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A Billion Broken Pieces (Incongruity Series Book 2)

Page 11

by Thandiwe Mpofu


  I know damn well that Fred is well aware of the fact that I don’t own the miscellaneous object, lying on the floor like a forbidden object. And well, I’m sure I have a guilty expression on my face, I know I’m busted.

  Fred looks at the phone, then looks up at me. When his gaze reaches my eyes, I’m shocked to see that there is a void of emotion, like he isn’t even questioning what I know he suspects.

  It means one thing. He heard the conversation.

  “Pardon me ma’am, I just wanted to know if you are ready to go?” He inquires with that damn, faux Southern tang and I know that he is still in character.

  I’m still frozen though, my heart still pounding. I don’t know what to expect and I don’t know what to say. How much did Fred overhear? I have no illusions in my mind that he just came into my office, he heard something alright. But whatever he heard, he doesn’t let it on

  “Of course. I’m just about done here. Can you give me a moment?” I ask, quickly snatching the phone off the carpeted office floor and move around my desk to stuff the damn thing into my bag as deep as possible.

  “Sure thang ma’am. I’ll be right outside so we can walk together downstairs.” He says, this time with a pointed expression on his face.

  It looks like he will question me about my call, but I will be damned if he tells his employer about my suspicious call. I will have to pacify this situation somehow.

  I hurriedly pack my stuff and leave my small office, locking the door after myself. It’s late already and I want to avoid facing Stefan who has been monitoring my movements the whole day since the strange men left the office.

  Angry isn’t a word I would use to describe how Demetri was the whole day. He was just plain livid. Livid and embarrassed and he decided to channel all his energy on interrogating me. I told him that the man from earlier really wanted my help with planning an event.

  Of course, he didn’t buy that so I told him that the strange guy also asked about the company and if we are making profits or not. This, he did believe.

  “That bastard! Who does he think he is?!” Stefan seethes and I just remain quiet.

  “If he comes again, I want you to tell me everything he makes you do or the information he demands to know about my damn company.” He burst out and I just nod my head. Experience has taught me that at times it’s best not to verbally engage a heated fool.

  And now, as I go down the elevator with Fred and a dozen other workmates, I wonder if Demetri actually bought that story. Something seems off here.

  “Okay, spill.” Fred demands as soon as we are in the car and pull into traffic on our way, no doubt, to Gideon’s penthouse.

  “Spill what? What happened to the Southern tang? I really liked it. It added more character to you.” I say, trying to avoid the subject that I know is coming in like a freight train. But all of that is nothing compared to the storm brewing in me. A storm of confusion.

  Who killed my parents?

  It’s not a question I ever wondered at all in my life because I always had the answer. But now, the way the stranger from the morning was acting and the cryptic words from a few minutes ago? I can’t help but wonder if I was wrong all this time.

  “Oh, don’t give me that.” Fred starts, as he turns around the passenger’s seat to look back at me. “Who were you talking to and where did you get that satellite phone?”

  “A sat phone? That wasn’t a sat phone.” I state but I really don’t know what kind of phone that was or is. The thing is too heavy and strange looking.

  “It has a complicated name but you know what I meant. Don’t change the topic.” Fred says.

  I was trying to distract him, I mean it usually works. Not today, I guess.

  “Did you get it from that guy from this morning?” He questions with a solemn low voice.

  I whip my head up to look at him. Our gazes meet and they clash.

  Shit. He knows.

  “You saw?” I question

  “The whole office saw.” He confirms.

  “Do you know who he is?” I ask him earnestly. At this point, I can’t lie. Might as well seek as much information from the people I know can get ahold of any piece of information.

  “We don’t know yet.” He says with regret, “But my life is literally over if the boss finds out about this.” Fred says, shaking his head.

  “Gideon? Please don’t tell me you have already told him.” I question., holding my breath. My only lead to a suspicion I’ve held at the back of my mind will just blow to nothing.

  “Not yet, but as soon as we get back, I will.” Fred informs.

  He turns around and faces forward.

  Okay, Gideon doesn’t know yet. That’s good news, and it also gives me time to formulate a plan.

  “How about I tell him myself?” I blurt out, trying to let Fred drop this one.

  He turns to look at me and I see Gideon’s beautiful building in the near distance.

  “What do you mean by that? You want me to lie to Mr. Black?” He questions, horrified. And with good reason. Something tells me that if you lie or break a promise or some kind of allegiance to Gideon, he will wreck your whole life.

  “No, nobody said anything about lying.” I pacify, “I just want to the one to tell him.” I explain.

  Fred looks at me for a beat as the car leaves the main street, starting the long but short journey to the hidden underground parking lot of Gideon’s building.

  “You know, you are a smart woman. What do you think he will do if he finds out you lied to him?” Fred asks, studying me.

  Probably something I don’t want to think about.

  But, he has lied to me too, damn him. I refuse to be scared or trembling in my shoes at the thought of withholding information from the great Gideon Black.

  “I’ll handle it, Mathius” I joke, forcing a smile on my face, as butterflies and large birds compete for room in my stomach.

  “I hope so.” He says.

  “So, you promise not to say anything.” I question before I leave the car.

