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Assertion Trials

Page 12

by Melaina Rayne

  If she was Wyatt’s woman, what was she to Decker? Why had he reacted so furiously toward Resno at the mere mention of the female’s name? And then I remembered his words. He’d said that Decker had let something happen to Kaari. Seeing what I had of Resno, I knew he was being cruel just for the fun of it. Still, had Decker been responsible for what happened? If so, that would explain a lot.

  I knew I shouldn’t ask, and despite the sadness radiating from Decker, I let curiosity get the better of me. “What happened to her?”

  “Do you want the condensed version or the whole story?”

  I lifted a shoulder. “Whichever you want to tell me.”

  Decker inhaled a long, deep breath and turned his eyes toward the ceiling. “Wyatt and I grew up together. Our fathers were Alphas and our mothers were best friends. We were inseparable as children and throughout our time at the Raysan camp. We even spent every possible moment together once we returned to our packs.”

  I’d noticed a distinct camaraderie in the two males. At first, I’d thought it to be a necessary connection between guards, but now I knew it was much deeper than that.

  “No matter how much we wanted things to remain the same, that didn’t happen. When Wyatt took over as Alpha of his pack, his responsibilities changed. Our time together grew more infrequent, especially after Kaari came into the picture. I couldn’t complain though. He had his companion and they were perfect for one another.”

  I smiled at the fondness in Decker’s usually hard expression. The genuine happiness he felt for his friend softened my heart to him even more.

  “One day, after a particularly long stretch between visits, I went to see them. Kaari quickly grew bored with our conversation, and being the restless type, she decided to take a walk while Wyatt and I finished catching up.”

  I felt dread growing in the pit of my stomach even as Decker spoke the words, but it had nothing to do with the sadness and emotional pain clouding his eyes. It was something deeper. A realization hovering just on the cusp. I knew the story didn’t end well. Wyatt had told me as much. But what had happened to the female that both men clearly cared for so deeply? I wasn’t sure I wanted to know after all or if I should stop Decker from continuing with his painful story.

  “Kaari left us sitting by the fire, rambling on about insignificant pack life bullshit while she walked straight to her death.”

  Decker slid his arm from beneath me and sat on the edge of the bed. Letting out a long sigh, he buried his hands in his short, thick hair.

  “I remember the dread I felt when the scout’s call went up. They’d spotted a dozen ferals in the forest surrounding the pack’s den, on the very trail Kaari always took her walks.”

  Decker’s tone broke my heart. His lingering regret and guilt were palpable, and I wanted to take that from him. I knew that wasn’t within my capabilities, but I did the only thing I could. I moved close to him, wrapped my arms around his middle and laid my head against his back. I could only hope the small gesture offered him some comfort and it didn’t make him feel suffocated.

  Drawing a steadying breath, Decker continued, his voice even rougher than usual. “We both leapt into action, only to be stopped in our tracks when we heard screams. Homes were on fire and young children were trapped inside.”

  Oh, no. Not the children. I didn’t like where this story was taking me, and I couldn’t imagine what it must be like for him to relive it. Still, I couldn’t force myself to stop him. I had to know how it ended, even though I knew part of it hadn’t turned out so well.

  “I can still see the look of panic on Wyatt’s face. He was torn between going after his woman and his need to assure the safety of the pack children. I told him I would find Kaari while he helped with the with the fires. And then I forced him into action, knowing if we didn’t do something fast, lives would surely be lost. I promised him I would bring her back to him, but I didn’t make good on that promise.”

  Squeezing Decker tighter, I attempted to burrow closer to him, as much for my own comfort as for his.

  “By the time I found Kaari, she stood at the center of a feral pack, fighting with all her skill and strength. It was truly a remarkable sight. She’d already taken down two and had focused in on another. Unfortunately, she didn’t have the strength to dispatch the other dozen or so still surrounding her. Neither did I have to speed to stop them before…”

  Decker’s words broke off on a choked breath. My heart ached for him. And realization dawned. Now I understood why he’d been so angry with me for my encounter with the ferals.

  “Other pack mates came to help, but by the time I cleared a path to Kaari, there was nothing I could do for her.”

