. "So, I've decided to get some leverage on him. I think I understand his type. He's a bleeding heart, you know? Once I bring him home a playmate and put them together long enough to form a bond, I'll be able to get him to do whatever I want just by threatening this one. I've never encountered this kind of thing before, but I think it'll be fun."

  The man was a true sociopath. He had no regard for the people he was playing with at all- they were objects to him and nothing more. This was not a dominant and submissive power exchange between two people that he played- this was full on exploitation and objectification.

  I wasn't going to allow Collin to be played with like this.

  "I'm sorry for your trouble, Simmons. You've been a loyal member of this organization, and you don't deserve to go through this kind of a headache with your pets. I'll just buy the old one back from you and you can have this one. Hell, I'll even throw you a free playmate for this one if you'd like."

  He gave me a strange look. "No, it's alright. I'm starting to enjoy breaking the first one. I've never had the chance to properly do that before. It's a new experience. Should be enlightening, or at least entertaining."

  The coldness in those eyes of his disgusted me.

  I put my hand on his shoulder again, giving him a squeeze that I wanted to continue with until the bone shattered, but I controlled myself. I wanted to end him so badly. But if I had learned anything in my years of dealing with people like him, it was self control.

  "No, I insist. I'll buy him back at cost plus some. Five million," I said. "Take the offer, Simmons. It's the least I can do."

  He smirked again, curling his nearly healed lip in thought and nodding slowly. "Five million?"

  "Yes. Five million for the return of your damaged merchandise. That's double a refund for you."

  "Alright." He finally agreed.

  Internally, I was relieved, but I kept my poker face. "Let's step aside and take care of business then. You can return him to me directly tomorrow."

  I felt my checkbook in my jacket pocket. My recent bonus was being put to good use. I was getting my Collin back.



  "Get up!" A voice bellowed, waking me out of a sound sleep. Terrified, my eyes sprang open to see my master hovering above me, a leather crop in his hand that he snapped against the floor once before giving me a lashing across my thighs.

  "I'm getting rid of you. Get on your feet right fucking now!" He ordered.

  I didn't move. My instincts told me that he was going to kill me. Or someone else would kill me. Either way, I was done.

  If he was going to kill me, he was at least going to have to do all the work. I wasn't moving.

  "I said, get the fuck up. I don't have all fucking day." He grabbed me by the pair and pulled me out of bed, then strapped a leash around my neck so that he could drag me easier.

  "You're going back to the fucking dump I found you in," He growled. As I was being taken out, I saw someone else being put into the room that I was in. It looked like another young college student, not too different from myself. Had he replaced me?

  I felt the closest thing to joy that I had felt since this whole ordeal began. If I was going back, that meant that at least I would be sent off to be with some other horrible person, but at least it wouldn't be him, who I had grown to hate so much.

  "Don’t think you're off the hook, do you have any idea what they're going to do to you when they see your ugly face show up at the door again?" I was dragged into the playroom, where a garment was taken from the closet and put over my head. It was an actual sweater, not the slave tunics that I had been accustomed to wearing. He pulled out a pair of pants and shoved me backward onto the bed, then tossed them on top of me. "Get dressed," he ordered. "We're leaving now."

  I pulled the pants on and walked willingly the rest of the way, out the front entrance of the estate. As the door opened, a blindfold was slipped over my head so I couldn't see the address or the front of the building where I had been held captive. I heard a car door open, and I was shoved inside, presumably to be taken back to the horrible place I had come from.

  My first thought as the car started was of Jake. Would he be waiting at the gates to carry me inside again? Did I have days of solitary confinement to look forward to, where he would pay me personal visits and look at me the way that he always did?

  Hope returned to my spirit at the thought of seeing him again. Something about him made me feel safe in the midst of horror.

  The hope was short lived when the car came to a stop not long after it had started. There was no way that I was back at the place I had come from. When I was brought here, we had driven for at least an hour. My heart pounded in my chest as the door opened and I was brought out into the cool air. The blindfold was taken from me, and all I could see was a small cabin. We were in the woods somewhere close. There were no other houses in sight, even the road itself was a dirt one.

  The driver unlocked the door and pushed me inside, slamming it behind me. I was faced with a bare one room cabin that looked as if it hadn't been occupied in ages. The car started outside and drove away, peeling out quickly in a cloud of dust on the dirt road. There was one chair in the corner that looked like it had been eaten away and nested in by mice.

  Had they just left me out here to die? I had no idea where I was. I searched the single cupboard that was next to the sink that didn't work. Inside were two dry oatmeal packets. Nothing else but rat shit. My head was pounding and I realized I was parched. I tried the faucet again, and a few drops of brown putrid smelling liquid eked out.

  I sank down against the wall, sitting on the floor and resting my head on my knees. I'd been abandoned. The worst part was that I was technically free, but I didn't feel that way at all. My own freedom and independence had been stripped away when I was kidnapped. I thought back to my old life, nothing stopping my mind from wandering in the silence. I had never been very independent to begin with. It's not as if I had been making some amazing life for myself on my own.

  Maybe I was truly born to be a slave. Now that my owner had abandoned me, I felt a deep sense of worthlessness. I let my head hang as I sobbed, wishing my death would come sooner than later. When I thought of what it was that I wanted most in the world, it was to serve someone that would appreciate me. Someone that wanted me and only me, someone that viewed pleasure as a symbiotic relationship between the server and the served. Not a lunatic or a sociopath like the men that had purchased me had been.

  I must have fallen asleep, because I was startled awake by a car door slamming. My eyes were meant with dappled sunlight coming in through the window and I realized it was the next morning. My stomach growled and I was beyond thirsty I heard a voice outside, someone cursing. It wasn't my old owner, and my brain searched, trying to remember who the familiar voice belonged to.

  It was Jake.

  He was outside, speaking. I held my breath, straining my ears to listen. I didn't hear a second voice re
sponding to his verbal assault, which made me realize he was on the phone, chewing someone out.

  "You just left him here? You dumb fuck, I have you five million to get him back and you couldn't even deliver him back to where he needed to be?"

  There was a pause. Then, "I don't fucking care. Don't show me your face any time fucking soon, and if he is damaged, I'm coming after you, you know that right? I can't fucking believe you just left him out here in the woods all by himself and made me drive my car down these dirt fucking roads to retrieve what is mine."

  His? Jake thought I was his now? Was he here to pick me up or to kill me?

  I heard Jake let out an angered yell, spewing profanities. The doorknob turned, throwing the early morning light across my eyes. I squinted as Jake's footsteps echoed through the empty room, getting nearer. When he reached me, he handed me a water bottle, which I eagerly drank down immediately. I didn't care if it was drugged or not, I needed water so badly.

  He took the empty bottle from me and lifted me to my feet by my armpits. "You're coming back with me. I bought you. You won't ever have to see any of them ever again."

  I fell toward him, and he embraced me in an actual hug. I felt so good tucked beneath his strong arms. The dam broke, and I began to sob against his chest. It was the first time I had felt cared of in so long, possibly in my whole life. He had come to save me, of all people. He wasn't going to let me die, and I knew it. I could sense it.

  He held me for a long time, letting me sob. He placed a large hand on the back of my head, steadying me.

  "I'm going to take you back to the club and you're going to eat, and you're going to rest and recover," he said. I nodded, not moving.


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