  “It looks like I have no choice in the matter. And besides, I think the guys are much more afraid of your wrath than his.” Fred jokes.

  And just like that, my lie is saved.

  Chapter 15



  Shivers, goosebumps, butterflies and every animal in the wild stampedes in my stomach, just from his deep, cultured baritone voice.

  “Hey.” I greet him, as I watch him walking further into the living room. He looks delicious in his dark jeans, a fitted sweatshirt that perfectly outlines his muscles. I feel my mouth water.

  He looks freshly showered. His tantalizing scent reaching me.

  “You look good.” He says, looking at me with a glint in his eyes.

  In my perusal of my temporary wardrobe, I was glad to find comfortable clothing for me to lounge around in, so I selected a simple pair of sweatpants and then I found another large t-shirt that no doubt belongs to Gideon.

  “I hope you don’t mind, I couldn’t find anything comfortable among all that expensive apparel that you bought.” I accuse.

  I never asked for him to spend lavishly on clothes for me. Clothes that don’t have price tags but definitely have designer tags on them.

  “Oh, my bad. I’ll make sure to have all my t-shirts delivered to your room then.” He jokes, giving me a smile that melts my insides.

  I took a long shower in the massive bathroom, so impressive I felt like I was at an exclusive spa or something, feeling the powerful jets perfectly hidden and placed in the large shower stall. Everything about Gideon’s penthouse is luxury, screams of money, yet everything is him. As if he personally had an opinion in how he wanted his space to be designed.

  “I have a request, and I will totally be fine with it if you said no. I could also use a reason to get out of it.” He starts, as he starts walking towards me.

  “A request that I have a choice in, hmmm, please, do
tell.” I say, my interest piqued.

  “My mother has this thing going on the night after tomorrow. And she wants me to be in attendance, with a date.” He informs, with a bit of displeasure.

  “Your mother wants you to come home for a get together?” I question and he nods his head in confirmation. “And you don’t want to go?” I observe and he nods again.

  “What’s the purpose of this get together?” There is more to this.

  “She says it’s my birthday dinner.” He grunts out, and I burst out laughing. Gideon looks grumpy and displeased.

  “Yes of course, I would love to go to the one place I think you would rather not be at.” I say. I mean, I can’t pass up this opportunity.

  Gideon obviously doesn’t want to go to his own birthday dinner, I wonder why.

  “How considerate of you.” He sarcastically says.

  “I am known to be considerate and thoughtful a time or two.” I joke. And then the moment dies, my mind filled with too many questions.

  “How was your day?” He questions, as he comes close to where I’m standing by the fireplace, looking at the pieces of art decorated on the mantle, but honestly, I’m not studying no mundane art. My mind is too all over the place.

  “It was . . . strange.” I answer truthfully.

  Since I arrived an hour ago, I have been debating if I should share what I learnt today. If I should share my thoughts about the stranger from this morning and what he said. Or if I ask him if he knows anything about my father working at the Hamilton hotel.

  I mean, Gideon’s company also dabbles in real estate and hospitality services. I think he knows all about the Hamilton hotels. Maybe enough to know the owner, Alexander Hamilton, maybe?

  “Strange?” He inquires, as he slides up impossibly close to me. I can feel the heat coming from his large, sexy body. But tonight, I’m confused and hurt.

  Hurt because I realized that I don’t really know anything about my past. I don’t know anything about my parents, their lives prior to having me. They never shared anything with me, and as for me, I never asked.

  “Yes.” I confirm then turn to him, “Gideon, can I ask you something?” I hesitantly start.

  “Of course, anything.” He says as his gaze pierces me, studying me.

  I watch as he takes me in, watch as the gears shift as studies me. I know he can sense there is something going on within me. But he doesn’t pry. Not yet, anyway.

  “Let’s say you spend your whole life believing something, it’s fully ingrained in your spirit and you have never looked back on that fact.” I start, moving away from him so that I can clearly articulate my thoughts. Gideon’s nearness affects not only my libido, but my strong, independent brain.

  “You believe it right. What do you do when something happens that makes you question that belief? Question that truth?” I ask him, barely recognizing the confusion in my voice.

  I pace the room until I’m standing exactly where I stood what seems like an eternity ago when he and I were making a deal, an oath of sorts, to take down Stefan Demetri.

  I turn back to look at him.

  “Well?” I inquire, needing desperately to hear his thoughts and how he would handle the confusion.

  “It depends.” He starts, studying me intensely. “It depends on what that belief was in the first place. If it’s an objective, then it should be challenged.” He informs as he walks closer to me.

  “And what if it’s, you know, subjective? What if my feelings and emotions are tangled up in it?” I question.

  “Then, you are going to fall victim to confusion and questioning the very idea of the belief.” He states calmly, coming to a stop a few feet away from me.

  “What’s going on Chloe?” He questions seriously and I remain mute.

  We look at each other for a moment, and God, this man is beautiful.

  “What’s happening inside that pretty head of yours?” He questions but I don’t think he needs the answer from my lips. I think he already knows.

  Something shifts in me as I watch the way he looks at me. I can feel the crackling electricity that happens whenever Gideon and I are occupying the same space. Tonight, I’m more than aware of it, I’m relishing in it.