  Silence lingered for a long time before I managed to clear the lump in my throat. “I’m sorry.”

  I knew Decker heard the way my voice cracked on those two simple, heartfelt words. He covered my hand with his own, and I couldn’t tell if it was a gesture of thanks or an attempt to offer me a little comfort as well.

  Either way, it soothed me. I could only hope my presence did the same for him.

  “Wyatt and I share the burden of that night. His guilt because he wasn’t there to save her, and mine because I had her in my sights but couldn’t get to her in time.”

  I released my hold on Decker and shifted so I could see his face. When he looked over his shoulder at me, I knew he still felt immense grief. “Neither of you were at fault. You couldn’t have known what would happen.”

  He nodded. “I know that. My head has told me many times that there is nothing I could have done differently to get a better outcome. But the protector in me says I could have saved her had I been trained properly.”

  I couldn’t imagine the burden he must feel. No matter how long ago it had happened, he would carry it the rest of his days.

  I didn’t like seeing him so brokenhearted. But I didn’t believe I—someone he’d just met—could have any impact on how he felt about the terrible event.

  Still, I climbed onto his lap and took his stubbled face in my hands. “Maybe you’re right. You might have been able to get to Kaari sooner, or stopped her from being fatally injured, but that isn’t what happened. I suspect it was her death that motivated you to become a guard. And had it not played out the way it did, you would not be the man you are today. Without that tragedy, you might not be here with me now.”

  A multitude of emotions flickered over Decker’s rugged features. He took my hands from his face and placed a kiss to each before meeting my eyes again. “Tell me something. What did I do to deserve a companion with such wisdom and compassion?”

  Blushing profusely, I shrugged. “I don’t know. I just met you a few days ago.”

  Decker smiled, his mood lifting a little. “We do have a lot to learn about one another.”

  “I have learned one thing.” I smirked.

  Decker slipped his strong arms around me and lifted a curious brow. “What’s that?”

  I draped my arms loosely around his thick shoulders. “Tickling isn’t something you enjoy.”

  He nodded thoughtfully, his gaze steady on mine. “I wonder though. Would I enjoy it if you were the one on the receiving end?”

  I tensed in his arms when I felt the subtle tightening of his fingers over my ribcage.

  Decker chuckled, his eyes sparkling with amusement. “What’s wrong, princess? Don’t want a taste of your own torture?”

  I slowly shook my head. “No. I feel too…”

  My words were cut short when a shocked screech escaped me. It sounded impossibly loud, even to my own ears. I couldn’t imagine what it sounded like to Decker.

  He didn’t seem to mind though. Despite my breathless protests, Decker continued to dance his fingers roughly over my sides. Every muscle in my middle contracted painfully in response, and uncontrollable laughter burst from me in embarrassing little yelps.

  I squirmed on Decker’s lap, my body jolting wildly against him, and the torture felt endless. Just when I thought I
might pass out from lack of oxygen, Decker flipped me onto my back and wedged himself between my thighs.

  Everything within me instantly shifted. The ache in my ribs disappeared and an overwhelming desire for my companion quickly took its place. I stared up at Decker as I struggled to catch my breath, and his deep gold eyes blazed back at me with such satisfaction. “I do believe I like being on the giving end of your little game.”

  “If it always ends with me beneath you, I like it too,” I panted.

  Decker’s gorgeous mouth turned up into a wicked smile, showing off the tips of his extended canines, and that had to be the sexiest thing I’d ever seen.

  Goddess help me. My companion would surely be the death of me.

  I had no clue what the future held for us, but I had a feeling it would be a wild, passionate adventure.

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  About the Author

  Melaina Rayne is author of The Jagara Series and the Warriors of Lykarthia series. She's a sucker for a down-and-dirty romance. Whether it's paranormal, fantasy, or contemporary. She wholeheartedly believes a great love story transcends the boundaries of genre. But, as much as she loves reading, she especially loves to write stories of beastly men, headstrong women, and the untamable passion that always draws them together.

  Other Books by Melaina Rayne


  Lost Zendori

  The Cherished One






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