  The attraction grows dimensions, sensuality at its finest. I watch as he takes in a sharp breath and I press a palm to my lower stomach. I watch and stand witness as I lose all control over my own body.

  It’s like I’m in some sort of haze. I’m not thinking at this moment. All I’m doing is feeling. I can’t see anything. Everything falls away. The living room we are standing in, the world right outside Gideon’s penthouse view, every single thing falls away until all I can see, all I can hear and be aware of, is him.

  “I don’t know, but you do.” I whisper.

  I watch as he stalks closer to me, his stride strong, powerful, lethal and so damn sexy. Gosh, I want him. Right now.

  I stand there, craning my neck up to stay connected to his powerful, mesmerizing gaze.

  “I do.” His deep, intimate voice reaches my ear, making my heart pound a little slower than usual. “What do you want me to do about that?” He questions.

  We pause.

  This question isn’t a teasing kind of question. He isn’t asking me a light question where we bicker at each other about. No. Gideon is asking me a serious question here. It’s in this moment as we stare at each other, his gaze hungry and molten with liquid heat, taking me in like he has been doing so for weeks now. With desperate hunger.

  “I want you to make me forget.” I tell him, my voice hoarse but strong.

  This is a line that we are both crossing, jumping over by the looks of things.

  “My pleasure.” He says and as he wraps his arms around my body and lifts me up like I weigh nothing, I surrender to the pleasure that I know only he can give.

  WE REACH A ROOM IN the penthouse, a dark room that I have never been in. It’s far bigger than the guest room I sleep in. I think this is Gideon’s master bedroom.

  He places me on my feet and my stomach is now swirling with nervous anticipation. What do I do next? Maybe I should have asked Sam, she would know what to do in this situation.

  “There is no need for you to be nervous.” Gideon’s low voice says in my ear. I’m grateful that there is a soft, dim lighting in his room. I don’t want him to see my face, or my heated embarrassment.

  “I’m not nervous.” I say, but my false bravado can only get me so far.

  “Really?” He questions as his long deft fingers start rubbing my arms up and down, effectively stopping my involuntary shakes. Shit, he knows what’s going on inside me.

  I look up at him and his heated gaze is already waiting for me. And then I desperately stand on my toes and bravely press my lips to his soft ones. It almost felt like I would die if I don’t get a taste of him.

  And that’s all the encouragement he needs as he takes control of this kiss, directing my mouth in the way he wants to. I’m literally an instrument in his arms and I willingly play for him.

  Kissing Gideon is easy but dangerous at the same time. It feels right, almost natural, as if the order of things in the universe ordered this to happen a long time before we even existed. As if God Himself made him for me.

  “You taste so sweet.” He grits out, biting my lower lip in the process, making me gasp. Then his hands, his talented hands start exploring my wild, wanton body that I can’t control. But damn, I’m nervous.

  “God, you are so beautiful Chloe. I can’t remember ever wanting anything this much in my life.” He rasps out, taking a step back as if to take me in.

  And now I feel self-conscious and don’t know where to look. So, like I always do, I look down to the floor, suddenly finding the soft ottoman covering the dark wood floor so charming and interesting.

  “Thank you?” I whisper. Was that a compliment? Should I thank him? What do people do in these situations?

  “Look at me, Chloe.” He roughly demands, after a beat.

/>   I can’t help but follow his tersely given instruction, the tenor of his deep voice compelling me to look up, in spite of the emotions that I feel inside.

  “You have done this before, haven’t you?” He questions me seriously. He isn’t just asking, he suspects the answer already.

  “Why would you ask something that you already know?” I ask, now feeling embarrassed and less than enough. I mean, who do I think I am, thinking I could be appealing to a man like Gideon. A man whose looks I haven’t as yet gotten over.

  You don’t just get over a man with as much appeal as Gideon carries in the powerful strides that he tightly controls, as if he already knows he is a dangerous creature. As if he knows he can’t be had by anyone.

  “Because I want you to tell me.” Gideon says sensually, as he closes the distance between us. “I want you to tell me because I want you to know that there is no shame in that.” He declares, ever so seriously.

  I pull back, surprised that he would say that. My hand goes to my throat, my mind torn between actually confessing a little secret of mine which the world already views as idiotic, but then I’m not the world. I’m myself.

  “Yes, I have never been intimate with a man before.” I rush out, glad I said it out loud and sad at how pathetic I sound.

  Gideon reaches for a strand of my curly hair with one lone finger, then with his other index figure, forces my chin up so our gazes can meet.

  “If you think that I would look at you differently because of the decisions you have made for your own life, then you and I need to really get to know each other better.”

  There is a dangerous purr in his voice, sending shivers down my back. And I also detect a note of pride in his voice too.

  “Why do I feel like that knowledge thrills you for some reason.” I question him, feeling the magnetic pull rise again, tugging me closer to him.

  “Because I don’t have time to go on a killing spree at the moment.” He declares.

  I look up at him, thinking that he is joking, but no. He isn’t joking in the least. That dangerous, bristling side of him? Yeah, it’s present.


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